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笔试部分一在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)1. Gina comes _ Australia. Her favorite animal is Koalas.2. The ruler is too _ for Jane. Please give her a short one.3. My uncle is a policeman. He has to_ uniforms to work.4. Tom is a clever boy. He began to play the piano at the _ of three.5. My grandpa gets up_ to do morning exercises every day.二从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(15分)6. -Is your mother gong to cook_ supper for you today?-Yes. We are going to have_ big dinner.A. a; / B. /; the C. the; / D. /; a7. -Food safety is a serious problem in China. If we dont pay attention to it; the situation will be_ worse.-Fortunately, our government is working hard to_ it.A. very; accept B. even; accept C. even; improve D. very; improve8. -_April 20 this year, a terrible earthquake hit Yaan, Sichuan Province.-We all sorry for that. It is reported that_ houses were destroyed.A. On; thousands of B. On; thousand of C. In, thousands of D. In; thousand of9. -_see the film about Lost in Thailand(人在囧途之泰囧) with me?-Great idea! Its said to be_ film of the year.A. What about; the funniest B. Why not; the funniestC. Why dont you; funnier D. Would you; funnier10. -I think the science problem is very difficult. Can you_?-No. Its too hard. Im afraid _ students are able to do it.A. work it out; a few B. work out it; fewC. work it out; few D. work out it; a few11. -There is nothing wrong with the television, _ there?-Yes. It must _as soon as possible.A. is; repair B. is; be repaired C. isnt; repair D. isnt; be repaired12. -My son wants to go swimming very much_ its very hot.-Its Ok. But_ allow him to do that alone!A. so; not B. so; don C. because; not D. because; dont13. -There are_ many clubs in our school that I cant decide which one to attend.-I_ a member of the dancing club for over a year. Would you like to join us?A. such; have been B. so; have been C. such; have become D. so; have become14. -Its bad to expect things for nothing. Therefore, my parents_ give me much pocket money.-But my parents always let me_ some pocket money by helping with the housework.A. often; earn B. never; to earn C. always; to earn D. seldom; earn15. -How soon do you think Chinas dream will_.-It may take time. But with everyones_, our country will be more powerful.A. come true; hard work B. come truly; hard workC. come true; hard works D. come truly; hard works16. -Many people in the world dont have enough to eat. _bad it is to waste food!-Yes. We should not order too much_ we cant eat up the food.A. How; if B. What; until C. What; if D. How; until17. -Bob! Would you please ask all your classmates_ before Miss Li_ back?-OK. Ill take them right away.A. not to leave; will come B. not to leave; comesC. dont leave; comes D. dont leave; will come18. -Hello! May I speak to Mary? I have _ to tell her.-Please_. Ill go and get her.A. something important; go on B. important something; hold onC. something important; hold on D. important something; go on19. -Have you ever watched the programme_ is calledIm a singer?-Of course! Its _ popular in China now. Even my grandma likes it.A. that; real B. who; really C. which; really D. what; real20. -Miss Li, can you tell me_?-Oh, it means a healthy, encouraging and hopeful power.A. what doespositive energymean B. whatpositive energymeansC. if it meanspositive energy D. that it meanspositive energy三交际运用。(15分)(A)选择下列句子完成下面对话。(5分)A. Im the sports editor. B. Where are you going to meet her?C. Who are you then? D. It will be better for me to speak to Alice herself.E. When can I meet her? F. I can get her for you.G. Can I take a message?Tony: Excuse me. Are you Alice?Mary: No. Im Mary, Alices classmate. Alice is the leader of the girls volleyball team. _21_Tony: Im Tony from Class 3, Grade Eight. We are publishing a school newspaper this week. _22_Id like to interview Alice about the girls volleyball.Mary: I see. But shes not here at the moment. _23_Tony: Thank you very much. But I have a lot of questions to ask her. _24_Mary: Im afraid youll have to come for her again.Tony: _25_Mary: Shell be here after school this afternoon. Ill tell her to wait for you.Tony: Thanks.2122232425(B)根据文章内容补全对话。(10分)Hilton-H Tony-TT: Hi, Hilton. 26 _!H: Nice to see you , too.T: 27 _ last Sunday?H: I had to 28 _ my sister, for my parents were away. 29 _?T: We climbed the Lotus Mountain and had a good view of the whole city. Its a pity that you didnt go with us. H: I will go 30 this weekend.四完形填空。阅读下面短文,从选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案。(10分)A. tea B. After that C. ahead of D. keep E. better F. or G. American H. first I. it J. nervous K. so L. hate Joyce took part in a TV quiz show last Saturday. She was calm and relaxed. _31_she got all the answers right. Soon she was _32_ the other contestants. At last, she won the biggest prize-a chance to experience an educational visit to _33_for three months. Joyce is very excited about the visit and she cant wait to get ready for about the visit and she cant wait to get ready for _34_.She wants to take some photos of China with her to show people Chinese culture. Growing up in Fujian, Joyce enjoys _35_, so she decides to take different types of tea such as black tea, green tea and Oolong tea(乌龙茶). Joyce is going to say with a host family in New York for the_36_two months. During the stay, she will go to school there and live just like a member of the host family. _37_, she will go on sightseeing tours for the third month. She is a little_38_about communicating with her hosts, but her parents_39_encouraging