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冀教版2020届九年级上学期英语10月质量检测试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)1. (10分) 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。John Smiths travel21 AugustLeaveNew York12: 25ArriveOttawa14: 2023 AugustLeaveOttawa15: 50ArriveToronto17: 1525 AugustLeaveToronto09: 45ArriveTokyo15: 1029 AugustLeaveTokyo14: 20ArriveSeoul16: 052 SeptemberLeaveSeoul08: 20ArriveNew York12: 25(1) When will John Smith get to Toronto? .A . At a quarter to five in the afternoon, Aug. 23rd.B . At a quarter past five in the afternoon, Aug. 23rd.C . At a quarter to ten in the mornin9, Aug. 25th.D . At a quarter past ten in the mornin9, Aug. 25th.(2) Where will John be on the morning of August 29th? .A . Toronto.B . Tokyo.C . Seoul.D . New York.(3) How long will it take to fly from Tokyo to Seoul? .A . 65 minutes.B . 85 minutes.C . 95 minutes.D . 105 minutes.(4) How many countries will John go to visit? .A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(5) How long is John going to travel? .A . 9 days.B . 10 days.C . 11 days.D . 12 days.2. (8分) As the sun rose, a dewdrop (露珠) woke up. There it sat on a leaf, catching the sunlight. Proud of its simple beauty, it was very happy. Around it were other dewdrops, some on the same leaf and some on other leaves. The dewdrop was sure that it was the best, the most special dewdrop of them all.Ah, it was good to be a dewdrop.The wind blew and the plant began to shake, tipping (使倾斜) the leaf. The dewdrop became frightened as it started to move towards the edge of the leaf. Why was this happening? Things were comfortable. Things were safe. Why did they have to change? Why? Why?The dewdrop reached the edge of the leaf. It was sure that this was the end. The day had only just begun and the end had come so quickly. It seemed so unfair. It seemed so meaningless. It tried hard to do whatever it could to stay on the leaf, but it was no use.Finally, it fell. Below there was a mirror. A reflection(反射)of the dewdrop seemed to be coming up to meet it. Closer and closer they came together until finally. the little dewdrop became a part of the great pond (池塘). Now the dewdrop was no more, but it was not destroyed.It had become one with the whole.(1) According to Paragraph 1, we know that the dewdrop _.A . didnt get on well with other dewdropsB . thought its beauty was too simpleC . regarded itself as the best dewdropD . couldnt get any sunlight(2) The dewdrop became _ as it started to move towards the edge of the leaf.A . afraidB . happyC . proudD . comfortable(3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A . There was only one dewdrop on the leaf.B . The dewdrop did nothing before fallingC . The mirror in the story refers to(指) the pondD . The dewdrop was actually destroyed.(4) The story mainly tells us that _.A . we should work together against difficultiesB . people should not be too proud of themselvesC . one should work hard for his/her goalsD . its good to become one with the whole3. (10分) (2017九上利辛月考) 阅读理解New Payment Methods for Online Shopping in ChinaPayment WaysAlipay(支付宝)Tenpay(财付通)Yeepay(易宝支付)WeChat pay(微信)Appearing timeDec.12th,2004Sept,9th,2005Aug.8th,2003Jan,21st,2011CompaniesTao baoTencentYeepayTencentDescriptionA.transfer(中转) station(a third account(账户) between sellers and buyers)WaysThrough computers or mobile phonesThe number of cooperative banks1805911The number of users3000000030000001000003000000(1) According to the form above,we can know something about_. A . online shoppingB . new payment methodsC . online storesD . the uses of the Internet(2) Which are from the same payment service company? A . Tenpay and WeChat pay.B . Yeepay and WeChat pay.C . Alipay and Tenpay.D . Tenpay and Yeepay.(3) When you buy something on Taobao,the money you pay first goes to_. A . abankB . the seller directlyC . the sellers mobile phoneD . a third account between sellers and buyers(4) We can use_to pay for online shopping on the computer. A . Alipay onlyB . WeChat onlyC . all the four methods in the formD . the other three ways except WeChat pay(5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the form above? A . Yeepay was put into use earlier than the other three.B . Alipay and WeChat pay have the same number of users,C . Using Tenpay is the most convenient way for it has the most cooperative banks.D . When we use WeChat pay,our money goes directly to the sellers.