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1试题内容: There _a_on the shelfA. are book B. is book C. are books D . is books试题分析:以为a是指单数,所以要用is,而book又是可数名词,所以要用book,故选B试题答案:B2试题内容:.Where is the Bridge?A. Beside the river. B. Under theriver. C. On the river D .over the river试题分析:桥式横跨河流的,所以应该选D试题答案:D 3试题内容:.How do we go _?A. park B. to here C. to there D. to school试题分析: goto 接名词 故为D试题答案:D4试题内容:Whos that man over there? _ MrGreen. A. Hes B. Shes C. Its D.they are试题分析: he是男性他的意思,而题中又是Mr Green.又是男性,故选A试题答案:A5试题内容:.This is my grandpa. _ is a doctor.A. she B. He C. It D.him试题分析:he是男性他的意思,而brother.是男的,所以选B试题答案:B6试题内容:._ ? Yes, I am.A. Is he a teacher? B. Are you a nurse? C. Are they students? D.is you a policeman试题分析: 提问第二人称 回答用第一人称 故选B试题答案:B 7试题内容:.Whos the woman _ the red coat?A.with B. at C. in D . on试题分析:with有穿,戴,一起和有的意思,题意是说穿绿衣的人是谁?所以选A试题答案:A 8试题内容:.Is the man_ big eyes yourfather?A. in B. on C. with D. for试题分析:with有一起和有的意思,题意为大眼睛的男人是你爸爸?故选C试题答案:C 9试题内容:Thegirl _ the postman.A. listens to B. listen to C. listens D . listen试题分析:The girl是单数第三人称,故动词要加s(do要用does等),所以选A试题答案:A10试题内容:_ write on the book.A. Do B. Dont C. Not D.does试题分析: Dont的祈使句的固定搭配,所以选B试题答案:B11试题内容:Whos the postman _ ?A. with a big ears B. with big ears C. in big ears D. for big ears试题分析:耳朵是有两只,with有有的意思,故要用复数,所以选B试题答案:B12试题内容:_ the girl _ a big mouth?A. Whos, with B. Whos, in C. hose, in D . whose, in试题分析:Whose是宾格,此题要用主格,with在此的意思是有,故选A试题答案:A13试题内容:_? Its in the shelf.A. Whos he B. Wheres the book C. Whats that D. which i s she试题分析:in the desk.是指在什么地方,提问要用where,所以选B试题答案:B14试题内容:Do you have atelephone?yes,_A. I havent B. I did C. I have D. I dont 试题分析:肯定回答只有c是对的,所以选C试题答案:C15试题内容:._ is that wo man? A. She B.no C. Who D . none试题分析:疑问句在此只能用who提问,为那个女人是谁?故选C试题答案:C16 试题内容:Whats _ name?A. boys B. the boy C. the boys Da boy试题分析:特指,这个男孩的,所以要有s和定冠词the 所以选C试题答案:C17试题内容:How many _ do you _?Anew. book, has B. new. books, have C new. books, has D. new.book,have试题分析: 前面是问数量用复数,you接动词原型,所以选B试题答案:B18试题内容:We _ a new friendA. has B. have C. are D. is试题分析:我们是一个新朋友翻不通,we接动词原型,所以选B试题答案:B19试题内容:Whats this? _.A. Its bee. B. Its a bee. C. This is bee. D.That is bee试题分析:bee是可数,在此只有B符合题意,所以选B试题答案:B20试题内容:_ are the sharpeners? They are near the fish bowl.A. What B. Who C. Where D. which试题分析:从后面的答案中可以看到问的是地点,所以选C试题答案:C21试题内容:Shall we go to _hospital ? A. the B. a C. / D.an 试题分析:goto句型,在不是特指的情况下不用直接接地方,所以选C试题答案:C 22试题内容:Let go to the park_foot. A .by B .in C .on D. with试题分析: on foot 步行,固定搭配,所以选C试题答案:C23试题内容:Heres _egg for you. A. a B. / C.some D.an试题分析:egg为可数名词,但是辅音,所以选D 试题答案:D24试题内容:.What _you see in the picture? A. can B. is C. do D. does试题分析: 题意为在画中你能看见什么,情态动词,所以选A试题答案:A25试题内容:How many _can you see on the teachers desk? A. pies B. coffee C. bread D. air试题分析: 前面两个一个是不可数,一个是不能这样问,而bread单复数同型,所以选C试题答案:C26试题内容:_ that woman? Shes Lily. _motherr is she? Shes Mr Lis. A. Whose .Whose B. Whos Whose C. Whos Whos D. Whose Whos 试题分析:对主语人用主格, 对宾语人用宾格,故选B试题答案:B27试题内容:T.he student _ the blue cat is _ son. A. on hes B. in his C. in he D. on his 试题分析:in为穿之意,他的儿子,应该用宾格,所以选B 试题答案: B28试题内容:.Its tenoclock. Its late _ workA. to B. for C. in D. on 试题分析:be late for固定搭配,意为迟到,所以选B 试题答案:B29试题内容.Lucy ,Helen and Mr Green _ in theschool. A. is B./ C. are D. isnt 试题分析:从题中可知是三个人,应该用复数,所以选C试题答案:C30试题内容.Six and fifty is Fifty-five. _, youre _. A. Yeswrong B. No wrong C. Yesright D. wrongright 试题分析: 肯定回答用肯定 否定回答用否定,从题意可知是错误的,所以选B试题答案:B31试题内容:Theyre my aunts. Theyre _. A. pears B. boys C. worker D . nurses试题分析:后面回答是指他们是干什么的?