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人教版第九中学2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I like the story and its interesting A . really;realB . really;reallyC . real;reallyD . real;real2. (2分)He has two sons. They are Jim and Tom. Jim is Toms brother.A . oldB . olderC . elderD . young3. (2分)Mike _ the bookshop. I have to wait for him. A . went toB . was inC . has been toD . has gone to4. (2分)Do you think these old houses should _?No! Wed better try to decorate them well!A . take downB . be taking downC . be taken downD . have taken down5. (2分)He of medium height and he blonde hair.A . is; isB . has; hasC . is; hasD . has; is6. (2分)Its bad for health to hurry to move into a house _ has new furniture in it.A . whoB . whereC . that7. (2分)Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.A . walk, talkingB . entering, to talkC . walking, to talkD . walking, talking8. (2分)Oh, what a bad memory I have! I forgot your umbrella. _. It is sunny. I dont need it today.A . Never mindB . Youre welcomeC . No problemD . All right9. (2分)Buy some food, or you _ hungry. A . are beingB . will beC . wont beD . are10. (2分)David,if you learn Chinese a different way, you wont get bored A . onB . forC . byD . in11. (2分)Jack is still working to high standards _ he has made great achievements A . untilB . ifC . thoughD . Because12. (2分)Listen! Someone at the door. Please go and answer it. A . knocksB . is knockingC . has knockedD . was knocking13. (2分)Write down my phone number here you wont forget it A . as long asB . unlessC . so thatD . because14. (2分)We have art _ Friday.A . inB . onC . atD . to15. (2分) _? I have a fever. A . How often do you exerciseB . Whats the matterC . Where are you goingD . What do you do二、 完形填空 (共2题;共22分)16. (10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。This is my1. How do you like it? I like it very much. Its always tidy. You can see a map of China and2 pictures on the walls. My classmates and I draw(画)the pictures. We have a soccer in 3classroom, but you cant see it. Its under the4 desk.Our teachers are always very5. They do many things every day. We have our lessons6 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon.7, we like playing games. Soccer is my favorite. My classmates like to play8 with me because I can play it very well. Then in the evening, we have two more classes. I like to be with my classmates. I9 a good time with them every day.10 about you? Do you like your classroom?(1)A . family B . classroom C . friend D . bedroom (2)A . some B . much C . a D . an (3)A . his B . their C . our D . your (4)A . teachers B . teachers C . teacher D . teacherss (5)A . busy B . happy C . fun D . free (6)A . for B . from C . at D . in (7)A . But B . After that C . Because D . So (8)A . soccer B . basketball C . volleyball D . tennis (9)A . has B . dont have C . have D . doesnt have (10)A . Why B . What C . When D . Where 17. (12分) When I was in the sixth grade, one day my teacher asked our class to think about the question “What does doing the right thing mean to you?” over the weekend. We could talk to our parents or anyone else we thought might have a good answer. 1 Monday, we were to hand in an essay(论文) on it, and be prepared to live up to our 2.The entire weekend, I was trying to 3 something that would impress my teacher and be easy to live by. I talked to my parents, called my grandmother and asked my neighbor. Everyone had good answers, but I didnt feel like I could live up to them.On Sunday afternoon, my parents said they were going to my Aunt Cindys house. That usually4 that I would have to entertain my four-year-old cousin Andrea5 my parents visited. I found a Disney movie for Andrea, and then I sat down and started to write my essay. It was due(到期的)the next morning and this was my last 6 .Soon I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Andrea. “What are you doing?” Andrea asked. “I have to write an essay about what doing the right thing means to me.” I answered. Andrea laughed. Could this smart four-year-old7know the answer? “Thats easy,” she said. “Doing the right thing means being nice to your family and friends. Never lie. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Take a bath when youre 8 . And never put rocks in your mouth.”I stared with great 9 at my little cousin. Then I jumped up and gave her the biggest hug. Not only had Andrea answered a very tough question for me, but I could easily live by 10of her answers. All I had to do was to be nice, not to lie, to keep myself clean and healthy, and never put rocks in my mouth. So when I wrote my essay, I 11 the story about Andrea and how she had answered my question.Two weeks later, my teacher returned everyones essays. I 12 an A+ along with a little note my teacher had written at the top: “Always do the right thing and give Andrea an A+, too!”