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2013 北京中考英语一模完成句子汇编西城69.亲爱的,你蛋糕吃得太多了。为什么不留点儿明天吃呢?Darling, youre eating too much cake. _leave some for tomorrow?70.告诉他开会的时候不要讲话。_ at the meeting.71.我过去常常嘲笑那些犯错误的人,但是现在我改了。I_ those who made mistakes, but now I dont do it any more.72.六年的时间让我明白了一个道理:学习的时候,最重要的不足我们做多少题,而是我们花了多少时间思考。_ _learn something: it doesnt matter how many exercises we do, it does matter how much time_ while learning.73.这些年来,您不仅仅是妈妈,还是一位朋友,谢谢您帮助我度过了很多困难时光。_ _many hard times these years,_ _.海淀69. 你最好每天运动一小时来保持健康。_ do exercise for an hour a day to keep fit.70. 你能在我外出的时候浇花吗? _ water the flowers while I am away?71. 昨天他直到看完这本书才休息。 Yesterday, he_ he finished reading the book. 72. 学得越多,你就越会意识到自己知道德有多么少。 The more you learn,_ you know.73. 为了使北京的空气更洁净,我们要尽量多乘坐公交车。 We should _ in Beijing. 丰台69. 你感冒了,最好休息一下。 Youve got a cold. _ have a rest.70. 做出这样的决定对你有好处。_ you to make such a decision.71. 伦敦奥运会和北京奥运会一样受欢迎。London 2012 Olympic Games were _ Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.72. 昨天老师进教室的时候,我们正在准备班会。We _ the class meeting when the teacher came into the classroom yesterday.73. 迈克总是把他的朋友们当作家人, 并且他很乐于尽力帮助他们解决困难。Mike always _ when they are in trouble.东城69.该睡觉了,把电视关了吧。_ for bed. Please turn off the TV.70.玛丽昨天请你和她一起去看电影了吗?Did Mary _ go to the cinema with her yesterday?71. 你看起来不高兴,怎么了? 我没赶上公共汽车。 You look unhappy. _? I missed the bus.72. 妈妈很高兴我能帮她做家务。 Mum is glad that _. 73. 昨晚的雨真大,我们都没能出去散步。It _ for a walk yesterday evening.朝阳69. 你最好和玛丽说对不起,因为你们是好朋友。_ say sorry to Mary, since you are good friends.70. 老师要求我们为英语晚会做好准备。Our teacher asked us to _ the English evening.71. 我每天坚持跑步,所以身体很好。I _ every day, so I am good in health.72. 哈利学习很努力,每个老师都喜欢他。 Harry studies _ every teacher likes him very much.73. 我花了三年的时间终于使自己的梦想成真。 It_ at last. 石景山69. 干嘛不给他买本英文字典?他太需要了。 _ buy him an English dictionary? He is in great need of it.70. 雨下得太大了,你最好别出去。 Its raining so hard. _ go out.71. 我们不仅要学知识,还要学技能。 We should learn _ knowledge _ skills.72. 小明直到攒够了钱才把那个飞机模型买回来。 Xiao Ming _ the model plane _ he saved enough money.73. 我认为阅读时没必要逢词便查。 _-_ in a dictionary while reading.密云69. 为什么不和你的朋友一起去度假呢?_ spend your holiday with your friends?70. 房间里有点儿热。请你打开窗户好吗?Its a little hot in the room. _ open the window?71. 由于睡过头了,他昨天上学迟到了。Being over-slept, he _ class yesterday.72. 今天不冷不热,我们去散步吧。 Its _. Let go out for a walk.73. 刘芸芸的父母身体很不好,她既要上学还要帮助他们做家务。 Liu Yunyuns parents are in poor health. _the housework.通州69. 休息一会儿怎么样?_ having a rest?70. 昨天玛丽没赶上公共汽车,上学迟到了。Mary didnt catch the bus and _ school yesterday.71. 杰克希望他跟彼得跑得一样快。Jack hopes he can run _ Peter.72. 提高我们的英语阅读能力要花很长时间。_ our English reading skills.73. 李磊不仅指出了我的错误,还告诉我如何处理这样的问题。Li Lei _ such kind of problems.顺义69. 今天天气不错,咱们出去散散步怎么样?Its sunny today. going out for a walk?70. 中国式过马路到了该禁止的时候了 the Chinese style of crossing the road.71. 体育加试就要到了,你最好每天都坚持锻炼。P.E examination is coming. doing sports every day.72. 你能告诉李明尽快来图书馆吗? to the library as soon as possible?73. 目前H7N9禽流感日益严重,对我们来说养成良好的卫生习惯很重要。H7N9 Bird Flu _ in China , so _ a good healthy habit.房山69. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。Youd better get up now. Dont school again. 70. 你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。