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)4. (10分) (2017鼓楼模拟) 完形填空In the early hours of 7 September 1838, one of the worst storms in history was roaring(咆哮)along the coast of England. The lighthouse keeper1at a ship. “It will be gone in a few more minutes,” he said sadly. His daughter, Grace Darling, looking from an upstairs window, found the great ship had 2against the rocks and broken into halves.“Cant we save them?” Grace asked when she saw the3people on the ship. “Isnt there any way to help them?”“No one can take a lifeboat out in that water,” her father answered. “The waves(浪)are too large.”Grace had great4.She simply did not know how to give up. Filled with pity, she ran to the lifeboat quickly. Her father5. With tears running down his face, he begged his daughter not to get into the boat, 6she would not listen. Her father could not let her go alone. He climbed in too. The two of them rowed in a great hurry. Each wave seemed 7to throw them into the sea at any time.Suddenly there was a terrible roar. The storm had 8the ship in two. People were holding on to each half tightly(紧紧地).They had to be saved soon.Grace and her father rowed faster. Soon they reached the ship and began filling the lifeboat with9. Then father and daughter brought their lifeboat safely to shore.As news of her brave saving action reached the public, the whole country considered her as a national hero. Grace and her father received the Silver Medal10from the British government. To this day a small statue stands above the grave(墓)of Grace Darling. People still respect the young woman who refused to give up.(1)A . looked out B . looked up C . looked around D . looked down (2)A . ran B . knocked C . crashed D . rushed (3)A . worried B . scared C . excited D . mixed (4)A . pride B . attention C . confidence D . courage (5)A . stayed B . pushed C . followed D . returned (6)A . but B . and C . so D . then (7)A . mad B . close C . awful D . ready (8)A . divided B . cut C . lifted D . attacked (9)A . adults B . tourists C . victims D . survivors (10)A . award B . gift C . prize D . reward 三、 语音 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1) Hes just read a book which _(give) ideas about how to save the environment.(2) It_ (take)me 45minutes to get to school by bike every day.(3) Amy Hayes is a most _ (usual) woman.,She built a house herself out of rubbish.(4) She _(set) up a website a few years ago.(5) A boy _(see) to go into this room just now.四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分) (2017宜昌模拟) 七选五A. running away is anythingB. they often find them in risky situationsC. it may be naturalD. these kids are more easy to get affected(感染)E. no one cares about themF. you probably imagineWhen you think about running away, _that there will be no more rules, no parent to tell you what to do, no more fights. Sounds great and exciting, right? In fact,_but fun. Kids who run away face new problems like not having any money, food to eat, a safe place to sleep, or anyone to take care of them.People with no home and no money become ready to do anything just to meet their everyday needs. Because of this,_that would be terrible even for adults. Runaway kids join in dangerous crimes(犯罪) much more often than kids who live at home.Kids who live on the streets often have to steal(偷) for a living. Many take drugs to get through the day because they become so sad and feel that_. Some are forced(被迫) to do things they wouldnt normally do to make money. The number of kids with HIV or AIDS and other diseases is higher on streets, too, because _. This problem is attracting more and more attention. 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1) Do you like to talk w_people?(2) Shes a doctor, and she works in a h_.(3) They are going to have lunch in a r_.(4) - W_do you like pandas?- Because theyre very nice.(5) We are from China. We speak C_.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分) (2017八下江苏竞赛) 假如你是王平,你的英国笔友Cathy发来邮件说她在 Reading Week时读了几本有趣的书,她想跟你交流一下,了解你的读书情况。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。提示词语:books on, because, get, knowledge要求: 70词左右;不得出现真实的校名和人名。1). What kind of books do you like reading?2). Why do you like these books?3). What do you think of reading books?To:CathyFrom:Wang PingSubject:Reading booksDear Cathy:Glad to receive your letter and Im happy to tell you something about me.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)4、答案:略三、 语音 (共1题;共5分)5、答案:略四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)6、答案:略五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)7、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8、答案:略

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