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高中学生轻松面对分词一作状语:a . 条件: 主从句主语一致,否则就不行例如:搬了这么重的箱子,我的腰很疼。Having carried such a heavy box, my waist hurt a lot.听到这个感人的故事以后,我的眼泪流了下来。Hearing this touching story, my tears came out.这两句话翻译的共同错误就在主语不一致而用了分词作状语。它们分别应该改为:Having carried such a heavy box, I had a pain in my waist.Hearing this touching story, I was moved to tears.b.功能:分词作状语相当于一个连词加完整的句子,可以表达因果、转折、条件、伴随等逻辑关系。请看下面的选择题:_, so it sells well.A. Because it tastes good B. Tasting good C. Tasted good D. It tastes good很多同学拿到这个题目会选择B 或C,甚至第一感觉就排除了D。根据刚才的理论- 分词作状语相当于一个连词加一个完整的句子,所以BC本质上和A是一样的,而且C这里的是一个连系动词,因此它无被动。其实一个复合句是有两个简单句连接 它们之间有且只能有一个连词,或者说一个复合句是有一个主句和一个从句构成。c.形式:主动用doing;对应的完成式是 having done ,表达它的动作发生在主句动作之前,也就是先时性。 被动用done- having been done表达它的动作发生在主句动作之前,也就是先时性。例如: 听到这个激动人心的消息,我情不自禁地哭了。Hearing the exciting news, I couldnt help crying.暴风雨走了,对整个村庄造成了严重的破坏。The storm, having caused serious damage to the entire village, left.讲了多少次,我还是理解不了这道数学题。Told/Having been told many times, I still have difficulty in understanding this maths problem.但是,请看下面的例句:Being a Party member, I have no choice but to jump into the river to save the man struggling in the cold river.Being ill for days, I look very weak. 在分词作状语的时候,要慎用being 只有当从句只有 be 和名词,代词,介词 或者形容词(只有是本身是形容词 不是一个动词的现在分词或过去分词演变过来的,否则不算),比如说:Excited at the news, I couldnt help jumping. (正确)Being excited at the news, I couldnt help jumping. (错误) 特殊的情况:当表示结果的时候,可以分为意料之中和意料之外两种:The old man died, leaving his three sons two sheep.(意料之中)I rushed to the railway station only to find the train had just gone.(意料之外)二作定语 a 现在分词作定语.它相当于一个主动语态的定语从句。根据具体情况可以是进行时或者是一般时态。Those playing with fire will get burnt.=Those who play with fire will get burnt.Those playing basketball on the playground are from Class One.Those who are playing basketball on the playground are from Class One.但是,如果名词或代词前面有序数词时,则用“to do” 形式He is always the first person to come.b.过去分词作定语:1) The question being discussed now is about how to celebrate the coming Womens Day.2) The question to be discussed next week is about how to celebrate the coming Womens Day.3) The question discussed yesterday was about how to celebrate the coming Womens Day.三作表语以及宾语补足语: doing 的形容词表示令人、使人。; done的形容词表示自身。.比如:exciting/excited; interesting/interested; frightening/frightened; He is frightened. The news is frightening.I found the meeting boring so I felt bored “ to do” 的魅力江苏省灌云高级中学(222200) 李忠伟请看下面的题目:_, I got up early.A. Catching the early bus B. Having caught the early busC. To catch the early bus D. So as to catch the early bus很显然,选择C 表达目的。但是D选项表达目的时不能放在句首。“to do” 结构除了表达目的之外还可以表达其它的功能:a. 表达意料之外的结果:I rushed to the railway station only to find the train had just gone.我匆忙跑到火车站结果却发现火车刚刚离开。如果知道赶不上火车,我也不会匆忙离开的。而表达意料之中的结果的时候用现在分词结构doing.The old man died, leaving his three sons two sheep.老人死了,留给他三个儿子两只羊。 因为这位老人只能有两只羊的资产,所以无论什么时候去世,也只能如此。b.表达原因,作为原因状语从句:I was pleased to hear that I got the first place in the exam.我为何高兴,是因为我听到我在考试中得第一名。所以翻译为听到考试得第一名,我很高兴。c.表达定语:He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他总是第一个来最后一个走。当名词或者介词是序数词或者被序数词修饰的时候,用to do 结构来充当定语。d. 作主语:To see is to believe.