鲁教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(四) D卷

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鲁教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(四) D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)_ boy with a pair of glasses is my cousin, Peter. A . AB . AnC . TheD . /2. (2分)How was your job interview yesterday?Oh, I couldnt feel . I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.A . betterB . easierC . worseD . happier3. (2分)Whats the weather like here this summer?There _ very little rain.A . areB . hasC . has beenD . have been4. (2分)I didnt see in the classroom. Every student went to the playground and played basketball there.A . someoneB . anyoneC . noneD . everyone5. (2分)How will you go there? _ .A . Take undergroundB . Take the undergroundC . By an undergroundD . By the underground6. (2分)Tom _ his mother, and his mother _ very young. A . looks like; looks likeB . looks like; looksC . looks; looks likeD . looks; looks7. (2分) Now more and more old pelope live alone and feel lonely. Yes. they should by us.A . be taken careB . looked afterC . be caredD . be cared for8. (2分) it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day! A . What a funB . How funC . What fun9. (2分)Excuse me. Can you tell meI can get to the post office? Take the subway.A . howB . whatC . whenD . Where10. (2分)What does your grandmother do?_.A . She likes her workB . She is a clerk.C . She is busyD . She is working11. (2分)Lets stay at home the weather is bad A . andB . becauseC . butD . so12. (2分)Lets make vegetable salad. A . Sorry to hear that.B . Youre welcome.C . Sounds great!D . I think so.13. (2分)Mr. _Mrs. White often go shopping _their daughter. A . and; andB . with; withC . and; withD . with; and14. (2分)Neither of the two students _ the teacher who is much too strict.A . likeB . likesC . likingD . liked15. (2分)Sam _ at the party last night. A . heard to singB . was heard to singC . heard singD . was heard sing16. (2分)Great changes _ in our hometown in the past five years.A . happenedB . have happenedC . were taken placeD . happen17. (2分)Mr. Wang, can you tell me _?/www. gsedu. gov. cn will help you.A . what I can do to help youB . where can I get my score for this examinationC . why I need some helpD . where I can search for the information about education in our province18. (2分)Theres a basketball game in the sports hallLets go to the players A . catchB . checkC . collectD . cheer19. (2分)When we got off the train this morning, it _ heavily. A . rainsB . rainedC . is rainingD . was raining20. (2分)If more trees _, our city will be more and more beautiful. A . are plantedB . will be plantedC . plantD . is planted二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 One day I ran into a stranger as he passed by me. I said to sorry to 1immediately. He replied with a smile and said, Im sorry, 2. I wasnt watching out for you.Later that day. When I was cooking, my 3was too close to me. When I turned to get 4milk, I nearly knocked her over.Move out of the way. I shouted.She walked away 5. But I didnt feel like I had to say sorry to her.While I was in bed that night. My husband said to me. While dealing with a stranger, you were6, but with the daughter you love, you were unkind. Your daughter 7you some flowers she picked herself. Youll find them in the kitchen by the door. Have you seen the tears 8her eyes?I felt quite sorry for my lovely daughter. Then I went to her bedroom to tell her that I shouldnt have 9her. She kissed me on my cheek and said, Its ok, mom. I love you anyway.If we can be polite to strangers, 10cant we do the same for the ones we love?(1)A . he B . she C . him D . her (2)A . too B . either C . also D . neither (3)A . son B . daughter C . mother D . father (4)A . little B . few C . any D . some (5)A . sadly B . happily C . hardly D . carelessly (6)A . impolite B . polite C . angry D . nervous (7)A . took B . bought C . borrowed D . brought (8)A . in B . with C . for D . of (9)A . looked at B . laughed at C . shouted at D . pointed at (10)A . how B . what C . which D . why 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共25分)22. (10分)根据短文内容,完成下列各题。In the US Summer vacation starts in early June and ends around late August. Teachers will give summer homework. There are many classes and camps for middle school students. They can be about sports, cooking, boating or outdoor skills. Some students will try to make money by doing housework, such as babysitting or mowing the lawn(割草坪) for neighbours. Some will also do volunteer work, such as helping old or poor people.In the UK Summer vacation starts around June 24 and ends on September 3. In Scotland, teachers hardly give schoolwork to kids to do during the summer. So, many of my friends and their families like to travel abroad.In France Summer vacation usually goes from mid-June to the end of August. French students dont have any homework or extra classes over the summer. Some students like travelling around the world. They see nature in Africa or visit English-speaking countries to learn English. Other students have fun in France. They go to the beach, see friends and watch movies.In Australia Summer vacation starts in late December and ends in early February. During the vacation, students have to finish their homework. They should read and write reports on three to five English books. They also need to work with their classmates to do science projects. Australian students often go to special interest classes during the vacation. They learn singing, cooking and so on.(1)根据英文释义, 填写文中出现的单词。_: to look after a child or children while the parents are out.(2)根据文中处画线句, 在下面的句子中填人适当的词, 使两句意思一致。Summer vacation _June 24 to September 3.(3)将文中处画线句子译成汉语。_(4)根据短文内容, 简略回答问题。In which country do students have to do their homework during the summer vacation?(5)根据短文内容, 完成下面的句子, 空白处词数不限。The summer vacation in _is longer than that in any other country.23. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。