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2011年全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编之单项选择动词时态与语态【2011内蒙古包头】( ) 22. Mr. Black is going to marry a girl he _ in Japan last year. A. meets B. metC. has metD. would meet22. 答案:B【解析】本题考查过去分词做定语的用法。句意为“布莱克先生打算和他去年在日本结识的女孩结婚”。故选B。【2011沈阳】10. Listen! The phone . Please go to answer it.A. rings B. is ringing C. rang D. will ring答案:B【解析】动词时态的用法。句意:听,电话响了。请接一下。根据句意可以判断应该用现在进行时,故答案为B。 【2011梧州】45. I dont know if Mr. Li _ to the party this evening.- I think he will come if he _ free.A. will come; is B. will come; will be C. comes; is D. comes; will be【答案】A【解析】从句时态的考察 本题考察if引导的从句时态的考察,第一个if引导的是宾语从句,“李老师今晚是不是将参加我们的聚会”应用一般将来时;第二个if引导的是条件状语从句应“主将从现”。【2011湖南湘西】30. What are you doing? Im _ TV. A. watching B. watches C. watched答案:A 【解析】考查时态 上句用进行时问,再用进行时回答,构成进行时用“be + 现在分词”,所以选择答案A.【2011广东】31. Alan, its late. Why not go to bed? Jenny hasnt come back yet. I _ for her.A. waitedB. have waitedC. am waitingD. was waiting 答案: C【解析】本题考查时态运用。由句意“艾伦,很晚了,为什么还不睡?”“詹妮还没有回来。 我_她”由语境分析,艾伦现在是正在等詹妮回来。应用现在进行时态。故选C。【2011四川德阳】9. It _ hard outside. You have to stay at home. A. rain B. is raining C. rained答案: B【解析】本题考查现在进行时态的用法。句意为“天正下着大雨,你必须呆在家里”。可知此句的时态为现在进行时。故选B。【2011四川德阳】17. Do you know who cleaned the blackboard, Tina? - Yes. John _. A. do B. does C. did答案: C【解析】本题考查时态的运用。擦黑板是已经过去发生的动作。在回答时,也应用过去时态,应排除A、B,故选C。【2011上海】41.Now my father _ his bike to work every day instead of driving.A. ride B. rode C.rides D. will ride答案:C【解析】考查点:一般现在时的用法。 解题思路:every day意为“每天”,表示经常性,习惯性的动作,故该句子要使用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故答案选C;选项B、D时态错误;【2011湖南长沙】26. -Have you ever been to Shanghai? -Yes. I _ there a few months ago. A have been B. went C. have gone 答案:B 【解析】时态的用法。根据时间状语a few months ago可知,是一般过去时,故答案为B。【2011山东】30.- What is Tom doing now?- He _ basketball over there.A. is playingB. will playC. has playedD. was playing30. 答案:A【解析】考查点:本题考查时态的用法。解题思路:句中有- What is Tom doing now?可以看出下文的回答也应使用现在进行时态,故本题选A。【2011苏州】5. Please turn off the TV. The baby _. OK. Ill go out for a walk.A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping答案:C【解析】考查现在进行时。由句意可知:关上电视,小孩正在睡觉。故选C。【2011湖北武汉】27. Tom was so careless that he _ his right arm when he was riding to school.A. hurts B. hurt C. has hurt D. had hurt答案: B【解析】考查时态。句意:汤姆是如此不小心,以致当他骑车去上学时,伤着了他的右臂。由句意可知,是主动语态,由主句的谓语动词was可知,用过去时。【解析】考查时态。由问句可知,吉姆没在教室里,而是到老师办公室去了。到某地去了,用have/has gone to。【2011梧州】33. Please turn off the radio, grandma _now. OK, Ill do it right now.A. is sleeping B. will sleep C. slept D. sleeps【答案】A【解析】时态的考察 由前面的“请关上收音机”及后面的时间状语now可知奶奶正在睡觉,应用现在进行时。【2011凉山】27. Ten minutes ago, there _ an eraser, a pen and some books on the desk. A. was B. were C. is答案:A解析:考查时态的用法。由ten minutes ago可知应该用过去时,there be句型中谓语动词使用就近原则,因此,答案选择A项。【2011浙江丽水】21Guess What! The great movie is on in the cinema一Nothing newI_ it with my parents on the first day. Asaw Bsee Cwill see D. have been答案:A 【解析】时态的应用。由on the first day可知应该用一般过去时态。【2011山东临沂】25. Look! Jack and his monkey _ flying disk together in the garden. A. is playing B. was playing C. are playing D. were playing 答案:C 【解析】动词时态。祈使句look 提示下文用动词的现在进行时态,主语为复数形式,助动词用are。故选C。【2011南京】12. Ive not finished my project yet. Hurry up! Our friends _ for us.A. wait B. are waiting C. will wait D. have waited12. 答案:B解析:考查句子的时态和情景对话,分析对话,这里所述的是,我们的朋友正在等我们,故选B项。