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冀教版第一初级中学2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Steve lives in _ European country, and he teaches in _ university there. A . an; aB . an; theC . a; aD . a; an2. (2分)Kelly doesnt _ her mother at all. Her mother has a round face while Kelly has a square face. A . look afterB . think aboutC . take afterD . worry about3. (2分)She dropped her pen her way home yesterday. A . inB . onC . toD . with4. (2分)Mum, my teacher, Miss Zhang. Nice to meet you.A . she isB . he isC . it isD . this is5. (2分)_were you born, Kate? I was born in Shan Dong, China.A . WhereB . WhatC . WhenD . How6. (2分)My parents want to go _ on vacation.A . somewhere peacefulB . dangerous somewhereC . somewhere boringD . fascinating somewhere7. (2分)Im busy now. I _ to you afterschool this afternoon. A . talkB . talkedC . will talk8. (2分)_ mother usually cooks for _ at the weekend. A . Lily and Nick; theirB . Lilys and Nicks; themC . Lily and Nicks; theirD . Lily and Nicks; them9. (2分)Do you know _? The day after tomorrow.A . when we visited the museumB . when we will visit the museumC . when did we visit the museumD . when will we visit the museum10. (2分)I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.Yes. I agree _ you.A . at; toB . with; onC . at; withD . for; with11. (2分)Li Tao is _ years old and tomorrow is his _ birthday. A . thirteen; thirteenB . thirteenth; thirteenthC . thirteen; thirteenthD . thirteenth; thirteen12. (2分) _ do you go to the library? Once a week.A . How oftenB . How farC . How muchD . How long13. (2分)Unit _ is easy but _ unit is difficult. A . Sixth; sevenB . Six; sevenC . Six; the seventh14. (2分)You can information about how to keep pets the Internet.A . search, inB . search for, inC . search, onD . search for, on15. (2分)_? The girl under the tree? 1 dont know.A . Whats thisB . What the girlC . Whos that girlD . Whose is she二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空 We call Chinese New Year Spring Festival. There is a name 1each Chinese year. We may call it the Year of the 2, the Year of the Monkey, the Year of the Dog.Before Chinese New Year, people are 3shopping and 4their houses. On Chinese New Years Eve, there is a big family dimmer. After dinner, all the family members stay up late to 5the new year. On the 6day of the new year people put on their 7clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives. They say 8 and some other greetings to one another. People 9have a very good time 10the festival.(1)A . at B . on C . / D . for (2)A . Fish B . Cat C . Tiger D . Dolphin (3)A . free B . busy C . happy D . beautiful (4)A . clean B . to clean C . cleaning D . cleans (5)A . welcome B . hold C . fall D . stop (6)A . first B . second C . third D . fifteenth (7)A . old B . big C . small D . new (8)A . Goodbye B . Good night C . Good luck D . Good afternoon (9)A . sometimes B . then C . never D . usually (10)A . during B . with C . for D . until 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)17. (6分)根据表格内容,选择正确答案。A(1)Whats Lilys telephone number?A . 235-5687.B . 202-5687.C . 506-4587.D . 247-8932.(2)When is Amys birthday?A . On November 17th.B . On July 19th.C . On July 1st.D . On September 5th.(3)Who can do Chinese kung fu?A . Lily.B . Tom.C . Amy.D . Peter.(4)What can Amy do?A . She can play soccer.B . She can play the guitar.C . She can dance.D . She can swim.(5)Which of the following is TRUE?A . Lilys last name is White.B . You can call Tom at 247-8932.C . Lily and Amy are classmates.D . Tom can make model planes.18. (6分)阅读理解 Though it is one of the early memories of my life, there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially his eyes. As he had yellow spots on his eyes, we called him Spotty. I was seven years old. We had just moved to a new house. It was a dark and rainy night. We had our meal and went to sleep. At midnight I heard a loud thud outside the door. I looked out of the window and saw a small dog lying on the ground. At first it was difficult to see the little one. He had a black body which was darker even than a black rainy cloud. It was the yellow spots on his eyes that made me realize he was a dog. The dog was wet. I took an old towel and wiped him till he became dry. I took him inside and made a bed for him. The next morning, everyone in my family came to know about the unusual guest. We called him“Spotty”and decided to keep him. Slowly Spotty became part of the family. We got used to all his habits and pranks(恶作剧). One evening when Spotty returned from his long walk, I saw one of his legs bleeding流血). We dealt with it and gave him food to eat. I was very upset. But the next day, Spotty was up to his usual pranks though he limped(跛行)a bit. I really admired(钦佩)him a lot for his courage. (1)What can we know from the first paragraph? A . Spotty is still living with the writer.B . The story took place a long time ago.C . The writer forgets what Spotty looks like.D . Spotty is yellow all over.(2)How was the weather when the writer found Spotty? A . It was snowy.B . It was rainy.C . It was windy.D . It was sunny.(3)Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word thud? A . Sound.B . Smell.C . Fight.D . Song.