眼见为实为了保持前后平行,主语用to do ,为了和后面的to believe 平行、一致。轻松面对宾语补足语江苏省灌云高级中学(222200) 李忠伟宾语补足语就是对宾语的情况进行补充说明。它可以是名词、代词、介词、形容词、副词、以及非谓语动词。当然考查的重点是非谓语动词。1. have 在英语中有两个意思 两个功能1)让。处于。状态a. have + n + do:让。,表达的是宾语和动词的关系是主动。Have Tom do it. 让汤姆做这件事情。b. have+ n +doing:让。一直Dont have the water running.c. have+ n +done:表示宾语和动词的关系是被动,或者表示遭受。Ill have my hair cut this afternoon.今天下午去理发。I had my wallet stolen/ I had my pockets picked while taking a bus.乘车时我钱包被偷了、口袋被掏了。I had my leg hurt/broken while playing football.我踢球时把腿踢伤了、踢断了。2)有 have + n +to do /to be doneDo you have any clothes to be washed? 用被动表示此动作不是前面主语发出的。-Would you like to go out with us?- Id like to, but I I have many clothes to wash. 用主动表示此动作是前面主语发出的。但是,buy 不管是不是前面主语发出的,只能用to buy.I am going to supermarkets for shopping . Do you have anything to buy?2. leave +n+ adj/adv/prep+doing /done.a. Who left the door open? It is so cold outside?b. Who left the door on/out?c. I was often left by myself when my parents were out.leave +n +doing (表一直)/done(表被动).d. Dont leave the water running all the time.e. I spent too much time on computer games, leaving my homework unfinished.3. 感官动词+n + do(表示主动)/doing(表示正在进行)/done(表示被动)I saw the students play basketball on the playground.I saw the students playing basketball on the playground.I saw them seated at the back of the classroom.4. make1) 使。处于。的状态 make + n + prep/adj/do/done/Please make yourself at home.We are doing what we can to make our country more beautiful.Make Tom do it.I try to make myself understood/heard.2) 做。I made candles to give lights. 我做蜡烛为了照明。5keep1)keep+ n + adj/adv/prepI work out regularly to keep myself healthy.How can you keep the lights on all the time?I was often kept at home alone.2)keep+ n + doing/done I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.Keep me informed of what will happen in the future.6get+ n+ doing(表一直)/done(表被动)/to do(主动)a. Dont get the water running all the time.不要让水一直淌。b. Ill get my hair cut this afternoon.我今天下去将去理发。c. Ill get my students to read the text aloud.我将让我的学生朗读课文。7.with 表示伴随和因果两种意思。1) with +n + adj/adv/prepId like to sleep with the door open in summer.在夏天我想开着门睡觉。Id like to sleep with the lights on when I am left alone.当我一个人的时候我The teacher came in , with a book in his hand.老师进来时手里拿着一本书。2)with+ n+ doing(表达主动关系) /done(表达被动同时动作结束,要求动词时及物动词)/to do( 表达被动同时表达动作未发生,要求动词时及物动词)a. With the boy leading the way, I had no difficulty in finding his house.因为那个男孩带路,我很容易找到了他的家。b. With a lot of things to buy, I headed for the supermarket.因为有很多东西要买,我向超市走去。c. With all the things I needed bought, I went home.8. find1) find + n + adj/prep/adva. I find English easy to learn.=I find it easy to learn English.b. I searched everywhere only to find my cell phone in one of my pocket.c. When I returned from holiday, I found the lights in my house on.2) find+ n+ doing(表正在进行)/done(表示被动)When I entered my fathers study, I found him surrounded by many papers and looking worried. 轻松面对情态动词江苏省灌云高级中学(222200) 李忠伟一.情态动词的基本特征。(也是判断是否是情态动词的依据)。我们以can 为例。I can do it.(陈述句其后面直接加动词原形)Can you do it.(疑问句直接把情态动词提前)I cant do it.(否定句直接在其后面加not)二情态动词的功能:1. 表推测(即是可能性的大小)。