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初三英语月考试卷 Dec.2, 2011(满分150分 考试时间100分钟)班级 _ 学号 _ 姓名 _ 得分 _Part One ListeningI. Listen and choose the right picture. ( 6分) A B C D E F G 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _II. Listen to the dialogue and then choose the best answer to the question you hear. (10分)( ) 7. A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At noon.( ) 8. A. To clean the yard. B. To clear the car. C. To clear the house. D. Wash clothes.( ) 9. A. Over there. B. Just here. C. Anywhere. D. Nowhere.( ) 10. A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Awful. D. Amusing.( ) 11. A. Rose and John. B. John and Mike. C. Rose and Mike. D. Jack and Mike.( ) 12. A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day.D. Often.( ) 13. A. 16. B. 32. C. 42. D. 21.( ) 14. A. Theyre workers. B. Theyre old friends.C. Theyre classmates. D. Theyre brother and sister.( ) 15. A. To the lake. B. To the beach. C. To the park. D. To the zoo.( ) 16. A. Buy a pen. B. Change a pen. C. Buy a pencil. D. Change a pencilIII. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false:(7分)( ) 17. There are three children in the family.( ) 18. Among the children, Mike was the oldest.( ) 19. It was the heavy smoke that made Simon and Mary run out of their room quickly.( ) 20. Mike was as brave as the firemen and he put out the fire with the firemen.( ) 21. Their parents went to their friends home to ask for help after the fire.( ) 22. No one was hurt in the fire although their house was badly damaged.( ) 23. Nobody has know the cause of the fire yet.IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks:(7分)24. Holiday plans in the UK usually change with the _.25. The nights in autumn are long and _.26. Families like to go to southern European _ to find “winter sun”.27. Christmas is a time for wearing warm _ and being with your family.28. Teenagers go _ in summer. They spend time on sport or music camps.29. _ come quickly after the Easter.30. Easter is the _ holiday because you see the bright day outside through your bedroom window, but you have to be indoors studying.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(词汇与语法)V. Choose the best answer. ( 26分)() 31. Linda has _ one-year-old baby. She loves it very much.A. /B. an C. aD. the() 32. Could you tell us _ these problems?A. what to deal with B. what to do withC. how to do with D. how to deal in() 33. Ill try my best _ late again.A. not toB. dont beC. not to beD. not be() 34. He told me that probably no thief broke _ Lis house.A. toB. insideC. fromD. into()35. _ useful information youve e-mailed us!A. WhatB. How aC. What aD. How()36.Sally admitted _ your computer when you were not in.A. to useB. uses C. usingD. used()37. He didnt go to the museum. I didnt,_.A. neitherB. eitherC. tooD. also() 38. Exercise, fresh air and sleep are essential for our health.A. dangerous B. safe C. necessary D. popular( ) 39. _ ten minutes walk from my home to school.A. It takesB. it is C. There areD. There is() 40.You dont change much, I still remember _ you here when you were young.A. meetB. meetingC. metD. to meet() 41. About _ of the students will enter for the school sports meeting.A. two hundredB. one-fifths C. two thousandsD. three seventh() 42. My son studies hard. His ambition is _ a great inventor in the future.A. becomesB. becomeC. to becameD. to become()43. Mr Lin wants to know _ next week.A. when my uncle left B. when will my uncle leaveC. where my uncle will stayD. where does my uncles stay() 44. The famous scientist lives _, but he doesnt feel _.A. alone, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely() 45. He spends _ money buying books each year.A. huge amounts ofB. huge numbers ofC. many D. quite a few()46. The man on TV robbed the bank last month and he is now _.A. in jailed B. behinding bars C. inside bars D. behind bars.()47. Theres _ with my car. I dont have to go to work by bus.A. anything wrongB. nothing wrongC. something wrong D. wrong everything() 48. As middle school students, we should _ drink _ smoke.A. both, andB. either, orC. neither, nor D. not, but() 49. Paul has _ marks than Belinda.A. badlyB. baderC. worse D. the worst() 50. _ everyone is here, lets set out .A. ThoughB. ButC. And D. Since() 51. It is common _ that Japanese eat sushi.A. knowledgeB. information C. instruction D. instruction()52.Let us play badminton,_?A. will you B. shall we C. wont you D. shant we() 53. The book _ be very interesting, as so many students want to read it.A. may notB. cant C. must D. mustnt() 54.The books are for _, Alice. Do you like _?A. you, theyB. hers, them C. you, them D. hers, theirs()55. Johnson _ the new copy of Shanghai Students Post at 7:30 last night.A. readB. is reading C. was reading D. reads()56.They _ any chocolates. Lets buy some fruit.A. needntB. neednt to C. dont need D. needVI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(8分)57. I enjoyed the novel very much because the ending is so _ (drama)58. When I was a child, my mum often told me many _ (amaze) stories.59. People like computers because they work not only very fast but also _ (accurate).60. Although he is an _ (old) man, he still works in the field every day.61. A nice picture is _ (hang) on the wall in our classroom.62. The woman is below average _ (high).63. His floor is on the _ (twelve) floor.64. Her help _ (able) me to work out the difficult problem yesterday.VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共12分)65. My grandmother realized that she was old. (改为否定句)My grandmother_ _ that she was old.66. We will graduate from junior school in two months. (对划线部分提问)_ _ will you graduate from junior school?67. Jack is good at maths and physics as well. (保持原句意思) Jack is good at _ only maths _ also physics. 