_ that you can get on well with your classmates. 71. 冰箱出什么故障了? 噪音太大。_ the fridge? Its so noisy. 72. 我上周用了两天时间为妈妈选了一件礼物。_ find a present for Mom last week. 73. 这里的景色太美了,我们停下来拍了很多照片。The sights here were _大兴区69. 天气转暖了。该把冬天的衣服收起来了。Its getting warm. _to put away the winter clothes.70. 为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情呢? _ let the children do what they like?71. 虽然病了,可是李老师还在继续上课。 Mr. Li was sick, but he _.72. 我既不喜欢踢足球也不喜欢打篮球,但我非常喜欢去游泳。 I like _, but I like swimming very much.73. 在整个冬季由于天冷他停止了锻炼,以至于他的体重增加了3公斤。 During the whole winter, he_ by 3 kilograms because of the cold weather.昌平69. 明天去看电影怎么样? _ going to see a film tomorrow?70. 那座桥50米长。 That bridge _ 50 meters _.71.那孩子太累了,躺床上就睡着了。 That boy was _he fell asleep on the bed. 72. 嗨! 同学们,该去帮助王奶奶做家务了。Hi, class. _Granny Wang _ the housework.73. 请你告诉他尽快给我回电话好吗?_ tell him _?门头沟69. 快点,该上课了! Hurry up! for class.70. 直到昨天和妈妈进行了交谈,我才理解她对我的爱。I _ Mums love to me _ I talked with her yesterday.71. 学生们正在为即将到来的考试做准备。The students the coming exam.72. 我觉得他说的不对。 what he said is right.73. 杰克期待着把他的新著作给外公外婆看。Jack _works to his grandparents.西城69. Darling, youre eating. too much cake. Why not/Why dont you leave some for tomorrow?70. Tell him not to talk at the meeting.71.I used to laugh at those who made mistakes, but now I dont do it any more.72. It took me 6 years to learn something: it doesnt matter how many exercises we do, it does matter how much time we spend (in) thinking while learning.73. Thank You for helping me get through many hard times these years, not only as a mother, but also as a friend.海淀69. Youd better 70. Would/ Could/Will you please 71. didnt (have a) rest until 72. the more you will realize how little 73.( try to) take the bus as much as possible (in order ) to make the air cleaner / so that we can make the air cleaner/ fresher丰台69.Youd better 70.Its good for 71. as popular as72. were getting ready for73. regards his friends as his family members and he is glad to / is happy to/ is ready to / is willing to / try his best/ go all out/ to help them out东城69.its time 70.ask you to 71 whats wrong72 I can help her with some housework 73 rained so heavily that we could not go out朝阳69. Youd better 70. get ready for / prepare for 71. keep running72. so hard that 73. took me three years to make my dream come true石景山69. Why not 70. Youd better not 71. not onlybut also72. didnt buyuntil 73. I dont think its necessary to look up every word密云69. Why not 70. Will/Would/Could you please71. was late for 72. neither cold nor hot 73. She not only goes to school but also helps them with来源:学科通州69. What/How about 70. (she)was late for 71. as fast/quickly as 72. It takes/will take us a long time to improve We need/will need to spend a long time improving 73. not only pointed out my mistake(s) but also told me how to deal with 顺义69. How about 70. Its time to stop 71. Youd better keep72. Would you please tell LiMing to go73. is worse day by day./ is becoming worse and worse.its important for us to form/ develop房山69. be late for 70. Im (very) glad 71. Whats wrong with72. It took me 2 days to 72. so beautiful that we stopped to take many photos.