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MODULE 3 My new school Part 2: Teaching Resources第二部分 教学资源Section 2: Words and Expressions 1. thereadv. 1. 在那儿;往那儿 in, at or to that place: 我曾经到过那里。 I have been there before. Dont put the box here-put it there. 别把箱子放在这儿放在那儿吧。 You are right there. 在那一点上你是对的。I hope to get there next year. 我希望明年到那里去。 She was in a factory there. 她在那里的一家工厂里工作。 Nobody there would steal the money. 那儿不会有人偷钱。 I hear there may be a few copies left. 我听说可能还剩下几本。 2. 表示存在(引导句子) word to show something(introducing a sentence): There are many students in the classroom. 教室里有许多学生。 There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。 There is a man at the door. 门口有人。In winter there are no leaves on the trees. 冬天树上没有树叶。 There is no scientific answer to these questions at present. 目前还没有科学的答案。 Was there a newspaper today? 今天有报吗? 3. 与appear, seem等动词连用 word that you say with the verbs appear, seem, etc.: There seems to be a lot of noise in the street. 街上似乎声音嘈杂。 There seems to be no work for you to do now. 看来现在没有什么工作要你做的了。 int. 用于引起注意 word to make people look or listen: There fell a deep silence. 忽然一片静默。There comes the train! 火车来了!There he comes! 他来了! Theres the bell for our class! 我们的上课铃响了!There comes the bus! 公共汽车来了! There the work is done. 瞧,工作做好了。 here and there 到处 Beautiful flowers are seen here and there. 到处看到美丽的花。 over there 在那边,在那里 What is he doing over there? 他在那儿干什么? there and back 来回,往返 I can go there and back in half an hour. 我能在半小时内往返一次。 Its ten miles there and back. 来回共十里路。 2. computern. 计算机;电脑 an automatic electronic machine for performing calculations: This afternoon an old scientist will give us a talk on the computer. 今天下午一位老科学家将给我们作关于计算机的报告。 computer dating: the arrangement of social engagements between single men and women by programming a computer to match their characteristics according to prescribed types 电脑择友 3. dictionaryn. C 词典;字典 a book which tells you what words mean: Are these your dictionaries? 这些词典是你的吗? If you dont know the word, look it up in a dictionary. 你如果不认识这个单词,可以查词典。a live (walking) dictionary 活词典 a pocket size dictionary 袖珍词典 a voluminous dictionary 大词典 a dictionary of English usage 英语用法词典 look up a dictionary 查字典 4. libraryn. C 图书馆;图书室 room or building for books: The new library will open from 1 September. 新图书馆将在九月一日起开放。Wei Fang is at the school library. 魏芳在学校图书馆。 He goes to the library on Sunday mornings. 他每星期天上午去图书馆。 in the library of a large country house 在一所宽大的乡村别墅的书斋里 5. picturen. 1. 图片;相片;图画 drawing, painting, or photography of someone or something: Annette painted a picture of a flower. 安尼特画了一朵花的图画。 The garden in bloom is a picture itself. 百花盛开的庭园美丽如画。 What do you see in the pictures? 你们在画中看到了什么?Now look at this picture please. 现在请看这幅图画。 What a beautiful picture! 多美的画儿呀!He has his picture taken. 他请人给他照一张像。 I havent been to Paris, but Ive seen a picture of the Eiffel Tower. 我没有去过巴黎,不过我看见过一张爱菲尔塔的照片。 Children like books with pictures. 孩子们喜欢带图画的书。 take a picture 照相;拍照 May I take a picture for you? 我可以替你照一张相吗? He takes good pictures. 