68. Mary is a warm-hearted girl. (改为感叹句) _ _ warm-hearted girl Mary is!69. We will paint our new house green and white next week. (改为被动语态)Our new house _ _ painted green and white next week.70. The new comer wondered what he could do in the office.(改为简单句)The new comer wondered what _ _ in the office.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写). Reading comprehension(阅读理解): (共56分)A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)This week, our topic is pollution. Whats the answer to all our pollution problems? We asked two experts to give their views.Forest Smith is a member of Green First, an environmental group.Our future on Earth looks very bad. We are dumping waste on our land. We cant breathe the air. The sea is polluted too.I visited some relatives recently in a small village. They grow their own food and cycle everywhere. They are not wealthy, but they are happy and healthy. We must close the factories producing useless products. That would reduce rubbish and air pollution. We must recycle more, give up all cars, and improve public transport.A big problem is overpopulation in big cities. We must give up big cities and factories, and get back to a simple way of life.John Green is a scientist at a university.Things are not as bad as Forest says. Well have a bright future. We dont need to give up cars but we need to invent better, cleaner engines.This wont stop the problem of traffic jams. So we need better public transport. We should also recycle more. But some things are getting better. My sister returned last month after living abroad for five years. She said, “Our old neighbourhood doesnt look the same as beforeit is cleaner and greener now.”Science has brought many improvements. A hundred years ago, most people died in their 40s. We cant go back to a life like that.71. Three experts were asked to give their views on the pollution problems this week.72. The word “views” here probably means peoples ideas or opinions.73. Both Forest Smith and John Green think theyll have a bright future on the pollution problems.74. Forest Smiths view on cars and public transport is the same as John Greens.75. Forest Smith visited some relatives and found they lived a rich, happy and healthy life.76. John Greens sister said their old neighbourhood looked cleaner and greener than before.77. The passage mainly tells us something about different kinds of pollution on the earth.B.(7分) Every summer, scientists from around the world go south to study Antarctic. Antarctic is at the South Pole. It is the worlds coldest continent. In summer, the sun shines all the time in Antarctica. For nearly six months, there is no night. The air in summer is cold, but not as cold as it could be. The temperature hardly ever goes lower than 30F below zero. In winter, temperatures of 100F below zero are common. There is no sunshine in winter. It is dark for 24 hours a day. Only a few scientists work on Antarctic in winter. But in summer, hundreds fly in from many countries. The scientists study the animal life and changes in the weather. They make their homes in a place where few people have ever been. Up until the middle of the 18th century Antarctic was a completely mystery (神秘的事). In 1840, Frenchman Dumont dUrcille became the first person to set foot on Antarctic. After that, news of this icy land spread quickly. In 1898, a British-funded expedition (探险) headed by Carsten Egeberg Borchgrevink was the first to set up a base in Antarctic.From 1908 to 1912, several groups of explorers landed in Antarctic. One group was led by Ernest Shakleton from England. Shakleton had put an advertisement for explorers in a newspaper. The ad said: “Men wanted for dangerous journey. Low pay, bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful (难以预料的).” Quite a few people answered this ad. In 1929, Richard E. Byrd, an American explorer, was the first to fly over the South Pole. The first scientist started coming to Antarctic much later, in 1956. Groups of scientists have been flying in ever since. At the end of last century, twenty-four countries signed an agreement that the exploration of Antarctic for oil or mineral deposits (矿藏) was not allowed for 50 years. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (7分)78. In winter at the South Pole there is no _. A) sunshine B) night C) animal life D) air79. When do scientists work on Antarctic? A) Only in summer. B) In summer and winter. C) All year long. D) In summer and autumn. 