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浙江省湖州市2012年中考英语模拟试卷满分120分;考试时间120分钟。一、听力(本题有15小题,其中110小题每题1分),1115小题每题2分,共20分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。对话仅读一遍。().How many people are there ?A. Four B. Three C. Two ()2. Where do you think the dialogue may happen? A. In the police stationB. In the museum.C. In the cinema.( )3. What are they going to do ? A. play basketball. B. go shopping C. stay at home ( )4. How much will the man pay for two jackets?A. 24 dollars B. 48 dollars C. 45 dollars( )5. Whats the weather like today ? A. Rainy B. Sunny C. Cloudy 二、听较长对话,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题,对话仅读一遍。( )6. Whose birthday is it tomorrow ? A. Jeans B. Toms C. the boys( )7. What is Jean going to do tomorrow? A. bake a birthday cake. B. go to the doctor. C. open a savings account.听第二段对话,回答第8至10小题,对话仅读一遍。( )8. What Henry made a telephone for ?A. ask the weather report.B. make an appointment with his girl friend.C. book the ticket.( )9. Which performance is he going to watch? A. At 9 pm B. At 5 pm C. At 8:30 pm( )10. How should he pay ? A. 4.5 pounds B. 5.5 pound C. 9 pounds 第三节. 听对话,请根据对话的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。( ) 11.What is Mary going to do on Saturday morning?AShe is going to stay at homeBShe is going to see a filmCShe is going to do some shopping( ) 12.Will they have lunch together on Saturday?AYes,they will BNo,they wont CMaybe( ) 13.Where will they possibly eat on Saturday evening?AAt Marys home BAt Erics home CIn a Chinese restaurant( ) 14.Where is the restaurant they want to go for lunch on Sunday?ANear the river BNear the cinema CIn the city center( ) 15.Why cant they see a film on Sunday afternoon?AMary has to go shoppingBEric doesnt like filmCCarlos has to catch the train二、单项填空(本题有10个小题,每个小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。( )16. What _ nice gift it is! . A. a B. an C. the D. /( )17. My cousin could dress _ when he was five. Really? I cant believe it. A. myself B. herself C. himself D. yourself( )18. Which city is your favorite? Hangzhou, of course. Its the _ place that I want to visit. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best( )19. Did you see Mr. Black just now? Yes, He _ his car when I met him. A. parked B. was parking C. parks D. will park( )20. -Hurry up, because time is _. - Yes, lets start. A. coming out B. giving out C. giving out D. running out( )21. Toms father looks pretty serious. _ he is very kind. A. Though B. but C. if D. as( )22. Excuse me, could you tell me _? It will leave at 4:00 pm. A. how will you go to Shanghai B. how you will go to Shanghai C. when the bus will leave for Shanghai D. when will the bus leave for Shanghai( )23. Will you stay for some more days? Sorry, I_ . my parents called me to go back right now. A. cant B. must C. shouldnt D. can( )24. Dont play with your friends on the street, _? Sorry, I wont do it again. A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. are you( )25. Im going to have an English test. _! A. Have a good time B. good luck to you C. Congratulations D. Please go三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A little boy invited _26 mother to attend his elementary schools first teacher - parent meeting. To the little boys dismay (沮丧), his mother said she _27_ go . This would be the _28_ time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance. There was a sever scar that covered nearly the _29_ right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or_30_ she got the scar .At the meeting, the people were impressed by the _31_ of his mother with the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. However , he could hear _32_ the conversation between his mother and the teacher .“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, he was in a room _33_ caught on fire. Everyone was _34_afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, but I went in. As I was running towards his bed, I saw a _35_ wood falling down and I _36_ myself over him, trying to protect him. I was knocked to be unconscious(无知觉的), but _37_, a fireman came in and saved _38_ of us. ” She touched the burned side of her face. “ This scar will be forever, but until today, I have never regretted doing what I did. ”When the little boy heard this , he couldnt help _39_ towards his mother with tears in his eyes . He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest _40_ the day.