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大连小学二年级英语期末检测试卷20072008学年度第二学期一、 听音,标序号(25=10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 听音,圈出正确的单词(25=10)1.( )A. today B. tidy 2.( )A. right B. left3.( )A. some B. snow 4.( )A. picture B. play5.( )A. weather B. windy三、 听音,判断正确打错误打(2*5=10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )四、 听音,选择正确的图片(25=10)1.( ) A. B. 2. ( ) A. B. 3. ( ) A. B. 4. ( ) A. B. 5. ( ) A. B. 五、 听音,选择你听到的句子(25=10)1.( )A. go shopping B. go straight on2. ( ) A. turn left B. turn right3. ( ) A. Whats the weather like? B. What are you doing?4. ( ) A. Im drawing a picture. B.I usually play basketball.5. ( ) A. Where do you live? B. Wheres the toilet?六、 听音,连线(25=10)七、 听音,选词填空(25=10)like up park sunny play1. Whats the weather _? Its _.2. Lets _ clapping games. OK .3. We are going to the _.4. The train is going _ the hill.笔试部分一 抄写下列单词或句子(155)Around skip turn drink_Are you doing your homework?_二 看图写单词(155)_三 选择填空(155)1.( )What _ the weather like? A. is B. are C. am2. ( ) Its _ Day. A. Children B. Childrens C. childrens3. ( ) Shes listening _ music. A. in B. at C. to4. ( ) Sam isnt tidying _ room. A. her B. his C. he5. ( ) Are you playing football? A. Yes, Im not. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am.四选出不同类的一项(155)1.( )A. sunny B. hot C. hat2. ( ) A. skipping B. sing C. flying3. ( ) A. up B. down C. hill4. ( ) A. zoo B. park C. room5. ( ) A. swimming B. football C. basketball五读一读,看图判断对错(2510)1.( )May is doing her homework.2.( )The boys are doing a dragon dance.3.( )Is he watching TV?4.( )The train is going past a hospital.5.( )Whats the weather like? Its windy.附加题:根据问句选择正确的答句(2510)1. ( )What are you doing? A. Yes, she is.2. ( )Is she listening to the radio? B. I live in Apple Street.3. ( )Are you doing your homework? C. Im tidying the room.4. ( )Lets play hide-and-seek. D. Yes, I am.5. ( )Where do you live? E. OK.

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