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高一英语必修二短文改错练习一Today I visited the Smiths-my first time visit to a American family. They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me coffee and another drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing together. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.二The snake is a very surprised animal. It sleeps with its eyes open. It feel with its tongue. The snake can move very quick. A snake exuviates(蜕皮)many times each year. It slides(滑动)out its old skin as if it were a worn coat. Here is the more surprising thing of all. A snake swallows(吞)things all at one piece. It can swallow animals big than itself. Small snakes can swallow birds eggs without breaking it. Snakes eat mouse. They can be a big help around farm. Farmers like the kinds of snakes that eat mice.三Good evening! Today I brought together music from different part of the world. The records I have chosen for you are from classical Western music, Negro music or Indian music. I think you will like them. But at this time we shall first study language of music. We shall try to find out how music says that people feel. You will hear a famous Beethovens piano piece and some song sung by some black Americans. It will natural if you like one better than the other. I shall try to explain why they are all good music. And I hope you will enjoy it.四Mary was an university student. She didnt have much money and her parents were not rich, but she had an uncle who had been luck enough to collect great wealth. He always gave her valuable Christmas and birthday present .When her uncles birthday came round, Mary want to buy him something real special , but because he was so rich, she did not know how to get him. She went into the best shop in her town and explained that what her problem was to one of the helpful shop assistant. Finally she asked, “What do you have for someone has already got everything he wants or needs?” The girl sighed deep and answered, “Envy(忌妒), only envy.” 五When I talked to Frank, and I found that from childhood, he have developed the habit of carrying a little book into his pocket. He used to read whenever he was not doing something else. He found a book is especially useful during the periods of waiting: waiting meals, buses, doctors, haircuts, telephone calls and for something to happening. That was why he found fifteen minutes a day in reading. That was how he read his twenty books a yearone thousand book in a life time!六Now I have taken over ten years at school. As a child, I regarded the school a beautiful garden. I went to school happily and excited with a small bag. Time flew fast. Now Im studying at a senior middle school. Every day morning, on my way to school, the rising sun greets me with a smile. At class I enjoy putting my heart into listening to the teachers. In evening, I do exercises, like a farmer working hardly, expecting a good harvest. During breaks between class, I often go out for rest. How happy the life is!Im sure I will never forget the wonderful time at school.七Radio and television are much useful in the world. They may be seen nowhere. Thousands and thousands people watch TV. Perhaps even more people listen to radio. Television, of course, is more useful than radio. On TV we can see that is happening around us. But, radio has not disappeared. It is still with us. It can be done very small. It is easy to take. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it in the bus or in your bike when you go to work. And radio is much more cheaper than television.八That Saturday when I entered in an underpass, I heard a beautiful sound. It makes me very happy. It was darkness there so I could not see where the sound came from. I walked towards the corner. An old man was sitting there, wearing shabby cloth. He was playing erhu. Oh, “It is a beggar. ” I thought. At this moment a mancame by, and dropped one yuan in the beggar box. The old man stopped to saying, “Thank you.” He then groped (暗中摸)on the ground. While he found the box, he picked up the money, felt it and smiled. What beautiful the music was ! It was played by a blind man.九Radios are common things in our daily life. People like listening radios because they give us the much news in our country and all through the world. If you have a short-wave radio, you can pick in the programmes that broadcast by BBC or some another foreign stations. If your listening is poor , you can practise listen with listening to Radio Beijing or BBC. The more you listen, the well you understand. It is interesting to listen to English programme.十The best jobs used to be offered for men. Even when woman did the same work, they were often paid fewer than men. Women wanted to have that change . The womens liberation movement was started by women didnt want to stand behind men but want to stand beside men. The movement was quite new, and many American women didnt agree with its purpose. But it has already been caused changes in womens life and in mens life, either. Today, women are equal to the men in many ways.十一I went to England for a trip. I arrived London on the 9th , December. But I didnt know a way to my hotel. So I asked for a man. I talked in English very carefully and clearly. But the man couldnt understand. I repeated my question several time and at last he understood. He answered me but he spoke either slowly nor clearly. I could not understand her words. My teacher never spoke English like it. The man and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said anything. I understood by the end. How happy I was!十二Most children dont get fat easily though they eat a lot, because they play a lot- they sing, dance and running around all day. They dont have a moment of rest until they go to asleep. In this way the body will burn up as many energy as possible. But to those boys and girls who takes in much fat and sugar with the form of cakes, potato chips and so on but dont take enough exercise, things are differently. They meet with serious weight problems. Some are too fat not to feel happy. Many have bad teeth. We can sometime see them on TVwho may gather together to discuss with others the question how to lose weight. The answer that they need a diet of healthy food which should be rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.