他拍照技术很好。 2. 影片 film that you can see at a cinema: Were going to the pictures tonight. 我们今晚要去看电影。They go to the picture once a week. 他们每周看一次电影。 v. 1. 画 make a picture : The artist used red and orange to picture the sun set. 那位画家用红色和橙色画落日。 2. 描写;叙述 to describe or explain: The boy pictured his day at school to his parents. 那个男孩向他父母叙述他在学校一天情况。 6. televisionn. 电视 way of sending pictures so that you can see what is happening in another place: We were watching television. 我们在看电视。 I watched a football match on television last night. 昨夜我在电视里看了一场足球赛。a colour television 彩色电视 7. rightadj. 1. 正确的 correct; proper; true: Your opinion is right. 你的意见正确。 Fill in the blanks with the right words. 用确切的字填空。 Are we on the right road? 我们走的路对吗? 2. 适当的;合适的 most suitable; best; proper: Hes the right man for the position. 他担任这个职务最合适。 3. 右边;右 opposite of left: The bus stop is on the right side of the road. 公共汽车站在马路右边。Most people write with their right hands. 多数人用右手写字。 4. 健康的 in good health; healthy; well: Are you all right? 你挺好吧? He isnt in his right mind. 他的神智不太健全。The boys are all right. 孩子们都安全。 5. 顺当的;满意的 in good or normal condition; satisfactory: Alls right. 一切正常。 Everything seems to be all right. 一切看来都很好。 adv. 1. 笔直;直接地 straight; directly: Go right to the end of the road. 一直走到这条路的尽头。The wind blew right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。 Go right home! 直接回家去! 2. 向右 to the right side: He turned right. 他向右转。 3. 完全地;彻底地 completely; thoroughly; quite: The boy has read right through the book. 那男孩已把这本书完全读完了。 n. 1. U 正确;对;是 what is good, true, etc.: He always makes himself out to be in the right. 他总是以为自己有理。He knows right from wrong. 他能辨别是非。 2. U 右方 the right side: Keep to the right. 靠右走。 Please go up the staircase on the right. 请从右边楼梯上去。 Our house is the first one on the right. 我们的房子在右边的第一幢。 3. U 正义;公理 that which is just; justice: We fight for the right. 我们为正义而战。 4. C 权利 being able to do something by law: You have no right to do that. 你无权做那件事。 In old China the poor children had no right to go to school. 在旧中国穷苦人家的孩子没有上学的权利。 All citizens have the right to a passport. 所有的公民都有获得护照的权利。 rights and duties 权利与义务 v. 1. 改正;纠正 to correct; to set right: Such a fault will right itself 那种错误会自行改正。 2. 扶正 put into the right or an upright position: He could not right the car. 他不能把车子扶正。The ship righted again. 船又恢复平稳了。 3. 整理 put in order: Mother had to right the entire house after the party. 聚会以后,妈妈还得把整个屋子整理一遍。 8. science n. 科学;自然科学;一门学科;学科 study of natural things: He decided to study science. 他决定攻读自然科学。We love science. 我们爱科学。 He hasnt much knowledge of science. 他没有多少科学知识。 He is more interested in science than in art. 他对科学比对艺术更有兴趣。Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are sciences. 生物、化学和物理是自然科学。 Maths is the most important of all the sciences. 数学是一切科学中最重要的。 9. labn.C (口语)实验室 (oral) =laboratory: The professor took the students to the chemistry lab. 教授把学生们带到化学实验室去。 small chemistry lab of his own 一所他自己的小化学实验室 10. nextadj. 1. 最近的;紧挨着的;紧接其后的 nearest; immediately before or after He lives in the house next to ours. 