her to be confident. This makes her feel much _40_.Now she is looking forward to the visit.31323334353637383940五阅读理解(30分)A. One day at a school, an old teacher was trying to explain the wordmiracle(奇迹)in class.Boys and girls,said the teacher, imagine I stood on the roof of a ten-floor building, lost my balance and fell off. Then suddenly, in the air, a wind blew me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now what word would you use to describe this? The students thought for a long time. Then a boy raised his hand and said, Luck?True, true,answered the teacher,but thats not the word I wanted. Ill regret to story. I am on top of the ten-floor building again, and I fall. A mind catches me in the air and places me safely on the ground. Think nowWhat word would you use to describe it? Accident!cried out a girl. No, nohe answered, True, true, Listen for the third time. Im on that same building, I fall and am safety by a wind. What word could describe it? The boys and girls shouted together, Practice!41. What could this story most probably happen?A. During a holiday B. At lunch time C. On a school day D. On a weekend42. How many times did the teacher try to explain the word?A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times43. The students shouted Practice!because they_.A. the old teacher was practising falling off the buildingB. the old teacher told them to do more sports.C. the old teacher wanted them to practise with D. the old teacher didnt mean anything at all44. Which of the following is TRUE about the story?A. The teacher told a true story in class B. The students understand45. We can infer(推断)from the passage that_.A. one of the students had an accident in classB. the students were not listening to the teacher carefullyC. the teacher would explain it again in another wayD. the teacher was very happy with the students answersB.3D printing technology(技术) may not be a new thing in some foreign countries. But in May this year, at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center(深圳会展中心). Many visitors were attracted by a 3D printer. The machine looks similar to an ordinary printer and can print astatuein about 90 minutes after scanning anything, including a person. The writer prints layer(层)by layer. For example, if we want to print a 30-cm-tall statue, the computer will calculate the layers and print 460 layers in total. It can also print people and clothes. You can stand for scanning for just about three minutes, and a statue will be finished about two hours. The cost for a statue of a man is about 1000yuan. The printer, which costs about 500,000yuan, is from the USA. We want to introduce this technology to people, and find more chances here.said an engineer, There is a company in USA that offers 3D printing services to people. Many people come to design their own thing. It is very cool. We hope that the printer will encourage more Chinese people to be more creative.46. A 3D printer_.A. is a common machine B. prints layer by layerC. can make clothes and people D. is widely used in Shenzhen47. How much should you pay if you want to have a statue of yourself printed?A. 50,000yuan B. 1000yuan C. 500,000yuan D. 100yuan48. The engineer showed people the 3D printer to_.A. design new things B. print statues for themC. introduce this technology and find changes D. calculate the layers49. We can find this article in_.A, a travel guide B. a restaurant menu C. a newspaper D. a textbook50. The best title for the passage is_.A. A 3D printer made in Shenzhen B. 3D printing looks for bigger marketC. 3D printing services in the USA D. Design your own statue C.Chinese people often think of a rainy spring as a rather romantic time to be more picturesque when it rains. If you are making a plan for your spring trip, Shaoxing is the place to go.Shaoxing lies in the south of the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲) in Zhejiang Province. You can take a fight from Shenzhen to Hangzhou and then a bus to Shaoxing. You can also take a direct(直达的) train to Shaoxing from Shenzhen Railway Station.Shaoxing is one of the most famous historical cities in China. It is knows for its rich culture, and as a city of bridges, tea and scholars(学者). A number of great scholars either were born here or spent an important part of their life in the city, including the great writer Lu Xun.With a history of more than 1000 years, the area has many attractions, like the houses of famous historical people. In addition, the natural landscape alone is a good reason for a visit. During the rainy months of spring, visitors often take Wupeng Boats to enjoy its natural beauty.Silk products in Shaoxing are of high quality and are very popular with tourists. Shaoxing is famous for its wine, too. If you go to Shaoxing, you will find it has something for everyone.51. The underline wordpicturesquein the first paragraph means_.A. beautiful B. boring C. crowded D. awful52. Why is Shaoxing is known as a city of scholars?A. Because Shaoxing has a history of more than 1000 yearsB. Because the great writer Lu Xun was born in ShaoxingC. Because a number of scholars were born in Shaoxing or once lived thereD. Because there are many houses of historical people53. Shaoxing is famous for the following EXCEPT_.A. tea B. silk products C. wine D. airports54. We can know from the passage that_.A. there is a flight from Shenzhen to Shaoxing B. there are a lot of bridges in ShaoxingC. Because a number of scholars were born in Shaoxing or once lived thereD. Because there are many houses of historical people55. The passage suggests(表明)that_A. Shaoxing