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姓名: 成绩:七年级英语期末考试题一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)( ) 1.Where _your English teacher come from? She _from Australia. A.is ; is B.does ; is C.do ; come D.does ; come( ) 2.My uncle_in the TV station_a reporter. A.work ; as B.works ; for C.work ; for D.works ; as( ) 3.The news made the girl_. A.cry B.to cry C.to crying D.crying( ) 4.There_some water in the cup. A.are B.have C.is D.be( ) 5.Lots of people enjoy_parks and zoos. A.visit B.visits C.visiting D.to visit( ) 6.Thank you for_me with my English. A.help B. helps C.helping D.to help( ) 7-_do you want to be an actor? -Its very interesting.A.What BWhen C How DWhy( ) 8Is there a pay phone_the neighborhood?A.in B on C to D off( ) 9_late for school again.A.Not BNot be CDont be D Arent( ) 10. Go straight and _left. The hospital is next to the post office.A turn Btake Cgo D carry ( ) 11-What_your English teacher_like?She is tall with long hair.Ais, look Bis, looks Cdoes, look Ddo, looks ( ) 12. -_pizza would you like? -A small one ,pleaseAWhat kind of BWhat size C. How many DHow much( ) 13. -How can I the bank, please? -You can take bus No.10. A. get B. get to C. take D. take to( ) 14 . -Why do you like pandas? -Because theyre cute.A. a kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of( ) 15. -Shall we go shopping now? -Sorry, I cant. I my shirts. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. am washing( ) 16. Stop and listen to me. A. to talk B. on talk C. talking D. to talking( ) 17. Do you know the boy a funny hat and sunglasses? A. is B. has C. wears D. with ( ) 18. - What about your last weekend? - I a good time. A. had B. was have C. having D. have( ) 19. He practices English every morning. A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak( ) 20.Lucy doesnt mind _ the dishes after dinner. A. wash B. washing C. to wash D. washed二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)Mr Smith 1 from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 .He teaches 3 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 7 his students.Mr Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the evening.( )1.A. come B. comesC. areD. coming( )2.A. a teacherB. a workerC. a driverD. a farmer( )3.A. onB. inC. atD. from( )4.A. heB. himC. sheD. her( )5.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell( )6.A. atB. onC. ofD. in( )7.A. forB. toC. withD. at( )8.A. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are( )9.A. onB. byC. in D. of( )10.A. seeingB. lookingC. watching D. looking at三、情景交际(共15小题,每小题1分)A、从栏中找出栏中问句的适当答语。(共10小题,每小题1分) ( )41.What does your brother look like? A. Yes, they did.( )42.How was your weekend? B. Its ten yuan( )43. What time did Tom get to school? C. Hes tall with brown hair( )44.Did your parents go to the movies yesterday? D. At about six oclock( )45.Where does Mr Smith come from? E. Yes, there is.( )46. What is your best friend like? F. They are playing soccer.( )47.Are the children playing soccer or basketball? G. I like Chinese.( )48. Do you like English or Chinese? H. America.( )49.How much is the book? I. She is really friendly.( )50.Is there a post office near here? J. It was great.B、选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。(共5小题,每小题1分)A: Hello! May I speak to Bill? B: Speaking!A: By the way, why did you call me?B: How long did you stay there?C: Would you like to come to my birthday party?D: Whats up? E: How was your trip?F: Where did you go?A: Hi, Bill! This is Jane speaking.B: Hello! 51 A: I called you yesterday, but nobody answered the telephone. 52 B: I went to the World on Water (水上世界) with my parents.A: Really? 53 .B: It was great. We saw the dolphin show (海豚表演). It was very wonderful.A: That sounds interesting.B: 54 .A: Oh, the day after tomorrow will be my birthday. 