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北京市第171中学初二英语第一学期期末完成句子练习 2010.121. 他喜欢滑冰。 He _.2. 你能帮我制作模型飞机吗? Can you _the model plane?3. 你认为新来的老师怎么样? _ the new teacher?4. 杰里想要学如何拉小提琴。 Jerry_ violin.5. 皮特喜欢唱歌,但他更喜欢打网球。Peter _ but he_ tennis.6. 我从他的眼睛里看出来他很害怕。 I could see in his eyes that he _. 7. 那个农夫现在正在挤牛奶。 The farmer _ now.8. 他想与一位善良的姑娘结婚。 He wanted to _ a nice girl.9. 你最喜欢什么音乐? Whats your _?10. 他们昨天没看那场足球赛。 They _ the football game yesterday.11. 你明天打算干什么? _ tomorrow?12. 快点,该上课了。 Hurry up! _ class.13. 汤姆每周末都会浏览网页。 Tom _ every weekend.14. 我们尝试每年圣诞节聚会一次。We try to _at Christmas time.15. 我一周看两次电影,你呢? I go to the movies _._ you?16. 我妈妈上周给我买了一辆自行车。 My mother _ last week.17. 太吵了,让那个小孩保持安静。 Its too noisy. _ that boy _.18. 马林打算这个周末动身去上海。 Ma Lin _ this weekend.19. 她一点也不喜欢踢足球。 She _ playing football _.20. 让我们帮助他算出这道数学题。 _ him _ the maths problem.21. 玛丽打算将来当一名医生。 Mary _ a doctor _.22. 他们似乎知道他们正在做什么。 They _ what they are doing.23. 她经常帮妈妈做家务活。 She often _ the housework.24. 这种食物不仅好吃,而且健康。 The food is _, _. 25. 为什么我们不自己做饭呢? _ cook _?26. 确保你有足够的时间休息。 _ you have enough time _.27. 为了保持健康我们每天做操。 We do exercises every day _ we can _.28. 请把这张电影票给你的妈妈, Please _ your mother.29. 你有困难时可以向警察求助。 You may _ when youre in trouble.30. 我的老师经常主动帮助我。 My teacher often _ me.31. 你应该尽可能经常地讲英语。 You should speak English _ .32. 我们通过口语练习提高英语水平。We can improve our English _ more speaking.33. 学好一门语言需要时间。 Learning a language well _.34. 我们很累,因为整个下午我们都在滑冰。We were tired because we skated _.35. 我上学路上要花30-40分钟。 My journey to school takes _.36. 你不喜欢打篮球。踢足球怎么样? You dont like playing basketball. _?37. 她经常看书到半夜。 She often _ until midnight.38. 伦敦是英国的首都。 London _ Britain.39. 大峡谷大约有1800米深。 The Great Canyon _ about 1800 _.40. 去年我们参观了欧洲的许多著名城市。 We _ in Europe last year.41. 太平洋比大西洋面积大。 The Pacific Ocean _ the Atlantic Ocean. 42. 冬天上海比广州冷得多。The weather in Shanghai is _ that in Guangzhou in winter.43. 就薪金而言,这个工作很好。 _ salary, this job is great.44. 你能告诉我有关你去中国的旅行吗? _ China?45. 我认为贝蒂没有凯特高。 I _ Betty _ Kate.46. 我认为卡通片比动作片更有趣。I think cartoons _ action movies.47. 过去这里没有大旅馆。 There _ big hotels here in the past.48. 他已经不在这里住了。 He _ lives here.49. 他们开始沿着海滩向前走。 They _ along the beach.50. 我们班每个人都喜欢听广播。 Everyone in our class likes _.51. 她的妈妈承诺为她买一辆车。 Her mother promised _.52. 你认为他会同意我们的意见吗? Do you think he will _?53. 你喜欢传统的音乐还是现代的音乐? Do you like _?54. 那些渔夫到达了他们宁静的故乡。 Those fisherman _.55. 不要嘲笑处于危险中的人们。 Dont laugh at _.56. 珍妮喜欢弹吉他和唱歌。 Jenny likes _.57. 为什么不找一份兼职工作? _ a part-time job?58. 苏珊的爸爸过去常去钓鱼。 Susans father _.59. 他打算花20美元买书。 He is going to _.60. 对于我们来说,学一门外语很有用。 _ for us _ a foreign language.61. 她放学后喜欢去滑冰。 She _ after school.62. 孩子们正在为新年聚会做准备。 The children _ the new Years party.63. 琳达病了。我们去看看她吧。 Linda is ill. _ to see her.64. 卡尔打算帮他妈妈做家务。 Carl is going to _.65. 我的家乡过去是一个非常漂亮的地方。 My hometown _ a beautiful place. *1. 她奶奶每天晚上给她讲一个故事。 2. Her grandmother _ every night.3. 那个小孩的表演显示了他的才能。 4. That boys performance _.5. 我表弟四岁时就可以自己穿衣服。 6. My cousin _ when he was four.7. 你知道怎么回答老师的问题吗? 8. Do you know _ the teachers questions?9. 妈妈做饭时我正在车站等车。 10. Mum was cooking while I _ at the bus stop.11. 我擅长打牌,经常打败我的朋友们。 12. I _ playing cards, and often _.13. 昨天那个佣人尽可能快地报了警。 Yesterday that servant called the police _.14. 那时他们正在花园里浇花。 