is well worth visiting B. it is cheaper to travel to Shaoxing in springC. Shaoxing is in the west of the Yangtze River DeltaD. you can take a Wupeng Boat to Shaoxing from GuangzhouD. Friendship can help you stick to your aim and make you more successful, according to an article in Times. Carlin Flora, the writer, who has studied friendship for years, finds that if you rally want to change something in your life, you can develop friendship with people who have the same aims as you do. Friends can help make you own stronger. Following good examples can help you get rid of(摆脱)bad behaviors and form new, healthier ones. For example, after a busy and tiring day, you probably want to go home and watch TV. However, your friend knocks on your door and asks you to go jogging with him. After jogging, you talk over coffee together. This is much better than just sitting in the room watching TV. Flora also points out that its best to stop bad habits by turning attention to different, good ones. Instead of staying at home alone and spending hours in front of your computer, building up friendship with those who have the values and habits you admire will lift you up more easily. We all wish to be with, and be liked by our friends. When you have friendship with people with strong wills and good behaviors, you will not only succeed more easily, but also find joy on your journey.阅读短文,判断正误56. According to the passage, Carlin Flora wrote an article for China Daily.57. The underline wordonesin the third paragraph means behaviors.58. In the writers opinion, jogging with a friend is better for you after a busy and tiring day.59. According to the writer, we should make friends with those who often go jogging with us.60. The main idea of this passage is friendship can help you stick to your aims and make you more successful.E.The second season of the popular singing contest The Voice of Chinawas launched(启动)Wednesday in Beijing. Hosted by Zhejiang TV, the show is based onThe Voice of Holland. The first season invited four famous singers as coaches(导师),Yang Kun, Na Ying, Liu Huan and Harlem Yu. The winner was Liang Bo, a 21-year-old man from Jilin. The choice of the coaches for the second season has not been decided yet, according to Jin Lei, the shows director. He said they planned to invite pop singers Faye Wong, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lao and Liu Huan, to be this years coaches, but it hasnt been decided yet. And he said they were looking for contestants from around the world and they planned to choose 300 for the show. In the first season, the four coaches chose teams of the contestants through a listening process with their backs to the contestants. If two or more judges wanted the same singer, the singer had the final choice of his or her coach. Finally, the contestants competed in later battles. For the second season, there will be changes in the process. One change is that may still have the chances to choose their favorite contestants in the later battles.61. How many coaches were there in the first season?62. Who was the winner of the first season?63. According to the passage, who will probably be one of the coaches again in the second season?64. The last paragraph talks about_.65. What may the change of the second season be?六 书面表达(20分)(A)Some of the animals and birds in the rainforest, such as monkeys and woodpeckers 66.l_ in the treetops. They are always swinging and flying from one tree to 67.a_ looking for food among the leaves and branches. They even sleep in the treetops so they do not have to come down to the 68.g_. Have you heard that such animals and birds in the rainforests are in danger? Because people are cutting down so many trees in the forests, the animals are 69.l_ their homes. Do you know the reasons for it? Yes, people want wood, paper and land. As a 70.r_ many animals and plants are dying. Some forests are so badly damaged that they become deserts.(B)假设你是李明,上周日,你和家人去世界之窗游玩,一路上你见到了一些不文明的现象:有人违反交通规则;有人乱扔垃圾;还有人在公共场合吸烟。作为一名中学生,你深刻地意识到:文明社会,需要大家共同努力。请你写一篇日记。内容包括:1.记录当天的所听所闻;2.抒发你的感受,表达你的观点;3.列举至少三种文明行为。V. 书面表达(10分) Sunday, 16 JuneToday I went to the Window World with my family. On my way, 要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;2.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。参考词汇:违反交通规则break traffic rules 公共场合public rules 文明的civilized 行为behavior(参考词汇仅供参考,不要求都用上)试卷参考答案一1.from 2.long 3.wear 4.age 5.early二6-10DCABC 11-15BDBDA 16-20ABCCB三21-25CAGDE 26.Nice to see you! 27.What did you do 28.look after/take care of/babysit/care for29.What about you?/How about you?/What did you do? 30.there四31-35KCGIA 36-40HBJDE五41-45CCADC 46-50BBCCB 51-55ACDBA 56-60FTTFT61.Four 62.Liang Bo 63.Liu Huan 64.The changes of the second season. 65. One change is that may still have the chances to choose their favorite contestants in the later battles.六66.live 67.another 68.ground 69.leaving 70.resultSunday, 16 JuneToday I went to the Window World with my family. On my way, I saw some uncivilized behavior. For example, I saw some people breaking traffic rules or throwing rubbish everywhere. Some people even smoked in public places. In my opinion, As Shenzhen citizens, We should work hard to make Shenzhen a more civilized city. For example, wed better develop a habit of helping others. Help the elderly. Offer seats to the old people on a bus. Dont make too much noise in public places. Pay attention to protecting the environment. Learn to be a green consumer. As long as everyone tries his best, Shenzhen will become more and more beautiful.

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