BMSG (monosodium glutamate) is a food additive (食品添加剂), which has been widely used by many food factories all over the world since it appeared first in Japan in 1909.MSG is a substance that is added to some food to improve its original (原先的) taste and colour. It is used in foods around the world such as cakes, bread, frozen meats, fish and vegetables. In the beginning, people thought MSG was safe just like salt and sugar. However, in 1968 some people reported they seemed to have bad reactions (反应) to MSG after having had a meal at a restaurant. They included headaches and quick heartbeat (心跳). It was also reported that MSG excited a persons brain and caused his death in Japan. Scientists think that MSG may lead to many neurological disorders (神经紊乱). In mice studies done by a university, the evidence showed the mice didnt want to eat the food including MSG.Today many food companies hide MSG on food labels (标签) by using different names. If you see natural flavorings, hydrolyzed protein and spices in a food label, you are probably seeing a hidden way to report MSG in a food label. Every time we have a meal in a restaurant, we always feel the food very delicious to taste, but sometimes it is dangerous for our health because some poisonous food additives have been added to the food.To protect peoples health, our governments, from central to local, are taking actions to stop factories producing poisonous food additives.(1)Monosodium Glutamate is _. A . a foodB . an additiveC . a factoryD . a country(2)MSG is often used in _. A . frozen meatsB . cupsC . clothesD . book covers(3)The examples in the second paragraph tell us _. A . the food including MSG is delicious B . people like to eat in a restaurantC . mice like eating the food including MSGD . MSG is not safe sometimes(4)If you see natural flavorings, hydrolyzed protein and spices in a food label, you will know _. A . you must eat the food in a hidden wayB . the food label must be hiddenC . MSG is probably added to the foodD . you must report the food to your parents(5)The underlined word substance in the article means _. A . colourB . materialC . tasteD . Food24. (5分)任务型阅读,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。In the past, many students practiced English with their pen friends they sent letters to people all around the world. However, we now send emails to others and chat with people who live quite far away on the Internet.Heres some advice on how to succeed in your online language exchanges:How to start a conversation when speaking English online When you speak to somebody online, start by asking “Yes or No” questions. Use questions such as “Do you like ?” or “Can you ?” or “Have you ever ?”Remember your goal. You are trying to learn about the other person. Think about things you enjoy and try to find some common ground between you. And share your own experiences to show that you have similar interests. If you only ask questions, you will sound like a policeman or a policewoman!How to keep a conversation going “Listen” carefully. In that way, you can get to know somebody well. When you know him or her well, you will have more to talk about.Then ask follow-up questions. After you “listen”, use what you “hear” to learn more about that person. Use “open ended” questions, such as “What do you think of ?” or “What was the most interesting experience .?”Remember some basic rules for online language exchanges.Be patient. Do not try to find a good friend right away.Be careful. Dont give any personal information on the Internet, especially your address, telephone number, and even your real name.(1)How did many students practice English with their pen friends in the past?By _ .(2)How should you start a conversation when speaking English online?By asking _ .(3)Can you share your own experiences online with other people?_ .(4)What does the writer think of giving personal information online?Its_ .(5)What is the passage mainly about?It is mainly about advice on _.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共15分)25. (15分)阅读下面短文,根据中文短语、音标或语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词或短语,要求所填的内容意义准确,拼写正确 Never too old to learnI have just received a letter from my old school. I am told that my old English teacher of my middle school will leave school next week. He is sixty years old now. _ old and new students will send him a present _ (为了) celebrate the special day. The g_ and the students name on a notebook will be sent to his home. We all remember him _ (因为) his patience and understanding. He used to e_ us when we failed our exams. He helped us when we _(犯错误). He gave us _ when we faced difficulty and didnt know what to do. I never saw him be mad with us or shout at us a_. He was always kind and was patient with us. As an English teacher, he not only taught us the beautiful language, but also lead us to the wonderful c_. We were amazed at his interesting lessons and never m_ any class. We love him and _ (以.为骄傲) him. Plenty of students will take part in a goodbye party for him. He has taught students _ he was 20 years old. He is never tired of teaching _ (即使)it lasts 40 years. After he leaves school, he will take up gardening. What a surprise. For him, this will be a new _hb. Although he is a little bit old, it doesnt _. As he often told us, One is never too old to learn. Actually, he has been doing what he told us.五、 读写综合 (共2题;共26分)26. (25分)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题。Once a king got two nice falcons(猎鹰) from his son. He had never seen such beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly.After several months, the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky, while the other one was staying on the branch(树枝) of a tree quietly without moving.The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make it fly. But none of them succeeded. One day, while the king was taking a walk in the forest, an idea came to his mind. He decided to find someone who knew the natural environment well to solve the problem. Then he sent for a farmer who lived in the forest into his palace to train it at once.The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. It is unbelievable! shouted the king. How could you make it happen?The farmer replied, “Its very easy. I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.”It is always the same to humans. We all have two flying wings in our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we feel safe and comfortable. We wont realize we can fly so high and freely until the branch we are resting on breaks.(1)Where did the king get the falcons? (2)Why did the king ask the farmer to train the falcon? (3)What did the farmer do to make the falcon fly? (4)What do you think of the farmer? (5)To reach high, can we stay where we feel safe and comfortable? 27. (1分)在你的初中生活中,一定有人曾激励你、鼓励你、引领你或帮助你。可以是你的朋友,也可以是你的老师,你的父母等。请以I Learn a Lot from 的题目,用英语写一篇的短文。要求: 1)请将题目补充完整;2)字数不少于 80;3)语言通畅、书写规范、字迹清晰工整、卷面整洁、格式规范。文中不得使用 真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。I Learn a Lot from_第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共25分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共15分)25-1、五、 读写综合 (共2题;共26分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、

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