55 B: Yes, Id love to. Thanks a lot.A: Youre welcome.51._ _ 52._ _ 53. _ 54. _ _ 55. _四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分)(A)Tomisalovelyboy.Helikesplayingfootballverymuch.Heoftencomesbackbetween4p.mand5p.m.Onedayhecomesbacklate.Hismothersays“youcomebackhomelatetoday,Tom”.“Yes,wehaveanewteacher,.Heisamathteacher,”Tomanswers.“Howishe?”Hismotherasks“Idontknow,IthinkIcantbelievehim”“Howisthat”hismothersays.“Onemomenthesaystwoandthreeisfiveandthenextmomenthesaysoneandfourisfive” Tomanswers.1.Tomcomeshome()today.A.at4p.m B.At4:30p.m C.At5p.m D.after5p.m2.Tomcomeshomelatebecause()A.heplaysfootball B.heplaysbaskedball C.hestudiesmath D.wedontknow3.Thesentence“Howisthat”means()A.Howcanyousaythat B.YourteacherisrightC.Tellmemoreaboutthat D.Howdoyoufeel4.Whoisright?A.Tom B.Teacher C.None Dmother5.Whichofthefollowingsentenceisright?A.Theteacheriswrong B.TomisrightC.Tomiswrong D.Tomtmotheriswrong(B) Please Write to MeDo you want to write to a pen-friend in England?Heres a letter from Becky in Chesterfield.23 Old Road ChesterfieldHello!My name is Becky Sharp. Im eleven years old. Ive got one brother-his names Joson and hes fourteen. I havent got any sisters.I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. Im brilliant but he isnt very good.Ive got seven pets宠物-a tortoise乌龟 and six goldfish金鱼. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesnt like them.Please write to me.Becky1. The girl wants to find a _ _. A. sister B. brother C. girlfriend D. pen-friend 2. What is the girls surname(姓)? A. sharpB. Becky C. Becky Sharp D. none of the above 3. The girls family live in _A. a big room B. a cinemaC. the west of England D. the north of England 4. Does the girl play football well?A. Yes,she does. B. No,she doesnt. C. Shes not very good. D. We dont know. 5. The girls mother doesnt like _.A. the tortoise or the goldfishB. the tortoise or the dogC. a dog or a catD. the goldfish or the cat(C)Rick: Wow! Bill! This music store商店 is really big!Bill: Yeah, it is. Well, I want to go to the pop section.Yu Quan (羽泉) has a new CD and I want to buy it.Rick: Oh. Is that your favorite pop group乐队?Bill: Yes. They are really cool. So, whats your favorite kind of music, Rick?Rick: I also like pop and my favorite group is F4, they are fantastic非常好!Bill: What about classical music? Do you like classical music?Rick: I love classical. Do you know Yo-Yo Ma? He is my favorite musician. He is amazing.Bill: Sorry, I really dont like classical, but I think Yo-Yo Ma is great. So, where are the classical CDs?Rick: Follow these directions, go upstairs and turn left. They are behind dance music.Bill: What about pop CDs?Rick: They are on the first floor.Bill: Ok, see you later. T or F ( ) Error! Reference source not found.l. Bills favorite music is dance. ( ) Error! Reference source not found.2. Bills favorite group is Yu Quan. ( ) Error! Reference source not found.3. Ricks favorite music is classical. ( )Error! Reference source not found.4. The classical CDs are on the first floor. ( )Error! Reference source not found.5. Rick likes classical music but he doesnt like pop. 五、句型转换(每空1分,共10分)71. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑问句) _Tom _to stay at home yesterday?72. Do your homework in class.(改为否定句)_ do your homework in class.73. Theyre listening to music at home. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _at home?79.Its Friday today(对划线部分提问) _ _is it today?80.Did you go out for a walk after supper?(作否定回答)No,_ _六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共5分,每题1分)82.What day _(be)it last weekend?83.She can _(speak) much English.84.Its cold outside._(not open) the door, please.85.My sister_(like) English very much.86.Peter_(see) an interesting talk show on TV just now.七、按要求写句子(每题2分,共10分)1,问对方“你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?” 2,问“她说什么语言?” 3,问对方“你爸爸是做什么工作的?” 4,问对方“你们学校的规则是什么?” 5,问“她喜欢游泳吗?” 八、书面表达(15分)运用你所学的知识描述一位你熟悉的人物,包括他或她的外貌,工作,习惯,爱好等,约60个单词。_

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