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沪教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练阅读理解(科普环保类)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共52分)1. (10分)阅读理解 What can 3-D printers*make? They can make lots of things, such as toys and car parts. But what about a house? In the Netherland 3-D printed houses will soon come into life, according to The GuardianThe Netherlands is the first country to have this technology*.Scientists plan to build five houses with 3-D printers. The first house will be finished by the end of 2019. It will be a house with three bedrooms. For the first house, only the walls will be 3-D printed. A 3-D printer will print it with a special cement. The printer will print it layer upon layer to build the walls. After that, workers will make the wall stronger.By the time they start working on the fifth house, the scientists hope that most parts of the house will be made with 3-D printing. Even the windows can be made with a 3-D printer.The 3-D printed houses have many advantages. For example, they use less cement than traditional houses. It can help save a lot of money. Also, 3-D printing can make buildings in almost any shape*. Traditionally-built homes usually come in just a few shapes(1)From the passage, we know that the Netherlands is the first country to _. A . sell toys and car parts.B . make 3-D printed houses.C . build traditional houses.D . put 3-D printers into use.(2)Which of the following about the 3-D printed houses is TRUE? A . Most parts of the first house will be 3-D printed.B . The fifth house will be a house with three bedrooms.C . People will live in the five houses by the end of 2019.D . 3-D printers and workers will build the houses together.(3)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Ways to Build 3-D Printed Houses.B . 3-D Printing Changes Shapes of Houses.C . The Advantages of 3-D Printed Houses.D . 3-D Printing Builds Houses of the Future.2. (12分)阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Welcome to the 26th century! Cyborg technology is a way of life. People with human brains and artificial (人造的) bodies are everywhere.This is the future world shown in the film Alita: Battle Angel.US director James Cameron made the film. The movie came out in the Chinese mainland theaters on Feb 22.The story is based on Japanese manga artist Yukito Kishiros popular manga series of the same name. The main character, a cyborg, is a girl named Alita.One day, she wakes up in wreckage and finds that she has lost her memory. Luckily, a doctor saves her. As she starts her new life, Alita finds she has superhuman abilities. She decides to find the truth behind her origin. She started a journey that leads her through a dark world.In Camerons own words, the movie is not like any of the films that Ive done before. Its visual effects are especially impressive. The films actors used the latest motion-capture (动作捕捉) technology. They wore special suits that record their movements. Later, motion-capture editors use these movements to make special effects. Rosa Salaza plays Alita. She wore a suit with more than 7, 000 pieces and layers. It can capture human movement. The model that was used for her face was changed nearly 5, 000 times to make it more lifelike.(1)According to the passage, cyborgs have _. A . artificial brainsB . human bodiesC . man-made brainsD . man-made bodies(2)People in Shenzhen could watch the film on _. A . Jan 21B . Jan 23C . Feb 21D . Feb 23(3)What were used to record the actors movements? A . Special suitsB . CamerasC . ComputersD . Motion-capture machines(4)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A . It is unusual to see a Cyborg in the 26th century.B . Alita remembers everything clearly when she wakes up in wreckage.C . The film is almost the same as the ones James Cameron has done before.D . A lot of work was done in order to make Alitas face look more lifelike.3. (10分)根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。BDo you know how many pandas there are in the world? World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has spent four yours counting pandas in the world. It says there are 1,590 now. In the 1980s, there were only 1,100.So we may say that pandas are lucky because people around the world love them and are trying their best to help them. However, we also say that pandas are unlucky because they are still facing a lot of problems now.Pandas are not good at making babies. Even in the wild, scientists have found that female pandas give birth only every 28 months. Thats why the number of pandas goes up so slowly.Pandas need bamboos for food, but bamboo dies every 10 to 100 years. It can take up to 20 years to provide(提供) food for pandas. When bamboo dies, pandas have to move to other areas. In the past, this was easy. However, the number of people keeps growing, people cut down more forests and built more villages. Its more difficult for pandas to find bamboos and homes than before.In the past years, WWF made great efforts to protect pandas. And some Chinese scientists are also always trying to find ways to help pandas.(1)Which is NOT the problem pandas are facing?A . Pandas are not good at making babies.B . It takes a long time for bamboos to grow.C . People cut down a lot of forests.D . People in the world are not caring for them.(2)Why do people cut down forests?A . They want to find enough room to live in.B . They want to kill pandas.C . They want to set up companies there.D . They just want to do so.(3)What is the main idea of the passage?A . The number of pandas is growing.B . What are the problems pandas face.C . How can we plant more bamboos.D . How can we protect pandas4. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DA Bite of China, the seven-part documentary (纪录片) introduces Chinese food through the geography, history and culture.A Bite of China is fill of &eat pictures of food, from expensive food to local food. The documentary shows Chinese food culture and how to make the delicious food.How to make dishes is only one part of food culture. The program tries to bring something new by showing more cultural elements (元素) about dishes, such as eating habits, and peoples life. For example, one part tells Chinas history of rice growing. It explains why rice is the main food of the southern Chinese, while the northern ones mainly eat wheat flour (面粉).And a part about pickles(腌制食品) tells about a woman in Beijing. She returns to her hometown in Jilin and makes pickles for the first time for her lonely mother.Another part shows happy moments of sons and daughters making New Year cakes after they return home from different cities to celebrate with their lonely parents in Zhejiang.A Bite of China also shows social changes when showing food culture. For example, some members of a family work outside but leave the old in their hometowns - in this case, food can make people remember the happy time.(1)Whats A Bite of China? A . A documentary about culture.B . A documentary about food.C . A history story.D . A new report.(2)How does A Bite of China bring something new? A . By showing pictures of food.B . By showing how to make food.C . By showing more cultural parts about dishes.D . By showing its seven parts on CCTV.(3)What do people in northeast China like eating? A . Fried food.B . Fish.C . Cakes.D . Wheat flour.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to (根据) the two examples about pickles and New Year cakes? A . The old parents are sometimes lonely at home.B . Most young people like to work far away from their homes.C . Young people want to visit their parents in the hometown.D . Having dinner with parents is the happiest moment.(5)What does A Bite of China mainly tell people? A . Chinese favorite food - rice and wheat flour.B . The features of Chinese food.C . The history of Chinese food.D . The features of Chinese culture.5. (10分) Do you know why different animals or insects have their special colors? Colors are used mainly to protect themselves.Why cant some birds easily catch locusts(蝗虫)? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as autumn comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other insects with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives in the day and appear only at night.If you study the animal life, youll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals cant be easily seen by hunters. This is because they have the colors much like the trees.Have you ever noticed an even more strange thing? A kind of fish in the sea can send out black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over, its enemies cant find it. And it quickly swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.(1)From the article we learn that locusts .A . are dangerous to their enemiesB . are easily found by birdsC . change their colors to protect themselvesD . are small animals(2)How can insects with different colors from plants keep out of danger?A . They have to move quietly.B . They hide themselves in the day and appear at night.C . They have the colors much like their enemies.D . They run away quickly.(3)Bears and lions can keep safe because .A . they live in forestsB . they like brown and grey colorsC . they move quietlyD . they have the colors similar to the trees(4)What does the word “liquid”mean in the last paragraph?A . 气体。B . 固体。C . 液体。D . 水蒸气。(5)Which is the best title for this passage?A . The Main Use of Colors for Animals and InsectsB . Colors of Different Animals and InsectsC . The Change of Colors for Animals and InsectsD . The Change of Different Animals and Plants第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共52分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、

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