15. They _ in the garden at that time.16. 他们正在打篮球,忽然天下起雨来。 17. They were playing basketball _.18. 我正在写作业时灯突然熄灭了。 19. I was doing my homework _.20. 当我路过图书馆时看见她正在看书。21. I _ there when I walked past the library.22. 导演想让玛丽走得快一点。 23. The director _. 24. 昨天他给了露西一个笔记本。 25. He_yesterday.26. 她告诉他那所房子再也没人住过。 27. She told him that _.28. 她想要买一个文具盒送给她的弟弟。 29. She _ and gives it to her brother.30. 我认为他们明天不会来。 31. I _ they will come tomorrow.32. 这首音乐听起来很美。 33. This piece of music _.34. 刚才谁进了格林先生的办公室? 35. Who _ Mr. Greens office _?36. 你经常向你的老师求助吗? 37. Do you often _?38. 昨晚你们是怎么扑灭那场火灾的? How did you _ yesterday?39. 这个男孩太小不能照顾他自己。 40. The boy is_ himself.41. 这些问题对于我们来说足够容易理解。 The questions _ to understand.42. 他正在考虑其他的事。 43. He _ other things.44. 你认为这部电视剧怎么样? _ this TV play?45. 你的新老师是什么样的人? _ is your new teacher?46. 我觉得比尔看起来很不友好。 47. I _ Bill _.48. 让父母理解我的感受很不容易。 _ my parents understand how I feel.49. 爱丽丝有点害羞,但她待人十分宽厚。 50. Alice is _, but she is _.51. 他们很早就动身去赶7:30 的火车。 They left early _.你的主意听起来很好。 Your idea _.52. 那个小女孩个太矮,够不着门铃。 53. The little girl is_ the door bell.54. 在农场你可以发现孩子们正在跟羊玩耍。 On the farm, you _.55. 请将垃圾分类放置。 _ rubbish _.56. 我喜欢动物因为他们知道如何保守秘密。 I like animals _ they_.57. 电话铃响了,我接了起来。 58. The phone rang and I _.59.60. 医生们认为只有少数人有危险。 Doctors believe that only _ in danger.61. 十二点了,让我们停下来去吃午饭吧。 Its twelve oclock, Lets _.62. 我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我又想省钱。 Id like to eat out, _, I want to save money.63. 我要出差,请照顾好你自己。 64. I am going on business. Please _.65. 小心电,它很危险。 _, its very dangerous.66. 麦克太粗心了,没有通过英语考试。 Mike is _ the English test.67. 他似乎是个喜怒无常以自我为中心的男孩。 He _ a moody and self-centered boy.68. 这个警卫养了一匹马与自己为伴。 The guard feeds a horse _.69. 王叔叔是在1965年出生的。 70. Uncle Wang _ 1965.71. 他们常在圣诞节给朋友送礼物。 72. They usually _ Christmas Day.73. 李阿姨每天早晨叫醒她的儿子。 74. Aunt Li _ every morning.75. 他们通常自己做圣诞卡片。 76. They usually _.77. 我们正在为新年聚会做准备。 78. We _ the New Year Party.79. 中国人常用一个月为春节做准备。 Chinese people usually _ the Spring Festival.80. 去年她太忙没和家人一起过年。 81. She _ the New Year with her family.82. 包饺子是很有趣的。 _ make dumplings.83. 现在是中央电视台新闻联播的时间。 _ CCTV news.84. 我祝你新年快乐。 85. I_86. 上星期天我叔叔给了我一个洋娃娃。 My uncle _.87. 请大声说以便每个人都能听见。 Please say it aloud _.88. 你生日那天要做什么? _ on your birthday?89. 建这个图书馆将花费工人们两年时间。 _ to build the library.90. 我爸爸昨天很晚才到家。 91. My father _ last night.92. 8 在中国是个幸运数字。 93. Eight is _ in China.94. 客人们将何时抵达宾馆? _ will the guests _?95. 我们正在包饺子庆祝春节。 96. We _ celebrate the Spring Festival.97. 不同国家庆祝新年的方式不一样。 Different countries celebrate the New Years Day _.98. 使我惊讶的是,在公共场所见到一位天使。 _, I saw an angel _.99. 孩子们正在为运动会做准备。 100. The kids _ the coming sports meeting.101. 今天下午踢足球怎么样? _ football this afternoon?102. 妈妈在睡觉,请让小狗保持安静。 103. Mum _ , Please _.104. 我喜欢独立完成作业。 105. I like doing my homework _.106. 米利今天不舒服, 不想吃饭。 107. Millie _ today. She _ anyting.108. 你能同时唱歌跳舞吗? 109. Can you sing and dance _?110. 你务必有足够时间做作业。 _ that you have _ to do your homework. 111. 作为学生,我们应该尽可能多地读英语。 _, we should read _.112. 尼罗河比长江长。 113. The Nile is _ the Changjiang River.114. 我认为上海比香港更有趣。 I _ Shanghai is _ Hong Kong.115. 这里过去比现在干净得多。 116. It _ a lot cleaner than _.117. 我们应该采取措施保护环境。 118. We should _ the enviroment.119. 北京以什么而出名? _ is Beijing _?120. 你给我打电话时,我看见火车正在进站。 