他住在我们隔壁的那所房子里。 Our bus could not stop and bumped into the next bus. 我们坐的公共汽车停不下来,撞到旁边的公共汽车上了。 next of kin (最近的亲属们) 2. 下一个的;随后的 the first that comes after; following: Hes going to teach us chemistry next term. 下学期他将教我们化学。 See you next Monday. 下星期一见。He will come next week. 他将在下周来。 By next spring Ill have been living here for six years. 到明年春天我住在这儿就六年了。 Let us take the next train. 让我们乘下一趟火车吧。 Whens the next meeting? 下一次会什么时候开? the next house 下一幢房子 the next thing to be done 接着要做的事 the next town 下一个城市 This Tuesday is the 7th and next is the 14th. 这个星期二是七号,下个星期二是十四号。 Next! 下面一个人! 3. 指时间(假如所指的时间是在已提到的时间的未来,则须加定冠词。),第二(天、年等);以后(几天,几周等)(多和连用) of time; def. art. needed if the reference is to a time that is future in relation to a time already mentioned: He said he would see me again the next day. 他说他第二天还要见我。 The next year will be difficult. 往后这一年会是困难的一年。 adv. 其次;然后;下次;下一步;下面 after that (this) When shall we meet next? 下一次我们什么时候见面? What are you going to do next? 下一步你将做些什么呢? Who comes next? 下一个该谁了? A motor cyclist passed us, next came a truck. 一个骑摩托车的人从我们旁边经过,接着又开来了一辆货车。 to come next 跟着 prep. 靠近;贴近 nearest to I sat next him. 我坐在他旁边。 I wear wool next my skin. 我贴身穿着毛衣。 n. 1. 最近的人或物 person or thing that is nearest: This is the Carters house and ours is the next. 这是卡特家的房子,我们的是隔壁那座。 Amy was the first to arrive and Mary was the next. 艾米第一个到,玛丽是第二个。 2. 下一个人或物 person or thing coming just after: Next please! 下一位! I will tell you in my next. 我在下一封信里告诉你。 There goes our bus, well have to wait for the next. 汽车开走了,我们只好等下一辆了。 in the next place 其次 11. behindprep. 1. 在后面;在背后 at the back of; on the other side of; not in front of: There is something behind it. 这后面有文章。 2. 过去 in the past: The difficulties are behind us. 困难都过去了。Our youth is now behind us. 我们的少年时代现在已经过去。 3.(喻)支持;支助 (fig.) in support of: The people are behind him. 人民作他的后盾。 4. 慢于;落后于 slower in work, etc.: Mary is behind the other girls in sewing. 玛丽在缝纫方面不如其他女孩子。 adv. 1. 在后面 coming after; at the back: Ill go first and you come behind. 我先走,你随后来。 Dont look behind. 不要向后看。 2. 缓慢;迟 slow; late: My watch is five minutes behind. 我的表慢了五分钟。 12. anyadj. 1.(用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中)一些 (in negative, interrogative and conditional sentences) some: I havent seen any papers today. 今天我任何报纸都没有看。There arent any interesting books there. 那儿没有什么有趣的书。 Are there any cars on the road? No, there arent any. 有小汽车吗?不,一辆也没有。Have you any coffee? 你有咖啡吗? Have you any money? I dont have any money. 你有钱吗?我一点钱也没有。If you want any help, please tell me. 如果你需要什么帮助,请告诉我吧。 2. 任一的;任何一个 no special one; one out of many: You can get this book at any bookshop. 在任何书店都买得到这本书。 Any boy can do it. 不论哪个孩子都能做这件事。Come any day this week. 本星期任何一天来都可以。 You can take any book, I dont mind which one. 你可以拿随便哪一本书,我都不在乎。 pron. 1. 一些 some: Some tea, please. Im sorry, there isnt any. “请来杯茶。”“对不起,没有茶。”Ive got some new books. Have you got any? 我搞到了几本新书。你搞到了没有? 2. 任何事或东西 any thing or things: You may borrow any of my books. 你可以借我任何一本书。Any is better than none. 有总比无好。 3. 