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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Look! Its raining heavily! take a raincoat with you?Well, Ill take one right now.A . Why notB . Why dontC . Would you mindD . Would you like2. (2分)What time will we arrive there?You had better 8 oclock.A . be supposed toB . shouldC . canD . shall3. (2分)Having a picnic with friends _ more fun on Sunday.A . isB . areC . haveD . has4. (2分)Jane offered me some books when she knew I liked reading A . to lendB . lendingC . to borrowD . borrowing5. (2分) How long your brother this camera? For two weeks.A . have;boughtB . have;hadC . has;hadD . has;bought6. (2分)There arent students in the classroom, but there are parents. A . some;someB . any;anyC . some;anyD . any;some7. (2分)The child her mother to buy a Barbie(芭比娃娃)for her. A . hopedB . will hopeC . expectedD . will expect8. (2分)Has Mr. Green travelled abroad yet?Not only Mr. and Mrs. Green but also their daughter abroad twice.A . have goneB . have beenC . has goneD . has been9. (2分)A: Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, ?B: . He got up too late.A . had he; YesB . hadnt he; YesC . did he; NoD . didnt he; Yes10. (2分)Tom _ Mary in 1998. That is to say, they _ for 12 years.A . got married with , have got marriedB . got married to , have marriedC . married, have been marriedD . married to, have been married11. (2分)There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?A . will haveB . hasC . haveD . will be12. (2分) Did you win the game yesterday? Not really. we all tried our best, we lost it.A . IfB . ThoughC . Unless13. (2分)_ is important _ the water in the river clean. A . It; keepB . It; to keepC . That; keepD . That; to keep14. (2分) Harry Potter is an interesting novel I want to read it again. I agree with you.A . so; thatB . too; toC . such; thatD . as; as15. (2分)How is Helen in her new school? goes well. She is satisfied with her new school life.A . NothingB . AnythingC . EverythingD . Something16. (2分) Did you notice your mother go out a moment ago? No, I didnt. I _ TV then.A . have watchedB . am watchingC . was watchingD . will watch17. (2分)The dog _ several days ago. I felt very sorry for its_. A . died, deathB . died, diedC . death, diedD . death, death18. (2分)There _a basketball game between these two grades in the gym this afternoon. A . willB . is going to haveC . is going to be .D . will have19. (2分)I asked him hed be back to pick me up. A . whenB . whyC . whatD . where20. (2分)Please say hello to your parents from me._.A . Good luck!B . Pretty well.C . Sure, I will.D . Thank you all the same.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Paul is a worker. One of his feet is bigger than 1. He cant 2the right shoes 3his feet. His friend, Dick, says to him, “4dont you go to a shoemaker(鞋匠) ? A shoemaker can 5you the right shoes.”6Paul goes to the shoemaker near Dicks home. Very soon the shoemaker makes him a pair of shoes. Paul 7the shoes but he is not happy. He 8the shoemaker, “You arent 9good shoemaker!I want you to make me one shoe bigger than the other. 10you make me one shoe smaller than the other. ”(1)A . other B . the other C . another D . that one (2)A . see B . look for C . find D . look at (3)A . for B . on C . with D . about (4)A . How B . What C . Where D . Why (5)A . take B . give C . make D . mend (6)A . So B . After C . But D . Or (7)A . looks B . looks at C . sees into D . sees at (8)A . speaks B . says C . speaks to D . says to (9)A . an B . that C . this D . a (10)A . Then B . Or C . And D . But 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)22. (10分) Chen Guangbiao was born in Jiangsu in July,1968. He is the chairperson of a company in Jiangsu. Now he is one of Chinas richest men and he has donated a great amount of money to charity projects. He says he will donate everything he has to charity after he dies.When people are in need of help, he will appear at once. He helped people during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yunnan earthquake and the Taiwan earthquake. He also gave a helping hand in Japans earthquake. He has built many Hope Primary Schools to support the education in poor areas.He doesnt do charity for honour. He wants to encourage more people to make contributions to charity. After announcing he would donate everything to charity after his death, many businesses, overseas Chinese people and common people encouraged by him have also promised to do something for charity.As a philanthropist (慈善家), he is asked for help every day. Sometimes he gets very tired, but he has never stopped caring. So far, he has received a lot of awards, including Pioneer of the Year, and National May Day Labour Medal. He is considered as one of Chinas top philanthropists.(1)The article is probably taken from .A . a newspaperB . a novelC . a detective storyD . a science book(2)Chen Guangbiao says he will donate to charity after he dies.A . nothingB . some schoolsC . everything he hasD . his whole company(3)What does he do charity for?A . He wants to do charity for money.B . He wants to do charity for pleasure.C . He wants to ask people to help him.D . He wants to encourage more people to contribute to charity.(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . He is from Jiangsu.B . He has got a lot of awards.C . He has helped people in need.D . He has visited many countries.(5)Which do you think is the best title for the passage?A . EarthquakesB . Hope Primary SchoolsC . Pioneer of the YearD . Philanthropist Chen Guangbiao23. (10分)阅读理解。On April 14th at 7:49 am, the town of Jyekundo in Kham, was struck (打击) by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake. My family and I were in our 3rd floor apartment building when the earthquake hit. There was a smaller earthquake (around 4.7) that happened around 4 am and neither my wife nor I could get back to sleep. When the big earthquake hit, my wife was using her computer while our younger son Norbu (18 months old) was playing in the living room. Tsering, our older son who is 3 years old, was still asleep in the back bedroom of the 3 bedroom apartment we were living in.Norbu flew across the room when the earthquake hit. My wife was also thrown to the ground. Everything in our apartment began to be tossed (摇动) around, breaking when it hit the walls or floor. I ran to the back bedroom and grabbed (抓住) Tsering as my wife grabbed Norbu off the floor. Together, we ran to the door. I stopped long enough to grab my shoes, coat and a bit of money. I opened the door and one of our neighbors helped us carry Tsering down to the ground floor. I was the only one of my family who managed to get shoes.After the earthquake, we were able to see that this was a major earthquake. We began to hear people crying for help, badly injured people crawling (爬) to the road and people weeping (哭泣) for loved ones who had died.