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Unit 2 English around the worldReading The Road To Modern EnglishTeaching aims: 1. Make students clear about the history and development of the English language 2. Improve students the abilities of skimming,scanning and careful reading. 3. Train students to retell the text using some key words.Teaching important points: 1. Make students clear about the history and development of the English language. 2. Improve students reading abilities.Teaching difficult point: How to make students express themselves in English.Teaching approach: Task- based and interactive approachTeaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Introduce British English and America English by showing students the common differences in vocabulary and spelling. ( 设计意图:让学生直观的感受英美英语的不同从而激发学生学习兴趣。)T: English is a worldwide language and there is more than one kind English in the world. British English and America English are tow major kinds, as we all know. Can you tell them from each other? Now lets finish the following form with paired words.wordsAmerican EnglishBritish English电梯elevatorlift公寓apartmentflat汽油gaspetro秋天fallautumn地铁Subway/Metrounderground橡皮eraserrubber卡车trucklorry假期vocationholiday足球soccerfootball出租车cabtaxiStep 2 Pre- reading First ask students to list the countries that speak English as their official language, and then ask students to predict what the text is about according to the topic.( 设计意图:让学生具体了解英语的广泛性以及通过预测课文内容有助于学生展开想象力,积极投入到课堂学习)T: Please look at the title and try to guess what the text is about. S1: It is about the history of English.S2: It is about the changes of English.T: Good point. The process of changes itself is a kind of history.S3: It is also about the development of English.T: So the text is about the history and development of English language.Step3 Reading (设计意图:skimming 和scanning 两个环节旨在训练学生快速阅读能力,学会找中心句,从总体上把握文章结构,理解文章大意。)1. SkimmingT: Ask students to read the text quickly to see if their prediction is right and at the same time find out the topic sentence if there isnt any ask them to sum up in their own words.( A few minutes later ask students to report their answers)The text is mainly about the history and development of the English language.Para.1 Many people all over the world speak English.Para.2 English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind English.Para.3 Why has English changed over time?Para.4 Finally in the 19th century the English was settled.Para.5 English now is also spoken as a foreign or a second language in South Asia.2. ScanningT: Since English is a universal language ,do you want to know how it became worldwide. Now please read the paragraph 1 to find the answer.Q: How did English become worldwide?Ss: In the 17th century , people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and then English began to be spoken in many other countries.T: Great! Now try to translate this sentence.在十七世纪英国人开始航海征服了世界其他地区,于是,许多别的国家开始说英语3. Careful reading(设计意图:次环节是在学生对课文整体理解的基础上进一步对文章重要内容进行充分的理解,突出文章重点,充分训练学生精读能力和筛选信息的能力)T: Now please read paragraph 3 to 5 and complete the following table.TimeEventsAD450-AD800English was based more on German.Between about AD800-1150It was less like German and more like French, vocabulary enriched.By the 1600A wide vocabulary was used.In 1620Settlers moved to America .English was spoken there.Later in the 18th century British people were taken to Australia. English began to be spoken there.1765-1947Britain ruled India.By the 19th century English was settled; tow big changes in English spelling happened.NowEnglish is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia.4. Retell the text(设计意图:让学生用关键词将全文的大意串起来,一方面让学生巩固本节课所学主要内容,掌握关键词,另一方面训练了学生语言输出的能力,有利于加强学生语言运用的能力)T: Now please use the key words to retell the text in chronological order In the 17th century people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world, so English began to be spoken in many other countries. Native English speakers can understand each other even though they dont speak the same kind of English. Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other .About between AD450 and AD800 English was based more on German then about between AD800 and 1150 English became less like and was based more on French In 16th century new settlers made English had a wider vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 English was taken to American then in 18th century English was taken to Australia by British people. Finally in the 19th century English was settled and two dictionaries gave identity to American and British English. Later English arrived south Asia because of Britains colonization .Step 4 DiscussionQ1: How do you comprehend the last two sentences?T: According to the passage ,languages change when cultures meet and communicate with one another. So the writer intended to predict a possible road to modern English , that is , when Chinese cultures communicate with English cultures , English may change ,too. So as time goes by ,Chinese English may be one kind of world English .That is what the writer intended to tell us about in this passage .So the writer gave it the title-The Road To Modern English.Q2: Why should we learn English?T: Since English is a worldwide language and can be used in many ways ,so we must try our best to study English. Step5 Home T: Write a passage named “ Why should we learn English?”

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