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沪教版七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)Im afraid I cant afford the medical fee. A . giftB . productC . bill2. (1分)_ is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many animals. A . FurB . PatchC . Shoulder3. (1分)Getupearly,_youllbelateforschool.A . soB . andC . orD . but4. (1分)_! There is a big dog in front of you. Oh, lets keep away from it. A . Put outB . Take outC . Look outD . Look around5. (1分)Who cleaned the classroom? . Is it Tony?A . No ideaB . Good ideaC . I seeD . I know二、 选择适合的答句 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,按要求完成下面各题Most people like dumplings, What about you? If you also like them, come to our restaurant for lunch or dinner. We have many kinds of dumplings in our restaurant.Look at the menu(菜单)first. We have three great specials today. Special One is beef and carrot dumplings. They are 10 yuan for a small bowl and 15 yuan for a large bowl. Special Two is mutton and onion dumplings. They are only 12 yuan for each. Special 3 is cabbage and tofu dumplings. If you dont like meat, you can have this kind of dumplings. Theyre only 8 yuan for each. Orange juice is only 2 yuan. The dumpling soup is free all day. Welcome to our restaurant.(1)How many specials does the restaurant have today?(不多于2个词) (2)How much is a large bowl of beef and carrot dumplings?(不多于6个词) (3)What kind of dumplings can Tina have if she only has8yuan?(不多于8个词) (4)请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。 (5)请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。 三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. How pleased she was!Guess what she 1? After each students name, there was a number 2138, 140, 154 and so on. 3these high IQ (智商) students. She thought to herself. Theyve given me a wonderful 4!As a result, the 5teacher worked harder with this class than with her other classes. She 6some new teaching ways. She thought these 7would cheer the students and hold their 8. She was right. It 9out well! The class did much better than any of her others.Later, however, she found out the 10the number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.(1)A . missed B . feared C . showed D . found (2)A . for B . like C . in D . with (3)A . Deal with B . Talk about C . Look at D . Listen to (4)A . class B . number C . school D . name (5)A . cold B . nervous C . relaxed D . excited (6)A . tried B . lost C . solved D . left (7)A . plans B . opinions C . ways D . results (8)A . custom B . interest C . trouble D . mistake (9)A . hung B . handed C . put D . worked (10)A . truth B . aim C . means D . idea 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共10分)8. (3分)阅读理解 Here is a charity sale (义卖) for the poor kids in the mountain area Well give away the money we raise in the charity sale. Come and see our things.Nick I have an MP3 player. I have had it for half a year. It still works very well now. It stays with me whenever I feel sad. And I have downloaded some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are unhappy. It cost 180 dollars. Now. You can take it with 60 dollars.Karen Id like to sell some of my fictions. I started to buy fictions when I was twelve years old. My favorite fiction is Treasure Island I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from this fiction. Each fiction only costs 20 dollars. You can get the second at half price.Mandy I have some soft toys to sell. The toy bear is my fourteen-year-old birthday present. I have had it for one year. It still looks very new. Is original (原始的) price was 50 dollars. You only need to pay 15 dollars for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.(1)Nick may _ when he isnt happy. A . read fictionsB . listen to musicC . play with toysD . see movies(2)The underlined word downloaded means in Chinese. A . 下载B . 演唱C . 制作D . 删除(3)Nancy will pay _ dollars if she buys two books from Karen. A . tenB . twentyC . thirtyD . forty(4)_ may get the money raised from the charity sale. A . A disabled man in hospitalB . A poor family with four kidsC . The poor kids in the mountain areaD . A homeless man from the countryside(5)According to the passage, _ is NOT TRUE. A . The three kids sell different thingsB . Sarah can buy the toy bear at half priceC . Karen learns a lot from Treasure IslandD . There are some pop songs in Nicks MP3 player9. (3分)阅读理解 Tim BernersLee is not the most famous inventor in the world. However, his invention has changed our lives. He was born in London, England in 1955.When he was a small boy, Tim was interested in playing with electrical things. He studied science at Oxford University. He made his first computer from an old television at the age of 21.Tim started working on early computers. At that time, they were much bigger than now. He worked in England then Switzerland. Tim was really interested in two things, computers and how the brain works. How could the brain connect so many facts so quickly? He had to work with people all over the world. They shared information about computers. It was hard to manage all the information. He answered the same questions again and again. It took a lot of time. It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland to share information. Tim also forgot things easily. Could a computer work like a brain? Could it “talk” to other computers?There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. In 1989, Tim BernersLee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) all by himself. This had a special language that helped computers talk to each other on the Internet. When people wanted to share information with others, they used the World Wide Web. The Internet grew quickly after that.Tim BernersLee doesnt think he did anything special. He says that all of the ideas about the Internet were already there. All he did was to put them together. He says that many other people worked together to make the Internet what it is today. Most inventors want to become rich. But Tim gave away the World Wide Web for nothing. He now works in America. He helps people share technology and wants the Internet to be free for everyone to use. Maybe he is the most important but least famous inventor in the world today!