十三、Would you like to spending your holidays traveling by balloon? The first balloon trip took place in France in 1783. It was lasted for only 8 minutes. About a year late, an American and a Frenchman decided to cross the English Channel by a balloon. High over the Channel, they discovered a hole on the balloon. The hole became bigger and bigger. The gas keeping the balloon up was escaped. The men threw all their belongings into the water make the balloon lighter. It started to rise higher again, but it was still too close to water. Finally the men threw away most of their clothing to save themselves. The people waiting for them in England were surprising to see this.十四That evening I was doing my lesson. It was about nine oclock. I heard a strange noise which sounded as the flowing of water. Suddenly I find the walls shaking as if someone was pushing it. Thinking perhaps I was such tired, I stood up and was going to bed. Just then I heard someone shouted “Earthquake!” The word put fear into everyone heart. I rushed out the house as quickly as possible. The whole street was already full with people. I felt everything was trembling. The earthquake was lasted a few seconds. Then everything was quiet again.十五Dear Li Ming,I have received your letter just now. Dont worry about me. Im getting on well with my research works in the lab. But to my surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interesting . Im afraid I cant agree with you . I know it is not easy to learn English, and English is widely used in the world today and it will important in your future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, and you will succeed. Do remember that there is a will, there is a way. Yours, Liu Dong十六Reading can only be a great fun if you expect it to be. If you are made read books somebody tell you you “ought” to read, you probably wont have fun. And if you put down a book that you dont like and try another till you found one means something to you, and then relax with it, you will certain have a good time and whether you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or gentle, you will have suffered during the process.十七I was expected your letter, and at last it has reached to me. Im very glad to know that everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. Things here are same now as they were before. The final exam will take place next week. But I am now busy preparing my lesson. Its nice to think that the summer vacation is coming nearly. I cant say much I want to see you all again. I am looking forward to spend the summer days with you. Give my love to Father, Mother and anyone at home. 十八British public libraries are connect with each other by computers. If your nearest library in London doesnt have the book what you want to borrow, a librarian will go on-line to see whether some of the other nearby libraries have it . If there is not a single library in London that have the book in the store, the librarian will search further, getting in touch with libraries on-line in other city like Manchester(曼彻斯特).If a copy of the book is located, arrangements will be made for it to be sent your nearest library, and within a day and two, you will be able to check it out. It was also possible for keen(热心的)readers to borrow books from university and college libraries even if we are not students.十九I went shopping with my wife. We have a lot of things to buy them. We drove to the center of the city and stopped our car in front of the shop. An hour late, we came back the car. But it was strange that we couldnt open the door. So we asked policeman for help. He was glad to help us. A few minute later, he got the door open. Just then a man came up and shouted angrily. “How are you doing with my car?” We were surprising and went to see the number of the car. What you think we did then? We had to speak sorry to the man again and again.二十America is a huge country, but traveling is very quickly and very easy. The visitor who wants to see much of the country as possible should travel by bus. There is fast bus services between cities, for an example, the Greyhound Bus Service, that has a picture of a dog on the side of the bus. The seats are soft with a read lamp over each one and they lean on back for sleeping at night. On these long-distance buses there is a toilet or other comforts. Stops are making for meals at roadside restaurants. It takes about three and a half day to cross the country by bus.一、1.去掉time 2. a - an 3. for - of 4 drove -drive 5. his - their 6. other 7. have - had 8. eager前加were 9. question - questions 10. in 去掉二、1. surprised - surprising 2. feel feels 3. quick - quickly 4. its 前加 of 5. more most 6. at-in 7. big - bigger 8. it- them 9. mouse mice 10.farm farms 三、 1. brought - bring 2. part -parts 3. or and 4. at 去掉 5. study 后加the 6. that - what 7. songsongs 8. will 后加be 9. other - others 10. it - them 四、1. an a 2. luck lucky 3. present presents 4. want wanted 5. real really 6. how what 7. 去掉that 8. assistant assistants 9. has 前加who 10. deep-deeply五、 1. and 去掉 2 have had 3. into in 4. something anything 5. is was 6. meals 前加for 7. happening happen 8. why how 9 in-for 10. book books六、1.taken - spent 2. a 前加as 3. excited excitedly 4. flew flies 5. day 去掉 6. At In 7. In the evening 8. hardly hard 9. class classes 10. for 后加 a 七、1. much very 2.nowhere-everywhere 3. people 前加of 4. to 后加the 5. that what 6. but however 7. done made 8. one it 9. in on 10. more 去掉八、1. in 去掉 2. makes made 3. darkness dark 4. the a 5. cloth-clothes 6. this that 7. beggar beggars 8. saying say 9. While When 10. What How九、1. listening 后加to 2. the 去掉 3.through aroundover 4. in up 5. that 后加arethat 6. another other 7. listen- listening 8. with-by 9. well better 10. programme- programmes十、1. for to 2. woman women 3. fewer less 4. change changed 5. women 后加 who 6.want wanted 7. doesnt -didnt 8. been去掉 9. either too 10. the 去掉十一、1. arrived 后加in 2. a the 3. for 去掉 4. understand 后加me 5. time times 6. either neither 7.her-his 8. it that 9. anything something 10. by in 十二、1. runningrun 2. asleepsleep3. manymuch 4. take-takes 5. with-in 6. differently different 7. not 去掉8. sometime sometimes 9. how 前加 of / about 10. that 前加is 十三、1. spending- spend 2. was 去掉 3.late later 4. by in 或a 去掉 5. on in 6. was 去掉7. water 后加to 8. to 后加the 9. clothing clothes 10. surprising surprised十四、1. lesson lessons 2. as like 3. find found 4. it them 5. such too (改 so不对)6.shouted shout 7.everyone-everyones 8. the 前加of 9. with of 或 full filled 10. was 十五、1. have 去掉 2 works work 3. learn learning4. because that 5. interesting interest 6. and but 7. will 后加be 8. Beside Besides9. and 去掉 10. there 前加where十六、1. a 去掉2. made 后加to 3. tell tells 4. And But 5. found find 6. one 后加that 7. certain certainly 8. whether if 9. gentle gentler 10. will-wont十七、1. expected expecting 2. to 去掉3. usually usual 4. are 后加the 5. But So 6. lesson lessons 7. nearly- near 8. say 后加how 9. spend spending 10. at前加else十八、1. connectconnected 2. whatthat/which或 去掉 what 3. some any 4. 