( )26. A. his B. her C. your D. my( )27. A. will B. would C. can D. must( )28. A. one B. last C. first D. next( )29. A. all B. both C. neither D. whole( )30. A. whom B. what C. that D. how( )31. A. danger B. care C. kindness D. help( )32. A. carefully B. clearly C. quickly D. slowly( )33. A. who B. that C. where D. whose( )34. A. too B. so C. such D. quite( )35. A. burning B. burned C. burns D. burn( )36. A. caught B. placed C. fell D. held( )37. A. Unluckily B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. Really( )38. A. all B. either C. none D. both( )39. A. running B. run C. runs D. ran( )40. A. with B. of C. in D. for四. 阅读理解(本题共15小题,其中41-47小题每题1分,48-55小题每题2分,共23分)阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 A Do you like sports? If your answer is yes, sometimes youll find it very difficult to have enough time to do it, even if its on weekends. However, you dont have to worry now because a sunshine sports program was started by the Ministry (部)of Education .It suggests students around the country have an hour of sports every day. The difference is that students will be able to do any sport they please. The idea is to make students happy and keep them healthy at the same time.Han Jiawen, from Shanghai Yangsi Middle School, likes the idea. Han and her classmates skip rope together. We have a good time. said Han, Playing is better than having classes. Wang Lichao welcomes the idea, too. Its good to be able to breathe some fresh air instead of sitting in the classroom. But the 14-year-old from Tianjin wonders whether there will be enough space for everyone. With so many students outside, he said, Im afraid there wont be enough standing room in the playground. Wu Jiatongs school is in Liaoning. Wu and other students have been jogging for 40 minutes every morning. Its tiring. said Wu, But we do feel healthier. We hope we can do what we want. The school says later we can have rope jumping or kicking Jianzi. I cant wait! she said. What about your school? There must be more sports that interest you and your schoolmates.( ) 41. What does sunshine sports suggest students to do every day? A. Have an hour of reading every day. B. Do any sport they like. C. Finish their homework on time. D. Skip rope every day.( ) 42. The idea of sunshine sports is to make students _. A. busy B. healthy C. weak D. both A and B( )43. What is the best title of the passage? A. Sunshine Sports B. Doing Sports on the Playground. C. Skipping Rope Together D. My School Sports. B The Qingming - clear and bright - Festival falls 104 days after the winter solstice (冬至), usually around April 5th or 4th .It is a day for remembering and honoring the people who have passed away. In the countryside, people burn paper money and do a respectful koutou to dead family members. And the following activities are most popularly practiced in Chinas rural areas. Family Outing Qingming also brings families the chance to enjoy the warm spring weather and newly green scenery, and is traditionally the time for young couples to start courting.Family outing activities include playing on swings (秋千) considered good for childrens health, cuju a form of football dating back to the Song Dynasty, and kite flying. Willow (柳树) RitualsA traditional activity at Qingming is to carry willow branches and hang them from the front gate or door ,or even wear willow buds in the hair. People believe that willow warns off the evil(邪恶) abroad at Qingming, and prevent illness.Planting Trees Qingming is also the name of one of Chinas 24 solar terms. It signals _47_ temperatures, higher rainfall and the start of spring planting.