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Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it ?第2课时 Section A 3a-4Teachers words : Practice makes perfect. 【Learning objectives】 熟练运用本课词汇和句型讨论你已经做某事多长时间并将继续下去。 Knowing : 本课的8个单词 。 Practicing: 谈论几位人物已经滑冰多长时间,练习“How long?”提问及回答。Ability aims: 通过学习现在完成进行时态,学会对于事实进行总结Emotion aims: 通过本单元所进行的活动,学会关心他人,积极参加有意义的社会活动。【Important points】现在完成进行时【Difficult points】现在完成进行时与一般过去时及现在完成时的区分。一、定向诱导 :世界人民是一家,很多人为慈善团体进行募捐,那么你会以何种方式呢?你以这种方式进行了多长时间? 二、自学探究1.阅读短文,完成课本46页3a表格。2.课文重点句子:1)Im talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.2)raise money for charity. raise money for为。筹款。raise 的用法:a. (=lift)举起,抬起。如:raise ones hand举手 b. 提高,升高。如:raise prices涨价;raise ones voice 提高声音 c. 征收,招募,筹集。如:raise money.3) For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.Every/each:两者都有“每个”的意思。a. each具有名词和形容词的功能,every 只有形容词的功能。b. each 指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every指三个或三个以上的人或事物的“全体”,和”all”的意思相近。如:He gave a book to each of his parents.他给他父母各送了一本书。Every student was there and each did his work.每个学生都在那儿,个人做个人的工作。4) Alison was the first one to start.The first (one/person) to do sth : 第一个做某事的人。3.齐读短文,理解文章,完成3b。4.小组活动,完成活动4.将表格填完整,并编出新的对话。三、讨论解疑(一)按要求完成下列各题。1.He has been collecting kites for 5 years.(划线提问)_ _ _ he been collecting kites?2.I have been away from home for 12 years.(同义句) I have been away home _ 12 years _.3. Sam has been skating for four hours.(改为否定句) Sam _ _ skating for four hours.4. We played basketball two hours ago.(用现在完成进行时改写) We _ _ _ basketball _ two hours.(二)根据汉语完成句子。1.昨天晚上你睡了多久?_ _ did you sleep last night?2.我已经滑了五个小时了。I _ _ _ for five hours.3.他正在中国进行第一次访问。He is on _ _ visit to China.4.你游泳有多长时间了?How long _ you been _?5.我看电视有三个小时了。I have been _ TV_ three hours.6.你游泳有四年了吗?_ you _ swimming for four years?四反馈总结:小组讨论总结现在完成进行时的使用及基本句型使用。五.作业:1.听写单词,预习新课,完成学案。 2.完成全频道Section A。六、板书设计:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点词汇及词组 对话参考答案七教学反思:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?第3课时 Section B 1a-2cTeachers words : Practice makes perfect. 【Learning objectives】 熟练运用本课词汇和句型讨论你收集所喜欢的东西多长时间并将继续下去。 Knowing : 本课的8个单词 。 Practicing: 谈论几位人物收集什么东西,收集的时间及数量,练习“How long? How many?”提问及回答。Ability aims: 通过学习现在完成进行时态,学会对于事实进行总结Emotion aims: 通过本单元所进行的活动,学会关心他人,积极参加有意义的社会活动。【Important points】现在完成进行时【Difficult points】现在完成进行时与一般过去时及现在完成时的区分。一、定向诱导 :你喜欢收集什么?那么你的业余收集品有多少?已经收集了多长时间? 二、自学探究1.看几张图片,讨论一下你收集了那些?你想收集那些物品?小组讨论并说明原因。完成活动1a ,1b.2.做听力训练,根据三位人物所收集的物品及时间,数量,完成活动2a ,2b的表格。3齐读听力材料,熟悉短文 。4.两人一组问答关于Bob, Marcia, Liam 的问题。三、讨论解疑(一)根据汉语完成句子1His hobby is _ _(收集) stamps. 2Mr Liu _ _ _(对感兴趣) making kites. 3Ill _ _ _(尽力) to help you with your English. (二)翻译句子 1.我想收集邮票,因为邮票很有趣。_2.他已经收集风筝多长时间了?_3.当有风时,我通常在公园里放风筝。_4.自从去年开始,我就开始收集戏票和电影票了。_(三)按要求完成句子。1.I have been learning English for two years.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)-_ you _ learning English for two years?-_, I _.2.My mother has been collecting stamps for about ten years.(划线提问)_ has your mother been _ for about ten years?3.They have been playing in the park for three hours.(同义句)They have been playing in the park _ three hours _.