任何一个人或人们 any person or persons: Any of us can help you. 我们(当中)任何一位都能帮助你。 Any are free to express an opinion. 任何人都可以自由表示意见。 Does any of you know this? 你们之中有谁知道吗? adv. 丝毫;稍稍 at all; a little: Is your father any better? 你父亲好一点了吗? He could not go any farther. 他一点也不能再走了。 13. oneadj. 1. 单一的,一个的,一人的 (single) one dollar: 一元 in one word 总而言之,总之 one or two days 一两天,极少的天数 He is one year old of age. 他一岁。one man in ten 十人中一人 No one man can do it. 无论是谁,一个人是做不来的。one man one vote 一人一票 (制) 2. 一: one thousand (and) one hundred 一千一百 3. 一岁的 He is one. 他一岁。 4. 某: one day night (过去或未来的) 某日晚 one summer night 一个 某 夏天的夜晚 One day in May, she met a young man. 五月里的某一天,她遇见一位年轻人。 5. 一个名叫的人: one Smith 一个名叫史密斯的人 6. 一方的,一面的 To know a language is one thing, to teach it is another. 懂得一种语言是一回事,教这种语言是另一回事。 If A said one thing, B was sure to say another. 如果 A 说一件事,B 一定说另一件事(无论 A 说什么,B 一定反对)。 He is so careless that your advice seems to go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other. 他是那样粗心大意,他把你的忠告当作耳边风。 Some say one thing, some another. 有人这样说,有人那样说。 (the) one (the other) 一个,另一个 7. the , ones 唯一的 (the only) the one way to do it 做那件事的唯一方法 my one and only hope 我唯一的希望 得救的唯一办法 8. 相同的,同一的 (the same) in one direction 同一方向 We are of one age. 我们同年龄。 9. all 完全相同的,都一样的 It is all one to me. 那对我都是一样。 10. 一体的,一致的 with one voice 异口同声地 We are all of one mind. 我们都是一条心。 11. 一致的with He is one with me. 他和我想法一致。 12. 特别,非常 She is one beautiful girl. 她是个非常美的女孩子。 n. 1. 有时为(c); 常无冠词 (基数的) 一; 一个,一人: One and one make(s) two. 一加一等于二。 one third 三分之一 Book Chapter O 第一卷 章 one and twenty=twenty-one 二十一 one or two 一两个 one at a time 一次一人 一个 2. 1 的数字 记号 (1,i,I) Your 1s are too like 7s. 你的 1 太像 7 了。 3. 一点 (钟) ; 一岁 at one 在一点 (钟) at one and thirty 在三十一岁时 4. 一击,一拳; 一杯: give a person one in the eye 在某人眼睛上打一拳 pron. 1. 特定的人物中之 一,一个,一人of: We treated him as one of our family. 我们待他如家里的一分子。 One of them lost his ticket. 他们中有个人遗失车票。 2. 一边 (的东西) ,一方 They are so much alike that we cannot tell (the) one from the other. 他们如此相像所以我们无法加以辨别。 Ones as good as much like another. (两者中的) 一个和另一个一样好 很相似。 3. (c) (特定的) 人; 物 dear sweet, loved ones 可爱的孩子们 the young little ones 孩子们; 小鸡 such a one 那样的人 any one 任何人 a right one (英口语)傻瓜 many a one 许多的人 4. a ; 表示惊讶 怪人,有趣的人 You are a one to do such a thing! 你做这种事,真是怪人! 5. the O 超自然的存在,神 the Holy One = the One above 神 the Evil One 魔鬼 6. (非特定的) 人 behave like one mad dead 举止如疯子 死人 One who goes to France never fails to visit Paris. 去法国的人必定会游览巴黎。 7. 总称【人】; 无复数 (一般的) 人,世人,任何人 One must obey ones his parents. 一个人必须服从父母。 8. 做作的说法 自己,本人 (I, me) It was in 1982, if one remembers rightly. 如果我没记错的话,那是 1982 年的事。 .9. 为避免重复前面已出现的可数名词 该物,该同类之物: I dont have a pen. Can yon lend me one? 我没有笔,你能借我一支吗? Give me a good one some good ones. 给我一个好的 一些好的 。 His tone was one of sorrow. 他的语调是悲伤的 (语调) 。 10. (特定或非特定的) 人; 物 Will you show me this one ? 这个给我看看好吗 ? Which one do you prefer? 你比较喜欢哪一个? Give me the one there. 给我在那里的那个。 He is the one I mean. 他就是我说的那个人。 Are these the ones you were looking for ? 这些就是你在寻找的东西吗?


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