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Unit 7词组:look like看起来像be of medium build/height中等身材/身高in Class Five在五班the captain of the basketball team篮球队的队长short curly blonde hair棕色的短卷发a good looking girl一个漂亮的女孩a litter bit一点love to tell jokes爱说笑话stop doing停止做have a beard留着胡子wear a pair of glasses戴一副眼镜have a new look有一副新面孔a pop singer一位流行歌手go shopping去购物remember to do/doing记住去做/做过Unit 8 词组:would like sb to do sth想让某人去做某事a large bowl of beef and tomato noodles一大碗西红柿牛肉面huose of dumping饺子馆Unit 9 词组:go to the beach去沙滩study for the science test为科学考试学习do some reading阅读stay at home呆在家里practice doing sth练习做went to the mountains去爬山spendon sth在某事上花费.spend time with sb在某人上花费时间spend time(in)doing sth花费时间做某事read a book about history读关于历史的书watch sb doing/do sth看某人做/正在做某事Unit 10 词组:go to New York city去纽约go to summer camp去夏令营go to the mountains去爬山visit museums参观博物馆study for exams为考试做准备think of认为bus trip汽车旅行be crowded with拥挤find sb do/doing sth发现某人做过/正在做某事in the corner在角落里be lost丢失make sb do sth让某人做某事feel happy 感到高兴have some money for taxi花钱做出租车work back to走回去decided do练习做Sichuan food川菜the Great Wall长城the Palace Museum故宫Tianan Men Square天安门广场a Beijing Hotong北京胡同discuss with练习Unit 11 词组:talk show谈话类节目soap opera肥皂剧sports show体育节目mind doing介意做in fact实际上an eleven-year-old boy一个11岁的男孩a agree with sb赞同某人her best friend她最好的朋友the coolest thing酷的东西put my letter in next mouths magazine把我的信登在下一期上cant stand doing sth不能忍受做某事Unit 12 词组:break school rules违反校规arrive/be late for class上课迟到run in the hallways在走廊里跑eat in the classroom在教室里吃listen to music otside在外面听音乐eat in the dining hall在饭堂吃饭in class上课have to do不得不not have to do=neednt do不需要on school night放学后the Childrens Palace少年宫by ten oclock10点钟之前go somewhere to do sth去哪里做某事family rules家规talk loudly大声说话Unit 7 句子What does your friend look like?你的朋友长什么样子?She is of medium build and she has long hiar.她中等身材,有一头长发。She always wears a red dress and white shoes.她总是穿着红裙子和白鞋子。What do they look like?他们长什么样?Theyre of medium height.他们中等身高。Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet.她很漂亮但有一点安静。Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?你认识Johnny Dean吗,那个流行歌手,戴着滑稽眼睛留着长卷发的人。“I dont think hes so great,”says Ruth from New York,“But my mou does.”我不认为他现在的形象很好,He doesnt wear glasses any more。他不再戴眼镜和别的东西了。I can go shopping and nobody knows me.我可以去购物而且没人认识我。Unit 8 句子:Id like some noodles.我想要一些面条。What kind of noodles would you like?你们有什么样的面条?Beef and tomato noodles,please.牛肉土豆面,谢谢。What size bowl of noodles would you like?你想要多大碗的面条?Id like small、medium、large bowl of noodles.我想要小/中/大号的面条。At the House of Dumplings we have some great specials.在饺子馆中,我们有许多的特色菜。Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10 RMB for 15 dumplings.特色菜1是牛肉洋葱的,15个饺子只要10元。Unit 9 句子:What did you do last weekend?你上周末干什么了?I played soccer./We went to the beach.我踢足球。/我们去海滩了。What did she do last weekend?她上周末干什么了?She did her homework.她做她的作业。How was your weekend.你周末过得怎样?It wasnt very good.不是很好。I cleaned my room any studied for the math test .我打扫我的房间为数学考试而学习 。How Did Kids Spend the Weekend ? 孩子们如何度过周末Yesterday,we asked ten students at No.3 Middle School what they did last weekend.昨天,我问在第三中学的十个学生上周末他们做什么。I had a busy weekend.我度过了一个忙碌的周末。Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?你认为每个人都能享受他的周末吗?He sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat.他坐下来看着汪汪和一只友好的黑猫一起玩。Then it time to go home.然后它回家的时候了。He has no dog and no family.他没有狗了,也没有家人。He doesnt want to do anything.他不想做任何事。Unit 10 句子:Where did Tina go on vacation?Tina假期去哪了?She went to the mountains她去爬山了。Did you go to Central Park?你想去中央公园吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.是的,我想去。/不,我不想去。What did these people think of their vacations?人们怎样认为他们的假期?The shops were too crowded so I didnt really enjoy it.这个商店里太拥挤了,所以我不是很喜欢它。I found a small boy crying in the corner.我发现一个男孩在角落里哭。That made me feel very happy.这使我感到非常高兴。Unit 11 句子:What do you think of soap opera?你认为肥皂剧怎样?I cant stand them.我不能忍受它。What do you think of sitcoms你认为情景喜剧怎样?I love them.我爱它。I showed each student six things and asked them about each one.我给每个学生6件东西,并问他们对每个东西的看法。Here are their likes and dislikes.这些是他们喜欢和不喜欢的东西。I enjoyed reading your “Whats Cool?”article in the school magazine,and would like to tell you what Ithink.我喜欢读你在学校的杂志上的“什么是酷?”,并想告诉你我的想法。I enjoy nice words about my look.我喜欢别人夸我好看的话。I cant stand the idea that old people cant be beautiful对于老年人不能爱美的观点我不能忍受。Unit 12 句子:which rules are theae students breaking?学生不能违反什么规则?Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways不准在教室里或走廊里听音乐。What are the rules?有什么规则?Well,we cant arrive late for class.恩,我们不能上课迟到。Do you have to wear uniforms at school?你们在学校必须穿校服吗Yes,we do/No,we dont.是的。/不,不是。.What else do you have to do?你们还必须做其他的什么事情?We have to clean the classroom.我们还要打扫教室。Mary,you dont have to wear a uniform.Mary,你没穿校服上学。I have too many rules in my house.在我家里有许多规则。I have to be in bed by ten oclock.我必须在10点前上床。I never have any fun.我从来没有快乐。No talking!不准说话!


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