第二个have has 5. 去掉the 6. city cities 7. sent 后加to 8. 第二个 and or 9. was is 10. we they 十九、1. have had 2. them 去掉 3. late later 4. to the car 5. asked 后加 a 6. minute minutes 7. How What 8. surprising surprised 9. what 后加do 10. speak say 二十、1. quickly quick 2. see 后加as 3. is are 4. an 去掉 5. that which 6. read-reading 7. on 去掉 8. or and 9. making made 10. day days 二十一Dear Abby,How are you? Ive got a wonderful news to tell you. I had been offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty student took the exam for it, but only a few were chosen and I was one of them. Therefore, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against my going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid that when I will feel lonely. They cant imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study in the capital instead. Then Ill able to continue living with them. How can I make them accept the fact that I have grown? Best Wishes. Yours, Jane二十二One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker to be mending. A week later I got them back and put them away. shoes I hadnt worn them since they were repaired. I put one shoe on my right foot, and the others on my left. But it felt as if it was on the wrong feet. I took both shoes off for a closer look. They were exact the same design, color, and size, but each is for the right foot. Then I thought of the shoemaker. Though I was sure he wouldnt remember me in such a long time, I called him. “Thanks goodness, you finally called!” he said excitedly. “The angry woman has been troubling me for months.”二十三Once there was a family living in a cabin in a huge tree. Its strong branches and thick leafs keeping the family safe from the wind and rain. Some time later, they cut down off the tree with an ax, as they were building other cabin. They needed the wood for its walls and the branches and leaves for its roof. But after the completion of the new cabin, there came storm. And strong winds blew away from the roofs of both the old and new cabins, because the tree was no more there to protect the place from the wind.二十四When my twenty birthday came, I was not at home . In order to celebrate such important day with my parents, I wrote him a letter, in which I thanked them for having raised me for twenty years, and express my love for them. Later Mother talked me when they read the letter, tears were filled her eyes. But Father appeared much cool. After that, he read it alone carefully, and then put it up into a desk drawer. I can imagine the scene clear because I know Father. Being a man with few word, he prefers to show his love for me in a silent way. 二十五Reading English newspapers are my favorite activity. When I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. For the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles is of great important . Its a good way to improve my English. Ive learned more new words and expressions doing so. I also get such information, included news about China and the world outside. It widened my vision. What I love most is the section about TV programs in coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new words. I will work hardly to keep on even though its a particularly hard task for me.二十六Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate who share one room with me now. I cannot study in the room at all if I still stay there, and she always has friends visiting and has party in the room . They make lots of noise and watch TV a lot . This noise environment makes difficult for me to study and I need a quiet room. In addition, they are impolite to me when I complain it. To my surprise, they sometimes borrow my things without asking me. All what I request of you is that you should give me a new room next term because they still have parties in the room even as I have asked her to have parties in other places many time. I would be grateful if you could offer me a single room. Yours faithfully, Catherine二十七Dear Editor,A new building is being build opposite to our building, and our peace life is over. Every day , trucks run back and forth, raise a cloud of dust. Building materials, such as bricks , sand and so on pile up here or there. Besides, loud noises can be heard all the while. Better still at night , they do not stop to working . The loud noises make it possible for me to do my lessons. We cant go to sleep either. My father went to have talk with the director of the building site about the matter. In my fathers surprise, he got just they had no other choice . What shall we do it now? Yours, Zhang Hua二十八We dont have to be doctors give somebody first aid. And we have to know how to do first aid . If it is quick and correctly given, we can save somebodys life . Last winter, when Mike was trying to climb the tree , he lost his footing and falling off the tree. One of his legs was bleeding bad. I tried to give him first aid. First I tried with clean cloth and tied my handkerchief onto the bleeding point. I ask him to hold up the leg when I ran to call a taxi. He was sent to the hospital in time. And the doctor praised me what I had done.二十九An interested new sport in the United states is sky diving. People like this sport often form a club. The members of the club get into airplanes and fly highly above the clouds. When it is time, each person jumps from the airplane and fall toward the earth at very high speed. All the members have parachu

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