( ) 44 .When is Qingming festival? A. January 1st or 2nd B. April 4th or 5th. C. July 6th or 7th. D. December 21st or 23rd( ) 45. What do people in the village do on that day? A. Family outing B. Willow rituals C. Planting trees D. All the above( )46 .Where do people hang the willow branches? A. The back gate or door B. The hallway. C. The living room D. The front gate or door( ) 47 .Which word do you think is the best? A. cold B. hot C. warm D. coolC A popular shopping bag has been seen on the arm of some of the worlds most beautiful women. It sells at an official price of 5, but as much as 400 online. The bag called “Im Not a Plastic Bag” is made of cotton. It is so “hot” that now everyone wants to get one. Its fashionable, and its green! Supporters see the bag as a way to move away from throwaway(一次性的) plastic bags that are given away in large numbers by supermarkets every year.When the bags were first sold, about 500 people waited in line to buy one. So far, 20,000 of the popular bags have been sold at the second largest supermarket in Great Britain. It is one of the ways to encourage shoppers to use the reusable bags, rather than the plastic ones. The bag has also become a must-have for many famous people who want to be fashionable, and at the same time care about the environment.The designer of the bag has been asked to develop the bag by the “We Are What We Do” group. The group believes that each person in Great Britain uses about 167 plastic bags every year. It says that small lifestyle changes can have a strong effect on reducing waste and the environmental pollution. It also says that everyone should try his best to protect the earth from being polluted.( ) 48.We can buy the popular bag at a price of 5 _. A. on the Internet B. from the shops all over the world C. at the designers home D. at the 2nd largest supermarket in Britain( ) 49.According to the passage, the “We Are What We Do” group most probably means _.A. those who want to do something by themselves B. those who design the new bagsC. an organization that protects the environment D. a business that sells bags( ) 50 .The purpose of designing the popular bags is _. A. to make money B. to help famous peopleC. to make women fashionable D. to reduce the environmental pollution( ) 51 .The last paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. the designer has been asked to develop the bag B. its everyones duty to protect the environmentC. each person can use about 167 plastic bags every year D. small lifestyle changes can hardly affect the environmentD Jerry was a manager in a restaurant. He was always in a good mood(脾气)and always had something positive to say. This really made me curious, so one day I asked him, Its hard to be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it? Jerry replied ,Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you can choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood, and I choose to be in a good mood. Life is all about what you choose. And what you choose leads your life.Several years later, I heard that Jerry left the back door open morning and was robbed(抢劫).While trying to stop the thief ,he was shot. I went to see him in the hospital. When I asked him how he was, he replied, If I were any better, Id be twins. Werent you scared when you were in danger? I asked. Yes, The doctors kept telling me that I was going to be fine, but in their eyes, I read. Hes dead. I knew I needed to take action. What did you do? Well. there was a big nurse asking me if I was allergic(过敏的)to anything. Yes, I replied .Bullets(子弹)!Everyone laughed and I told them: I am choosing to live. operate on me as if I am alive. Jerry lived thanks to the great doctors ,and also because of his amazing attitude(态度).Attitude ,after all ,is everything.( ) 52. What kind of person was Jerry?A .He was serious B .He was helpfulC .He was allergic D .He was happy and smart( ) 53. What does the underlined word curious mean in Chinese?A,敏感的 B,好奇的 C, 开心的 D,有趣的( ) 54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A, Jerry was the writers manager B, Jerry was not afraid of dead at all C, Jerry was nearly dead after he was shot D, Jerry didnt believe doctors( ) 55. What is the best title(题目)for this passage? A, Action Matters B, Brave Jerry Beat the Thief C, Attitude Is everything D, Jerry ,a Great Man五、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) At what age should a child start taking music lessons? This is a question that many parents are confused about. To answer this question, we need to know if and when the child is ready. First, parents should watch and find out if their children are interested in music. A piano is fascinating to children that like music. When they sit at the piano and start playing, they always enjoy themselves. To those who have no interest in it, however, the piano just makes a noise. So it is never a wise idea to make children do anything that they dont like. It is