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Module 13 综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Why not going surfing this weekend?_. Im a sports lover and likes getting close to sea.AI couldnt agree moreB. Im afraid soC. It all depends D. Certainly not答案:A解析:根据下文可知,“我”同意去冲浪, 用I couldnt agree more表示“完全同意”。2Its a lovely day, isnt it?Yes. I love_when the weather is like this. Why dont we sit outside and have our lunch?Athis BthatCit Cone答案:C解析:本题主要考查it作形式宾语的句型。动词love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy, prefer, appreciate等词后一般不能直接接句子前面加it,然后再接when或if所引导的句子。3I greeted the teacher with “hello”, and the teacher gave me a smile _.Aby turns Bin returnCin turns Dfor return答案:B解析:in return 作为回报;in turns 依次,逐个地;by turns 轮流地。4I think what _ to me about her performance is her walking way and sweet voice.Aattracts BcontributesCbelongs Dappeals答案:D解析:appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力;使某人感兴趣。句意:我认为她的表演吸引我的是她的走台的方式和甜甜的嗓音。attract意思为“吸引”,直接跟宾语;contribute to有助于;促成;belong to属于;为之一员。5Which do you enjoy_your weekend, swimming or fishing?Aspending Bbeing spentCspend Dto spend答案:D解析:to spend作状语,而which是句子enjoy的宾语。6_ in the leg, the bird let out a cry of pain asking for help.ABeing shot BHaving been shotCTo be shot DShooting答案:B解析:shoot为及物动词,意思为 “射伤;射中”。 shoot与the bird为被动关系,且shoot动作先于let out动作,故用动词ving形式的完成式作状语,表示原因。A表示进行的被动动作;C位于句首作目的状语,不合题意。7Would you like something about my foreign teacher?Oh, I remember _ about her yesterday.Atelling Bbeing toldCto tell Dhaving told答案:B解析:答语的意思:我记得昨天我已经被告诉了她的情况。remember doing sth.“记得已做过某事”。I与 tell之间为被动关系,所以要用remember being told。8Where did you fall in love with her at first sight?_ was in a small village where my father worked.AThat BThereCIt DThis答案:C解析:答语为强调句型的省略形式, 完整的形式为: It was in a small village where my father worked that I fell in love with her at first sight。where引导的定语从句来修饰village,由此可知答案为C。9He isnt a reliable man. Under no _ should you lend him any money. Acircumstances BstatesCcases Dsituations答案:A解析: 句意: 他很不可靠。你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。under no circumstances为固定短语,意思为“决不;无论如何不”,符合题意。其他三项不与under搭配:in a.state处于状态;in no case决不;in a.situation处于境地或局面。10The pen I _ I _is on my desk, right under my nose.Athink; lost Bthought; had lostCthink; had lost Dthought; have lost答案:B解析:句意为:我以为已丢了的钢笔却在我的桌子上,就在眼皮底下。thought是过去时,“笔丢失了”是在“thought”之前,所以用过去完成时。11My mother is always warning me when I go out, “Dont get off the bus _ it is stopping.” Auntil BbeforeCwhile Dafter答案:C解析:本题考查连词的用法。由语境分析可知,此处表达的意思为“在公共汽车将要停止的过程中不能下车”,能表达此意的连词只有while,表示“在过程中”。12Although she _ for a moment about the job,she finally accepted it considering the benefits of it.Ahesitated BpausedCstopped Dwondered答案:A解析:句意:虽然在这份工作上她有些犹豫,但考虑到它的好处,她最终还是接受了。hesitate意思为“犹豫;迟疑不决”,符合题意。pause意思为“暂停,停顿”,指说话或做事不连续;stop指停止做某事;wonder意思为“想知道; 想弄明白;琢磨”。13I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, _?Adid he Bcould heCdo I Dhasnt he答案:A解析:I think从句的反意疑问句根据宾语从句确定。could在此表示揣测,应变为he did such a stupid thing last night来考虑。14Do you really insist on going out to watch the football game?I know it may rain. _, I shall go out, nothing can stop me.ASomehow BThereforeCAnyhow DOtherwise答案:C解析:句意: 我知道天可能下雨, 但我无论如何要去, 没有什么能阻止我。anyhow意思为“无论如何;不管怎么说”,符合题意。somehow不知怎么的;以某种方式;therefore 因此;因而;所以;otherwise否则;不然;用别的方法。15Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself.Aneednt do Bneednt have doneCmustnt do Dshouldnt have done答案:B解析:依据语境,从后面的“I could manage it myself.”可推知,Catherine认为对方(过去)没有必要为她打扫房间。neednt have done sth. 过去必要做,但实际上已经做了,表示一种对过去动作的虚拟。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。It was Toms first visit to England, and he was looking forward to his first journey, on Londons Underground Railway. And against his friends_16_, he was determined to travel _17_.He entered the station shortly after five oclock in the afternoon. This is a _18_ time to travel in London, _19_ crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He _20_ to join a long line of people waiting for tickets. When at last his _21_ came, he had some difficulty in making himself understood by the ticket seller. _22_, he got the right ticket in the end and by asking people the _23_, he also found the right platform. It was _24_ tight with people. He did not _25_ to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to the platform so as to be in a better _26_ to get on the next one. When this train came in, Tom was _27_ forward onto the train by the _28_ of people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off. He was unable to see the _29_ of the stations where the train _30_, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth _31_ along the line. When the train reached the sixth station, Tom got off, feeling _32_ that his journey had been so easy. But he suddenly realized that he had come to a station he had never _33_. He explained his _34_ to a man who was standing on the platform. With a _35_ on his face, he told Tom that he had caught a train going in the opposite direction.