【2011株洲】23.Listen! Someone _ for help! A. called B. is calling C. has called答案:【解析】现在进行时的用法。从本题开始的单词Listen!可以看出后面的动作正在进行中。因此本题为现在进行时,答案为B。【2011温州】4.-Where is Grace?-She _in the yard.A. reads B. read C.is reading D.was reading答案:C【解析】考查时态。由问句句意“Grace在哪里?”可知“她正在院子里读书”。应用现在进行时。【2011湖北十堰】35. If it had been fine yesterday, we could have watched that air show. But it _ all day. A. has rainedB. had rainedC. rainedD. rains答案:C 【解析】动词时态。前一句:如果昨天天气好的话,我们可能会看到航空展览的。是虚拟语气。从yesterday看出是过去时,故选C。【2011四川绵阳】11. The girl with her grandparents for the moment because her parents are both very busy this month.A. lived B. is living C. live D. was living答案:B【解析】考查动词的用法。依据从句“because her parents are both very busy this month”的时态为一般现在时可推断主句的时态也应是一般现在的时态,故保留B(现在进行时)和C(一般现在时)项;“the girl”是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也应是第三人称单数,故C项不正确,故选B。【2011四川资阳】18.Whats that noise? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The neighbours _ for a party. A. prepare B. are preparing C. will prepare D. have prepared答案:B【解析】考查时态。句意为“那边是什么噪声?”“我忘记告诉你了。邻居正在准备聚会”。根据上边的问句,可知听到的声音是人们正在组织聚会,用现在进行时,故选B。【2011遵义】35.Jenny!Do you know that one-third of the boys in our class _ the singer Zhang Shaohan? A.like B.likes C.liking 答案:A 【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】( )29. Dont make so much noise. The children an English lesson.A. have B. are having C. were having 答案:B【2011泰州】9.Where is your English teacher? Im looking for him everywhere. He _ the Internet in the computer room. A. will search B. has searched C. searched D. is searching答案:D【2011重庆江津】() 30.A:Whats your brother doing now? B: He is a kite.A. flyB. flyingC. fliesD. flew答案:B 【2011浙江杭州】21. The last time I _ to the cinema was two years ago. A. goB. have goneC. have beenD. Went答案:D【解析】时态的用法。由 “two years ago”可知此句是一般过去时。排除A、B、C三项。故选D。【2011浙江金华】25. Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, I there last year with my parents.A. have been B. have gone C. went D. Go答案:C 【解析】考查时态的用法。由时间状语last year 可推断出该句为一般过去时态。排除A、B、D。故选C。【2011重庆】26. I called you, but nobody answered. Where_ you?A. is B. are C. was D. were答案D【解析】考查时态用法。由前句called和answered可知,打了电话而没人接,为一般过去时,you为第二人称。故选D【2011邵阳】22. I _ something wrong just now. May 1 use your eraser?Of course. Here you are.A. write B. wrote C. am writing 答案:B 【解析】考查时态的用法。句中的时间状语为just now,“刚才”用一般过去时态。【2011兰州】40. The population of the world still now.A. will; grow B. has; grown C. is; growing D. is; grown 答案:C【解析】现在进行时态的用法。句意“现在世界的人口数量还在不断增长”,因此选C。【2011湖南怀化】26. Listen, our teachers _ Red Songs in the next room.A. sang B. are singing C. sings答案:B 【解析】动词时态。listen是现在进行时的标志,得出答案B。【2011桂林】32. Look! The boys _ football on the playground. A. plays B. playC. are playing D. played32. 答案:C 【解析】动词的时态的用法。在句首出现look,listen等表示引起注意的词,动词用现在进行时,表示正在发生的动作。因此选C。【河北省2011】38. My sister wants a new dress. She it to the party,A. wears B. has worn C. wore D.is going to wear【答案】D【解析】考查动词时态。由“My sister wants a new dress”可知:动作还未执行,故用be going to形式,表示有计划做某事。故选D。【2011四川广元】13. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?Yes, I there last month.A. went to B. have been C. went答案:C 【解析】动词的时态。根据last month要用一般过去式,排除B;又因there为副词,是go的宾语,故go后面不跟介词to。【2011四川南充】31. Today is Womens Day. My father and I_ a special gift for my mother now.A. make B. made C. are making答案:C【解析】考查动词时态。由时间状语now知,应该用现在进行时态。