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Module 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humoursWords and ExpressionsLearning aims:(学习目标)1.Knowledge and skills (知识与技能)To learn some useful words,expressions of the unit with the help of dictionary.To get all the words and expressions ready for reading.2.Process and method (过程与方法)To enlarge our vocabulary by remembering these words and phrases and try to put them into use.3.Feeling, Attitude and Value (情感,态度与价值观)To arose the interest of learning English and prove the abilities of self-learning .Step 1 Input认真跟读课文录音。(技巧点拨:根据音节划分单词,帮助快速记住读音与拼写)目标词汇单词hu/mour co/me/dy con/tent per/for/mer a/sto/nish a/sto/ni/shing for/tu/nate un/for/tu/nate or/di/na/ry bored en/ter/tain through/out home/less mou/stache worn fai/lure over/come lea/ther chew con/vince con/vin/cing di/rect out/stand/ing Swit/zer/land ge/sture par/ti/cu/lar par/ti/cu/lar/ly o/cca/sion bud/get ac/tress slid a/muse pan/cake ex/pla/na/tion de/tec/tive moun/tain/ous whis/per vast mess re/act por/ridge drunk 短语up to now feel/be content with badly off pick out cut off star in in search of sth knock/ bump against/into sth/sb bump into sbStep 2 Core Vocabulary 1. Look up the dictionary and find the information of the core words as much as possible.基础较好的同学查找双解词典写出英文解释(提示:查找字典找出核心词汇的相关信息,如例子humour,填在以下表格中。小组成员合作完成。) Example:humourthe quality that makes a situation or entertainment funny 音标/hju:mE/音节划分hu / mour词义n. (U)幽默,诙谐;心情,心境vt. 使满足,迁就;词汇拓展humorous(adj.) 富于幽默的,有幽默感的; humorless(adj.) 缺乏幽默感的;humorously(adv.)humorousness(n. U) humorist 幽默(作)家固定词组或常用搭配have a(no) sense of humour 有(缺乏)幽默感; 例句摘抄He is a man who has a sense of humour.他是一个有幽默感的男人。造句根据音节记忆单词,掌握发音规律拓展词汇,丰富词汇量,掌握构词规律注意做好积累学词汇的最终目的:运用astonish音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句content音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句direct音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句particular音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句whisper音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句convince音标音节划分词义词汇拓展固定词组或常用搭配 例句摘抄造句52. Observe the sentences and try to make a sentence of your own.(提示:理解句子意思,观察短语在句子中的应用,用自己的语言造句。)1. up to now: so far(直到现在;到目前为止) 1) The building has been used as a hospital up to now. 2) Up to now, the government hasnt received any complaints yet.造句:_2. be content with: be satisfied with what one has; not wanting more(满足的;满意的)1) Are yon content with your present salary?2) You should be content with what you have. 3) Not content with second place, Jeff played only to win.造句:_3. be badly/well off: having little or a lot of something, esp. money (没钱/有钱)1) Theyre rather badly off.2) He is well off and willing to work for nothing.3) Theyre much better off/worse off than we are.造句:_4. pick out: to choose; to see clearly among others (选出;区别出;辨别出;看出)1) Have you picked out the movie you want to s 2) Can you pick your brother out from that group of people.造句:_5. cut off: to separate by cutting; to disconnect (切除;切断;打断)1) She cut off a piece of bread and gave it to me.2) The water was cut off last week.3) She cut me off in the middle of our conversation.造句:_6. star in : be a star in a play, film, etc (主演)1) The singer is to star in a new film for a try.2) Its a pity that you have missed your chance of starring in the school play.3) Do you know Eastwood starred in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?造句:_7. in search of sth: looking for something (寻找)1) As soon as they put up their tents, the campers went in search of water.2) Many young people left their home village in search of better jobs and better life. 3) Mum reached for a cookbook in search of delicious outdoor meals.造句:_8. knock/ bump against/into sth/sb: to hit or knock against a sth accidentally(碰撞;与相撞)1) In the dark, I bumped into a chair.2) In the accident, the car bumped into a big tree.3) In a hurry, she almost knock into the boy playing in the street.造句:_9. bump into sb: to meet by chance (偶然看见)1) Ed was surprised to bump into John at the football game.2) Mary was walking down the street, when she suddenly bump into Joan.3) I bumped into your mother in the supermarket yesterday.造句:_以下内容课堂上完成,不必提前做Step 3 Consolidations and Output 1. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given words.particular, entertaining, overcome, failure, difficulty, direct, fortunate, whisper1) I am just back from a tiring journey and have nothing _to do this evening.2) He _his fear of heights and followed the others to the top of the mountain.3) Black Horse is a (n) _book for children. They find it very amusing and interesting.4) Zhangyimou is a famous director. He _a lot of films.5) You are _enough to have had the help and guidance from such an experienced teacher.6) I did not dare to speak aloud or even _to Alice in such a quiet reading room.2. Complete the following sentences with the right forms of the phrases in the following badly off, he content with, knock into/against, in search of, star in, bump into1) Do you like the man and woman who _the sad but very moving film Titanic?2) I _ not _ beautiful dreams al all I want beautiful realities.3) As soon as we left the bus, we hurried into downtown _ a good and cheap hotel.4) Believe it or not! I _ an old friend whom I hadnt seen for years when I was in Europe.5) In a hurry, Xiaowei _ his leg _a table and got black and blue.6) Do you think the rich should try harder to help those who are much _?3. Choose at least three different words to make sentences. Try your best! (提示:选择至少三个不同词性的词造句,考考你的灵活运用能力!)NounVerbAdjectiveAdverbhumour comedycontent performermoustache failureleather Switzerlandgesture occasionactress slidepancake explanationdetective whispermess porridgecontent astonishentertain overcomechew convincedirect gesturebudget slideamuse whisperreact feel/be content with pick out cut off star incontent astonishingfortunate ordinarybored homelessworn convincingdirect outstandingparticular mountainous vastdrunkbadly offunfortunatelythroughoutparticularlyup to nowExamples:performer + be content with + astonishing The performer wasnt content with his performance though we all think it was very astonishing. _


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