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冀教版2019-2020年英语中考英语模拟试卷(三十五)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)1. (8分)根据广告内容选择最佳答案。Look at the ads(广告). You may find something you need.Xinxing travel agency.Five-day trip to Zhangjiajie.By train.five-star hotel.Call Miss Li at 5678-9324 for more information.Guitar lessons.Music teacher.Good at teaching kids from 5 to 10 years of age.Call Mary at 8769-9870.Babysitter(临时保姆) wanted.A 2-year-old baby.At my home.From 8: 00am to 5: 00 pm.A lady who is less than 45 years old.Be kind to kids.Call Mr. Johnson at 4563-8127.(1)Who can teach children to play the guitar? A . Miss Li.B . Mary.C . Mr. Johnson.D . Lisa.(2)What number should you call if you want to go to Zhangjiajie? A . 5678-9324.B . 5817-9314.C . 4563-8127.D . 8769-9870.(3)Where will the babysitter work? A . At the babysitters home.B . At a ladys home.C . At Miss Lis home.D . At Mr. Johnsons home.(4)If you go to Zhangjiajie with Xinxing Travel Agency on October 30, when will you come back? A . October 31.B . November 1.C . November 2.D . November 3.2. (8分)阅读理解Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations (火车站) are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one .You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.(1)Why do many people like to travel by plane? A . Because it is fast.B . Because it is safe.C . Because you can walk around in the plane.D . Because you can choose the food.(2)Which is NOT the good thing about the train? A . It is safe.B . It takes a little more time.C . You can open the windows.D . You can walk around in the train.(3)If you want to take a lot of things with you, how do you go out? A . By busB . By car.C . By trainD . By ship(4)What does the writer think of the plane,train and car? A . He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.B . He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.C . He likes to take a car because he has a car.D . He likes taking the train, plane and car3. (10分)阅读理解BPaul:Good morning, AlanAlan:Good morning, PaulLook at that boyI never(从未)saw him beforePaul:The boy in the blue jacket?Alan:No. The boy is in redHe is playing baseballPaul:Oh, he is a new student in my classHis name is Mike SmithAlan:He plays well!Paul:Yes, he is on the baseball team(队). His father is good at it, tooAlan:Is his father a baseball player(运动员)?Paul:No, he is a doctorAlan:What about his mother?Paul:His mother is an English teacher in our school. She is niceAlan:When did they come to Shanghai?Paul:Last month. They will live here for a year and then go to BeijingAlan:You know a lot about MikePaul:Yes. We re good friends根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)What is Mike doing? A . He is runningB . He is swimmingC . He is playing baseballD . He is playing basketball(2)Who works in the school? A . Mikes uncleB . Mikes brotherC . Mikes motherD . Mikes father(3)Mike is in _ now A . BeijingB . ShanghaiC . GuangzhouD . Shenzhen(4)Mike and Paul are_ A . brothersB . cousinsC . on the same teamD . in the same class(5)下列哪项陈述是正确的? A . There are four people in Mikes familyB . Alan meets Mike for the first timeC . Paul and Alan are classmatesD . Mike is in a blue jacket4. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。CParents should stop blaming(责备) themselves because theres not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.Ive seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son, right from a child, should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman. I saw him last week when I called round. Sprawling(懒散地躺) himself on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me. His mother was ashamed. I dont know what to do with him these days, she said. Hes forgotten all the manners we taught him.He hasnt forgotten them. Hes just decided that hes not going to use them. She said that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say, I dont like your dress. Its ugly. One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school. The other has left home.Where did we go wrong? her parents are now very sad. Probably nowhere much. At least, no more than the rest of that unfortunate race, parents.(1)We can read this passage in _.A . an advertisementB . a story book C . a magazineD . an entertainment newspaper(2)This text is most probably written by _.A . a doctor for physical health problemsB . a headmaster of a middle schoolC . a parent with teenage childrenD . a specialist in teenager studies(3)The underlined word it in the second paragraph refers to _.A . the advice that parents want their children to followB . the change from good to bad thats seen in a childC . the opinion that a child has of his parentsD . the way that parents often blame themselves(4)From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters _.A . pay no attention to themB . feel helpless to do much about themC . have come to hate themD . are too busy to look after them(5)What is the authors opinion about the sudden change in teenage children?A . Parents should work more closely with school teachers.B . Parents should still pay more attention to the change.C . Parents have no choice but to try to accept it.D . Parents go wrong in changing their children.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)完形填空Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “Im going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very1and he did not get in.Then he said, “Im going to2a small boat and Im going around the world.” But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough3Last summer Mike found a swimming4near his house. The lessons did not cost very5and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having6. Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him, “Youre a very good swimmer. How do7learn to swim so well?”“Im not good at all,” Mike said and he smiled. “8Im in the water, I say to myself, “There are 9fishes behind me!” Then Im very afraid, and I10quickly.”(1)A . big B . beautiful C . good D . strong (2)A . buy B . make C . borrow D . draw (3)A . food B . work C . time D . money (4)A . park B . school C . farm D . factory (5)A . much B . little C . many D . any (6)A . meals B . lessons C . talks D . games (7)A . I B . they C . we D . you (8)A . If B . When C . Though D . Where (9)A . interesting B . nice C . dangerous D . different (10)A . run B . jump C . swim D . fly 三、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)Lily wants to be a(n)_when she grows up. (art) 四、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的 (共11题;共23分)7. (1分)The naughty boy _ (admit) breaking the window.8. (1分)Lin Tao is one of my_(good) friends. He is always kind and helpful.9. (1分)Vegetarians are the persons who never _(eat) meat.10. (1分)Her_(梦想)is to be a policewoman when she grows up. 11. (1分)There are f_ people in the art club, eighteen girls and twenty-two boys. 12. (1分)Behind this touching story l_ the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. 13. (1分)We eat with chopsticks while Westerners eat with k_ and forks.14. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词Many books can tell you how to eat _ (好). What do you often do to keep _ (健康的)?I found my lost basketball _ (在下面) the bed.How many _ (人) are there in your family?Who can _ (回答) this question, please?15. (1分)Mr Wang _(enter) a competition last year.16. (5分)按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。birthday(复数)_ chick(鸡肉)_does not缩写)_ is(原形)_do(第三人称单数)_17. (5分)随着课改的深入,我们的课堂发生了很大的变化。同学们组成学习小组,一起讨论,一起学习。请你写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍小组学习的好处。提示:1. 有利于同学之间互相学习、取长补短;互相鼓励和支持。2. 有利于及时解决学习中遇到的问题。3. .要求:1. 句子通顺,语意连贯。2. 应包括所有提示内容,但不要逐字逐句翻译。3. 词数:不少于80词。One of the best ways of studying is group learning. First, 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)5-1、三、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)6-1、四、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的 (共11题;共23分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、

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