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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末检测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分)This is my little sister. name is Tina. A . HisB . HerC . MyD . Your2. (2分)Thank you postcards from America.A . for youB . of youC . to yourD . for your3. (2分)Simon, dont stay up too late, youll be sleepy tomorrow. A . butB . andC . soD . or4. (2分)_ you like running _ playing football, youll have a good time in the park. A . Whether; orB . If; butC . Either; orD . Both; and5. (2分) do you go to the Pizza Hut with your family? Oh, about once a month.A . How longB . How soonC . How farD . How often6. (2分)Tom wants to know if you _ a picnic next Sunday. Yes. But if it _, well visit the museum instead.A . will have; will rainB . have; rainsC . have; will rainD . will have; rains7. (2分)- Do you have any plans for tonight?- Yes, I at the new Italian restaurant in town.A . eatB . have eatenC . ateD . am going to eat8. (2分)Everything_in our school since 2010. Now, it_very modern. A . is changed; is lookedB . is changed; looksC . has changed; is lookedD . has changed; looks9. (2分)My grandma often jiaoziLook! She jiaozi for us A . makes;is makingB . makes;makesC . is making;makesD . is making;is making10. (2分)I a camera two weeks ago but I havent had a chance to use it.A . have boughtB . boughtC . will buy11. (2分)Last night,thousands of people _ to see the stars arrive at the ceremony.( )A . wait B . were waiting C . have waited12. (2分)Linda, could you remember_? Have you forgotten we agreed to go to Hongkong?A . where are we going after examB . where we are going after the examC . where are we going to after the examD . where we are going to after the exam二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I 1 my parents my birthday wish, but I knew there was little hope because my family could 2have that money.On my birthday my parents told me they had my 3outside in the back yard. At once I 4out to the yard. There was my bike, 5 it wasnt the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so 6 ! I thought I 7 my parents feelings because I could see the disappointment 8 their faces and I was sure they could see it on mine. I 9 the old bike and rode it, feeling 10 that I had made my parents feel this way. So I put on a smile, rode as fast as I could and didnt 11 .As time went by, I began to understand my parents gave me 12 much more than just a rusty(生锈的)old bike. They gave me a life lesson about 13. When you give something out of love, it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What matters is the love that is in it. I like to remember this 14 because giving a gift is not about money. Its about how much love you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that 15two dollars isnt any less valuable(有价值的) than one that costs one hundred dollars, or even more.(1)A . talked B . spoke C . said D . told (2)A . hardly B . quickly C . slowly D . easily (3)A . guitar B . gift C . cake D . card (4)A . rushed B . rode C . climbed D . came (5)A . and B . or C . but D . because (6)A . exciting B . interesting C . relaxing D . disappointing (7)A . liked B . hated C . hurt D . thanked (8)A . on B . in C . at D . for (9)A . got in B . got on C . got off D . got up (10)A . surprised B . excited C . happy D . bad (11)A . look ahead B . look back C . come up D . come down (12)A . anything B . nothing C . something D . everything (13)A . love B . money C . friendship D . knowledge (14)A . idea B . news C . advice D . story (15)A . spends B . costs C . pays D . offers 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)14. (6分)Dear Mom,Im sorry that I cant go back home for Mothers Day next week. On that day, Ill have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here. But Ill find time to see you at home soon.Mom, thank you for everything youve done for Tim and me. After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. You dont have to work now, but I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. Im glad you wont live by yourself any more. Lets plan to take a trip in the near future. Its been years since the three of us took a trip together.Happy Mothers Day. I love you!Best wishesJohn(1)What can we learn about Johns mother?A . She lives by herself now.B . She still works day and night.C . She will make a plan to save money.D . She used to be too busy to care for her children.(2)What do we know from the letter?A . John has two brothers.B . John is unhappy with his boss.C . John has to work on Mothers Day.D . Tim will leave home for his job soon.(3)Which is said in the letter?A . Johns father died at work.B . Tim will look for a teaching job.C . John bought a gift for his mother.D . John hopes to take a trip with his family.15. (10分) A man is going to open a shop selling hats. He wanted a good sign to put over his shop. He wrote:JOHN BROWN HATTERMakes and Sells Hatsfor Ready MoneyThe first friend gave him the advice that the word “hatter” wasnt needed. So John crossed out the word “HATTER” . Then he came to another friend for advice. This friend said that it was not polite to say “for ready money”. So he crossed out “for ready money”. The sign now said:JOHN BROWNMakes and Sells HatsOne day a friend was passing his shop. He saw this sign and said that when a man bought a hat, he didnt care who made it. So John crossed out that word, too.But when another friend saw “ John Brown Sells Hats”, he said , “ Of course you sell hats. No one thinks you give them away for free.” So, at last the sign read:JOHN BROWN(1) “ For ready money” means _. A . pay for the hat here when you buy it B . if you buy the hat you can pay for it in a few daysC . hats here are only for the people with much money(2)How many friends gave John some advice on how to write the sign?A . ThreeB . Four.C . Two.