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仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语5月适应性考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)We can eat mooncakes in _ August. A . aB . anC . /D . the2. (2分)The man _ Shanghai an hour ago, so he_ for an hour. A . was away for; has leftB . left; has leftC . has left for; has been awayD . left for; has been away3. (2分)Friends like you make _ a lot easier to get along in a new place.A . meB . thatC . youD . it4. (2分)- Where is Linda? I cant find her anywhere.- She _ the flowers in the garden.A . watersB . is wateringC . wateredD . has watered5. (2分)He nine years old tomorrow.Oh, where will he spend his birthday?A . is going to be, ninethB . will be, ninthC . is going to be, ninthD . will be, nine6. (2分)Alice, would you like to go hiking with us?What a pity! I am free every day today.A . forB . exceptC . besidesD . among7. (2分)Look,its the most beautiful park_ Ive ever visited before.Really?How I wish to go to see it for myself!A . thatB . whichC . whomD . who8. (2分)Mum, can I go to watch the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 tomorrow?Sure, if your homework .A . finishB . is finishedC . will finishD . will be finished9. (2分)- Daniel, could you tell me ?- Certainly, in Brazil.A . when the 2016 Olympices will be heldB . when will the 2016 Olympics be heldC . where the 2016 Olympics will be heldD . where will the 2016 Olympics be held10. (2分) _? Yes, Id like the new dress. Please show me the green one?A . Whats the matterB . How are youC . Whats the dateD . Can I help you二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。Years ago, when Dad moved to the USA, I had to go to school in New York. I was worried. How could I, an eight-year-old girl from 1, make friends in America?On my first day at Anna Silver School, I met Miss Green, my class 2. She spoke to me slowly and 3to get me used to her American accent. When she discovered that I 4drawing, she encouraged me a lot. Miss Green made sure that I could fit into her class easily, and before I knew it, I was already having 5 fun, just as other schoolgirls could.When Dad was sent back to India, I had to6 Anna Silver School. I was 7 again Miss Green had planned to take us students for a 8trip, but I had to say goodbye to them now. So, with a 9 heart, I left my school and the USA. Back in India, I received a package one day. It was 10 Miss Green and my 24 classmates. They had written me a letter each, 11me about the fishing trip. Miss Green said she 12me very much. With her good wishes, she added, Keep up with your drawing 13 you love it so much.Im very 14 to Miss Green. She not only made a shy little 15 feel at home in a faraway country, but also taught me and my classmates to understand the importance of being kind to others at an early age.(1)A . India B . China C . France D . Thailand (2)A . nurse B . doctor C . student D . teacher (3)A . weakly B . nosily C . clearly D . angrily (4)A . hated B . enjoyed C . dropped D . minded (5)A . much B . little C . no D . any (6)A . reach B . choose C . support D . leave (7)A . tired B . surprised C . worried D . satisfied (8)A . riding B . fishing C . skiing D . camping (9)A . cold B . hot C . light D . heavy (10)A . from B . between C . through D . among (11)A . teaching B . training C . telling D . treating (12)A . thanked B . missed C . hurt D . understood (13)A . so B . but C . unless D . since (14)A . kind B . patient C . thankful D . friendly (15)A . girl B . boy C . daughter D . son 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共55分)12. (10分)阅读理解 Dear Mike,Thanks for your family photo. This is a photo of my family. I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my parents, my sister and I. The old woman is my grandmother. The man is my father. His name is David. He is a teacher. And what about the woman? She is my mother. Her name is Linda. She is very nice. Look at the girl. Thats my sister. She is in a middle school (中学). Her name is Lucy. Do you know(知道) the boy? Its me. Yours,Tony(1)There are people in this family. A . fourB . fiveC . sixD . seven(2)Who is Linda? A . She is the boys aunt.B . She is the boys sister.C . She is the boys mother.D . She is the boys cousin.(3)Is David the old womans son? A . Yes, he is.B . No, he isnt.C . No, he is.D . No, it is.(4)Whats the name of the boy? A . Tony.B . Mike.C . David.D . Linda.(5)Which is true(正确的) according to (根据) the letter? A . The parents have two sons.B . Lucy is a student.C . Lucys mother is a teacher.D . Dave has no grandmother.13. