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浙江师范大学网络继续教育学院2016年浙江省“提升工程”培训项目用表课题名称教学设计基本信息姓名姚致远学段学科小学高段英语区县绍兴市越城区学校名称城南中心小学教学题目Is this your skirt?所选教材Unit5 My clothes Part B Lets learn一、学习内容分析1.学习目标描述(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)知识与技能: 1,学生能够听、说、认读主要单词;2,能够熟练运用句型I like that green skirt/those pants.表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。3,学生能够认读并作出动作:Put on your T-shirt.Take off your jacket.Hang up your skirt,etc.过程与方法: 1、利用学生已知服装类词汇展开单词教学;2、利用学生喜闻乐见的卡通人物贯穿课堂,让学生有兴趣来仿、练、说。情感态度与价值观:1、建立朴素大方的审美观,养成及时整理个人物品的习惯2、了解一些服装的英文名称2. 学习内容与重难点分析(学习内容概述、知识点的划分)1、本部分学习的单词是:clothes,hat,skirt,dress,pants.教材通过Amy和Sarah逛服装店的情景,呈现了单词的词形和意义。2、本部分要求学生能够能听、说、认读这些单词;能够熟练运用句型I like that green skirt/those pants.表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。项目内容应对措施教学重点1、The words about the clothes2、The part of Lets chant1、multiple method of presentation2、Present them after the words ,practice with actions教学难点1、Read and use the words with the adjectives about colours2、The usage of “with”3、Try to read and make a chant1、多种方式的导入和操练2、重示范和对比练习3、Team work二、学习者特征分析(说明学生的已有知识基础、学习习惯等信息)1、四年级的学生拥有关于颜色的单词储备。2、学生已经具备一定的听说认读能力。3、学生已经具备主动探究知识的能力。三、学习环境选择1学习环境选择( A )A.简易多媒体教室 B.交互式电子白板 C.网络教室 D.移动学习环境四、流程规划与活动设计(描述整体教学环节规划,按顺序说明每一环节中教学内容、呈现方式、教师活动、学生活动以及设计意图等)教学环节知识点与教学内容呈现方式(如图片/视频等)教师活动学生活动设计意图与效果Warm upbrain stormPPTPPT出示关键词:books,rooms,fruits,colourssay some words according to the key words复习旧知,激活学生热情,引导学生逐渐进入学习状态Presentation:1、Shirt2、T-shirt3.Dress4.Skirt5.sweaterPictures in PPT and paper artPPT纸工PPT,纸片CAI show a picture of Cici.单独出示skirt的图片Zip: I like the red shirt with the _ _.CAI shows a picture of Zoom.A sweater. CAI shows the word with the red”ea”and the blue”er”.What colour do you like?Ok,guess,what colour does Allen like?If bingo,Ill perform a magic for U.T shows a piece of blue paper. I like blue.Haha!Look carefully!Magic comes(用手撕出一件shirt)A shirt!教学“shirt”I have a blue shirt!What is the shirt going to be?(撕去两袖,并补上领子)Because it looks like the big letter “T”,so we call it T-shirt.T shows a part of the “dress”,ask:A T-shirt?No,it is a dress!Its a _ dress.Chant:I like the pink dress.I like the pink dress.What about you?What about you?Zip: I like the red shirt with the _ _.What about you?T:What does Zoom like?A white sweater.教师领读I like(Stick the sentence on the board)Red!Blue!Green!I have a red/green/yellow shirtIt is a blue T-shirt.That is a_T-shirt.Ss say some other T-shirts.Ss:I like the_ _.Chant:I like the dress.I like the dress.What about you?What about you?学生根据自己的爱好进行句型填空,帮助cici说一说。学生猜一猜。学生跟读由浅入深,带动学生的探知兴趣活动中复习关于颜色的单词滚动复现已有知识,并对新知进行操练。猜一猜,学生从中复习一些已有的词汇,并通过信息差的活动令学生有兴趣参与到课堂活动中。从填空到实际运用,逐渐褪去“支架”的功能。着重突出sweater里面的“ea”和“er”,让学生初步感知这两个字母组合的读音,形成一定的语音意识。Practice操练Activity:shoppingLets doCAI shows Several colours of the sweater.CAI shows DidiDidi:Hello!Im Didi.I like the yellow sweater with the white shirt. What about you?CAI shows some pictures of clothes。CAI shows Didi(出示足球)出示脱掉夹克后的DidiDidi is wearing a sweater.课件出示:Didi,Didi,_your sweater.出示脱掉毛衣后的didi(出示球衣的图片)Play the video.Play the video,T:I like the red sweater.How about you?教师领读with,纠正部分学生的发音Spring is coming.We can dress ourselves by the beautiful clothes. T:This is Didi.Look,what does he like?T:Yes!He also likes playing football very much.But he is wearing jacket,can he play football with the jacket?T:Lets tell him to “Take off the jacket.”T:Can he play football now?T:What do you want to say?T:And,I think he need a T-shirt.Right?Everything is ready,lets go and play!Look,how happy they are playing!T:Oh,my god!His T-shirt is dirty!Mom is angry with him!What can he do?How can we help him?The T-shirt is clean. We must “hang up the T-shirt”.The sun shines,and the T-shirt becomes dry.We can collect it,then fold it.Fold.T:I can fold my T-shirt.And you?S:I can fold myPut away your T-shirt.Lets do together.Show the sentences.Listen and follow.S:I like the _ sweater. Several Ss practice.I like the _ sweater with the _ shirt.Students try to practice in teams.S:He likes the _ with the_.S:No.Didi,Didi,take off your jacket!S:No.Take off your sweater.Didi,wearing a shirtPut on your T-shirt! Practice.Wash!hang up the T-shirt增加难度,同时话题也更贴近生活。自主对话,生活运用。Consolidation:扩展训练,新知输出出示closet的图片We helped Didi to make the clothes clean and dry.You really did a good job!Id like to invite you to come to my home.Look!This is my home.There is aIn my bedroom ,there is aIn my closet, there are many clothes. Look carefully, Ill give you 10 seconds, please finish the sentences.学生回忆家中几个处室的名称,一边出示图片,一边说。学生完成作业纸上的填空,并一起说一说,唱一唱。五、评价方案设计1评价形式与工具( A,B )可多选A.课堂提问 B.书面练习 C.制作作品 D.测验 E.其他2评价量表内容(测试题、作业描述等)My closetMy sweater is red.My jacket is brown.I like the red sweater.I like the brown jacket.I like the red sweater with the brown jacket.My shirt is pink.My T-shirt is white.I like the pink shirt.I like the white T-shirt.I like the pink shirt with the white T-shirt.My closet is full.My closet is beautiful!六、备注(技术环境下课堂教学管理思路、可能存在的教学意外及应急预案等。如同时设计有板书,在下框中表明)Unit5 My clothes Part B Lets learn Bread head teacher father water sweater


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