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第一学期江都市九年级英语期末试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. -Walk along this road to the end, and youll find it on your left. -Its very kind you to tell me that. A. for B. of C. to D. at( ) 2. -Do you think my pet will be OK while I am away?-Dont worry. She can look after your pet _.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully( ) 3. -Wow, what a beautiful city? It used to be a poor village. -Yes. has changed here. A. Nothing B. Something C. Everything D. Anything( ) 4. -Yesterday evening someone my uncles shop and took away lots of watches. -My god, Im sorry to hear that. A. broke out B. broke up C. broke off D. broke into( ) 5. -Look! Do you know _? -Sorry. Its too far to see him clearly.A. what the man in blue isB. who is the man in blue C. who the man in blue is D. what is the man in blue( ) 6. -Must I stay up to complete the task? -_, I think you are too tired.A. No, you mustnt. B. Yes, you must. C. No, you neednt. D. No, you shouldnt.( ) 7. -Can you tell me to do it? -OK. Youd better put two eggs and some water into the flour(面粉) first. A. what B. how C. which D. why( ) 8. -How do you like the rock music? -Dont mention it. It nearly me mad. A. put B. drove C. turned D. ran( ) 9. -What do you think of the football match? -Wonderful. They have never played . A. best B. better C. worse D. worst( ) 10. -Will you come and play football with us? - . I have a lot of homework to do now. A. I am afraid not B. I dont C. I mustnt D. I am not( ) 11. -What a surprise it is that youve hiked on Mount Tai! -I didnt believe I could do it I get to the top. A. unless B. after C. until D. as( ) 12. -Did you miss the beginning of the film yesterday? -Yes, it for ten minutes when we got to the cinema. A. have already been on B. had already begun C. had already been on D. have already begun( ) 13. - I cant decide which film to watch? - you read the film review? A. Why not B. Lets C. Why dont D. Perhaps( ) 14. -We will have our winter holidays in two weeks. -Great! We are all looking forward .A. have winter holidays B. having winter holidaysC. to have winter holidays D. to having winter holidays( ) 15. -Wow!I got the highest marks for the first time. -_. Dont give up.A. A good beginning is half done. B. No man can do two things at once.C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. Talk of the devil and he will appear.二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Whenever I see banana pudding on a menu, I _16_a special moment in my life when I learned an important _17_about envy and love. It happened when my stepchildren(继子), Cheryl and Chuck visited me shortly after we were married. I liked the kids at first. Of course, I wanted to win them. They seemed to like me, but I wasnt sure, especially at mealtime. Cheryl enjoyed watching me _18_the evening meal very much.What are you doing? she asked curiously.Making potato salad, I replied.My answers did not seem to _19_her. She shook her head disappointedly(失望地). My mama doesnt _20_it that way, she said. If you dont like it, you dont have to eat it. I answered carefully._21_, her father believed that children should eat _22_on their plate, including a dish that their mother made_23_ a different way from I did._24_,Chuck cried and shouted Mama doesnt make it that way. By this time, I got to dislike _25_ her mother and her way of cooking.Then, at last, I found a dish their mother didnt make, _26_both the kids liked, that is banana pudding. They helped me in the kitchen. We all had fun. It was a time of sharing _27_and laughter. Later, _28_banana pudding became a family tradition which all of us enjoyed .On the last night _29_they were to return home, we made the banana pudding again. Suddenly, I relaxed, and I knew that when those kids got back home, their mother would hear a lot about Karen doesnt do it that way. I thought that she must know I loved her children and_30_ their respect.I thought that their mom and I both used one important ingredient(配料) in our cooking, the most effective one - love.( ) 16. A. think about B. think over C. think with D. think of( ) 17. A. story B. lesson C. experience D. advice( ) 18. A. to prepare B. prepare C. preparing D. prepared( ) 19. A. pleasant B. pleasure C. pleased D please( ) 20. A. make B. cut C. use D. eat( ) 21. A. Luckily B. Unluckily C. Unlucky D. Lucky( ) 22. A. everything B. nothing C. none D. each( ) 23. A. on B. by C. in D. with( ) 24. A. At the end B. As a result C. Instead of D. As well( ) 25. A. both B. all C. each D. either( ) 26. A. and B. because C. but D. so( ) 27. A. happy B. happier C. happiness D. happily( ) 28. A. to make B. made C. making D. make( ) 29. A. before B. after C. until D. while( ) 30. A. won B. took C. caught D. brought三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Several years ago, a famous TV series named Struggle (奋斗) made a beautiful girl famous in China. She is Wang Luodan, who played the role of MiLai in the TV series. Then she received a lot of applause(掌声) and praise.Her first TV series was Butterfly in the Air. Because of her sweet appearance, she was chosen for the role of Shan Juan in the TV series Sun Shining Like Blossom. In order to play the role well, Wang cut her long hair and missed the chance to appear in the movie Qinghong.The TV series My youthfulness was very popular. Wang Luodan played Qian Xiaoyang, a confident ,lovely and garrulous(喋喋不休的) country girl. Now many of Qian Xiaoyangs classic words are very popular on the Internet such as “Time is too slim as well as the slot of fingers is too broad.”Wang Luodan is an ambitious actress, and she will achieve more in the future.