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一. 教学内容:Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.二. 学习目标:1. 掌握“be (not) supposed to”的结构及用法。2. 熟悉不同国家的礼仪风俗。3. 了解世界各国的文化,在生活中做个有心人及有礼有节之人。三. 教学重点难点:句型“be supposed to do ”及本模块中的一些重点短语四. 重点词和短语:1. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事2. shake hands with sb. 和某人握手3. for the first time 第一次4. bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬5. should have done sth. 过去应该做某事(但实际未做)【即学即用】You what your teacher said yesterday, but you didnt.A. should remember B. should have remembered C. would remember6. be important to sb. 对某人重要7. be relaxed about sth. 对放松8. drop by 顺便拜访visit sb. 拜访9. after all 毕竟10. make plans to do sth. 制定计划做某事11. without doing sth. 没有做某事12. The first thing is to greet the teacher. 第一件事是问候老师.13. table / good / bad manners 餐桌礼仪/有礼貌/不礼貌14. at the table / at table 在桌旁 / 在进餐15. pick up your bowl 端起你的饭碗pick up 拣起,拾起【即学即用】My friends father quickly some rubbish and went outside.A. pick up B. picked up C. pick out D. picked out16. point at / to 指向17. there is no reason to do sth. 没有理由做某事18. go out of ones way to do sth. 特地做某事19. make sb. feel at home 使某人感到不拘束20. be different from 与不同21. make a toast 敬酒22. older people 长辈23. give compliments 称赞24. make appointments 约会25. behave differently 表现不同26. begin with 从开始27. not but 不是,而是28. Questions crowded my mind. 我满脑子都是疑问。29. e-mail English 电子英语邮件spoken / written English 英语口语/ 书面英语30. e-mail chatline 网上聊天热线31. have online conversations with friends 和朋友上网聊天32. get bored 感到烦恼33. show the emotion you are feeling把你正感觉着的感情表现出来34. combine sth. to sth. 把sth.和sth.结合35. cant stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事36. learn by oneself/ teach oneself 自学【即学即用】Who taught French?Nobody. She learned all by .A. herself; her B. she; herself C. her; herself D. her; she37. at the proper time 在适当的时候38. send a message to sb. on a mobile phone用手机发短信息给某人39. be pleased with 对满意五. 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1. Youre supposed to shake hands. 你们应该握手。(标题)be supposed to用来表示根据规定或按照法律人们不得不做的事,或期待将要发生的事,与should相似,后面也是接动词原形。否定形式在be动词后加not,常表示禁止做某事。Were supposed to make no noise in class. 在课堂上我们不该发出噪音。Were supposed to start work at 8:00 every morning.我们应该每天早晨八点开始工作。This is secret and Im not supposed to talk about it. 这是秘密,我不应该谈论。2. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us. 与家人和朋友共度时光对我们来说非常重要。(Section A, 3a)Spending time with family and friends 是动名词短语,在本句中作主语。动名词(短语)作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。如果是并列的动名词(短语)作主句时,谓语动词用复数形式。Reading in bed is not good for your eyes. 在床上看书对你的眼睛不好。Reading and writing take me a lot of time. 读书写作花了我不少时间。3. Were the land of watches, after all! 毕竟我们这里是手表王国。(Section A, 3a)句中的land意为“国土”,“国家”。它还可以表示 “陆地”,与河流和海洋相对;也可以表示“土地”,可耕种的田地就叫做land。We traveled by land until we reached the sea.我们沿陆路旅行,直到看见大海。All the waste land in this area has been opened up.这个地区的荒地全被开垦了。知识拓展与“土地”,“地”相关的词语还有earth, soil和ground。 earth意为“地”,“地球”,“泥土”。它着重指“大地”,区别于“天空”。The earth moves round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。 soil意为“土地”,“土壤”,尤指生长植物的土地。The soil is very thin in the forest.森林里的土层非常薄。 ground意为“地”,“地面”,主要指大地表面。不论是泥地,沙地或水泥地,均可用这个词表示;也可以用来指运动场地。The ground is covered with leaves in the woods.树林里的地面上落满了树叶。4. Youre not supposed to make noise while eating noodles. 吃面条的时候你不应该弄出响声来。(Section B, 2b)句中的while eating noodles是while接从句的省略形式,该句的完整形式是while you are eating noodles。由while和when引导的时间状语从句,如果主语和主句的主语相同,从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。While/When (she was)leaving the house, she was heard to make some commonplace remark to her husb.and.有人听到她在离开房间时同他的丈夫寒暄。5. Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks. 用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的。(Section B, 2b)本句是主系表结构,不定式短语是真正的主语,it是形式主语。句中的point意为“指”,“指向”,常构成短语point at, point to和point out。point to和point at都含有“指着”的意思,两者一般可以互换。The teacher is pointing at/to the map on the wall.老师指着墙上的地图。但主语是事物时,一般用point to作谓语。point at可以分开使用,即point后直接跟名词或代词作宾语,再跟介词at表示方向,意为“把指向”,而point to却不能分开使用。The soldier pointed his gun at the doctor.士兵用枪指着医生。point out意为“指出”,其中out是副词。如果它后面的宾语是代词,则必须把该宾语放在out之前。Please point out the mistakes in my composition.请指出我作文中的错误。Luckily,the man knew Mr Green and pointed him out to us.幸好这个人认识格林先生,于是便把他指给我们看。【即学即用】The enemy pointed him with a gun, but he wasnt afraid.A. at B. in C. on D. towardsIts not polite to people.A. hang out B. drop by C. pick up D. point to 6. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to. 