I _ the station when you called me.121. 你在三岁时会滑冰吗? 122. Could you skate _?123. 游泳池有多深? 2米深。 _ is the swimming pool? Its _.124. 梅丽莎年龄不够大,不能看恐怖片。 Melissa is _ horror movies.125. 一些人发现学好英语很容易。 Some people _ English well.126. 第30届奥运会将于2012年在伦敦举行。 The 30th Olympic Games _ in London in 2012.127. 我不喜欢拿别人开玩笑。 128. I dont like to _ others.129. 他爬到树上以便能看得更清楚。 He climbed up the tree _ he could see better.130. 到我们照顾自己的时候了。 _ look after ourselves now.131. 在学校我们每天过得很愉快。 132. We _ at school every day.133. 杭州以出产丝绸闻名于世。 Hangzhou _ its silk.134. 我妈妈每天太忙了,没有时间做家务。 My mother is _ every day.135. 养宠物对人们有好处。 It _ have pets.136. 你觉得韩寒的书怎么样? _ Han Hans books?137. 恐怕明天要下雨。 _that it _ tomorrow.138. 购物时数数你看到的英文单词怎么样? _ you see while shopping?139. 为什么不把正确写在错误的旁边? _ the correct next to the mistakes?140. 我妹妹喜欢在业余时间上网聊天。 My sister _ in her spare time.141. 我需要尽快拿到这笔钱来支付学费。 I have to get the money _ to pay for the tuition.142. 我会用一整天的时间来练习游泳。 I will _ swimming.143. 当你返回学校时请给我寄些照片。 Please _ when you return to school.144. 动物有时可以帮助人们放松。 Sometimes animals can _.145. 我们应该尽可能多地帮助别人。 We should help others _.146. 对于学生来说刻苦学习很重要。 _ to study hard.147. 务必明早把你的作业带来。 _ to bring your homework here tomorrow morning.148. 我们必须阻止人们砍伐太多的树木。 We must _ too many trees.149. 别忘了给他买一瓶牛奶。 Dont _1. likes skating 2. help me with 3. What do you think of / How do you like 4. wants to learn how to play the 5. likes singing, prefers playing 6. was very afraid 7. is milking the cow 8. get married to 9. favorite music 10. didnt watch 11. What are you going to do 12. Its time for 13. surfs the Internet 14. get together once a year 15. twice a week. What about / How about 16. bought a bicycle for me / bought me a bike 17. Let, keep quiet 18. is leaving for Shanghai 19. doesnt like, at all 20. Lets help, (to)work out 21. is going to be, in the future 22. seem to know 23. helps her mother with 24. not only delicious, but also healthy 25. Why not / Why dont we, by ourselves / on our own 26. Make sure, to have a rest 27. so that, keep fit / healthy 28. give the film ticket to 29. ask the police for help 30. offers to help 31. as often as you can / as often as possible 32. by doing 33. takes time 34. for the whole afternoon 35. between 30 and 40 minutes 36. What about playing football 37. stays up reading 38. is the capital of 39. is, meters deep 40. visited many famous cities 41. is larger than 42. much colder than 43. In terms of 44. Can you tell me about your trip to 45. dont think, is taller than 46. are more interesting than 47. didnt use to be (any) 48. no longer 49. started to walk 50. listening to the radio 51. to buy her a car / to buy a car for her 52. agree with us 53. traditional music or modern music 54. reached their peaceful hometown 55. the people in danger 56. playing the guitar and singing songs. 