对应汉语是一定、 应该、可能所以是 must -should can- may- could might ,它们的可能性依次变弱。其中,表示对现在的推测用它们加动词原型,以must为例,例如:1) He must be in the classroom now, _?2) He must be waiting for you outside now, _?对过去的推测则用情态动词加have done , 例如:It must have rained last night,_?但是情态动词表推测,反义疑问句与情态动词本身没有任何关系,由时间状语决定。所以1)2) 3)的反义疑问句分别为:isnt he ?;isnt he ?;didnt it?2.表虚拟。1) 与现在相反。主句用would/could/might+ 动词原形,从句时态是过去时。If I were you, I wouldnt do so.如果我是你的话,我就不会这样做了。2)与过去相反。主句用would/could/might+ have done,从句时态是过去完成时。If we had driven in turn, you wouldnt have had such a terrible accident.3)与将来相反。 主句用would/could/might+动词原形,从句时态是过去时、were to+动词原形、should+动词原形。If I had enough money, I would like to buy a plane.If I were to have enough money, I would like to buy a plane.If I should have enough money, I would like to buy a plane.特殊词的虚拟用法:1.suggest 表示建议则用should + do ,而且should 可以省略;而表示表明暗示则不行。His pale face suggests that he is ill and I suggest that he should see a doctor.他的苍白的脸说明他病了我建议他看医生。2. insist 表示坚决要求时要用should+ do ,而表示坚持认为时则不行。I insisted that I hadnt stolen his wallet and that he should apologize to me for it.我坚持认为我没有偷他的钱包并且坚决要求他为此向我道歉。3. It is (about/high) time that +从句是过去时或者should +do , 注意should 不能省 It is (about/high) time that you should go to work/went to work.你该上班了。4.would rather that +过去时(表示对现在或将来的虚拟)would rather that +过去完成时(表示对过去的虚拟)Id rather he did it.Id rather that he hadnt done it.5.If only/I wish +从句是过去时、过去完成时、过去将来时(分别表示对现在、过去、将来的虚拟)表示但愿;要是。就好了If only/I wish my son were here nowIf only/I wish my son had been here yesterday.If only /I wish my son would be here tomorrow.6. as if/though 表示好像, 可以用虚拟可以不用It looks as though it is going to rain.The chopstick in the water looks as if it were broken.水里的筷子看起来好像断了。三情态动词的具体意义:1. can 和could 以及be able to 1)can 表示推测时,一般不用于肯定句,而could没有此限制。He can be in the classroom now.(错误)He could be in the classroom now(正确)2)could have done的两个意义:a .表示对过去的虚拟:表示本可以;本能I could have got full marks, but I was too careless.我本能得满分的,但是我太粗心了。b.表示对过去的推测:表示可能已经He could have arrived home. 他可能已经到家了。c. cant /couldnt + 比较级 或者cant /couldnt + too + adj/adv:I cant thank you more. 我非常感谢你。I cant agree more.我非常同意。You cant eat too much. 吃得越多越好。You cant be too careful.越细心越好。2.will 和would 1)will表示意愿If you will take off your clothes, well put the new clothes on you.2) will 表示现在总是,而would 表示过去常常,过去总是.Fish will die without water.I would go out for a walk after supper.相当于I used to go out for a walk after supper .但是used to 可以接任何动词 ,而would 只能接动态动词所以如果说I would be a teacher 是错误的 只能说I used to be a teacher.3. shall 和should Shall 的用法如下:1) 当主语是第一人称时,用于陈述句时,表示将来(相当于will)I shall go to US for further study.我将去美国深造。2)当主语是二三人称,用于陈述句,表示命令;承诺、禁止等。You shall go home if you can finish your homework on time.You shall obey the rules of our school.3) 当主语是一三人称,用于疑问句,表示征求对方的意见或建议。Shall I fetch some water for you?Shall he take the position?如果是第二人称,表征求意见时用 will/would/can/couldCan/Could/Will/Would you tell me how to improve my English?Should的用法如下:1)表示推测时,表示有一定的依据,但是没有十足的把握,仅次于must.-When can I get my photo?-It should be all right within 10 minutes.2)表示出乎意料,翻译为竟然:He should fail in the exam .他竟然考试不及格。