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仁爱版中考英语真题(任务型阅读)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 任务型阅读 (共7题;共40分)1. (5分)阅读短文,填写表格,每空一词。 The summer holiday is coming. What a perfect chance to plan a trip! How about backpacking (背包旅行)? Maybe youre too young to do it. But it doesnt matter. Follow me and youll learn about an interesting way to travel.Have you ever noticed foreigners with big bags on their backs? They wear jeans and T-shirts, and have guidebooks or maps in their hands. They look curious (好奇的) about everything they see. They enjoy themselves without a tour group. Thats right! They are backpackers. Backpacking is a popular way for Westerners to travel outside of their country. Its cheap so that people can travel more and see more places. Most backpackers are young people because backpacking needs a strong body, courage and freedom. Backpackers usually do some homework before setting out. They search for information about their destination (目的地) country: food, fun places to visit, hostels (青年旅舍) and things to buy. They are sure they know how to change planes or where to get the train.Backpacking is a freer way to travel. You can change your destination whenever you want. It also allows travelers to explore and see more. And you can decide how long to stay there. If you go with a tour group, there may be a lot of rules and you may not be free to do things as you like.An interesting way to travel BackpackingThe _ about backpackersThey are travelers who usually enjoy traveling without a tour group.Many Western backpackers like to travel _ and they can travel more and see more places.Most of them are young people who are strong, courageous and _.The preparations for backpackingBefore _, its necessary to search for the information about the destination country.The _ of backpackingThe backpackers can change the destination whenever they want and they can explore and see more.The backpackers can control their own time freely.2. (5分)根据短文内容填空,每空不超过2个词。 Jason Queally is one of the fastest men in the world on a bicycle.Every year, an important human-powered bicycle race is held in Nevada, the USA. The speed of the bike is measured for only 200 meters, but players take more than a kilometer to get their bikes going fast. Jason Queallys fastest speed for the 200-meterrase was 103.5 kilometers an hour.At this years race, Jason failed to reach the finishing line. He was speeding along about seventy kilometers an hour when he began to lose control of his bike. When he tried to slow down, it began to smoke. Soon the inside of his bike was filled with smoke. He couldnt see, and he couldnt breathe. At seventy kilometers an hour, a crash could be very serious. Jason was frightened, but he managed to stop the bike safely. He would repair his bicycle and try again another time to be the worlds fastest man on a bike. Better luck next time, Jason.Name_AchievementOne of the _men in the world on a bicycle.Fastest speed for the 200-meter race_ an hourAccidentHe was speeding at about 70 km an hour when he began to _ of his bike. When he tried to slow down, it began to smoke.ResultAlthough he was frightened, he managed to stop the bike _3. (10分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 On October 28, 2018, a serious traffic accident happened in Chongqing. A bus and a red car collided(碰撞) at the second bridge of the Yangtze River. The bus ran out of control on the bridge and crashed into the river. All 15 passengers and the driver in the bus were killed.At the beginning of the accident, many people doubted that the red car was going the wrong way, causing the bus to fall into the river. Others guessed that the accident was caused by the drivers sudden illness. However, a few days later, based on the black box saved from the scene of the accident, together with the traffic records, the police announced the truth.Before the bus reached the bridge, a female passenger had a quarrel with the bus driver because she missed her station, but the driver refused to stop the bus. So they got into a fight. Because the speed was very high, the bus was out of control.People from all walks of life paid more attention to the accident and expressed their opinions. Some people think the woman passenger made the trouble without reason. She was regarded as the chief culprit(罪魁祸首). She shouldnt argue with the driver. Some people think drivers shouldnt fight with passengers and they should keep calm and put the passengers safety first at any time. As for the other passengers, they failed to dissuade(劝阻) them in time. Maybe they didnt know the result would be so serious.Nowadays, hundreds of people die or get injured(受伤) on the roads every year in China. In my opinion, all of us should follow the rules and put the safety in our heart.Information CardThe date when the traffic accident happened_The number of people who were killed in this accident_The thing that was saved from the scene of the accident_The city where the accident happened_The person who was regarded as the chief culprit in the accident_4. (5.0分)根据下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。 One day, when Sunee reached her house, she saw a brown package(包裹). She ran inside the house with her package and showed it to her grandmother. Sunee opened the package. As she did, she noticed there was Thai writing on the box. This package had come from her aunt in Thailand.Inside the box, Sunee saw something uncommon. It was a red silk umbrella. She had never seen anything like it! Next to the umbrella she found a silk purse (钱包).They were both beautiful.Shipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time, said Grandmother. Packages traveled by train and ship. It could take many months to get a package from across the ocean. How long did your package take to arrive?Sunee and her grandmother looked at the postmark (邮戳). It showed that the package had been sent eight days ago. Thats fast! said Sunee.Her grandmother agreed. We have resources (资源)now that we didnt have years ago. Now, packages are flown across the ocean. Because airplanes travel so fast, packages arrive very quickly. Now our economy (经济)depends on fast delivery (快递)!