【2011广西百色】30.A big party was held in NO.18 Middle School last night, the teacher with students _ singing and dancing happily at the party. A. is B. was C. are D. were答案: B【解析】本句的主语是the teacher,系动词要用单数形式,根据句子的意思,应用过去时。【2011广西崇左】29.-Where is Michael? -He_TV at home ,I think. A.watches B.watched C.is watching D.was watching 【解析】C 考查点:考察时态。解题思路:根据句意:Michael在哪里?我想他在家。句问的是现在的情况,所以问句应该回答现在的动作。故用现在进行时态,其结构是be(is/am/are)+doing。故选C。 【2011广西贵港】41.Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please. Oh, sorry. I _ it at home this morning. A. was leaving B. has left C. will leave D. left答案:D 【解析】考查点:考查时态。解题思路:根据句中时间状语this morning表示过去【2011山东】26.Although Bill isnt rich enough, he often _ money to the poor.A. will giveB. was givingC. givesD. gave26. 答案:C【解析】考查点:本题考查的是时态。解题思路:题中“Although Bill isnt rich enough”使用的是一般现在时态,所以后半句也使用一般现在时。故本题选C。【2011襄阳】34. -Can your father drive? -Yes, and he to work every day. A. is driving B. drove C. drives D. has driven【答案】C【解析】时态考察 由时间状语every day 可知“每天开车上班”应用一般现在时。【2011四川绵阳】7. This girl is ready to help people any time. When she is on the bus, she always her seat to someone in need.A. gives B. give C. gave D. giving 答案:A【解析】时态的用法。根据Always是一般现在时的标志及从句“”的时态是一般现在时,同时主语“”是第三人称单数,故谓语动词也应用第三人称单数,故选A。【2011浙江绍兴】22. May I speak to Mr Morgan? Sorry. He_ on the farm. A. works. B. workedC. is working D. has worked答案:C 【解析】动词的时态。依据句意“对不起,他不在。他正在农场里干活。”要用现在进行时态,故选C。【2011北京】28. Paul ant I _ tennis yesterday. He did much better than 1.A. play B. will play C. played D. are playing答案:C【解析】考查点:本题考查动词时态的用法。由句中的yesterday可知,要用过去式,所以选择答案C。【2011北京】29. Wheres Tom? His mother _ him now.A. is looking for B. will look forC. has looked for D. Looks for答案:A【解析】考查点:本题考查时态的用法。由语境知汤姆不在这,他妈妈“正在”寻找他,所以用现在进行时,所以选择答案A。【2011重庆】40 Its very hot here. Why not _ your coat?A. put onB. try onC. take offD. turn off答案:C【解析】考查词语辨析。put on意为“穿上”;try on意为“试穿”;take off意为“脱掉”;turn off 意为“关上”。由上句句意“这儿天气太热”,可推测要脱掉外衣。故选C。【2011浙江台州】21. Ive got a ticket for the basketball game tonight. Cool!How you it? A. had, got B. did, get C. were, getting D. will, get答案:B【解析】考查时态的用法。 句意为 “我已经有今晚篮球比赛的票。” “票以有”顾 “你怎么弄到的”为过去时。【解析】考查时态的用法。 由上句句意 “我有今晚篮球比赛的票。” 可知已经得到票了。得到票的方法也是发生在过去。因此为一般过去时。故选B。【江西省2011】36. Im now in New York with my friend Jenny. We_ by plane on Monday.A. arrive B. arrived C. are arriving D. will arrive【答案】B【解析】时态考察 句意为“我现在在纽约。”可知“星期一乘飞机来的。”是一般过去时。【2011广西贺州】37. The workers _a new bridge now. The traffic in Guangzhou will be better soon.A. build B. were building C. built D. are building答案:D【解析】考查点:考察时态。解题思路:根据时态标志词now可知用现在进行时态,其结构是be(is/am/ are) +doing。故选D。【2011山东菏泽】28. This morning I had hardly got to my school when it_ to rain. A. had begun B. was beginning C. began D. begins 答案:C【解析】考查时态。句意:今天早晨,下雨时我差点到不了学校。下雨是过去的时间,之前已到达学校用过去完成时。故选C【浙江湖州】 19. How was your trip to Hang Zhou, Jim? Great! We _ to Xixi National Wetland Park. A. go B. am going C. will go D. went答案:D【解析】考查动词的时态。由问句“How was your .”可知是一般过去时,故答语也应用一般过去时,故选D。在时。因此选B。【河北省2011】44. The Spring Festival in January or February.A. celebrates B. is celebrated C. celebrated D. was celebrated【答案】A【解析】B 考查一般现在时的被动语态,人们在一月或二月庆祝春节,是个习惯性动作,用一般现在时,春节是被人们庆祝的,用被动语态表示。故选B。【2011江苏淮安】6. Shall we go out for a swim? Sorry, I cant. I _ housework for my mother now. A. am doing B. is doing C. are doing D. did答案:A 【解析】考查动词时态。根据语境“我不能出去游泳,(因为)我现在正在为我妈妈做家务。”后有now.故用现在进行时。选A。

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