3) should have done本应该(但事实上没发生)/shouldnt have done.(本不应该 但事实上发生了)You should have helped him; after all he is your close friend.You shouldnt have shouted to your parents.4.dare 和need1)当它们用于情态动词时,不用于肯定句,只能用于疑问句和否定句。I dare go(错误) I need go .(错误)Dare you go out alone at night? Need you go out alone at night?I dare not go out alone at night. You need not go out alone at night.但是,特殊情况 I dare say:表示我想;很可能I dare say you know it already.大概你已经知道了。当它们表示实义动词时,可以用于任何情况。I need to go now. I dare to go now.Do you need to go now? Do you dare(to)go now?I dont need to go now. I dont dare(to) go now.2)但是,当dare 用于实义动词时,否定句疑问句中的“to”可以省略。3) neednt do sth 和neednt have doneYou neednt come in such a hurry. (没有必要这么急来 ,事实上也没来。)You neednt have come in such a hurry.(没有必要这么急来,但是事实上来了。)5.may和might1)当表示推测时,may 不用于疑问句。May he be in the classroom? (错误)2)may/might as well do sth :不妨;最好。相当于 had better do sthYou may/might as well take your umbrella in case it rains. 妮不妨把雨伞带上,以防万一天下雨。3)may well do sth:很有可能He may well fail in the coming exam for he hasnt been working hard at his studies.他很有可能在接下来的考试中考不好因为他一直不认真。6.must 1)表推测。语气非常肯定,但是不能用于疑问句和否定句中。He must be in the classroom now. (正确)Must he be in the classroom now? (错误)He must not be in the classroom.(错误)must not 表示禁止,千万不要 例如:You mustnt play with fire .表示肯定不;不可能不时用cant 或couldntHe cant/couldnt be in the classroom now. 如何应对书面表达 江苏省灌云高级中学 (222200) 李忠伟一 开头的表达:1.As far as Im concerned,I2.In my opinion,I3.From my point of view 4. I hold the viewpoint that 二列举:1. Firstly;Secondly ; Thirdly;Last but not least2. For one thing. For another3. On one hand , on the other hand4. First of all to begin with; In the first place.三对比1. When it comes to some people think/believe that since On the other hand,/While others argue /claim that 四事实1. There is no denying (the fact ) that 2. what is more important is that / what matters/counts more is that 3. As is stated in the previous paragraph4.In spite of /Despite that fact that5. As has been mentioned above,五后果1. Obviously/ Clearly/No doubt, if we cant change/control/improve the situation/ If we ignore /are blind to/fail in the problem,.六意义性Anyway/Anyhow/In any way, whether it does us good or not /is good or not/ is positive or negative one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly七方向性1 we have done but we will achieve /accomplish more if we continue to2.we may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal/destination . But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater.八列举Lets take for example,Here is one more example九结尾1.From what has been discussed above/ taking into account all the factors,we may safely draw/come to the conclusion that only in this way can we .2.Therefore ,we have every reason to believe that 3. All these things considered,十引言1. before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the arguments of both sides.2. some people believe that.To be frank, I cant agree with their opinions for the reasons below十一。因果On account of; as a consequence of /due to /owing to /thanks to 、in light of /in view of /Considering/given

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