(1)What was Tsering doing when the big earthquake hit? A . He was using the computer.B . He was playing in the living room.C . He was sleeping in the back bedroom.D . He was crying for help.(2)What didnt the writer do in the earthquake? A . He ran to the back bedroom and grabbed Tsering.B . He grabbed Norbu off the floor.C . He stopped to grab his shoes, coat and a little money.D . He went down to the ground floor.(3)When did the smaller earthquake happen? A . At 7:49 am.B . At 6:09 am.C . At 3:00 am.D . At 4:00 am.(4)What did NOT people do after the earthquake? A . People were able to have a rest.B . People cried for help.C . Injured people were crawling to the road.D . People were weeping for dead loved ones.(5)Which is the best title for this article? A . My FamilyB . A Major EarthquakeC . What to Do in an EarthquakeD . My Good Neighbors24. (10分) Everyone (人人)needs to be healthy.Do you eat healthy food every day? Its important (重要)for your health. You need fruit, like oranges, apples and bananas. “ An apple a day can keep away(避开) the doctor (医生).” You also need vegetables, like carrots and broccoli. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. But dont eat lots of chocolate. Its not good healthy food. What about dessert? Dont eat lots of dessert because its not good for your health. Many people eat lots of chocolate and dessert, so they are unhealthy. Sports can also keep you healthy. Play sports every day. Dont be lazy. You can be healthy.(1)What are healthy food?A . Fruit and vegetables.B . Bananas, apples and chocolate.C . Fruit and dessert.D . Vegetables and dessert.(2)What keeps you healthy?A . Food.B . Sports.C . Healthy food.D . Healthy food and sports.(3)文中划线句子“ An apple a day can keep away the doctor”的意思是_.A . The doctor doesnt like an apple.B . You dont need a doctor.C . You bring an apple to the doctor and he runs away(跑走).D . You eat an apple a day and you can be healthy.(4)猜测文中划线单词unhealthy的意思:_.A . 健康B . 不健康C . 饥饿D . 不饿(5)Which is Right? (哪一项是正确的?)A . Everyone is healthy.B . We need to be healthy.C . Food isnt important.D . A doctor is important.25. (3分) Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you dont understand the culture behind it.For example, if an American boy asks his mother whats for dinner tomorrow, she may say “Ill play it by ear”, that means she doesnt have plans for dinner and she will decide later. Play by ear used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when theyre not talking about music.Therere many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, Give me a hand, you dont necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? Its not about the color of your hand! Youre a green hand when you are very new at your work and dont have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?_What is an idiom ?_What does “ Can you give me a hand “ mean ?_Are English idioms more common in written English or spoken English ?四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)26. (1分)Its too_(热的)hereLets go to a cool place 27. (5分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。Why is healthy lifestyle important? A healthy lifestyle helps you to stay f_ and well. If your lifestyle is unhealthy, you will feel tired and unhappy. A healthy lifestyle helps you feel good about yourself. It also helps you l_ good and be happy. So how do you live a healthy life? A good diet is a part of a healthy lifestyle. F_and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Exercise is very important. Its a part of a healthy lifestyle. Swimming, dancing orP_ basketball are all fun ways to exercise. Some people think that healthy living is no fun. They are wrong! Exercise and a good diet help you feel f_ of energy. Life is more fun when you are healthy.五、 选词填空 (共2题;共15分)28. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供前5小题选用,第二个方框供后5小题选用。每框有一项剩余。A.once B.where C.before D.with E.wherever F.moreIn China, Spring Festival is the most important of all the holidays in the year. Two important things help to make this holiday different from all others: giving presents and spending it _the family.Many weeks _Spring Festival, we know it is coming. In the shops, goods for this special holiday appear and outside them the special New Year decorations. The advertisements in all the newspapers tell us that there are Only five _shopping days to Spring Festival. _you go, you will realize that Spring Festival, which comes only _a year, is coming again.A.gifts B.return C.would D.wishes E.itself F.drinkingGiving _to ones family is a very sweet custom (风俗). The spirit behind the present matters most, not the present _. It is good at Spring Festival to _to the family home and meet parents, grandparents and as many aunts, uncles and cousins as possible.In the past, on New Years Eve, all the members of a family _stay at home making dumplings together. Now many people enjoy watching TV. During the day, children wear their new clothes. The evening is usually spent in games, talking, more eating and _.29. (5分)选词填空。building,relax,arrive,take,excitedIm Zhou QinSometimes I go out to_when I feel tiredLast week,I visited a small villageI_at the village in the morningIt was cold but i was very_My friend,Li Guang,met me at the station and we walked towards an old_We watched some pictures on its walls and I_some photosI wanted to write about those pictures六、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)30. (2分)She watches TV for two hours every day. (对划线部分提问)_ _does she watch TV every day?七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)课外阅读能丰富学生的课余生活,开拓他们的视野。但是,目前许多学生并不重视课外阅读。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,对这一状况进行分析并提出建议。 要求:1)80120词,开头已给出,不计入总词数2)文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称参考要点:1)学生不重视课外阅读的原因(作业太多、 没有时间读书、时间花在手机或电脑上)2)阅读的好处(更好地了解世界、学会如何思考、生活更加丰富多彩)3) At present, only a few student do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、四、 单词拼写 (共2题;共6分)26-1、27-1、五、 选词填空 (共2题;共15分)28-1、29-1、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)30-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、

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