四、反馈总结小组合作,总结本课所学知识点,能够正确的使用短语和现在完成进行时。五、课后作业 1.根据听力短文,编出新的对话。 2.完成学案,听写44-47页单词,预习48页课文。六、板书设计:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点词汇及词组 对话参考答案七教学反思Gains:_Puzzles:_Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?第4课时 Section B 3a-4bTeachers words : Practice makes perfect. 【Learning objectives】 熟练运用本课词汇和句型讨论你的业余爱好及持续的时间。 Knowing : 本课的12个单词 。 Practicing: 练习阅读,训练阅读理解能力。Ability aims: 通过学习现在完成进行时态,学会对于事实进行总结Emotion aims: 通过本单元所进行的活动,学会关心他人,积极参加有意义的社会活动。【Important points】现在完成进行时【Difficult points】现在完成进行时与一般过去时及现在完成时的区分。一、定向诱导 :你的业余爱好是什么?已经持续了多长时间 ?二、自学探究1.预读短文,将雪球与文中描述连接起来。2.跟读课文,学生理解文章的主题和大意,并找学生讲述理解情况。3文章重点词语和句型理解,并造句。1)Thanks for sending me the globe of the monster.thanks for+名词、代词、动名词。翻译:谢谢你的帮助。_. 谢谢谢谢你告诉我这个好消息。_2)because weve run out of room to store them.run out of 用完。花完。翻译:我们已经花完了我们的钱去买书。_3)on my seventh birthday. 在我七岁生日时。注意序数词的正确使用。翻译:在我十二岁生日时,我收到了很多礼物。_4.假如你是Bob,Marcia,或者Liam其中一个,根据47页活动2a,写一封电子邮件,讨论一下你的收集品情况。找几位同学读一下所写的邮件。5.小组调查每个人的业余爱好,找出它们进行了多长时间,模仿4a对话,编出新的对话。6.小组讨论,完成活动4b。三讨论解疑:(一)根据汉语意思完成句子:1.你观看英语电影多长时间了?How long have you _ _ _ _.2.考试中我没有写完作文是因为我用完了时间。I didnt _ _ the composition because I _ _ _ time in the exam.3Alison总是第一个到校的学生。Alison is always _ _ student _ _ _ _.4.我想告诉你我的爱好。I want _ _ _ _ my hobby.5.我收集各种手表已经十年了。I _ _ _ all kinds of watches _ ten years.6.多谢你寄给我的怪物雪球。_ _ _ the snow globe of the monster.7.在我七岁生日时,我收到了一个漂亮的蛋糕。I got a beautiful cake _ _ _ _.(二)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Thanks for _(give) me this stamp.2.How long have you been _(do ) that?3.Beijing is an interesting city with a _(color) history.4.They were _(welcome ) by the Song Emperor.5.I was _(surprise) when I heard about this news.四、反馈总结小组合作,总结本课所学知识点,能够正确的使用短语和现在完成进行时。五、课后作业 1.写一篇短文邮件。 2.完成学案,听写44-48页单词,预习49页课文。六、板书设计:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点词汇及词组 学生所造的句型七教学反思Gains:_Puzzles:_Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?第5课时 SelfcheckTeachers words : Practice makes perfect. 【Learning objectives】 熟练运用本课词汇和句型讨论你的业余爱好及持续的时间。 Knowing : 本课的12个单词 。 Practicing: 练习阅读,训练阅读理解能力。Ability aims: 通过学习现在完成进行时态,学会对于事实进行总结Emotion aims: 通过本单元所进行的活动,学会关心他人,积极参加有意义的社会活动。【Important points】现在完成进行时【Difficult points】现在完成进行时与一般过去时及现在完成时的区分。一、定向诱导 :在求职中需要注意哪些事情?二、自学探究1.检查上节课所学课文掌握情况。2.完成Selfcheck活动1,找同学说出答案并解释句子。齐读五个句子,并用这些词语造句。3.询问学生招聘广告的种类及内容,读广告,理解所问的问题,结合提示的问题,写一封信应聘。找学生读所写文章,并作为作业写在作业本上。三讨论解疑:(一)按要求完成下列各题。1. We have been living here for 12 years.(同义句)We have been living here _ 12 years _.2.The old man has been away home for 55 years.(划线提问) _ _ has he been away home?3.Why do you like English? A Chinese woman once asked me.(合成一句话) A Chinese woman once asked me _ _ _ English.4.Mr and Mrs White have been to the West Lake twice.(划线提问) _ _ _ have Mr and Mrs White been to the West Lake?5.He left New York two years ago.(同义句) (1)He _ _ _ from New York _ two years. (2) Its two years _ he left New York.(二)根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我们已经没有地方来储存硬币了。 We have _ _ _ room to store coins.2.顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么? _ _ _ , whats your hobby?3.我们班有四十多名学生。 