57. Why dont you get / Why not get 58. used to go fishing 59. spend 20 dollars on books 60. Its useful, to learn 61. likes going skating 62. are getting ready for / are preparing for 63. Lets go 64. help his mother with the housework 65. used to be1tells her a story / tells a story to her 2. showed his talent 3. could get dressed on his own 4. how to answer / how to reply to 5. was waiting for the bus 6. am good at , beat my friends 7. as soon as she could / as soon as possible 8. were watering the flowers 9. when (suddenly) it began to rain 10. when (suddenly) the light went out 11. saw her reading 12. wants Mary to walk quickly 13. gave Lucy a notebook / gave a notebook to Lucy 14. nobody lived in the house any more 15. wants to buy a pencil- box 16. dont think 17. sounds beautiful 18. came into , just now 19. ask your teachers for help 20. put out the fire 21. too young to take care of / not old enough to look after 22. are easy enough for us 23. is thinking about 24. What do you think of / How do you like 25. What kind of person 26. dont think , looks very friendly 27. It is not easy to make 28. a little shy , very generous 29. sounds good 30. too short to reach / not tall enough to reach 31. can find children playing with sheep 32. Please put , into different kinds 33. because , know how to keep secrets 34. picked it up 35. to catch the 7:30 train 36. a few people are / a small number of people are 37. stop to have lunch 38. (but) on the other hand 39. look after yourself well / take good care of yourself 40. Be careful with electricity 41. too careless to pass / not careful enough to pass 42. seems (to be) 43. to keep him company 44. was born in 45. give gifts to their friends on 46. wakes up her son 47. make Christmas cards on their own 48. are getting ready for / are preparing for 49. spend one month in preparing for 50. was too busy to spend 51. It is very interesting to 52. Its time for 53. wish you a Happy New Year 54. gave me a doll last Sunday 55. so that everyone can hear you 56. What are you going to do 57. It will take the workers two years 58. got home very late 59. a lucky number 60. How soon , arrive at the hotel 61. are making dumplings to 62. in different ways 63. To my surprise , in public / in a public place 64. are getting ready for / are preparing for 65. How about playing 66. is sleeping , keep the dog quiet 67. on my own / by myself / alone 68. isnt well , doesnt feel like eating 69. at the same time 70. Make sure , enough time 71. As students , as much English as we can / English as much as possible 72. longer than 73. think , more interesting than 74. used to be , it is now 75. do something to protect 76. What , famous for 77. saw the train coming into 78. at the age of three 79. How deep , 2 meters deep 80. not old enough to see 81. find it very easy to learn 82. will take place 83. play a trick on / play jokes on 84. so that 85. Its time for us to 86. have a good time / enjoy ourselves 87. is famous for 88. too busy to do housework 89. is good for people to 90. What do you think of / How do you like 91. Im afraid , is going to rain 92. How about counting the English words 93. Why not write down / Why dont you write down 94. likes chatting online 95. as soon as possible 96. spend the whole day (in) practicing 97. send me some photos / send some photos to me 98. help people (to) relax 99. as much as possible 100. It is very important for students 101. Be sure 102. stop people from cutting 103. forget to buy a bottle of milk for him /forget to buy him a bottle of milk


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