(1)A . By B . Over C . About D . For (2)A . answers B . plans C . advice D . information (3)A . look through B . keep on C . make up of D . come up with (4)A . left B . meant C . decided D . explained (5)A . since B . because C . while D . before (6)A . task B . chance C . step D . choice (7)A . quickly B . normally C . seriously D . possibly (8)A . dirty B . tired C . sleepy D . unhappy (9)A . pride B . fear C . surprise D . worry (10)A . any B . all C . some D . none (11)A . read B . found C . included D . returned (12)A . prepared B . expected C . introduced D . received 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)18. (10分)阅读理解 No matter where a video game is played, on a handheld device(装置), the Internet or the television, too much gaming is a bad thing. Playing too many video games is a problem for kids and there are many signs that show the negative(消极的) influences. If young people are always thinking about when they can play a video game, that is a sign that they have lost themselves in it. If they give up other hobbies that they used to love, that is also a problem. Many kids who choose to spend all their free time playing video games will make up ways to play the game instead of communicating with others. Leaving sports teams or clubs, refusing to go outside to play with friends, and choosing to stay home from birthday parties are all signs that video games have taken over the childs attention. In addition to negative behaviours, there are health problems from playing too many video games. If video game players skip meals or lose sleep because they stayed up too late playing games, this can negatively influence their health. Sitting in front of a game for more than two hours a day instead of getting up and being active can result in childhood obesity(肥胖症). Moreover, backaches, headaches and strained(紧张的) eyes can be caused by playing too many video games. (1)The writer thinks _ is a problem for kids that causes negative influences. A . watching too much TVB . buying many handheld devicesC . chatting too much onlineD . playing video games too often(2)If a child is crazy about video games, he or she may _. A . keep thinking of playing themB . play outdoors instead of staying homeC . like to hold parties with friendsD . eat more than he or she usually does(3)What kind of problem will video game addiction(成瘾) cause according to the passage? A . Higher chance of foot pain.B . Longer time of sleep.C . Lower speed of heartbeats.D . Less interest in exercise.(4)What is the main idea of the passage? A . How to avoid playing video games.B . The signs and the harm of video game addition.C . Reasons of stop making video games.D . What happens to children without enough exercise.(5)You may find this passage in _ . A . a newspaperB . a fashion magazineC . a storybookD . a guidebook19. (10分) Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. In fact, American schools also have their rules. If students break(违背) the rules, they will get punishment(惩罚), too. On the first day of a new term, 128 students of Morton High School were sent back home for wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether(总共)1,200 students in the school. Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster(校长)Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she had ever seen.At Morton High School, students favorite clothes such as wide pants and low-necked shirts are not allowed( 允许). Some students think they have the right to choose what to wear, but the headmaster doesnt think so.“ Id be supportive if half the school was sent back home ,because 99% will get the message that our school is for education”“Freedom” doesnt mean “free of restrictions(限制性规定)”. That is to say, there is no total(完全的) freedom in the world, no matter in the US or in China.(1)Many Chinese students think that American student_.A . are very free at schoolB . as clever as themC . love their school a lotD . have many rules at school(2)Some students of Morton High School were sent back home for_.A . not finishing their homeworkB . playing computer gamesC . not wearing the right clothesD . being late for school(3)Some students in Morton High School thinks they have the right(权利) to_.A . decide when to go to schoolB . choose what to wear to schoolC . eat and drink in classD . decide how to go to school(4)The underlined( 划线的 ) word means“_ ” in Chinese.A . 高兴的B . 支持的C . 害怕的D . 反对的(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . In America, if students break the school rules, they wont get any punishment.B . In Morton High School, there are usually 128 students breaking the school dress rulesC . The writer doesnt think there is freedom in AmericaD . The writer doesnt think there is total freedom in the world.20. (5分)阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。March 20th is World Water Day every year. According to a report from the United Nations, more than half of the worlds major rivers have serious water loss and are polluted.The Yellow River, the worlds fifth longest river, watered some of the oldest farms on earth._Its source(源头)on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is drying up. In most of the past 35 years, it didnt reach the sea.The Nile in Egypt, running 6, 650 km, is the longest river in the world._Now it is down to 2 billion m or so. Australias Murray River reaches the sea only every other year. One fifth of Americas Rio Grande has no water, either._Mostly its damming(筑坝)and global warming that make rivers dry._Now about 45, 000 of them lie across the worlds rivers. They hold back around 15% of the worlds fresh water from running to the sea._Warmer weather takes water away. The glacier(冰川)are becoming smaller. The source of the Yellow River is drying up because of it. Global warming has had certain effects on water sources. Droughts (干旱) happening around the world make people pay more attention to this fact.A. Dams provide fields with water and make power.B. How does it happen?C. It used to carry 32 billion m of water a year.D. But now it has a serious problem.E. Global warming is making things worse.21. (8分)阅读理解 When I was young, I lived in Scotland with my parents. I had a good time there. One morning, I ran to the garden, and said to the old Scotsman who worked there. Today I am going