(1)What was Tim BernersLee interested in? A . Looking for jobs in different cities.B . Talking to people around the world.C . Studying how to connect computers.D . Exploring how to improve memory.(2)The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”. A . Working on early computersB . Connecting different facts togetherC . Travelling to the office in SwitzerlandD . Repeating the answers to the same questions(3)In what order did the following events take place? a.Tim worked in England.b.Tim worked in Switzerland.c.Tim made his first computer.d.Tim invented the World Wide Web.e.Tim studied science at Oxford University.A . cedabB . ebacdC . cdaebD . ecabd(4)What does the writer think of Tim BernersLee? A . He is not famous because he is not rich.B . He has changed our lives and he is great.C . He did nothing special but make people a good life.D . He has made great achievements in memory research.10. (4分)阅读理解 CAFA Art Museum CAFA Art Museum was built in 1953. Now the new museum is in China Central Academy (学院) of Fine Arts, The second floor is designed to display (陈列)works by some great artists. The third and fourth floors are the gallery for modern art exhibitions.Poly Art Museum Poly Art Museum is designed to develop national art and culture. It tries to rescue and protect Chinese cultural relics (遗产) lost abroad. More than 100 pieces of Chinese bronzeware (青铜器) are on display. Now Poly Art Museum is considered as one of the best-known art museums in China.Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy is a neighbor of the beautiful Chaoyang Park. It has all kinds of meeting halls. There are workrooms that are large enough for artists to create huge paintings. There is also a bookstore, a coffee house and other culture and leisure places.Beijing Han Meilin Art Museum Beijing Han Meilin Art Museum is the largest personal art museum in China. Han Meilin is a well-known Chinese artist. He is famous for designing Fuwa dolls for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Han Meilin also offers help to gifted students.(1)More than 100 pieces of Chinese bronzeware are on display in _. A . Poly Art MuseumB . CAFA Art MuseumC . Beijing Han Meilin Art MuseumD . Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy(2)Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy _. A . was built in 1953B . has all kinds of meeting hallsC . protects Chinese cultural relicsD . is a large personal art museum(3)Han Meilin is famous for .A . operating bookstores and coffee housesB . holding modern exhibitions in his art museumC . offering help to students who create huge paintingsD . designing Fawn dolls for the 2008 Beijing Olympics五、 根据内容和所给汉语提示,写出句子空白处各单词的正确形式。每空 (共5题;共5分)11. (1分)I think Kate will make an _ teacher if she studies hard. (杰出的) 12. (1分)I have said a lot to him. He s_doesnt believe me. 13. (1分)Its my _(快乐) to talk to you . 14. (1分)Im s _at home to write you a letter. 15. (1分)Sixty and thirty is _(九十). 六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)请根据句意从方框中选用合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。not rain discuss finish try spend_All of us hope you _ your best to learn English well this term._How long _ you _ solving this problem yesterday afternoon._If it _ next Sunday,we will have a football match in our school._ _ you _ reading the story book?Not yet. Its too hard to understand._The family _ where to go this weekend when the telephone rang.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式Dear Kitty,I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very busy, I was helping with a charity show to raise money _ Project Green Hope. A lot of work needed to be finished, so I _ (not have) much free time.I felt very happy when I _ (choose) to be the host. It was exciting, but I was also very nervous. I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous pop _ (star)would come, too. We started working on the show half a year ago so that we could do everything on time. My job was _ (introduce) each star and I also had many other duties, we practised a lot before the show, I had to remember to look after the right camera at the right time. At first, I thought I would never be _ (ability) to remember all the words. Slowly, everything became easier.The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited, twenty minutes _ the big event, we opened the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making _ noise, so I had to speak loudly. Everything seemed to happen so fast. A lot of money has been given to Project Green Hope, I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should _ (invite) to take part in them.See you soon.Best _!Ricky八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)任务型阅读 Last week, I had a great vacation to Hainan with my family. We had great fun playing in different places. On Monday, the weather was sunny and hot. We went to White Beach and swam in the water. On Tuesday, it was cloudy. We visited two museums. We saw a lot of things. On Wednesday and Thursday, It was rainy and windy. We walked around the city. We bought interesting things and ate some delicious food. On Friday, the weather was cool. We climbed mountains. We were very tired but felt very happy. I really enjoyed my vacation.WhenWhereWeatherActivityMondayWhite Beachsunny and hot_in the waterTuesdaymuseums_Visit two museums_and Thursdaycityrainy and windywalk around the city and eat some nice_Friday_coolclimb mountains九、 填空 (共3题;共3分)19. (1分)写出下列字母的左邻右舍(大小写与所给的字母一致)。 (1)_B_(2)_C_(3)_E_(4)_f_(5)_g_20. (1分)英语学习论坛发布了一个主题为My Vacation的帖子,请网友们谈一谈自己最难忘的一次度假经历。假如你是小华,去年暑假你和父母一起去了乡下爷爷家。乡下的空气很好你和爷爷去爬山、钓鱼,和堂弟去小河里游泳。奶奶给你做了很多好吃的食物。请你用英语写一篇不少于70词的回帖,和大家一起分享这段经历。可适当发挥。 要求:1)语句通顺,内容完整,语法正确。2)词数60左右。21. (1分)用正确的大小写,将下面的句子抄写到四线格上,并补全标点符号。 hello! this is my teacher im standing on the great Wall of china now. does betty play chess on sunday evening_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 选择适合的答句 (共1题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)7-1、四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、10-1、10-2、10-3、五、 根据内容和所给汉语提示,写出句子空白处各单词的正确形式。每空 (共5题;共5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)16-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18-1、九、 填空 (共3题;共3分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、21-1、

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