大兴69. Its time 70. Why not 71. kept on having lessons/ continued to have lessons/ went on having lessons72. neither playing football nor playing basketball/ playing neither football nor basketball 73. stopped doing exercise so that he put on weight昌平69. How / What about70. is long 71. so tired that72. Its time to help do / with73. Will you please to call me back as soon as possible 门头沟69. Its time 70. didnt understand; until 71. are getting ready for 72. I dont think 73. is looking forward to showing his new 2013北京各区中考英语二模完成句子海淀根据中文意思完成句子。69. 同学们,到该做眼保健操的时间了。_ do exercise, class.70. 业余爱好会对青少年的成长有好处。Hobbies will _ teenagers development.71. 你要么跟朋友去滑冰,要么去爬山。You can _ climb mountains with your friends.72. 一些鸟飞走了,另外一些继续留在这里过冬。Some birds fly away, and _ through winter.73.只要你进到最大努力,你迟早会进步的。You will _.朝阳69. 很抱歉我开会迟到了。Im sorry that I _the meeting.70. 快点, 该睡觉了。Come on. _ go to bed.71. 我以前住在上海。但是现在我更喜欢住在小城镇。I _ in Shanghai. But now I like living in small towns better. 72. 地铁出故障了,他昨晚十点才到家。 There was something wrong with the underground, so he _ 10 last night.73. 如果想让更多的人了解我们的俱乐部,我认为我们张贴一些海报是必要的。_ some posters if we want more people to know about our club.西城69. 不好意思,我今天不能和你去划船,明天怎么样? Sorry but I cant go boating with you today. _ tomorrow?70. 多好的天啊!咱们去散步吧。 What a nice day! _ for a walk.71. 有时候,直到珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才会真正认识到它的价值所在。 Sometimes, you _ know the true value of a moment _ it becomes a memory.72. 并不是说我们在学习上花的时间越多,我们的成绩就越好。 It is not always true that _ study, _ results we will get.73. 现在孩子们在他们的教育问题上有了更多的选择:有的愿意在国内学习,有的则更喜欢出国深造。 Now children have more education choices. _ at home, while _ for further education.东城69. 要下雨了。你最好带把伞。It is going to rain. _ take an umbrella with you.70. 我和妈妈都不喜欢红色,所以选择了蓝色的。_ like red, so we chose the blue one.71. 他尽可能小心地做了这个化学实验。He did the chemical experiment _ he could.72. 坚持努力,你的梦想会实现的。_ and your dream will come true.73. 李女士很关心村子里的人。她花了很多时间和精力帮助他们改善生活。 Miss Li cared much about the people in the village. She_their life.丰台69. 今天下午没课,为什么不出去玩玩呢? We dont have class this afternoon. _ go out to have fun?70. Justin 今天没有来上学。她怎么了?Justin isnt at school today. _ with her?71. 周日,我阿姨或表姐会和我一起去游乐园。_ my aunt _ my cousin will go to the amusement park with me on Sunday.72. 他太累了,追不上其他人。 He is _ others.73. 我一直坚持每天用一个小时阅读各种各样的英语读物。_English materials everyday.昌平69. 明天怎么不去游泳啊? _ swimming tomorrow?70. 小王既不喜欢弹钢琴,也不喜欢画画。 Xiaowang likes _ playing the piano _ drawing.71. 我认为那个孩子不诚实。 _ that child is honest.72. 小红昨晚打扫她的房间用了一小时。 It _Xiaohong an hour _ her room yesterday evening.73. 他太虚弱了,让他一直在电脑前工作是不可能的。 He is _ in front of the computer.大兴69. 我认为英语并不难学。 I _ English is difficult to learn.70. 顺便问一下,你有牛奶吗?我喜欢加了牛奶的咖啡。 _, do you have milk? I like coffee with milk.71. 做了半个小时的作业后,小明停下来休息了一会。 After Xiao Ming did homework for half an hour, he _.72. 学期结束后我们在康庄公园来个聚会吧。 _ in Kangzhuang Park when this term is over.73. 在地震的废墟中,这位勇敢的小孩独自用了两个小时救他的父母,直到消防队员赶到。 The brave child_ in the ruins of the earthquake.房山69. 我不喜欢爬山,去动物园怎么样? I dont like climbing hills. Going to the zoo?70. 以前他放学后总是玩电脑游戏,现在不了。 He computer games after school, but now he doesnt.71. 雨下得太大了,我不得不呆在家里。It is raining I have to stay at home.72. 练习的越多,你的英语就说的越好。 You practice, you speak English. 73.课上不用功,课下花再多的时间补课也是徒劳。 