up the mountain for berries.No, no, Missey, not today. he said, It will rain.No, it will not rain. I said, The sun is up. The cook says it will be fine. The glass in the hall does not say rain.Tuts, tuts. said the old man, I care for no suns, or cooks, or glasses. The pimpernel (海绿) says it will rain, and so it will rain. Flowers, Missey, always tell the truth. When they say rain, go and get your umbrella.Sure enough, by noon the rain was pouring down. After that, I looked with great respect at the tiny flower, sometimes brickred, sometimes blue, which could tell about the weather. But the pimpernel is not the only plant that is a weather prophet. If you go into the garden, and find the African marigolds shut after seven oclock in the morning, you may be pretty sure that there will be a rainy day. There is a little single marigold which shuts up in a hurry if the sky becomes clouded. It is called the rainy-marigold. Most plants which we call weather prophets shut up for rain. But some plants open for rain. The cause of the opening and closing is probably the difference in light. Most likely these plants shut their flowers because there is too little light. But you know there are some plants which become smaller in a strong light and love the shade. You will find that most shade-loving plants, as the verbenas, do not close for rain. Lilies, tulips and other flowers that love the sun shut for rain. Tulips are careful not to open their cups very wide in the morning if it is likely to rain. The roses make no change. They seem not to fear wet. On the whole, you may be pretty sure, if you go into your garden, and find many flowers as tulips, marigolds and morning glories shut, it will be a stormy day, unfit for picnics or long walks. (1)The plants which are weather prophets . A . become smaller in a strong lightB . tell about the weatherC . open for rain and fear lightD . love shade and wet(2)You can go out for a picnic when . A . the morning glories and lilies do not shutB . the African marigolds shut after 7:00 a. m.C . die pimpernels open wide in the daytimeD . the roses and tulips shut in the sunshine(3)What do we know from the passage? A . The flowers have four ways to help people to get information about weather.B . The glass in the hall has magic for the writers family to know about weather.C . We can know about weather by keeping many roses at home or in the garden.D . Missey will probably know about weather by watching flowers from now on.(4)The passage is mainly about . A . watching flowers carefully before going outB . learning to watch flowers from the old ScotsmanC . the importance of growing flowers in the gardenD . the relationship between some flowers and weather四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)The man is just beginning to _ (从事) law. 23. (1分)I went to Lindas party last night and I_(过得愉快)24. (1分)If you have a toothache, you should see the d_. 25. (1分)The boy was _(punish) because he broke the game rules.26. (1分)Were planning to take a _(假期) to Sanya. 五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)补全对话A: Good morning, Tina. Long time no see!_?B: Yeah, I went to Beijing last month.A: Great! And are you free now?B: Yes._?A: I am going to make some plans about the summer vacation. Can you give me some advice?B:_How about going to volunteer in the Old Peoples Home?A:_Can you join with me?B: OK! I think we will have a good time. Oh, I have to finish my homework now. See you later!A:_六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)根据短文理解,完成填空My grandmother is over eighty years old. She always complains about how greatly things have changed, and she often says that life used to be better.Families arent families the way they used to be. If a husband and wife are having problem with their marriage, they dont stay together any more. They choose to divorce. Mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now everyone is busy working; no one has time to look after children at home.And the cars! No one walk any more; people get richer and richer, and more and more people buy cars and drive. We used to walk five miles to school every day, even in winter. But now children dont.And in school, children dont have to think any more. When I was at school, I used to add, subtract, multiply and divide using my head in math class, but now, children use calculators instead.Most families have computers and TVs now. In the past we didnt have computers or TVs, we spent a lot of time talking with our family members. But now, people are too busy to talk to each other. If they have time, theyd watch TV or surf the Internet rather than talk to family members. They are even too busy to eat and think.Life used to be simple, but it isnt any more.Information CardUsed toNowFamilyMothers used to stay at home and _Everyone is busy workingTransportationOn foot_StudyUsing heads to do math exercisesUsing _ insteadLifeTalking with _ a lotWatching TV or _Instead.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假定你是初三(3)班长张海。你班将在12月23号晚上在本班教室里开圣诞晚会。请给你们的外教老师John写一封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:介绍晚会内容;告知到达时间;请John准备表演。注意:词数80左右;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Nathan,Im Zhang Hai, monitor of Class 3 .Im happy to tell youLooking forward to your reply! 第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共22分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共33分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27-1、六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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