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Life in the future教学设计Analysisoftheteachingmaterial教材分析本单元教学内容为人教版新课标Module5Unit3Lifeinthefuture。本单元的中心话题是“未来生活”,教材内容为学生提供了想象的空间,旨在培养学生预测未来的能力,通过对现实生活与未来生活的对比,唤醒学生把握现在,珍惜现在,爱护环境,保护自然的意识。Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语constantly, remind, vehicle, carriage, bathroom, temple, private, settlement, impression, constant, jet, previous, tablet, capsule, opening, surrounding, lack, ache, b. 重点句式This is similar to ., but it means . P17Well-known for ., his parents company,called “Future Tour”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule. P182. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about the life in the past, at present and in the future.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to describe the life in the past, at present and in the future.Teaching important difficult points 教学重难点Compare life in the past, at present and in the future.What is life in the future like? What changes will take place?Teaching methods 教学方法Fast and careful reading; asking and answering activity; individual, group work.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures ways 教学过程与方式Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in1The teacher can start with daily greetings and try to lead in some words in this unit.Q1: Where do you come from? Do you live in the downtown or in the countryside?2Q2: No matter where you live, I am wondering how do you usually go to school? 3Now lets take a look at the screen to learn about the development of all the means of transportation. 4Q3: What will the future means of transportation be like? (Time travel)【设计说明】由日常问候开启话题,通过提问学生预测未来,引出跨时空旅行,从而进入阅读文章的处理与学习。(由于考虑到Warming-up中的Transport与Houses, Villages,Towns, 以及Location of settlement的联系不大,可单独提出,因此将Transport的发展变化应用于课文的导入中,这样比较科学自然。)Step 2 Skimming1The teacher will ask the students to predict the future life in various aspects as to inspire their imagination and predicting ability.Q1:What will the future life be like?Q2: Which changes are mentioned in the text?Q3: Which changes are good and which are bad?【设计说明】 预测是培养学生阅读能力的方法之一,因此笔者首先提出问题引发学生思考,对未来生活的各个方面进行预测。其次通过快速阅读的方式,了解文章梗概,把握文章线索,找出文中对未来生活变化的描写,培养学生快速阅读的技巧与能力,并对未来生活变化的好坏进行小组讨论,培养集体协作精神。(由于Comprehending中关于未来生活变化好坏的讨论难度不大,考虑到整个设计的连贯性,将其提至快速阅读中,设置成小讨论,将学生说与读的能力更好地结合。)Step 3 Reading for details1Before the journey Q1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they?Q2: When did the writer write this letter? And to which year did he travel?Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3005?Q4: What did Li Qiang suffer from? Q5: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better?Q6: Where did they arrive?【设计说明】通过几个特殊疑问词,提出以下问题,处理文章第一段。因本篇课文是一篇叙事故事,而记叙文时一般都包括事件发生的人物、时间、地点、事件、原因等关键要素,因此让学生通过阅读寻找上述要素,不仅让学生的阅读具有目的性,而且降低了阅读的难度。2During the journeyClimb through the round opening - comfortable seats - calming drink - lay relaxed - we rose slowly from the ground - complete the journey - 1000 years later - ? Confused by the new surrounding, I was hit by the lack of fresh airQ1: How did Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air?1. Hovering carriage: .Q2: How did the hovering carriage float?Q3: How can a person move swiftly?2. “A large market”Q4: What were people doing there?Q5: What happened to Li Qiang?3. A large buildingQ6: What is a “time lag” flashback?【设计说明】 按事件发生的先后顺序及地点转换顺序,处理文章细节,培养学生抓住文章线索来处理课文的能力。然后根据地点转移,自然地将“太空仓内”转向“太空仓外”,按照作者在太空仓外所处的三个不同地点Hovering carriage, a large market, a large building来处理文章第三段。3After the journey(Arriving home, he showed me into a large bright, clean room.Description of the house: brown floor, soft lighting, trees, leaves, computer screen, tables, chairs, green wallQ1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house?【设计说明】 通过精读课文,了解文章细致内容,按照“时空旅行前,时空旅行中及时空旅行后”的时间线索来处理文章细节。“时空旅行中”又可按照“在太空仓内与在太空仓外”分析文章信息。在此过程中锻炼学生精读的阅读技巧,处理文章生词,并适当地引入几个过去分词做状语及定语的句子,为语法部分的讲解作个铺垫。Step 4 Consolidation1Put the statements into correct order. ( C - A - D - B )2Discussion: Compare the houses, towns, location of settlement of different period of time and predict about the changes in the future3A telephone interview with Li Qiang【设计说明】 首先通过对文章故事情节的正常排序回顾文章梗概;其次通过Warming-up中过去、现在的房子、城镇及居住环境的比较来预测未来方的发展与变化;最后设置情景,进行角色扮演,模拟电话采访Li Qiang回顾整篇课文,引出本节课的作业与任务。全面地锻炼学生的总结概括能力以及团体协作的讨论能力。Step5 Assignment1Show some pictures of various kinds of pollution to the students to arouse their awareness of environmental protection and then ask the students what have caused those environmental problems in groups.Q1: What problems are we facing now?Q2: What have caused those problems?2Show some advanced and imaginative inventions to the students, and try to arouse their imagination to design specific objects for a better future life3Assignment: Object-designingDesign an object which can help you change the world for a better future【设计说明】通过角色扮演以及情景设置中引出未来生活中将会存在的问题,以此导出现在生活中存在的问题,由此自然地引出阅读课的任务-发明设计,以此激发学生的发明创造能力,唤醒学生保护自然、爱护环境的意识,学习中渗透道德教育,一举两得。Step6 Homework1. Draw a picture about the future life in your mind and share it with your classmates. 2. Finish your e-mail and send it to the Future Plc.


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