If we dont work hard during class, it outside classes.密云69. 是时候出去放松一下了。_ go out to relax.70. 快考试了,你最好别浪费时间。The exam is coming. _ waste your time.71. 西方的圣诞节和中国的春节一样重要。Christmas in the west is _the Spring Festival in China.72. 想成功,不要轻易放弃很重要。In order to achieve success, _ easily.73. 人们往往特别害怕犯错以致于不能解决问题。People usually _solve problems.顺义69顺便问一下,去最近的医院怎么走? _,which is the nearest way to the hospital?70. 上周末你们玩得高兴吗?_ last weekend?71. 只要努力,我们的梦想总有一天会实现。So long as we work hard, our dream _ some day.72. 对于我们来说学会如何与别人相处真的很重要。 Its really important for us to learn _.73战士们在雅安连续工作了10多个小时才停下来休息。The soldiers didnt _ they had kept working for more than ten hours in Yaan. 石景山69. 又到天气预报的时间了。 _ weather forecast again. 70. 她哥哥和姐姐都是医生。 _ her brother_ sister are doctors.71. 雨一停足球赛就继续。The football match will continue _ the rain stops.72. 车开得太慢,天黑前不能到达旅店。 The car drove _ the hotel before it got dark.73. 请转告汤姆今晚的聚会别迟到,好吗? _ tonights party? 海淀区答案九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)69. Its time to 70. be good for 71. either go skating or 72. others keep staying here 73. make progress sooner or later as long as you do (try) your best朝阳答案69. am late for70. Its time to71. used to live72. didnt get home until73. I think its necessary for us to put up西城区答案九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)69. Sorry but I cant go boating with you today. What about tomorrow?70. What a nice day! Lets go for a walk.71. Sometimes, you will never/wont know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.72. It is not always true that the more time we spend on study, the better results we will get.73. Now children have more education choices. Some would like to study at home, while others prefer going abroad for further education.东城区答案一、 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)69. Youd better70. Neither Mum nor I 71. as carefully as72. Keep working hard73. spent a lot of time and energy helping them improve丰台区答案九、完成句子(共10小题,每小题2分)(大小写和单词拼写错误每四个扣一分)69. Why not70. Whats wrong / Whats the matter 71. Either or 72. too tired to catch up with73. I keep / have kept (on) spending one hour reading all kinds of昌平答案69. Why not go70. neither nor71. I dont think72. tookto clean73. so weak that its impossible to keep him working / make (let / have) him keep working / too weak to work all along 大兴69. don,t think70. By the way71. Stopped to (have a) rest72. Let,s get together/have a party/have a get-together73. Spent two hours saving his parents by himself until/till the firefighters arrived(came)/didn,t stop saving his parents by himself for 2 hours until the firefighters arrived(came)缺房山答案密云答案69. Its time to 70. had better not71. as important as 72. its important not to give up73. are so afraid of making mistakes( being wrong ) that they cannot顺义区69. by the way 70. Did you have a good time71. Will come true 72. how to get along/on with others(peaple around)73. Stop to have a rest until石景山69. Its time for / Its time to give70. bothand71. as soon as 72. too slowly to get to / arrive at / reach ; so slowly that it didnt get to73. Will / Would you please tell Tom not to be late for 12

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