(1)How did Sunee know that the package had come from Thailand? (2)What did Sunees aunt send her? (3)Why did it use to take many months to get a package from across the ocean? (4)How long did Sunees package take to arrive? (5)Did Sunees package travel by airplane? 5. (5分)阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。 Tom comes from Australia. He studies in a middle school in Tianjin. He usually gets up at 7: 00 a. m. and then reads Chinese. He has breakfast at 7: 30 a. m. And then he goes to school by bike. He is never late for school. Classes begin at 8: 00 a. m. He has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. He has lunch at 12: 30 p. m. at home with his parents. They both work as reporters at a TV station. After school, sometimes he plays volleyball with his classmates, and sometimes he reads books in the school library. He goes back home at 4: 40 p. m. After supper, he always studies Chinese. He goes to bed at about 9: 10 p. m. He likes China and he thinks Chinese people are friendly and he believes he can make many friends here.(1)What does Tom usually do first after he gets up? (2)How does Tom go to school? (3)How many classes does Tom have every day? (4)请把文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。 (5)How does Tom like Chinese people? 6. (5.0分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 In the USA, there are many kinds of restaurants.Fast food restaurant are very famous. You can find McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken in many countries around the world. You look at a menu(菜单) on the counter(柜台), and say what youd like to eat. You pay the person who brings food to you. You take your food and sit down or take it away. Theres no need to leave a tip(小费).In a coffee shop, you sit at the counter or at a table. You dont wait for the waitress to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffee when you sit down. You tell her what youd like to eat and she brings it to you. You pay the cashier(收银员) as you leave.In a family restaurant, the waitress shows you where you can sit. Often the waitress tells you her name, but you dont need to tell her yours. If you cant finish eating everything, your waitress gives you a doggy bag to take the rest of food home. You should add (增加) fifteen per cent(百分比) to the bill(账单) as a tip.In top class restaurants, you had better order before you come, and you need to arrive on time. The waiter shows you where to sit. If you have wine there, he may ask you to taste it. You can only refuse it if it tastes bad. When you get your Bill, check it and then add fifteen to twenty per cent to it as a tip for the waiter.The _in the USAWhat you can doTipsFast food restaurantsYou can look at the menu and then _your food.You can eat your food there or take it away.You dont _to leave a tip.In a coffee shopAfter you sit at the counter or at a table, the waitress will bring you _. You pay the cashier as you leave.In a family restaurantThe waitress shows you your _She tells you her name, but you neednt to tell her your _.You can take away the rest of food.If your bill is $100, your tip is $_In top _restaurantYou had better order first, then the waiter will show you where to sit.You can refuse the wine if it doesnt taste _.If your bill is $200, you can give the waiter a tip from $30 to $_7. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 If you are visiting England, you will notice that the English have many customs (风俗) and traditions (传统) that are different from those in China. Heres a guide to visiting England. It provides help for anyone who visit England for the first time.Standing in the queueEnglish people like to form queues. They think it is the fair way to behave. People wait in a queue in shops or at bus stops. People will think you are rude if you dont join the queue.Please, Thank you, Excuse me and SorryIt is good manners to say Please and Thank you. If someone is in your way, say Excuse me and they will move. If you bump into someone or you are in their way, say Sorry. They will probably say sorry, too, even if it was your mistake. Saying sorry does not always mean you are wrong. Sometimes it is a polite thing to say.Meeting a new personWhen people meet for the first time, the usual custom is to shake hands. The next time you meet that person, you can just say hello. English people dont usually hug or kiss if they dont know each other really well.Talking to peopleEnglish people find it difficult to start conversations with strangers. If you are on buses or trains, they usually sit as far away from other people as possible. If you want to start a conversation, the topic that English people are always happy to talk about is the weather. So you need to be able to say Isnt it warm (sunny/windy/wet/foggy) today? or Do you think its going to rain/clear up? Avoid topics such as politics, religion or how much people earn!Just behave politely. Remember: When you are in England, just do as the English people do!TitleA _to visiting EnglandIntroductionMany customs and traditions in England are _from those in China.This article provides _for people visiting England.Main bodyStand in the queuewait in line be thought rude if you dont _the queueSay polite expressions if someone is _your way if you bump into someoneMeet strangers shake hands when meeting for the _time seldom hug _kiss_to people talk about weather avoid topics _politics, etcConclusionDont _to follow the local customs and traditions.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 任务型阅读 (共7题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、7-1、

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