内容概要:本文讲述了Tom第一次到英格兰,不听朋友的建议,独自外出,结果把火车的方向弄反了,以致到错了地方。16A.thought BadviceCrelation Dfavor答案:B解析:against ones advice意为“违背别人的建议”。17A.alone Babroad Calong Daway答案:A解析:通过下文得知他是一人出来,故用alone。18A.short BcertainCpossible Dbad答案:D解析:下面街道人多为患,所以用“bad”。19A.for BandCso Dbut答案:A解析:for表原因,用以解释 bad time。20A.planned BhadChappened Dhoped答案:B解析:要排长队购票是不以他的意志为转移的,他是“不得不”排队。21A.luck BtimeCchance Dturn答案:D解析:turn表示“轮次”。22A.Thus BInsteadCTherefore DHowever答案:D解析:售票员听不懂他的话,他却把票买成了,前后句显然有“转折”关系。 23A.question BwayCplace Dcondition答案:B解析:问路一般用ask the “way”。24A.packed BcaughtCcovered Dseized答案:A解析:be packed with be crowded with。正因为人拥挤,才没上得了第一趟火车。25A.manage BtryCagree Dexpect答案:A解析:manage to do表示“设法得以做成某事”,没做成当然用not manage了。26A.situation BstateCposition Dseat答案:C解析:因为是在拥挤的站台上,显然获得的是一个稍好些的站的“位置”。27A.fought BsweptCdrawn Dbrought答案:B解析:从from behind 来看,他是被人推向前的。sweep在此意思是“猛推”。28A.speed BsupportCstrike Dpush答案:D解析:push与sweep同义。29A.signs BpointsCnames Dnumbers答案:C解析:看不清的应是“站名”。signs应注意排除,毕竟他首次到英国,即使各个站有其独特的符号、标记,他也不可能知道。30A.left BstoppedCstarted Dmoved答案:B解析:站就是火车“停”靠的地方。31A.part BpauseCstop Darrived答案:C解析:这里的stop与station同义。32A.glad BsickCsorry Dtired答案:A解析:觉得旅行如此轻松,心情当然是“高兴的”。 33A.heard of Btalked aboutCthought of Darrived at答案:A解析:选项D应注意排除,因为他不是英国人,所以没到过这个车站是明摆着的,故这一答案是正确,但与hear of 相比,不能算是最佳答案。34A.result BmistakeCdifficulty Dticket答案:C解析:这里的difficulty指他当时的一种迷茫。究竟是怎么一回事,他还未知道,所以谈不上什么错误,故选项B,不能确定为答案。35A.joke BsmileCsurprise Dpity答案:B解析:听说Tom乘车的方向完全反了,那人的第一反应应当是觉得好笑,即答案应在A、B之间。joke不可能出现在脸上,故答案只能为B。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AYou want something you cant get by behaving within the rules, and you want it so badly enough that youll do it regardless of any guilt or deep regret, and youre willing to run the risk of being caught. Thats how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating. Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. “Were suffering a moral breakdown,” Pinkard says. “Were seeing more of the kind of person who regards the world as a series of things to be dealt with. Whether to cheat depends on whether its in the persons interest.” He does, however, see less cheating among the youngest students. Richard Dienstbier, psychology professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, believes that societys attitudes explain much of the increase in cheating. “Twenty years ago if a person cheated in college, that is extremely serious, he will be dropped for a semester if not kicked out permanently,” he says. “Nowadays, at the University of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the College of Arts and Science that if a student cheats in an exam, the student must receive an F on what he cheated in. Thats nothing. If youre going to fail anyway, why not cheat? Cheating is most likely in situations where the interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low,” says social psychologist Lynn Kahle of the University of Oregon in Eugene.36The passage focuses on _.Amaking the reader believe that cheating is immoralBdiscussing the reasons for cheatingCdescribing how students cheat in examsDsuggesting how to control cheating答案:B解析:主旨大意题。文章一开头心理学家Ladd Wheeler即提出作弊的定义,并提出Many experts believe cheating is on the rise. 观点,接下来主要分析人们作弊的原因,特别是文章最后两句,因此,B项是最佳答案。37Cheating tends to occur in all the following situations except when _.Aone wants something badlyBone cant get something in a right wayCit is not very likely to be found outDa series of things have to be dealt with答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据文章开头对作弊的定义可知A、B符合作弊的条件,再结合the chances of getting caught are low知C项也符合作弊的条件,因此,D项不属于作弊的条件。38Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIt is forgivable to cheat unless money is involved.BThere has been an increase in cheating.CMost cheaters are college students.DCheaters do not feel guilty and regretful.答案:B解析:细节理解题。A项与文中的Were suffering a moral breakdown不符,即作弊不是道德的;B项与文中的Many experts believe cheating is on the rise相符合,故为正确答案;C项文章并没作明确说明;D项与文章中作弊的定义不符。