而且还是女性,所以选,所以选D 试题答案:D32试题内容:_ climb desk again. A. Not B. is C. Do D. Dont试题分析:祈使句,用dont搭配 所以选D试题答案:D33试题内容:.Is this bus _school? Yes . A . to B. for C. by D. on试题分析: FOR有开往的意思,题意是这是到学校的车吗?所以选B试题答案:B34试题内容:._ do you go to work? At 8:20. A. How B. What time C. What D.which试题分析:怎么提问用how,时间提问用What time,所以选B试题答案:B35试题内容:Shall we go there _ bigbus? Great. A. on B . by C. at D. for试题分析:乘坐用by,所以选B试题答案:B36试题内容:Thecake is _ your brother . Thank you A. to B. for C. about D. in试题分析:for有给你的意思,所以选B试题答案:B37试题内容:What are these ? _ eggs A. Its B. Theyre C. Therere D. these is试题分析:eggs是复数,所以要用they代它,故选B试题答案:B 38试题内容:_are the bananas? _four yuan. A. How many , Its B. How much , Theyre C. How much, Its D .how many,theyre试题分析: 对价钱提问用How much,而回答用特定的it回答,故选C试题答案:C39试题内容:Shes my motherssister. Whos she? A.aunt B. mother C. grandmother D. uncle试题分析: 推理,bab的姐妹是谁?故选A试题答案:A40试题内容:Can I help you ?_someoranges,please. A. I want to be B. I hate C. I like D. Id like试题分析:我想要的固定短语. Id like,所以选D试题答案:D41试题内容:What do you like to do at Sunday? I like_. A.climb B. climbing C. climbbing D. climbed试题分析:like后跟动词ing形式作并与,并且注意climb的末字母需双写。 试题答案:B42试题内容:将下列不同类的单词找出来A. crayon B. farm C. pencil D. red试题分析: red意为“红色的”,不表示颜色。试题答案:D43试题内容:“切面包”:_the bread A.do B.has C.cook D.cut试题分析:考察动词 试题答案:D44试题内容:Bread,cake and coffee_on the desk. A.are B.do C.put D.is试题分析:主语包括Bread,cake,coffee ,故助动词be用复数试题答案:A45试题内容:Where is lili? She is in the_ A chicken B. .kitchen C.home D.cake试题分析:问句问“莉莉在哪里”, “在家”应表达为“at home”试题答案:B46试题内容:Is yourfarther _nanchang? Yes, he is.A.live B. goes to C. visiting D.doing试题分析 现在进行时,所以选C试题答案:C47试题内容:.Where _you thisevening? I _at a meeting.A. are, am B. were, was C.do, am D.is,am试题分析:过去时,所以要选过去系动词,故选B试题答案:B48试题内容:Her sister is a policewoman. She works in a _A.post office B.police station C.office D.classroom试题分析:警察应该是在警察局上班的,故选B试题答案:B49试题内容:Whats the weather like yesterday? It was_A.rain B.windy C.sun D . wed试题分析: 形容词或者副词修饰is 所以选B试题答案: B50试题内容:Were you _ England during the spring holiday?A.in B. on C. at D.for试题分析: in是接大地方或者说在地方的里面也可接小地方,接在地方可意为在,所以选A试题答案:A51试题内容: He came here _yesterday morning.A. at fifth B. at ten C. on two D. till tenth试题分析: 时间用at 并且是基数,所以选B试题答案:B52试题内容:3 We all like the boy.A. of ten years old B. nine-year-old C. at nine old D. of age of ten试题分析:形容词修饰动词试题答案:B53试题内容: There are_ months in a year. December is the_month of the year.A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth试题分析:基数词表示有十二个月,12月是一年当中的第十二个月用序数词试题答案:D54试题内容: During_ century, the world population has already reached 20 billion.A. twenty B. twentieth Cthe. twentieth D. the twenty试题分析:用序数词,还得加冠词修饰试题答案:C55试题内容:Saturday is the_ day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second D. third试题分析:在英语中星期六就是一周的第七天!试题答案:A56试题内容_ Mrs Black a doctor? No, isnt. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, she D. Its,试题分析: 疑问句型,否定回答,同时知道是女性,所以选C试题答案:C57试题内容:What is your sister doing now in classroom? She is_? _ A.cleaning B. to clean C.cleaned D.do clean试题分析:从提问中可知是现在进行时,答案中只有cleaning是现在分词,所以选A试题答案:A58试题内容:Where are the fans?They are in the_A. kitchen B.washingroom Cwater D. bedroom试题分析:根据常识可知选D试题答案:D 59试题内容:.May I _your bathroom? Because I. Want to wash my faceA.look B. use C. seach D.break试题分析:根据经验可知,在洗刷间洗东西,一般是用,所以选B试题答案:B60试题内容:Look, that is_ . Its ten_ now.A. oclock, a clock B. oclock, oclock C. a clock, oclock D. a clock, a clock 试题分析:clock是钟表的意思,oclock是钟点的意思,所以选C试题答案:C


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