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CA Small Invention, Big HelpAn invention is an invention - big or small. A big invention makes us feel it all the time, such as the TV and the computer. There are also several small things around us even if we seldom pay much attention to them. A paper clip helps hold pieces of paper together without making a hole. A big paper clip was put up in Norway to help people remember the inventor of the paper clip, Johann Vaaler. He invented the paper clip in 1900 when working in Germany. A paper clip is in fact a piece of wire (金属丝) that is made in such a way that it can hold together many pieces of paper. Now millions of them are made and sold all over the world. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1938 by a Hungarian, had been trying to find another use for the quick drying ink (快干油墨) and designed this pen. Later, a Frenchman, Marcel Bich thought up the idea of making a use-and-throw pen and sold it cheap. It was named BIC and became very popular.(1)Where was the paper clip invented? A . In America.B . In France.C . In Germany.D . In Norway.(2)How many years was the paper clip invented earlier than the ballpoint pen?A . Sixty-five.B . Fifty-six.C . Eighty-three.D . Thirty-eight.(3)Who invented the ballpoint pen? A . Johann Vaaler.B . Biro.C . Marcel Bich.D . We dont know.(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . A paper clip holds the paper through a hole.B . Marcel Bich is a Frenchman.C . A big paper clip in Norway is used to remember its inventor.D . BIC. is cheap and popular,(5)Whats the passage mainly about? A . How to invent small things.B . Who invented the small things.C . Small things are very useful.D . Two small inventions.14. (10分)阅读理解 Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than Im sorry. This phrase has become such a common response(反应) that it has taken on a lot of meanings.Saying Sorry means to apologize(道歉). This is simple and easy to understand. We learn it both as a native speaker and as a student of foreign languages.But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression. Imagine this: a man walks down the street, looking down at his phone. A woman is walking in the opposite direction, towards the man. She sees him, but she cant get out of the way in time. The man bumps (碰撞) into the woman. Who should say sorry? Naturally, the man should say sorry, because it was he who wasnt looking where he was going. Yet in Britain, it is common for both to apologize.It is known that British people, like most people, do not enjoy conflict(冲突).So to quickly calm the situation, British people will apologize to each other.Other times it may sound funny to hear sorry. Some of my friends say it at restaurants, as they ask the waiter: Sorry, but can I order another drink? It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesnt always mean exactly what you think.(1)According to the passage, saying sorry is a cultural expression in . A . the USAB . the UKC . the WWFD . the UN(2)What does the underlined phrase take on mean in Paragraph 1? A . 从事B . 雇佣C . 呈现D . 拿起(3)The example in the third paragraph is used to . A . describe a situation that people should avoidB . describe how sorry has another meaning in BritainC . explain why people should say sorry to each otherD . show how polite British people are(4)The restaurant example shows that sorry can be used to . A . apologizeB . calm a situation downC . explain what youre thinking aboutD . ask a waiter to bring something(5)What might be a good title for this passage? A . Im Sorry Is More Than just an ApologyB . Traditional British MannersC . How to Best Catch Others AttentionD . Finding a Way out of a Difficult Situation15. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题。Pisces (February 20 to March 20)Its the sign of the fish. Pisceans are very free-flowing(自由散漫的)people. They often feel bad when they cannot do the things that they want to. When things dont run well, they will often become very angry. A Piscean can usually make the best of a bad situation if they really want to. They can easily get along with other people and the outside world.Quality: Negative(阴性) Ruler: Neptune (海王星)Triplicity: Mutable (变通型) Quadruplicity: Water (水相)Pisces can be given cameras, socks and shoes as presents. Music of all kinds is welcome, such as CDs, piano and concert tickets. Anything that makes a Pisces think of water and seas is great, such as ships, going boating, a trip to the sea and a hot bath.(1)What are the characteristics of Pisceans?(2)Whats the best gift for a Piscean?(3)Is it easy to make friends with Pisceans?(4)Pisceans like to live in their own way, dont they?(5)Whats the Chinese meaning of “make the best of”?四、 选择合适的选项补全短文 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)信息匹配_Welcome to our talk show, Mr Brown. You are an actor and busy every day. But you try to find much time to exercise. Could you tell us what you usually do in your free time?_I know you like skateboarding, little John. When did you start it? How often do you go skateboarding?_I know you dont need to go to work on weekends, sir. How do you usually spend your weekends?_Fruit, vegetables and milk are good for us. They are healthy. Do you often have them, Miss Yang?