BIn the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. Many TV stations, newspapers, magazines, radio stations are privately owned. The government does not give them money. So where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements, there would not be these private businesses.Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping your name before the public” And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told” Now more and more people consider it in this way. Advertising is the paid, nonpersonal, and usually persuasive presentation of goods, services and ideas by some certain sponsors (发起人) through various media. First, advertising is usually paid for. Various sponsors pay for the advertisements we see, read, and hear over the various media. Second, advertising is nonpersonal. It is not facetoface communication. Although you may feel that a message in a certain advertisement is aimed directly at you, in reality, it is directed at large groups of people. Third, advertising is usually persuasive. Directly or indirectly it asks people to do something. All advertisements try to make people believe that the product, idea, or service advertised can benefit them. Fourth, the sponsors of the advertisement must show their names. From the advertisement, we can see if the sponsor is a company, or a single person. Fifth, advertising reaches us through old and modern mass media. Included in the old media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and films. Modern media include emails, matchbox covers, and boards on top of buildings.39The existence of the privately owned mass media depends on the support of _.Athe government Btheir owners familiesCadvertisements Dthe TV stations答案:C解析:细节理解题。第一段的内容:in the West,advertisements are the fuel(在西方国家,广告使大量的媒体得以工作,所以被比喻成燃料)和Without advertisements, there would not be these private businesses,所以就可以知道西方大量媒体的存在是依靠广告的。40The passage seems to say that different ideas of advertising are given due to _.Athe change of timeBthe subject of the advertisementsCpeoples age differenceDpeoples different opinions答案:A解析:推理判断题。从第二段可以看出,对于广告不同的看法是由于时代的不同,从文章中的Through the years可以得出正确的答案。41Which of the following is considered modern mass media?ANewspapers. BEmails.CMagazines. DFilms.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由文章最后一句可知。42According to the passage, which of the following statements about advertisements is NOT true?AThe sponsors are always mentioned.BAdvertising must be honest and humorous.CThere is the description of things advertised.DAdvertising is meant for large groups of people.答案:B解析:细节理解题。选项B与文中的advertising is usually persuasive不一致。CLack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile_obesity than underexercising or overeating. Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence upon a childs weight, with one study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.The findings add heat to an already fierce political debate(争论)over childhood obesity. The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that $116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements. Clare Collins a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle believes such programs will definitely fail unless they influence the way of life of whole families. “If we cant get parents to take action against their own weight problems, then we cant expect to influence their kids,” she said.However, Professor, Louise Baur from the Childrens Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems. “Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it.” The 10year study of 150 American children found twothirds of children with overweight parents became overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight. The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Partys policy(政策) might be on the right track.“We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it,” he said. “Obesity is a major public health concern, so why shouldnt we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?”43What does the underlined phrase “juvenile obesity” mean?AAdult education BChildhood overweightCParents influence DGrowing pains答案:B解析:猜测词义题。根据第二段“Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence upon a childs weight, with one study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.”可猜测出juvenile obesity的意思是“青少年过于肥胖”。44What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?ADebates on them will become less fierce.BThey will be effective in dealing with obesity.CA large sum of money will be spent on them.DThey will influence peoples way of life.