very important to communicate with your children. Explain to them that if they want to take music lesson they should be willing to learn, study and practice. Tell them they may get tired of practicing the same piece again and again. But practice make perfect and it does help them a lot in the long run. Finally, sometimes the children arent confident in themselves, so parents also need to encourage them and support their learning.Be Ready for Taking Music LessonsChildren56_They 57_ music.Dont make their children learn music if they dont like it at all.They are willing to work _during learning music.Tell their children to be ready for learning, studying and 59_. They are confident in learning music. 60_ their children and support their learning.六、选词填空(本题有6小题,每小题0.5分,共3分)选择方框内的单词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。每词限用一次。A. already B. thousand C. tall D. milk E. help F. west61. Its more_ to give advice than to give money.62. Its reported that _ of students go to study out of China every year.63. East or _ , home is the best.64. I have _seen the latest movie Titanic 3D, its really wonderful.65. Zhao Fei is _than any other boy in his class.66. Drinking _every day is good for our health.七、单词拼写(共9小题,计9分) 根据下列句子及所给单词首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。 67. How lucky I was! I c_ the last bus in time . 68. Could you give me a h ? I cant carry all the books by myself. 69. We are very _(自豪的) that a pupil from our school has won the prize. 70. My doctor advised me to take the medicine t_ a day. 71.As we know, _(星期一) is the second day of a week. 72. I prefer the singer who has a sweet v_. 73. My father was in a v_ that has many beautiful sights . 74. We often listen to the teachers_(仔细地) in class. 75. Anji is really a wonderful place to go s_.八书面表达(15分) 目前中小学生早餐问题引起社会关注,你所在的学校就在5月20日“全国学生营养日”进行问卷调查,结果如下。请你根据调查结果写一篇短文,倡导营养早餐。学生比例早餐情况健康状况52%有规律地吃早餐身体健康,精力充沛30%吃垃圾食品营养不良18%没有吃早餐有饥饿感,注意力不集中要求:1. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;2. 所写内容必须包括表格中所提供的信息,并发表自己的看法,可适当发挥;3. 词数80-100. 短文题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:learn, spend, be interested in, be busy with Breakfast is importantBreakfast is important .But not all the students have realized its importance. Here is result of our survey. About 52% percent of the students_听力材料一、听短对话,回答问题1. M: Who are they under the trees?W: the one in red is Linda and the other two are her parents.2. M: Excuse me ,how can I get to the nearest post office ?W: Go down this street and turn left at the second crossing. You cant miss it.3. M: What a sunny day! What about going shopping ? W: Well, wed better play basketball instead.M: Sounds good.4. M: How much are these jackets?W: They are 24 dollars each,but you may get two for only 45 dollars.M: OK,Ill take two5. M: What a bad day! It has rained for about one month.W: Yes,we all hope to have a sunny day.二、听较长对话,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答第6至第7小题,对话读一遍。Tom: Oh, its you, Jean. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys? Jean: Im taking them to the doctor at twelve oclock, but Im sure theyre going to be all right. Tom: Thats good. What about you? Jean: Oh, Im fine now. Im going to bake a birthday cake for tomorrow. And . Ive got a camera for Peter and some records for Paul. Tom: You spoil them. Im going to open a savings account for them. They need to learn how to save money. 听第二段对话,回答第8至10小题,对话读一遍。Clerk: Cambridge Theatre. Box Office. Henry: Have you got any tickets for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday evening? Clerk: Which performance? 5 pm or 8:30 pm? Henry: 8:30 pm please. Clerk: Sorry, that performance is sold out. Henry: Well, have you got any tickets for the 5 pm performance? Clerk: Yes, we have tickets at 4.50 pounds, 5.50 pounds and 6 pounds. Henry: Id like to reserve two seats at 4.50 pounds, please. Clerk: Right. Thats two tickets at 4.50 pounds. Saturday, 5 pm performance. Whats the name please? Henry: Bishop. Henry Bishop. Clerk: Thank you. Youll collect the tickets before 3 pm on Saturday, wont you? Henry: Yes, of course. Thank you. Goodbye.三、听独白,回答问题听下面一段对话,你可以边听边完成任务,对话连读两遍。M:Mary what do you want to do at the weekend,when Carlos comes?W:Well,EricI will go shopping on Saturday morningM:He hates shoppingBut


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