80. When did people set up the first base in Antarctic? A) In 1840. B) In 1908 C) In 1929. D) In 1898.81. Who was Ernest Shakleton? A) An explorer from America. B) A scientist from Antarctic. C) An explorer from England. D) A scientist from England. 82. Ernest Shakletons advertisement said that the trip to Antarctic was _. A) comfortable B) safe C) dangerous D) unnecessary 83. The word “bitter” in the 5th paragraph means _. A) very B) just C) a bit D) still 84. Which of the following is NOT true?A) Many scientists fly to Antarctic to study the animal life and changes in the weather. B) In winter, the temperature often goes 100F below zero in Antarctic. C) People knew nothing about Antarctic before Dumont dUrcille explored Antarctic. D) An agreement was signed so that people can get oil and mineral deposits from Antarctic. C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)When the young man starts to earn his own living(自己谋生), he becomes free from discipline (纪律) of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to be 85 , he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to 86 if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go 87 . And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, 88 trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be; but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. Old age should come with 89 and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the 90 of seeing their children making progress in life; they can watch their 91 growing up around them; and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving others to continue to fight.() 85. A. responsible B. helpful C. useful D. careful () 86. A. play B. study C. work D. learn() 87. A. wrong B. hungryC. bad D. full () 88. A. gives awayB. keeps offC. runs away D. turns on () 89. A. wisdom B. sadness C. chance D. carefulness() 90. A. joy B. right C. success D. reason () 91. A. sons B. daughters C. grandchildren D. RelativesD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(14分)Shanghai is the city I like best. It is my hometown, too. I like Shanghai not only because I was born here but a 92 because it is a lively city. It is d 93 quickly, these years. Many world famous companies have opened branch(分支) firms in Shanghai which help b 94 the city a prosperous(繁荣) economy(经济). Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(亚太经贸合作会议) was h 95 in Shanghai, too. Many famous cooperation l 96 Microsoft came to Shanghai to attend the meeting. It helped to develop the economy in Shanghai.Lets take a look at Pudong! In the past, Pudong was a small v 97 but now Pudong New Area is totally different. Look, there are skyscrapers here and there in Asia, and even in the whole world. The newly built buildingWorld Financial Center is even t 98 , which makes Pudong more beautiful.Lets walk in the street heeling(跟着) the city beat.E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 14分)Anna lived on the side of a valley (山谷). One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses down below Annas house were washed away. Annas house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were standing there with no roofs and walls and all covered with mud, her house was still quite all right. That year Annas was very lucky.Her house was quite small and there were only two small bedrooms, her husband was dead when the children were very young, and she had four children, but Anna took in one of the families that had lost everything in the flood and she shared her home with them until it was possible for them to rebuild their house.Annas friends were very puzzled (困惑) when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give herself so much more work and trouble when she had already quite a lot of children to support. Life would be even harder when another family joined them.“Well,” Anna explained to her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived in Germany found herself very poor, because her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, as I have now.”“The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, We wont have much for Christmas this year, so I am going to get only one gift for all of us and I am sure we will all be glad to have it. Now Ill go and get it. She came back with a little girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. Here is our gift, she said to her children.”“The children were very excited and happy to get such a gift. They welcomed the little girl, and she grew up as their sister, I was just that Christmas gift.”99. Where did Anna live? 100. Was her house washed away in the big flood? 101. How many people were there in Annas family? 102. Why were Annas friends puzzled when she shared her house with a family that had lost everything?103. When did Anna live in Germany? 104. Who was once given as a Christmas gift to a poor family? 105. Why was Anna willing to help the poor? IX. Writing:(18分)106. Write at least 60 words about the topic Improve my memory. (以“改善我的记忆”为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的短文)Suggested outlines:l Have you got a good memory or bad memory? Give an example.l What do you know about memory?l How do you improve your memory in your daily life?

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