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Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 1 What is a wonder of the world?单词1. wonder(n. & v.)奇迹;想知道,对、好奇2. band(n.)乐队3. review(n.)评论4. ancient(adj.)古老的,远古的5. composition(n.)作文6. grade(n.)成绩,年级7. pyramid(n.)金字塔8. pupil(n.)学生9. meeting(n.)会议10. call(v.)叫做,名为, 打电话11. event(n.)事件,比赛项目12. height(n.)高度13. lift(n.)电梯14. view(n.)景色15. attract(v.)吸引16. description(n.)描述17. location(n.)位置18. design(v.)设计短语1. listen up请注意2. wonders of the world世界奇观3. have a meeting开会4. Thats a news to me!我一点都不知道。5. Whats it about?什么事啊?6. the school magazine校版杂志7. do an interview with对、的采访8. sing with sb. 和某人一起演唱9. Why dont you do sth?你为什么不做某事?10. write down写下,记下11. write a diary of school events记录下学校每天发生的事12. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事13. the school concert学校音乐会14. the dance club舞蹈俱乐部15. the school basketball match校篮球比赛16. do some reviews做评论17. do some reviews about对、进行评论18. do an interview采访、19. Anyone else?还有别人吗?20. get good grades得到好的等级21. the ancient pyramids古老的金字塔22. Thats a fantastic idea!极好的主意!23. film review 电影评论24. footballs match report足球比赛报道Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.单词1. natural(adj.)自然的2. light(adj.& n.)明亮的;光线,灯3. reply(v.)回答4. rock(n.)岩石5. clear(v.)(云)散开;打扫干净6. rise(v.)升起7. ground(n.)地面8. below(prep.)在、的下面9. edge(n.)边10. bottom(n.)底部11. canyon(n.)峡谷12. side(n.)边,面,侧13. disappear(v.)消失14. distance(n.)距离15. huge(adj.)巨大的16. face(v. & n.)面对,面临;脸17. sight(n.)景象,景观短语1. get out of从、内出来2. look over从、上面看;检查3. on the edge of在、的边上4. at the bottom of在、的底部5. the Grand Canyon大峡谷6. the greatest wonder of the natural world大自然最宏伟的奇观景象7. early morning凌晨8. go through a gate穿过一座门9. walk along a path沿着小径步行10. in the east在东方11. become light变得明亮起来12. beside the path在小径边13. after about a kilometre大约一公里后14. the right way 正确的路15. in five minutes在五分钟之内16. too to 太、而不能、17. too dark to see anything太暗而看不到任何东西18. The sun rose behind me.太阳从我身后升起。19. beyond the rocks在岩石的那边20. fall away and down沉降之下面21. the Colorado River科罗拉多和22. look down to 朝、俯视23. about 2,000 metres below me 距我2000多米之遥24. the other side of、的另一边25. on both sides在两边26. how deep多深27. how wide多宽28. how long 多长29. disappear into消失到、里30. the writers purpose作者的目的(意图)


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