答案:C解析:判断正误题。根据第三段“The Prime Minister,John Howard,last week decided that$116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity”可判断出C项是正确的。45Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents _.Awill come up with better solutionsBwill help with their childrens educationCshould be more active in reducing weightDshould carry out at least 10 years study答案:C解析:细节理解。根据第四段和第五段的内容可判断出Collins和Baur相信,肥胖的父母亲应该更加积极地减肥。46According to some experts, the Opposition Partys policy_.Acan help fight against unemploymentBmay protect kids from unhealthy food adsCshould be brought back to the right trackDwill work well to prevent traffic accidents答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据最后两段的内容可推断出反对党的政策是保护孩子免受不健康的食物的伤害。DAs computers become more popular in China, Chinese people are increasingly relying on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters. But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgetting the exact strokes(笔画)of each Chinese character when writing on paper. Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.Do you write by hand more or type more? In Beijing, students start using a computer as early as primary school. And computer dependence is more widespread among university students. Almost all their assignments and essays are typed on a computer.All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer. Its faster and easier to correct if using a computer. And thats why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education. But when people are taking_stock_in computers increasingly, problems appear. “When Im writing with a pen, I find I often cant remember how to write a character, though I feel Im familiar with it.”“Im not in the mood to write when faced with a pen and paper.”Many students dont feel this is something to worry about. Now that its more convenient and efficient to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite? Many educators think differently. Shi Liwei , the headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said “Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(审美的) value. But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value. All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost. And handwriting contains the writers emotion. Through ones handwriting, people can get to know ones thinking and personality. Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them”To encourage students to handwrite more, many primary schools in Beijing have made writing classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities, some professors are asking students to turn in their homework and essays written by hand.47Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?AThe Importance of Handwriting and Typing.BTo Type or To Hand Write.CWriting By Computer Will Replace Writing By Hand.DPractical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters.答案:B解析:主旨大意题。文章围绕话题:我们学生是依靠电脑还是应该手写作业展开的。48The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly because _.Athey are usually asked to email their homework and essaysBthey can correct the mistakes they make quickly and convenientlyCthey find it not easy to remember how to write a characterDcomputers have become a trend and fashion in China答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第四段Its faster and easier to correct if using a computer.和第七段中 “Now that its more convenient and efficient to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite? ”可知学生依赖电脑是因为电脑方便,快捷,修改容易。49Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the advantages of handwriting?AHandwriting contains the writers emotion.BThe writers thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting.CHandwriting can impress people well and build ones selfconfidence.DChinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic value. 答案:C解析:正误判断题。由倒数第二段中 “Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them”“可知书写可以给人好的第一印象, 但并没有说可以帮助建立自信”。故C项表述错误,符合题意。其他选项文中均有明确表述。50The underlined expression “taking stock in”(Paragraph 4) probably means _.Agetting bored withBgetting dependent onCbecoming crazy aboutDgetting curious about答案:B解析:猜测词义题。结合上文computer dependence和下文的表述,不难推出getting dependent on的意思为“相信;依靠”。故B项为正确答案。.书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,对本班同学过生日的方式进行了全面调查,其结果如下。请根据表格中提示的内容,写一篇120词左右的短文,说明同学们过生日的方式及想法。比例方式想法40%开一个生日派对同学、朋友聚会、聊天,增进感情20%近郊旅游放松心情,感受大自然30%获得特别的礼物父母等送给自己特别想要的礼物,如手机等 10%种生日树美化环境,有纪念意义_


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