( ) 31. What made Wang Luodan famous a few years ago?A. A famous TV report B. A famous film C. A famous game show D. A famous TV series( ) 32. Why was she chosen for the role of Shan Juan in the TV series Sun Shining Like Blossom ? A. because of her sweet voice B. because of her successful acting in Struggle. C. because of her sweet appearance D. because of her rich experience in acting( ) 33. This passage is mainly about . A. Wang Luodans future B. Wang Luodans films C. Wang Luodans TV series D. Wang Luodans growth in her acting career. BA beautiful and very successful actress was the star for a new musical show. Her home was in the countryside, It was so far away from her company, so she did not want to go back there every night, so she bought an expensive house in the centre of the city, got some beautiful furniture and got a man to paint the rooms in new colours.It was very difficult to get tickets for her show, because everybody wanted to see it. So she decided to give the painter two of the best seats. She hoped that this would make him work better for her. He took the tickets without saying anything, and she heard no more about them until the end of the month, when she got the painters bill (账单). At the bottom of it were these words: “ Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance : 3 pounds,” with this note: “ After 5 p.m., I get 15 shillings (先令) an hour instead of 10 shillings.”( ) 34. The actress bought a house in the centre of the city because _. A. she liked to live in the busiest place B. she didnt like to live in the country C. her home was far away from where she worked D. she didnt want to go back to her hometown any longer( ) 35. In order to make the painter work better for her, the actress _. A. gave him two tickets for her show B. sang and danced for him for hours C. paid him 3 pounds D. decided to pay him 15 shillings an hour( ) 36. It can be learned from the text that one pound is_ shillings. A. 10 B. 12 C. 20 D. 15( ) 37. What kind of man was the painter? A. He was a careful man. B. He was a poor man. C. He was not friendly to others. D. He knew little about music and dances.CNorm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australias northern city Darwin, jumped onto a crocodiles back to save his wife Wendy at Litchfield National Park, a popular tourist spot, a local newspaper reported. Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank on Wednesday afternoon when the crocodile lunged (扑), locking its jaws on both her legs. Norm Pethrick immediately went to help her. He jumped onto the back, poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free. Ms Pethrick was later taken to Royal Darwin Hospital for a medical treatment. The doctors said she was suffering eight wounds (伤口) in her right leg, a wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers. The doctor said Ms Pethrick was saved by her husbands “quick and diligent actions”. Dr Notaras also said she would stay in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds, which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile.( ) 38. This passage is most likely to be found in _.A. a travel guide B. a newspaper C. a textbook D. a novel( ) 39. The crocodile attacked Ms Pethrick when she was _.A. swimming in the river B. standing on the river bankC. watching the crocodile D. fishing in the water( ) 40. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ms Pethrick?A. Her eyes were badly poked. B. She had eight wounds altogether.C. One of her fingers also got hurt. D. One of the crocodiles teeth was found in her leg.( ) 41. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A. The husband should save the wife B. A man saves wifes life from crocodiles jawsC. A crocodile is not so dangerous as people imagineD. Human beings can beat crocodiles sometimes DSeveral weeks ago, more than 70 American students discussed with American First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House about health problems.The students asked lots of questions that day and Mrs Obama answered them one by one patiently. Then Mrs Obama explained the importance of making healthy choices. The students were all eyes and ears as they listened.She told the students that she didnt always feel good about the choices her family was making. Some years ago, when she was working and living with her family in Chicago, Mrs Obama realized she had to make changes in her familys lifestyle.“We were eating out too much, buying a lot of things, and drinking a lot of sugary drinks,” she said. So Mrs Obama started talking to her kids about eating healthily and exercising more. Soon they were cooking more, eating fewer desserts, and spending less time watching TV. Mrs Obama realized that making little changes can have a big effect.Mrs Obama said that young people should take care of their own health and their own futures. “Exercise isnt always about sports. Its just about moving,” She said.( ) 42. More than 70 Americans students visited Mrs Obama _.A. to find out if she cared for childrens health B. To learn how to make health foodC. To get her to help the children with health problemsD. To have a discussion with her about health problems( ) 43. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph means _.A. the students listened to Mrs Obama very carefullyB. what Mrs Obama said was not good for the students earsC. the students failed to understand what Mrs Obama was sayingD. what Mrs Obama said meant to help the students with their eyes( ) 44. Which is right about Mrs Obama?A. She has failed to change her childrens lifestyleB. She thought people in Chicago should change their lifestylesC. She moved out from the White House several weeks agoD. She thought we didnt have to necessarily do sports, but we should move more.( ) 45. From the passage we know_.A. the students are in poor health. B. As a child, Mrs Obama was poor in health C. Mrs Obamas children have health problems D. Mrs Obama cares for childrens health very much四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)46. Theres going to be a big (音乐会) next week . Teenagers are crazy about the news. 47.Sun Honglei has _(赢得)White Yulan Magnolia Award for his excellent acting in Undercover(潜伏).48. As a student, we cant do anything (违反) the law.49. Your new computer is (相似的) to the one that I bought last month.50. On my fathers (四十) birthday, all of my family members had a big dinner outside.51. The guide has collected the _(visit) ID cards since they arrived at this five-star hotel.52. Lucy prefers reading _ (month) magazines to daily newspapers.53. Before we make any (decide), we should listen to what our parents say.54. Dont be _ (patient) with her. She is only a child.55. The students prefer going out for a picnic to (suffer) from so much homework.五、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容补全表格中所缺的信息。(每空一词)WARNING: Holding a cell phone against your ear or putting it in your pocket may be bad for your health. This sentence is a warning that youd better not put it close to you when a new phone is bought. Apple company, for example, doesnt want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, BlackBerrys producer, recommends 2.5 centimeters. If cell phone use can cause health problems, the result will be very serious. Americans spend 2.26 trillion minutes chatting on cell phones every year, which brings $109 billion for the wireless businessmen.Devra Davis, an epidemiologist(皮肤病专家) who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about mobile phone radiation(辐射)Disconnect. Davis studies how often brain cancer happens during different age groups. She finds a big increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older people.Children are more easily hurt by radiation than grown-ups, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. But no studies have yet been finished on cell phone radiation and children, she says.Henry Lai, a research professor, began lab radiation studies in 1980 and found that mice exposed to(暴露在) radiofrequency(电波频率)radiation had destroyed DNA in their brains.Ms. Davis recommends using wired earphones(有线耳机)or the phones speaker. Children should send text messages rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from their bodies.Its 56 to use cell phones 57 from different companies. Apple company, the 58 distance is 1.5 centimeters. Motion, BlackBerrys producer _59_2.5 centimetersThe 60 of research from different areas Devra Davis pointed out in the book Disconnect that people in the 20-to-29 age are more 61 to have brain cancer than older people because of mobile radiation. Ms. Davis and other scientists studied that Children are 62 to be hurt by radiation than adults. Henry Lai found that_63_ exposed to(暴露在) radiofrequency(电波频率) radiation had destroyed DNA in their brains.Ms Daviss 64 on how to use the cell phone safely Its 65 for children to send text messages than to make a phone call. Pregnant women should keep phones away from their bodies.六、缺词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Every year water sports, especially surfing and water skiing attract many t_66_to the island. Hawaii has been a magical name to people w_67_ like to travel for many years. People on b_68_ sides of the Pacific Ocean(太平洋) , in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops l_69_ a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drops so q_70_ that you can almost see it move. People often have a quiet, enjoyable time walking a_71_ the beach. We found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees (棕榈树) , but there were no h_72_ like the ones we see today. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but hotels were only built in the l_73_ 25 years. Now planes make it p_74_ to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francisco. Wherever people come from, they really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the beautiful b_75_ there. 七、书面表达(计30分)A句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。76. 我的梦想是做一个有名的导演。_77. 我不明白老师对我们为什么如此严格? _78. 他宁可被嘲笑也不愿说出真相。_79. 对于学生而言学会在课堂上参与讨论很重要。_80. 动作片中的有些打斗对青少年有不好的影响._B. 写作(计20分)81为了向全世界展示绿色中国,学生会倡议每位同学围绕“如何进行低碳生活”写一篇英语文章,介绍自己如何从身边小事做起,尝试进行低碳生活。“低碳生活”的意义(1) 可以节约能源(energy) (2) 有利于减少污染,改善环境“低碳生活”的措施(1) 关注日常生活(2) 在屋里,应该关窗户(3) 外出时最好步行代替乘公交或地铁(4) 多植树(5) 外出时及时关掉电脑和电视机(6) 用纸袋代替塑料袋(plastic bags)个人观点(至少1条)要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2. 短文必须包括表格中提示的所有要点,并作适当发挥;3. 词数:100左右(文章开头已给,不计入总词数);4. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 How to Live a Low-Carbon Life (低碳生活) As we all know, having a low-carbon life will be very important to us. 20102011学年度第一学期江都市九年级英语期末试卷答题纸一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。123456789101112131415二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。161718192021222324

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