There are _ _ forty students in our class.4学生们正在滑冰为慈善机构募捐。 Students are skating to _ _ for charity.5.我打网球三年半了。 I have been playing tennis three and _ _ _.四、反馈总结小组合作,总结本课所学知识点,能够正确的使用短语和现在完成进行时。五、课后作业 1.写一篇短文。 2.完成学案,听写44-49页单词,预习50页课文。六、板书设计:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点词汇及词组 学生所造的句型七教学反思Gains:_Puzzles:_Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?第6课时 ReadingTeachers words : Practice makes perfect. 【Learning objectives】 熟练运用本课词汇和句型讨论你的业余爱好及持续的时间。 Knowing : 本课的单词 。 Practicing: 练习阅读,训练阅读理解能力。Ability aims: 通过学习现在完成进行时态,学会对于事实进行总结Emotion aims: 通过本单元所进行的活动,学会关心他人,积极参加有意义的社会活动。【Important points】现在完成进行时【Difficult points】现在完成进行时与一般过去时及现在完成时的区分。一、定向诱导 :在求职中需要注意哪些事情?二、自学探究1.小组讨论以下问题:a. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?b. How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of? Make a list.c. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries ?2.跟读课文,理解课文的意思。3.掌握课文中的重点词组和句型,并会灵活运用和造句。(1)Ive been teaching in China for two years.=Ive been teaching in China since two years ago. (2) the capital of (3) This is an interesting city with a very colorful history.With带有,具有。翻译:这是一个具有悠久历史的国家。_ (4) are in Russian style. 是俄国风格的。翻译:这些建筑都是欧洲风格的。_ (5) It +be + adj+ for sb to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是。翻译:对我们来说,学好所有学科是很重要的。_ (6)were welcomed by the Song Emperor.:受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。翻译:新同学受到我们的热烈欢迎。_ (7) the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.the more., the more. :越。越。 the+比较级,the+比较级翻译:你越小心,考试中犯得错误就越少。_4.再读课文,理解文章。5.齐读课文,然后每位同学读一句,比赛课文朗读熟练程度。6.完成3a,找同学说出答案。7.小组练习,使用”if”从句创设条件,然后转换成宾语从句表达。三讨论解疑:(一)英汉互译1. three Chinese dynasties_ 2.the capital of Henan province_3. some European influence_ 4.learn a lot about_5. be certain_ 6.be welcomed by_7.中国历史上两个著名的人物_8.一个拥有丰富多彩历史的有趣的城市_9.一千多年_ 10.远离_(二) 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Some of the old buildings in Harbin are _ _ _ (有俄罗斯风格)。2._ _ _ _ _ _ _(对我来说了解。很有趣)that a lot of Jews came to Harbin many years ago.3.The first Jews probably came to Kaifeng_ _ _ _ _ _(一千多年以前)and _ _ _ (被。欢迎)the Song Emperor.4.My friends said that Chinese history was _ _ _ (很难理解)。5.I think _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(如果你努力学习,你将能理解任何一种文化。)6.For a foreigner like me, _ _ _ _(我学的越多) about Chinese history, _ _ _ _(我越喜欢)living in China.四、反馈总结小组合作,总结本课所学知识点,能够正确的使用短语和现在完成进行时。五、课后作业.完成学案,听写44-50页单词。预习5152页课文。六、板书设计:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点词汇及词组 学生所造的句型七教学反思Gains:_Puzzles:_第5课时 Selfcheck and Unit1Unit5一 学习目标:1、知识目标:通过复习让学生熟练掌握本部分词汇句型及其他语言知识。2、能力目标:谈论自己曾经去过的地方,掌握现在完成时的结构,意义及其用法。3、情感目标:温故而知新,培养学生良好的学习习惯。一定向诱导二、自学探究(一)知识梳理,熟记一下单词或短语(自主学习)1、污染_ 2、宇航员_ 3、单独地_ 4、穿衣_5、面试_ 6、公司_ 7、科学家_ 8、然而_9、工厂_ 10、简单的_11、人类_12、可能的_13、争论_ 14、票_ 15、使意外_16、家教_17、把除外_18、失败_19、压力_20、包括_21、比较_ 22、控诉_ 23、厨房_24、经历_ 25、奇怪的_26、跟随_27、发生_ 28、事故_ 29、谋杀_30、操场_ 31、破坏_ 32、英雄_33、小吃_ 34、消息_35、假定_36、紧张的_ 37、信封_38、幸运的_39、乡村_ 40、志愿者_ 41、决定_42、危险_ 43、机会_ 44、解释_45、提高_ 46、快的_ 47、律师_(二)典型示例1、1a Read the clues and complete the crossword.2、Listening practice.Listen to the tape and finish 2a&2b3、Oral practice.Someone you know doesnt have many friends. Write five suggestions for the problem. Then role play it.4、Oral practice.Write five things that you like to do every day. Your partner tells you what will happen .Take turns.