沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷 B卷

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沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次模拟考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac. A . anB . theC . aD . /2. (2分) Im too busy preparing the exam. Could you do _to help me? Of course. I can do _for you if you want me to.A . anything; somethingB . something; anythingC . anything; anythingD . something; something3. (2分) I really enjoyed your speech, _ there were some parts I didnt quite understand.A . becauseB . sinceC . untilD . though4. (2分) (2017八下卢龙期中) Look! Alice has _ haircut _ you. A . same, asB . the same, likeC . the same, asD . same, like5. (2分) Lucy _ a student last year, but now she _ a teacher. A . is; isB . was; isC . was; will beD . is; was6. (2分) Listening to the music always makes me . A . relaxed; relaxingB . relaxed; relaxedC . relaxing; relaxingD . relaxing; relaxed7. (2分) The washed clothes will soon dry up in the wind.A . fly awayB . get wetC . 1ose water8. (2分) (2016厦门) The milk shake tastes good. How do you make it? Its easy, just follow the _.A . discussionsB . instructionsC . resolutions9. (2分) (2017九下射阳期末) There_ a lot of rubbish there in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place.A . used to beB . used to haveC . was used to beingD . was used to having10. (2分) (2017八下迁安期中) Could I watch a movie? . You should prepare for your math exam.A . Yes, you couldB . No, you cantC . No, you couldntD . Yes, you can11. (2分) (2019七下中山期中) We have _ work to do every day. Right. We feel _ tired after getting home.A . too much; much tooB . much too; too manyC . too much; too muchD . too many; much too12. (2分) (2016八上巴中期末) How do you spend your weekends? If I _ free, I _ to the cinema with my good friends.A . will be; will goB . am; will goC . am; goD . will; will go13. (2分) Can you communicate your best friend? A . forB . atC . ofD . with14. (2分) (2019河北模拟) He doesnt do his homework _ So he always makes some mistakes. A . careful enoughB . enough carefulC . carefully enoughD . enough carefully15. (2分) Excuse me, could you help me? I dont know _ exchange money. A . how toB . howC . how canD . how can I二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Richard found a job in a big office after he finished college. He liked to use his 1 and was good at his job. So he was often paid more than (得到的报酬多于) his workmates and he worked 2. But something was wrong with the young man a month ago. He couldnt fall 3at night. So he was always 4 in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital. The doctor5and told him to buy some sleeping pills. He took them6he went to bed. Soon after that he went to sleep. Richard7 in the morning. He had a look at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after8 . As soon as he went into the office, he said to the head of the office, Good morning, Mr Clarke! Ive9had a good sleep like last nights and Im feeling much better now! Skunk (混蛋)! the head10 loudly. Weve looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but its too late now!(1)A . hand B . head C . eyes D . feet (2)A . hard B . fast C . harder D . faster (3)A . asleep B . alone C . afraid D . awake (4)A . well B . hungry C . thirsty D . tired (5)A . looked for him B . looked at him C . looked after him D . looked over him (6)A . after B . because C . before D . if (7)A . stood up B . woke up C . sat down D . lay down (8)A . lunch B . dinner C . supper D . breakfast (9)A . always B . usually C . never D . often (10)A . laughed B . shouted C . smiled D . asked 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17. (8分) (2017深圳模拟) 阅读理解Thank you for spending time finishing this questionnaire (问卷). We are always trying to improve the service in our shop and we will thank you for what you tell us. The manager will use the results of these questionnaires to raise our standards (标准).Please tick oneSpeed of service: Information given:Excellent () ExcellentGood Good ()Poor PoorQuality of service: Things you bought:Excellent Excellent ()Good () GoodPoor Poor How old are you?Underline one of these under 20 21-34 35-48 49-64 65+Are you Male / Female?How often do you shop at Alec Electrics? Underline one of these once a month once every six months once a year Did you buy any of these things?Underline what you have bought Computer Mobile Phone Television DVD Player Camera CD Player Video Camera(1) Who will use the completed questionnaire?A . The manager.B . Shoppers.C . Teachers.D . Doctors.(2) What does the shop sell according to the questionnaire?A . Electric appliances.B . Food.C . Clothes.D . Drinks.(3) What can we know from the completed questionnaire?A . A man in his late forties has bought a TV in the shop.B . A woman who bought a TV visits the shop every six months.C . A man aged about 35 has bought a video camera in the shop.D . A woman who bought a video camera received good service.(4) What is the main reason for asking customers to complete this questionnaire?A . To encourage customers to shop at Alec Electrics.B . To make sure the customers get a good service.C . To give the public information about electrical things.D . To let shoppers complain about the things they have bought.18. (10分) (2017八上蒙城月考) 阅读理解Henry is nine years old. It is half a kilometer from his home to school, so he goes to school on foot every day. He usually gets home at five in the afternoon.It was Thursday, and he came home one hour late. When he came home, his mother asked him, “Why are you late, Henry?”“My math teacher Mr. Smith is very angry (生气的)with me and asks you to go to his office tomorrow.”“Why does Mr. Smith ask me to go to his office?” his mother asked. “He asked us a question and no one could answer it, but I could.”“What a clever boy! Then what was his question?” his mother asked with a big smile.“His question was Who put some ice-cream on my chair and made my trousers dirty? said Henry.(1) Henry _ because he lives not far away. A . takes the car to schoolB . goes to school by busC . walks to school(2) Henry got home at _ on Thursday afternoon. A . fiveB . sixC . seven(3) Mr. Smith is Henrys _teacher. A . mathB . historyC . music(4) What did Henry ask his mother to do? A . To play with him.B . To call Mr. Smith.C . To go to Mr. Smith s office.(5) At last we know that Henry_. A . bought some ice-creamB . put some ice-cream on Mr. Smiths chairC . ate some ice-cream in class19. (10分) Whats a blog? A blog is a personal online diary(日记). Its cool, its hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often. Sound like a fashion? In fact, Its another trend (流行趋势). And the word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online. Are you a blogger?Many bloggers are teenagers who log (进入) onto websites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of todays teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework. They share diaries, post(发布) songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they dont like studying. They are using the language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers. Most of the time, its older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words.” said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.Many teenagers and young adults know its not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone. But teenagers are unwilling to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.