虽然我还是出了不少错,但它(法语)不像以前那样让我烦恼。(Section B, 3a)mistake意为“错误”,“过失”,可数名词,常指由于认识,理解或判断上的失误造成行为或看法上的错误,也指因粗心,疏忽,技术不熟练等而犯的错误。通常与make连用构成make mistakes / a mistake“出错”,“犯错误”。Anyone can make a mistake. 人人都会犯错误。He only made two mistakes in grammar today. 他今天只犯了两个语法错误。bother 意思是“烦扰,打扰”,常用作及物动词。Hot weather bothers me. 炎热的天气使我烦恼。7. .your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test!如果你在测试中用电子邮件英语,老师会不高兴的。(Reading)please“使高兴”,相关词语有pleased, pleasure与pleasant。Does the cloth please you?这布料合你的意吗?The Emperor was pleased by what the Minister told him about the cloth.听了大臣关于布料的禀报,皇帝非常高兴。【友情链接】这四个词都有“满意”,“高兴”的意思,但词性和用法不相同。 please是动词,可用作及物动词或不及物动词,表示“(使)高兴,满意,愉快”。 pleased是过去分词,意为“感到高兴(满意)”,其作用相当于形容词,常与be连用,后接介词at, with, by等引起的短语,还可接动词不定式或that从句。 pleasure是名词,表示“高兴”,“快乐”,“娱乐”时,为不可数名词;表示“乐趣,高兴的事”时,为可数名词。如:It is one of my greatest pleasures.它是我最大的乐趣之一。pleasant是形容词,意为“使人感到愉快(满意)”,一般用作定语。如主语指物,也可用作表语。六. 语法:be supposed to do 句型大练兵be supposed to do 常用来表示被要求、希望做某事,含有必须、应该或理应做某事的意义,常意为“理应;被期望”,相当于should。be supposed to do时态、人称和数的变化在动词be上体现,to为动词不定式符号,后面接动词原形。【典型例题】否定句练兵You are supposed to tell her this bad news. (改为否定句)You tell her this bad news. 【融会贯通】be supposed to do的否定句式,即在be动词后加not。此时相当于should not或be not allowed to do,意为“不应当做;不被许可做”。应填写:arent supposed to。疑问句练兵1. He is supposed to get there at six oclock. (改为一般疑问句) he get there at six oclock?2. Bill is supposed to call his father as soon as possible. (对划线部分提问) Bill as soon as possible?【融会贯通】be supposed to do转化为一般疑问句式时,直接将be的相应形式提到主语前。第2题考查特殊疑问句。应填写:1. Is; supposed to 2. What is; supposed to do。同义句练兵Parents should let their children know some good manners. (改为同义句)Parents let their children know some good manners. 【融会贯通】be supposed to do意为“理应、应该”,与should同义。应填写:are supposed to。主动句练兵Mr Wang is supposed to be the best teacher in our school. (改为主动语态)We Mr Wang the best teacher in our school. 【融会贯通】sb. / sth. be supposed to be其主动形式为“suppose sb. / sth. to be形容词/名词”,意思是“认为某人/某事”。应填写:suppose; to be。中考聚焦考点1. be supposed to do You ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. (2007广东茂名) A. supposed that B. are supposed to C. are wanted人们初次见面时应该握手。(2007山东烟台) People are when they meet for the first time.【要点简析】be supposed to do 意为“理应 / 被期望 / 应该做”。shake hands 为固定短语,意为“握手”。 选B。填写:supposed to shake hands。考点2. 区别used to与 be / get used to He used to in the sun, but now he is used to at night.(2007甘肃兰州) A. read; read B. reading; read C. read; reading D. reading; reading迈克过去常常睡懒觉,但现在他习惯于早起。 (2007山东烟台) Mike to late, but now he used to up early.【要点简析】used to “过去常常”,to为动词不定式符号,后面接动词原形; be / get used to “习惯于”,to为介词,后面接 v-ing形式、名词、代词。选C。填写:used; sleep; is / gets; getting。考点3. finditadj.to do sth.Most young people find exciting to watch a football match. (2007甘肃兰州) A. it B. this C. that D. one 我们发现学习团队精神对青少年很重要。 (2007四川乐山) We find important for us teenagers learn team spirit.【要点简析】find 后面接复合宾语,其结构为“finditadj.to do sth.”。其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的动词不定式短语to do sth.,形容词作宾语补足语。选A。填写:it; to。考点4. Itsadj.for / of sb.to do sth.Its very nice pictures for me. (2007天津) A. of you to draw B. for you to draw C. for you drawing D. of you drawingMany people think its very important us learn English well. (2007贵州贵阳) A. for; to B. to; to C. with; for 【要点简析】选用of 还是for,要根据形容词的性质来确定。句型Itsadj.for sb.to do sth. 意为“对于某人来说,做某事”。其中的形容词通常表示客观情况。如:easy, hard, difficult, important, necessary, impossible, interesting等。句型Itsadj.of sb.to do sth.意为“某人能做某事真是太了”。其中的形容词通常表示主观情感或态度。如:good, kind, nice, wise, clever, foolish, right, wrong, careful, careless等。选A。选A。 考点5. relaxedHow nice the music sounds!It does! The peaceful music will make you feel . (2007湖北武汉)A. excited B. bored C. moved D. relaxed直到考试结束,学生们才会觉得放松。 (2007辽宁省十二市) The students until the exam is over.【要点简析】relaxed为形容词,意为“放松的;宽松的;轻松自在的”,在句中可作表语或定语。选D。填写:wont be relaxed。【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)I. 单项选择1. Dont point anyone your chopsticks. Its not polite.A. at; by B. at; with C. to; by D. out; with2. People in Colombia are very relaxed time. A. about B. for C. of D. with3. Its to stick your chopsticks into your food. A. rude B. clever C. strange D. polite4. I find difficult to finish the work on time. We only have three hours left. A. it B. that C. this D. its 5. Do you know this car is? It belongs to Miss Li. A. where B. who C. whose D. what6. Youre supposed to your bowl while eating in this country. A. put up B. get up C. pick up D. hand in7. If you get into trouble, you can your teacher help. A. turn; to B. ask; for C. help; with D. look; for 8. Do you often your friends home on your way home? Yes, we do. A. drop by B. visit to C. come at D. come over 9. He used to very late, but now he is used to early. A. get up; getting up B. get up; get up C. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up10. I was made at home in my host family. A. to feel B. feel C. feeling D. felt11. Its impolite to make noise while noodles in some countries. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. ate12. Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Wang. . A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well B. Im glad you enjoyed it C. Come again when you are free D. Its not necessary for you to say so13. You must come on time if someone you for dinner. A. will invite B. invited C. invite D. invites14. Who helped you with your English? ! I learned it all by myself. A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. Everybody15. Can you tell us the things we are supposed to do? A. what B. if C. how D. that II. 完形填空There are many differences between Chinese and Western eating habits. In the West, everyone has their own 16 of food. But in China the dishes are 17 on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, there must be 18 food prepared for you. Chinese are very 19 of their culture and will do their best to show their hospitality(好客).And sometimes the Chinese host use their 20 to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The proper thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how 21 it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite “Thanks” and leave the food there. Dont 22 your chopsticks upright into the rice bowl. Instead, lay(放置) them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody 23 , the shrine(神祠)to them has a bowl of sand or rice with two chopsticks which are stuck upright in it. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout(壶嘴)is facing 24 somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward(向外)from the table.Dont hit on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars(乞丐)hit on their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, when the food is coming too 25 in a restaurant, people will tap their bowls. If you are someones home, it is like offending the cook. 16. A. table B. plate C. favorite D. meal 17. A. made B. cooked C. eaten D. placed18. A. a bit of B. a bit C. a lot of D. a little19. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. certain20. A. knives B. forks C. hands D. chopsticks 21. A. delicious B. beautiful C. terrible D. comfortable22. A. fall B. throw C. knock D. stick23. A. comes B. goes C. dies D. lives24. A. against B. towards C. over D. above 25. A. often B. early C. slow D. fast III. 阅读理解AIn Canada and the United States, people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and conversation.Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home: “Would you like to come over for dinner Saturday night?” “Hey, were having a party on Friday. Can you come?” To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept, or say youre sorry and give an excuse: “Thanks. Id love to. What time would you like me to come?” or “ Oh sorry. Ive tickets for a movie.” Sometimes, however, people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations. For example: “Please come over for a drink sometime.” “Why not get together for a party sometime?” “Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon?” They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation. They are not real invitations because they dont mention a specific time or date. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. To reply to expressions like these, people just say “Sure, that would be great!” or “OK. Yes, thanks.” So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?26. Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home because . A. they can save time B. they can spend less money C. they enjoy entertaining at home D. they have modern and beautiful houses 27. If people say “Lets get together for lunch some day”, you just say “ ” A. That would be nice. B. How about this weekend? C. Oh, sorry. Im very busy D. Thats great. Ill be there on time28. People use an unreal invitation in order to show that . A. theyre trying to be friendly B. theyre trying to be helpful C. theyre trying to make friends with others D. they havent got ready for a party yet.29. Which of the following is a real invitation? A. “If youre free, lets go for a drink sometime.” B. “Please go to the cinema with me some day.” C. “Would you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime?” D. “Ive two tickets here. Can you go to the concert with me?”30. The passage is mainly about . A. entertainment at home B. real invitations or not C. expressions to start a conversation D. ways of ending a conversation BJust like Chinese, Westerners give gifts on many occasions(场合), such as on birthdays of good friends, at Christmas and some other holidays. Although gifts are always welcome, it is not necessary to exchange gifts at any time. They exchange gifts only among good friends.Usually when you are invited to dinner, you neednt bring a gift except on special occasions, for example, when you are going to be a weekend guest. If you wish to bring something, the gifts should always be small, simple and cheap. You might bring some sweets or some small toys for the children, or a book, some flowers, a bottle of wine, etc. for the host. If you want to make your gifts special, you can bring some Chinese tea, Chinese paintings, Chinese papercuts(剪纸)or other things like that, or even you can cook Chinese dish and bring it with you.Westerners prefer to open a gift at once, and admire it. They would thank you and make some comment(评论)about the gifts beauty so that you know they like your gift very much.31. The Westerners . A. never exchange gifts B. exchange gifts at any time C. exchange gifts among good friends D. dont like gifts at all 32. In this passage, the underlined word “admire” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 感谢 B. 欣赏 C. 收藏 D. 包装33. You can bring for the children if you are invited in the West. A. some sweets B. some flowers C. a book D. any of the above34. If you are asked to have a dinner in the West on weekends, . A. you should bring a gift B. you are supposed to buy some toys for the children. C. you need to buy something expensive as a gift. D. you must bring something special for the host as a gift35. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. Bringing a gift is very necessary if you visit your friends. B. The things made in China are a special gift in the West. C. Westerners like to open gifts at once. D. If you want to send a gift, a small one is OK.C阅读下面短文,把四个句子填入文中空缺处(36-39),使短文完整正确,然后完成第40题。Different countries have different customs in giving gifts.36 Its because the pronunciation of “sending a clock” in Chinese ( song zhong ) means “death” . Also, dont wrap a gift in white, black or blue paper, because these are the colors for funerals. 37 In Russia if we give flowers as a gift, we have to give an odd number of them ( one, three, five, etc.) because even number of flowers ( two, four, six, etc.) are for funerals.In Germany flowers are good gifts to take your dinner hostess. 38 Dont take “thirteen” of anything because its an unlucky number. 39 Dont wrap your gifts in white, brown or black paper.A. Dont take an even number of anything, either.B. In China you must never send a clock to a Chinese person.C. But only if someone is in love with her, he may take her good roses.D. Dont give a knife, because something sharp(锋利的)can cut the friendship. 40. Whats the best title for the passage?A. How to Give Flowers B. Customs of Giving GiftsC. Giving Flowers or Not? D. Numbers and GiftsIV. 用方框内所给短语的恰当形式填空。after all, begin with, cut up, drop by, pick up, be used to, make noise, shake hands, learn by oneself, go out of ones way41. My uncle Chinese .42. A journey always the first step. 43. This machine can the vegetables. 44. Bill reading newspapers over breakfast.45. Please dont . The students are taking an exam.46. The driver to offer me a lift.47. Its impolite to friends homes without calling first in Switzerland.48. You shouldnt beat him, but tell him why , he is a child.49. You can wave your hands to them instead of with them. 50. To keep your classroom clean, please waste paper whenever you see it. V. 根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。51. He left saying a word.52. The customs here are quite different ours.53. Today she saw the Great Wall the first time.54. You shouldnt point anyone with your chopsticks.55. Everyone likes children good manners.VI. 书面表达 Tony是你的一个美国朋友,他在给你的一封电子邮件中说他被邀请到一个中国家庭做客。这是他初次到中国,不太懂中国的餐桌礼仪,向你咨询。你要给他提出什么建议呢?请你以张明的名义给他写一封电子邮件。词数80左右。Dear Tony,The custom in our country is very different from yours.

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