上海版英语八年级下学期Units 1-3教材梳理B卷

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上海版英语八年级下学期Units 13教材梳理B卷 一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共40分)1. (1分)My brother Tony is good at _ (化学) and maths. 2. (1分)I often s_my secrets with my parents because Im close to them3. (1分)Its foggy(有雾的) today, so the drivers cant see the road_(清楚地). 4. (1分)As a student, I obey the _(规则) at school. 5. (1分)Judy is good-looking, but I think she looks much p_ with long hair than with short hair. 6. (4分)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。What _(尺寸)of shoes does your father wear?What a_ (浪费) to order so much food for us two!I like the nights with thousands of_(星星)in the sky.Its not dark in the room. Please dont turn on the light too_(早)7. (1分)This hotel cant be matched for food and_(服务). 8. (3分)厚厚的白雪笼罩万物,每年这个时候打雪仗真是欢乐无穷!Everything _ _ in _ snow and its fun to play snowball fights at this time of year.9. (25分)将下列句子译成英语。 (1)他们最好对自己严格要求。(2)你想过大学生活会是什么样子吗?(3)提高我们的英语写作能力要花很长时间。(4)大约五千年前中国人发明了筷子。(5)如果你再不抓紧时间,我们就赶不上火车了。10. (2分)在博物馆里不允许碰任何东西。You arent _ to _ anything in the museum. 二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共37分)11. (11分)句型转换(1)My father works on a farm.(变一般疑问句)_your father _on a farm?(2)What do you think of the yellow dress?(改成同义句)_do you_the yellow dress?(3)His mother is a nurse.(加doctor构成选择疑问句)_his mother a nurse_a doctor?(4) It is 9:30 now.(就划线部分提问)_is it now?(5)She doesnt have any pears.(变肯定句)She _pears.(6)We play volleyball.(改为以Let开头的句子)_volleyball.(7)Can I help you?(改成同义句)What_ I _ you?12. (3分)很遗憾,吉米没有和我们一起返回学校。_that Jimmy didnt return to school with us13. (1分)那个戴手表的男孩是谁?Whos that boy_?14. (3分)月球离地球有多远? _is it_the Moon_the Earth?15. (6分)按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线 上。虽然他病得重,但是他仍然与疾病进行了顽强的斗争。Although he was badly ill , he still_his disease.韩梅宁愿再等两个小时也不愿叫醒她母亲。Han Mei _rather than wake up her mother because her mother was too tired.他父母回来时,他没有选择,只好把电脑关了。He _the TV when his parents came home.她很随和,和别人相处融洽。Its easy-going of her_目前为止,他们还没有决定如何处理这些旧电脑。So far, they_the old computers.这些网络对青少年们有不良的影响,请远离他们。These websites_. Please stay away from them.16. (2分)我确定昨晚下了雨,因为现在地面是湿的。 _ _ it rained last night because the ground is wet now.17. (5分)Jim的姐姐正在打电话。(talkphone)._我喜欢熊猫,因为它们有点趣。(kind of)_你多长时间去看一次电影?(how often )_你能带我出去散散步吗?(couldplease )_他过去常戴眼镜吗?(used to)_18. (5分)根据中文意思完成句子。_欢迎到我们学校来。_ our school._我的房子在小明的房子前面。My house is _ Xiaomings._狮子是生活在森林The lions live in the _._你们什么时候上计算机课?_your computer lesson?_你会说英语吗?Can you _ English?19. (1分)He _ (stay) at home and watched TV. 三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20. (2分)Its humorous _ you to tell funny jokes to those _ teenagers.A . of; lonelyB . of; aloneC . for; aloneD . for; lonely21. (2分) Can Peter go to Bills birthday party? No, he cant go and I cant .A . alsoB . tooC . veryD . either22. (2分)My MP4 player doesnt work. It needs _ and Ill get it _. A . to repair, repairedB . repairing, repairedC . repair, repairD . repaired, repaired23. (2分)What fun Tom and Jerry is!Yeah! I like the cartoon, too. Its so _.A . boringB . scaryC . interestingD . sad24. (2分)Is your mother a teacher?Yes. She_ at a high school now.A . workedB . worksC . workD . working25. (2分) I heard a car accident happened last night. Was anyone hurt (受伤的)? Two men got hurt. Finally, the police sent them to the hospital.A . At firstB . At the frontC . At last26. (2分)On weekends,I often _ and watch TV.A . stay at homeB . go to schoolC . join the club27. (2分)The policemen tried to prevent the temperature _ by sprinkling(洒) the oil tan with water. A . riseB . risesC . to riseD . rising28. (2分) How careful Jim is! He writes in our class.A . more carefulB . most carefullyC . most carefulD . more carefully29. (2分) Miss Yang, may I take the magazine out of the reading room? No, you cant. You _ read it here. It is the rule.A . mustB . wouldC . may 30. (2分)_ is it from Liupanshui to Guiyang? Its about 300 kilometers. A . How muchB . How manyC . How soonD . How far31. (2分)There is _ milk but there is _ food.Lets get some food.A . a little; littleB . little; a littleC . little; littleD . a little; a little32. (2分)The shoes dont fit me . Would you please show me _?A . the other oneB . the othersC . another pairD . another one33. (2分) Be quiet please! Have you seen the sign No Talking? Sorry, I _ itA . didnt noticeB . havent noticedC . wont noticeD . dont notice34. (2分)Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are little cute pandas all of us like them.A . such; asB . so; thatC . such; thatD . so; for35. (2分) Do you have difficulty in _ English? Yes, but I try to make myself _.A . to speak; understoodB . speaking; understoodC . to speak; to understand36. (2分)Why did you vote for Maggie?Because she is very _. She always shares things with others.A . generousB . activeC . practicalD . energetic37. (2分)Though she is a _ woman, she often dances with young people. A . sixty years oldB . sixty-years-oldC . sixty-year oldD . sixty-year-old38. (2分) Is the gray shirt Mr. Zhous? I it is his. His is white.A . thinkB . do thinkC . am thinkD . dont think39. (2分)Wish you good luck in this English exam. A . Youre welcome.B . Thank you.C . Congratulations!四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)40. (10分) One morning, Bill said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Bill, “Whats the matter, young man?” Bill answered, “Im feeling sick. Im coughing(咳嗽) and having a headache(头痛). I wont be able to go to school today, Im afraid.” The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his mother, “What did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “He had four pieces of dread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the football match.” The mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.” The doctor smiled again,” This afternoon, the biggest football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.”(1)Bill and his mother went to the doctor_ that morning.A . by busB . by taxiC . in a carD . on foot(2)Bill had _ for his breakfast.A . nothingB . four eggsC . a lot of foodD . just a little(3)The doctor didnt give Bill any medicine(药), because _.A . he didnt think Bill was illB . Bill didnt like having medicineC . Bills mother didnt have enough moneyD . he had no medicine left(剩下)(4)There was_ on TV.A . a volleyball gameB . an English playC . a funny matchD . a football match(5)In fact(事实上),_.A . there was something serious with BillB . Bill liked watching football matches better than going to schoolC . Bill was an honest(诚实) boyD . Bills mother was a doctor and she knew Bill was not ill第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共37分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、

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