(1) eat hamburgers. A: I like to eat hamburgers every day.(2) _ B: If you eat ham burgers every day, youll get fit.(3) _A: What do you like to do?(4) _B: I like to.(5) _5、Oral practice . Fill in the chart and talk about it Who/what do you think is the.Students name Students nameBest fast food!Cleverest student?Most boring subject?Worst movie?Funniest teacher?6、Writing practice.(1)将下列句子变成间接引语a、Mr. Li said,” I saw three aliens get out of the UFO”b、Wang Jun said, ”I was studying when I saw the UFO outside the windows”c、Ma Yan said, ”I saw two aliens playing football in the school hall.”d、Liu Ming said ,” I was eating lunch when the aliens walked into the dining room.”(2)Aliens Landed at our school!_三、讨论解疑(一)根据句意和首字母提示完成下列单词1 Its difficult to make a p_ a bout the future.2、Please ask Jim not to speak too l_, because the baby is sleeping.3、This morning I saw a s_ animal on my way to school.4、Please work hard,or youll f_ the exams.5、My parents will help me to o_ my birthday party.6、He was a_ because he didnt pass the exam.7、 We e_ ourselves very much at the evening party.8、 Chinas first a_ Yang Liwei traveled in space for 21 hours in 2003.9、When the alien was buying a s_, the girl called the police10、Hes s_ to be here at this time of day.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.My mother said she _(go)home very soon.2.It_ (rain) hard when he came to see me.3.The population(人口)of Australia is_(few)than that of China.4.She_ (copy) all the information as soon as possible.5.What _ you_(do)when I called you?三、单项选择。1.I think students_ study at home on computers in the future. A.are B.will C.shall D.were2. John said,” It is my bedroom. ”John said (that) _.A.it was his bedroom B.it was my bedroomC.it is my bedroom D.it is his bedroom 3.He tried, but he_ not do it.A.would B.should C.can D.could4.Loud noises _ make people ill and hurt their ears.A.must B.need C.can D.should5.-Would you like to go to the cinema?-Thanks. But Im afraid I _ able to. A.wont be B.cant be C.may not be D.am not6.The students play games _ Thursday afternoon.A.on B.at C.in D.of7.I_ in the chair. My pet sat on the sofa.A.sat B.had sat C.is sitting D.was sitting8.We_ a test two hours ago.A.has had B.have C.had D.were having9.She said,“There are twenty boys in my class.”She said (that) _.A.there were twenty boys in my class B.there were twenty boys in her classC.there are twenty boys in her class D.there are twenty boys in my class10.Shall we go to the park if the rain_?A.will stop B.is going to stop C.stops D.stop四、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。1.张英,请你制作一张海报,好吗?-当然可以。没问题。-Zhang Ying,_you _ make a poster?-Sure, thats_ _.2.当我看书时有人跟我讲话,我很恼火。I_ _when someone talk to me while Im reading.3.请你不要跟着我,好吗?如果我需要帮助,我会叫你的。Could you _ not _ _? Ill ask you if I need some help.4.这只狮子来自澳大利亚。The lion _ _ _。5.请不要扔掉这些旧衣服。Please dont _ _ these old clothes.

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