_As a waiter, you work at night and sleep in the day. How many hours do you sleep every day, Mr. Green? Do you think its the same as a day job?A. Im busy and tired on weekdays. So I want to relax myself at home on weekends. I like surfing the Internet and do it for five or six hours every Saturday and Sunday.B. I cook at home from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I usually go out to have dinner with my husband and son. Maybe I must find a job next month.C. Skateboarding is fun. I started to learn to skateboard when I was five years old. Now I go skateboarding four or five times a week.D. They are really good for us. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day. But I hardly drink milk. I think only kids can drink lots of milk.E. Im really busy. I have lots of movies and TV plays to make. But I want to keep in good health. So I do some running in my free time.F. Most of us work and have meals in the day and sleep at night. A night job is different from a day job. I usually sleep for six or seven hours in the day. But I cant have meals like people who work in the day.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个限用一次make up, give, screen, bad, choose, serious, win. all kinds of, meet, differentHey, friends! Do you know Candy Wang? You often see her on the_yes? Not long ago I interviewed (采访) this pop star. This time she_me some important information about herself. In the past, she was very shy. To overcome (克服) her shyness, she tried_ways. But they didnt work. Later she_to sing. She took it very_Every day she practiced singing and then she became a(n)_Now shes not shy anymore.I asked Candy how her life was _after she became famous (出名的). She said there were many good things, like traveling and _new people all the time. However, sometimes the best thing can also be the _thing. After I became famous, I always worried about what I said and did. I worried someone would _stories about me. I didnt have fun, said Candy.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共19分)18. (19分)任务型阅读On her way home from school the other day, Yang Xi found people looking at her with strange expressions.The 15-year-old Shandong girl felt embarrassed, but she knew they were looking at her school uniform.There were some pictures and words on the back, such as“Dear Yang Xi, I will miss you after graduation.”Her friends did it in class.And Yang wrote something on her friends uniforms too after class.Like Yang, many students now use the school uniform as if it were a piece of white paper and draw on it.They draw pictures of their favorite singers,athletes and cartoon characters and so on.“I think (1) (wear) a school uniform with graffiti is a kind of campus fashion,”said Yang.As a matter of fact, most schools have strict rules that require students not to draw on uniforms. Otherwise, they will be punished (惩罚).They may be told to clean their uniform or more seriously, to buy a new one.However,it seems that some students are not afraid of the rules and punishment.“I think there are at least 100 students with (2) (paint) uniforms in my school.They walk around the campus proudly.I wonder if they care whether they will be punished at all,”said Li Fei,13 of Fujian.Li Yong,14 of Heilongjiang, had his own view.“I have seen cartoon figures such as Naruto(火影忍者) and Doraemon(哆啦 A梦) that students draw on their uniforms.They are really beautiful and creative.I think graffiti can make students become creative,”said Li.“But its better not to draw on uniforms.”Although he doesnt think his school uniform looks good, Li would never draw on it.Its a strict school rule there, after all.I have to follow the rules.”(1)回答问题1)How did Yang Xi feel when she found people looking at her with strange expressions?2)Do all the schools allow students to draw on their school uniforms? If not, what will happen if students draw on their school uniforms?(2)请用括号中所给词的适当形式填空_(3)请将文中画线的句子翻译成中文 (4)Whats the best title of this passage? A . Do you have a school uniform?B . Is a uniform like a piece of paper?C . What do you think of your school uniform?D . Can you design your school uniform?(5)If you have a school uniform, will you draw anything on it? Why? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假如你是刘畅,今天是中国传统节日端午节。请根据以下信息给你的好友 Alice 写 一封电子邮件,描述一下你们一家人此刻的活动。写作要点:表达对 Alice 的思念之情。介绍你们一家人正在做的事。祖父母:看电视爸爸:打扫房间你和妈妈:包粽子至少说明两点你喜欢端午节的理由。(如:家人团聚,了解历史知识)写作要求:不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条理清楚;至少 80 词。Dear Alice,How are you doing?Best wishes!Yours,Liu Chang第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共55分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 选择合适的选项补全短文 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)17-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共19分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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