(3)_was crossed out first.A . “ John Brown Sells Hats”B . “Hatter”C . “for Ready Money”(4)Each friend has_thought.A . noB . the same C . his own(5)This story tells us that _.A . it isnt possible to please everybodyB . its easy to sell hatsC . sellers must please everybody16. (10分)阅读理解Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have a special sound. They chose the new names for themselves instead of the names their parents gave them when they were born.Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husbands after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their own family names and not using their husbands. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations and their husbands in other situations. And some use both their own names and their husbands.(1)Hanna changed her name to_. A . AnneB . HansC . HnneD . Anna(2)Joseph is thinking about changing his name because he wants to _.A . move to another placeB . have a name with a special soundC . be differentD . make life easier in a new country(3)In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husbands _. A . in all situationsB . because she loves her husbandC . before she gets marriedD . after she gets married(4)People change their names and _ for it.A . there is only one reasonB . there are two reasonsC . there may be many reasonsD . there are five reasons(5)What is the main idea of the passage? A . Anne and Joseph are talking about changing their names.B . People like to be unusual, so they change their names.C . In many countries, women change their names after they get married.D . There are many reasons for people to change their names.17. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确答案In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join “environment(环境)club”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.Here are some things students often do.No-garbage(垃圾)lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school. No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car not the students and not the teachers. Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike, or run! Use your legs! Its lots of fun!Turn off the water! Did you know that toilets(抽水马桶)can waste twenty to forty tons(吨)of water an hour? In a year, that would fill in a small river! In the environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.We love our environment. Lets work together to make it clean.(1)Environment clubs ask students _A . to run to school every day.B . to take exercise every day.C . not to throw away lunch bags.(2)From the passage we know the students usually have lunch _.A . at schoolB . in shopsC . in clubs(3)On a no-car day, _ will take a car to school.A . both students and teachersB . only studentsC . neither students nor teachers(4)After students mend toilets,they save _.A . a small riverB . a clubC . a lot of water(5)The writer wrote the passage to ask students to _.A . clean schoolB . make less pollution C . join clubs四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)配对阅读: 左栏是五个人物的简介,右栏是七个新款科技产品广告。请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的产品配对。_George is a boss. He often flies to different cities for business. He always asks others, “Where is the nearest post office?” “Wheres the nearest hotel?” etc._Terry is a bank clerk. He is single and quite lazy. He doesnt like washing clothes at all, and he hate ironing._Dale is a middle school student. He likes listening to music. He dreams to have a pen which can play music while doing homework._Alice is a housewife who has two children. She likes to take photos of something her kids are doing, whenever she wants to._Kate is a university student. She loves all kinds of toys, especially robots. She hopes to have a robot which can do something for her.A. Le PenLe Pen, with a music player planted inside, plays music while you write on paper and stop when you stop writing.B. Android WearGoogle is developing a smart watch called Android Wear. The watch uses a touch screen and a voice control. Simply say “OK, Google” to ask whatever you want to know.C. One WheelIn the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic: a self-balancing skateboard called One Wheel. It can go as fast as 19 km an hour.D. MipMip is a playful robot. It stands 19cm tall. You can control it simply with your gesture(手势) or a smart phone. Mip can run, balance and dance on two wheels. It can also bring you a bottle of water.E. Google GlassGoogle Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery(电池) inside with a camera and screen. You can take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.F. A New Kind of ShirtHate washing? Youre going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing. It never needs ironing(烫衣).G. A Tablet Computer(平板电脑)A tablet computer is a complete mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone. It has a flat touch screen and you can operate it by touching the screen.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假设你是 Jack, 读完上面这封信之后,你写回信,向你的朋友Bruce介绍你的家乡。内容包括:1)你的家乡是一个什么样的地方?2)有哪些建筑物?3)这些建筑物都位在什么位置?4)你最常去的是哪里?为什么?作文要求:1)不能抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2)语句连贯,词数80个左右。 作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bruce:Thank you for your letter.Best wishes!Jack第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共12题;共24分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)18-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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