(1) The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means _.A . the fashionB . the InternetC . the blog(2) Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A . Teenagers dont tell about their personal life in their blogs.B . Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.C . Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.(3) Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?A . Many parents dont understand kids language in their blogs.B . Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.C . Many parents can understand why their kids dont like studying.(4) Many parents think its for their children to get messages from strangers.A . dangerousB . interestingC . surprising(5) We can learn from the last paragraph that .A . Its easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the InternetB . Its safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the InternetC . Its popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共5分)20. (1分) Sorry, I lose your k_. 21. (1分) (2019七上南浔期中) W_ to my school. It is very beautiful. 22. (1分) (2018苏州模拟) Nowadays people wish to have _ (健康的)food than before as their life improves. 23. (1分) He doesnt like r_(摇滚)music. He thinks its too noisy. 24. (1分) (2019七上雅安期中) Mr Greens son is _ (八) years old. 五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25. (1分) There will be less air _ (pollute) if we drive less. 26. (1分) (2018无锡) Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. Its not working at all. Well, it _ (happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later.27. (1分) (2017九上姜堰期中) Plan your time _(careful) if you dont have enough time for your homework. 28. (1分) My shoes _ (wash) by my mother yesterday. 29. (1分) Remember _(close) the windows when you leave the classroom. 六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30. (10分) (2017八下寮步期中) 短文填空。A little bird lived in a beautiful fruit tree. He lived there for a long time. He and the tree were good _. One year, the rainy season (雨季) did not bring enough water to the fruit tree. _ the dry season came, the fruit tree began to die (枯萎).One day, an old bird came and sat on the tree. He saw the little bird was not _ and asked him why. After hearing the little birds story, he _, Why dont you find _ tree to live in?I do not want to _ my friend, the little bird said. The old bird said, Well then, are you just going to sit there and do nothing to _ your friend? What does your friend _?The little bird thought about the old birds words. And he _ he could do something to help his friend. He flew to the river and brought _ to the fruit tree day after day. Soon, the tree turned green again.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)31. (15分) (2019太仓模拟) 阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings and senses, including Love, Happiness, Sadness and Wisdom lived. One day they were told that the island would sink(下沉), so they all got on boats and left except Love.Love was the only one that stayed until the last possible moment. Finally, Love decided to ask for help.Wealth was passing by Love in a beautiful boat. Love said, Wealth, can you take me with you?Wealth answered, No, I cant. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no room for you.Love decided to ask Pride, who was also passing by in a beautiful ship. Pride, please help me!I cant help you, love. You are all wet and might damage(损坏)my boat, Pride answered.Sadness was close by, so Love asked, Sadness, let me go with you.OhLove, Im so sad. How can I take someone else with me?Happiness passed by Love too. But she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called out to her.Suddenly, there was a voice, Come, Love, Ill take you. It was an elder. Love was so excited that he forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at the river bank(河岸), the elder went his own way. Love was grateful to the elder, so he asked Wisdom, another elder. Who helped me?It was Time, Wisdom answered.Time? asked Love.Wisdom smiled and replied, Only Time can understand how valuable you are.(1) How many times was Love refused by others when asking for help? (2) Why did Time help Love? (3) If you are in trouble and ask your friends for help, will your friends help you? Why or why not? 八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) Hello, everyone. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know, you are going to stay with a family for two weeks. Now, the most important thing is money. You should take about $530 with you. I think it will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive, your new family will meet you. You must remember to wear a red shirt, so the family will find you easily. Theyve been told you all wear red shirts. Youll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, its very important that you take the school letter. While youre there, if you have any problems, you can call Leech School Office. Ill give you the office phone number now: its 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. BelcherShes in the office from nine oclock in the morning until five in the afternoon every day. OK. Thats everything. Have a good journey!Where are they going?_How long are they going to stay there?_Why must they wear red shirts?_Whats the school office telephone number?_What could Mrs. Belchers job beaccording to the reading?_九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) (2019九下深圳开学考) 如何减压来让生活更美好?许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以 Less Pressure, Better Life为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你准备发言稿谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学们分享。 要点:1)同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;2)我的压力是什么;3)我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。要求:1)语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;2)文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;3)80100词。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girl.Thank you for your listening!第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空(每空限填一词) (共5题;共5分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空(每空不限词数) (共5题;共5分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略六、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)30、答案:略七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共15分)31、答案:略八、 阅读表达。 (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33、答案:略

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