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人教版(PEP)备考2020年小升初英语专题复习卷(三)冠词和代词A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 用a或an填空。 (共4题;共9分)1. (5分)找出词组与相应的汉语。 drink soy milk _A. 下象棋 on the lake_B. 许多 play chess_C. 喝豆奶 row a dragon boat_D. 在湖上 lots of_E. 划龙舟2. (2分)Which star is the satellite of the earth? _ _.3. (1分)Bill is an pupil._4. (1分)This is_orange bag.二、 单项选择。 (共39题;共78分)5. (2分)There some water on the table A . beB . areC . is6. (2分)Are they tomatoes?_.A . Yes, they areB . Yes, it isC . Yes, I am7. (2分)How much is it ?It is _.A . thirteen dollar and one centsB . thirteen dollars and one centsC . thirteen dollars and one cent8. (2分)Do you like drinking tea?_.A . Yes, I doB . No, I doC . Yes, I dont9. (2分)May I_ your bike?Sorry.A . rideB . ridesC . riding10. (2分)This is _ apple. A . anB . aC . /11. (2分)Today is Day. A . MothersB . MothersC . Mother12. (2分)Can you any flowers in the nature park?A . seeB . seeingC . sawD . going to see13. (2分)May I have_ ice cream? Here you are.A . a B . an14. (2分)I have _ ruler. A . aB . anC . oh15. (2分)This is _ ear. A . aB . anC . /16. (2分)We have _ pictures. A . aB . anC . many17. (2分)Whens your cousins birthday?My cousins birthday is on of October.A . threeB . firstC . the second18. (2分)Would you like _ soup? A . anB . aC . some19. (2分)A . ten crayons B . seven crayons20. (2分)We have _ music room. A . a B . an21. (2分)What _ beautiful song! A . aB . theC . an22. (2分)There are 60 minutes in _hour.A . aB . /C . an23. (2分)She is _ English teacher. A . anB . aC . one24. (2分)They have _ bread, but they dont have _ water. A . Any, anyB . some, anyC . some, some25. (2分)_?Yes. Do you have a toy elephant?A . Can I try it on?B . Is this yours?C . Can I help you?26. (2分)My English teacher is kind. My maths teacher is _,too. A . smartB . kindC . strict27. (2分)What do you have on Mondays? .A . I have seven books.B . I have Chinese.C . I read book.28. (2分)Can you tell _ the way to the ocean? ( )A . meB . IC . my29. (2分)选出单词中不同类的一项A . IB . myC . you30. (2分)How old are _? A . she B . you31. (2分)Write _message. A . youB . yourC . yours32. (2分)Is the blue bag light?_.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isC . Yes, it isnt33. (2分)Lets make a face _ the snowman. A . inB . withC . on34. (2分)He drinks_milk. A . a lotB . a lot ofC . a lotsD . lot of35. (2分)一 How many squares and circles are there?一 A . There are nine triangles and three circles.B . There are seven squares and eight circles.C . There are seven squares and six stars.36. (2分)Do you like it? A . Yes,I am. B . Yes,I do.37. (2分) _is this coat? Its sixty yuan.A . How manyB . WhatC . How much38. (2分)Mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说: A . Can I have a hamburger? B . Here you are.39. (2分)The king likes _ beautiful clothes. A . inB . wearingC . try on40. (2分)_ that a black dog?Yes, it is. Its a black dog.A . AreB . AmC . Is41. (2分)We finish class 5 oclock. A . atB . inC . on42. (2分)is my sister. A . HeB . SheC . My43. (2分)How many days are there in February?There are days.A . thirtyB . twenty- ninthC . twenty- eight三、 用a,an或the填空,不填用/表示 (共3题;共6分)44. (1分)Can I have _(a)orange ? 45. (4分)给下列句子选择对应的图片。 The dress is 100 yuan _A. The skirt is nice_B. Your shirt is new _C. The coat is mine _D. 46. (1分)Is she a English teacher too? _四、 把表格补充完整。 (共1题;共1分)47. (1分)When is_(youryou)birthday? 五、 按要求写单词。 (共4题;共5分)48. (1分)Can you draw_(they)?Yes, I can.49. (1分)句子改错。_He doesnt buy something his brother.50. (1分)What about your? _51. (2分)选出不同类的单词。 _Eddie Mary Kitty Alice _tall short ball big六、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共1题;共1分)52. (1分)We are waiting for _(they) at the bus stop.七、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共23分)53. (5分)选择配伍How can you get to the school ?_Happy birthday !_Whats the weather like in summer ?_May I speak to Mike ?_Where is your aunt from ?_A、Its cold .B、Shenzhen .C、Thank you .D、Take bus No.4 .E、Yes , speaking .54. (1分)Is_(these) your hen? 55. (2分)抄写下列句子。In spring the flowers are beautiful._I can swim in the river._56. (1分) Do you like English ?_ 57. (1分)His friends cant _ (hear) him.58. (1分) _(What is the date today?What day is it today?)It is July 7th59. (5分)选择合适的答语。A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.(1)Is this a cat? _(2)Is it a sheep? _(3)Is this a duck? _(4)Is this a dog? _(5)Is this a farm? _60. (5分)读句子匹配。May I have a pie ,please?_ A. This is my eyes.Touch your eyes . _ B. Here you are.Can I help you ?_ C. Shes Alice.Who is she ? _ D. Pears, please.Here you are _ E. Thank you.61. (1分)A: What is Amy doing?B: She is_62. (1分)The girl_(on, with, in)green is my sister. 八、 根据句意填入合适的代词。 (共10题;共25分)63. (1分)A monkeys tail is l_than a rabbits tail.64. (5分)抄写下列句子。Its Amys ruler. The picture is hersThe letter is yours.The apples are ours.65. (4分)应答配对。 Whos she? _A. Yes, she is. Is she your mother? _B. Shes my good friend. Is he fat?_C. No, hes thin. Is he your brother?_D. Yes, he is.66. (5分)用主语+shouldnt+.来描述图片: 67. (2分)Close your eyes. Smell this. Is it strawberry juice _grape juice? Its_.68. (1分)How much are _(these/ those) shoes?69. (4分)抄写下列句子。Its in December. _When is Teachers Day?_Teachers Day is in September._We will play ping-pong on Sundays._70. (1分)A: _B:I am 48 kilograms.71. (1分)My mother_(buy)vegetables in this supermarket every day.72. (1分)March is the_(three) month of a year.九、 圈出错误的单词并在横线上改正。 (共5题;共13分)73. (5分)将句子抄写在四线三格上。 (1)Is it a tree? _(2)Is it a ruler? _(3)Is it a pen? _(4)It is a girl. _(5)It is a bag. _74. (1分) _75. (1分)New Years Day is on the first of_. 76. (1分)Which gas cant make the match burn, CO2, O2 or air? _.77. (5分)选出所给句子的答句,将其字母代号填在括号内。What time do you go home?_A. Thank you.Where is Miss Li?_B. At four.Do you like puppets?_C. Yes, I do.Whose jeans are they?_D. Theyre my fathers.Heres a kite for you._E. Shs in the classroom.第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 用a或an填空。 (共4题;共9分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 单项选择。 (共39题;共78分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、三、 用a,an或the填空,不填用/表示 (共3题;共6分)44-1、45-1、46-1、四、 把表格补充完整。 (共1题;共1分)47-1、五、 按要求写单词。 (共4题;共5分)48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、六、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共1题;共1分)52-1、七、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共23分)53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、59-2、59-3、59-4、59-5、60-1、61-1、62-1、八、 根据句意填入合适的代词。 (共10题;共25分)63-1、64-1、65-1、66-1、67-1、68-1、69-1、70-1、71-1、72-1、九、 圈出错误的单词并在横线上改正。 (共5题;共13分)73-1、73-2、73-3、73-4、73-5、74-1、75-1、76-1、77-1、

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