(4)This is a story that will make people feel . A . annoyedB . guiltyC . angryD . warm19. (8分)阅读理解 Lidong usually comes on November 7 or November 8 every year. It is the Chinese word for one of the 24 solar terms(节气). It means the beginning of winter. As the weather gets colder and there is less sunlight, people might get sick easily. According to scientific research, adults usually have two to four colds each year, while young children suffer from six to eight colds each year, especially in winter months. One of the best ways to keep healthy during winter is to stay warm.There are many ways to stay warm. A living room should be around 18-21, and you can also use a hot water bottle to keep warm. Getting plenty of exercise is always a good idea to keep your blood moving. Food gives us energy and helps to warm us from the inside. Add some things to your winter dishes, such as pepper, ginger, and garlic. These things can make you warm. A winter coat warms you up from the outside. Add several layers(层) of thin clothing, for example, a shirt and a thin sweater, to stay even warmer. Clothes made from wool are usually very warm.How can you make winter days colorful? Is it too cold to play outside? Dont worry. Here are some tips for having fun at home. Give it a try!Enjoy a movie with your parents. There are a lot of choices, such as Spy Kids. You can also talk about the movie with your parents after its over.Cook a meal with your parents. You can cook some simple dishes, such as eggs with tomato. You may need your mothers help for the first time.Read your favorite book. Reading is not only helpful for your writing ability, but can also help to build your character.(1)From the passage, we can _ to have fun at home in winter days. A . wear some warm clothesB . do some cleaningC . add some things to the foodD . cook some dishes with parents(2)The writer tried to make the readers understand his ideas better by _. A . having interviewsB . giving examplesC . following time orderD . showing research results(3)The purpose of this writing is mainly to tell us _. A . some of the 24 solar terms in a yearB . certain changes of the weather in winterC . the reasons why people easily get sick in winterD . some ways to keep warm and have fun at home in winter days(4)Which part of a magazine is the passage most probably taken from? A . Health.B . Travel.C . Sports.D . Ads.四、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 (共8题;共8分)20. (1分)There is a vocabulary list at the end of the _(教科书). 21. (1分)Li Rui_(弹奏)the guitar after school everyday. 22. (1分)What color is your _? 23. (1分)I like my school because the teachers are all very _ (friend). 24. (1分)There are many _(can) in the yard. Can you _(help) me take them away? 25. (1分)He collected lots of _ (use) bottles to make a fence for his house. 26. (1分)This is my brothers _(twenty) birthday. 27. (1分)Its about 30 _ walk from my school to the city centre. (分钟) 五、 动词填空 (共8题;共8分)28. (1分)They_(finish) the work in two weeks.29. (1分)_the teachers help, Li Lei got good grades finally. (填介词) 30. (1分)He never _ (tell) me the story before. 31. (1分)While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _ (jump) out of the water. 32. (1分)_you _(be) at home this Saturday? 33. (1分)Keep practicing and you _ (improve) your English. 34. (1分)It _(be) sunny tomorrow and we can go for a walk. 35. (1分)My brother is good at _(play) football. He practises it every Wednesday afternoon. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)36. (1分)以下是对不同工作人群的睡眠模式的调查结果,请根据调查表信息补全报告内容。 StudentTruck driverFull-time motherBusiness executive(企业主管)DoctorSleeping time9 hours6 hours8 hours6 hours5 hoursBedtime hours10 pm-7 am7 am-10 am4 pm-7 pm3 am-6 am1 pm-3 pm10 pm-1 am11 pm-5 am1 am-3 am4 am-7 amThe table above shows the sleeping patterns (模式) of people doing _jobs. It is clear that there are big differences among them. For example, students continuously (连续地) sleep for _each night because they go to school during the day. _are busy and stressed out, so they only sleep for 6 hours. But they also sleep continuously during the night. Truck drivers sleep 6 hours and doctors sleep the _hours among the five. However, because of their jobs, they have to divide their bedtime into different periods. Finally, _mothers sleep when their babies do. They often have to wake up during the night to comfort (安抚) their babies. It is important to consider sleeping patterns when choosing a job.七、 完成句子 (共6题;共6分)37. (1分)我们聚在一起庆祝汤姆的生日。 We _to celebrate Toms birthday.38. (1分)杨老师喜欢拿二班和五班作比较。 Ms. Yang likes to _Class 2 _ Class 5.39. (1分)他如此疲惫,不久就睡着了. He _ _ _ that he fell asleep soon.40. (1分)我将查明他的住处。 I will _where he lives.41. (1分)她喜欢能演奏不同类型音乐的音乐家。 She likes musicians _different kinds of music.42. (1分)请把这些句子记下来。 Please _ _ these sentences.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)43. (5分)作为中学生的你应该怎样完善自己呢?请以“How to Be an Excellent(优秀的)Student”为题,写一篇英语短文 短语提示:go to school on time, listen tocarefully, finish ones homework, share something good with, help each other, learn from each other, try ones best, helpwith, do chores, take part in, volunteer work要求:1)80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2)提示短语必须全部用上,并且要适当发挥。How to Be an Excellent StudentAs a middle school student, its very important to have good study habits. At first, II believe Ill be an excellent student. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 (共8题;共8分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、五、 动词填空 (共8题;共8分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)36-1、七、 完成句子 (共6题;共6分)37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)43-1、

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