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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版八年级下册期末模拟复习卷(7)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The twins usually leave _ home _ school very early. A . to; forB . for; toC . from; toD . /; for2. (2分)Stella didnt even acknowledge (致意) me when l waved a _.She is so impolite. .A . greetingB . questionC . smile3. (2分)Dont keep the boy in class A . standB . standingC . stoodD . to stand4. (2分)Could you please not _ here? A . smokingB . smokeC . to smokeD . smoked5. (2分)Mo Yan is famous many people know him in China A . too,toB . so,thatC . enough,toD . as,as6. (2分)Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will _. A . take them awayB . take it offC . take it awayD . take away it7. (2分) Does your son like carrots? _.A . Yes, she doesB . Yes, he isC . No, he doesntD . No, she doesnt8. (2分)Look at the boy playing basketball on the ground.Is it George? It be him.He told me he would play basketball after class,but hes not sure.A . mustntB . mustC . cantD . may9. (2分)Do you plan your homework at home? Yes, of course.A . to doB . to makeC . doingD . making10. (2分)He usually spends _ months in Australia. He enjoys the weather there. A . anyB . a littleC . a fewD . too much11. (2分)Mr. Green put up his tent right now as soon as he arrived on the island. A . on timeB . at onceC . for a whileD . from now on12. (2分)The London 2012 Olympic Games us a chance to enjoy the most wonderful sports events at home.A . affordedB . allowedC . offeredD . encouraged13. (2分) Ruby offered _ people _. We should also help the people who need our help: A . helping; in publicB . helping; in needC . to help; in needD . to help; in public14. (2分)I think_ necessary _ to take more exercise. A . it, for Jim and meB . its, to Jim and meC . that , for Jim and ID . thats, to Jim and me15. (2分)Is it next to the library? _.A . Yes, there isB . No, it isC . No, it isntD . Yes, she is二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。It was nearly lunch time when we arrived at Hamburg,so our local partners walked into the restaurant.We noticed that there was a table where1young couple was having their meal.They were only two dishes and2on the table.I doubted3such a simple meal could be pleasant.There4a few old women on another table.When a dish5the waiter would divide the food for them.Then they would finish all the food on6plates.Our partners ordered more food for us.When we left,there was stillabout7of food on the table.When we were leaving,the old women stopped us and8us that we shouldnt waste so much food.We 9for our food.It has10to do with you how much food we left behind,my partner said.The old women were very 11One of them made a call to someone at once.After a while,a man12uniform arrived.He gave us a 50fine.He said in a serious voice,Order what you can eat up.Money is yours13resources belong to the society.There are many people14are in great need of resources.We all felt ashamed.We should try15resources.(1)A . 不填 B . the C . an D . a (2)A . two bottles of beers B . two bottles of beer C . two beers D . two beer (3)A . whether B . though C . because D . unless (4)A . is B . was C . are D . were (5)A . served B . was serving C . was served D . is serving (6)A . they B . their C . them D . theirs (7)A . one third B . one three C . first three D . first third (8)A . tell B . tells C . was telling D . told (9)A . are paying B . pay C . have paid D . paid (10)A . everything B . nothing C . something D . anything (11)A . mad B . madly C . madder D . more madly (12)A . by B . with C . of D . in (13)A . so B . and C . but D . or (14)A . whom B . who C . whose D . which (15)A . save B . saving C . to save D . saved 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解Once upon a time,King Swan(天鹅国王)had a beautiful daughterOn her 15th birthday,she wished that when she was old enough,she could choose her own husbandKing Swan agreed with herWhen the princess(公主)was old enough,King Swan called all me birds to his homeBirds came from everywhere,even from far awayKing Swan told his lovely daughter to choose one she likedShe looked over the many birdsFinally,she chose a green long-narked peacock尼(孔雀)She told her father,This bird,the peacock,will be my husbandHearing that me peacock was the lucky one,all me other birds crowded around to congratulate(祝贺)himThe excited peacock said nothing but held his head highLater he began to shout and show his beauty in a strange danceThe other birds strange to laughKing Swan was angryStanding in the middle of the birds,he said,Sir Peacock,your voice is sweet,and youre really very pretty.But you are not modest at allI will not allow my daughter to marry you!The princess also learned she was wrongThen King Swan married his daughter to a modest birdThe peacock flew away,having lost a beautiful wife根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)All the birds went to King Swans home to A . ask him for helpB . celebrate his birthdayC . enjoy the princesss danceD . compete for the princesss husband(2)What can we know about the peacock? A . His neck was longB . His eves were beautifulC . He and King Swan were friendsD . He fell in love with the princess(3)The peacock was so excited that he A . jumped and shoutedB . shouted and dancedC . jumped and sangD . sang and danced(4)What does me underlined wordmodestin Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese? A . 诚实的B . 仁义的C . 谦逊的D . 勇敢的(5)At the end of the story,the peacock must feel A . luckyB . sorryC . worriedD . relaxed18. (10分)Can the Time Go Slower?by Joanna PittCan the time go slower?Im still thinking ofThe answers.Can the time go slower?My head is notYet clear.Can the time go slower?For me the rules of math areToo hard to remember.Can the time go slower?My grade is what my fatherReally cares about.So can the time go slower?My dear teacher,I dont want to run behind others.Oh NO!There are still lots of questionsTo be answered!(1)What is the reading about?A . Taking a test.B . Teaching math.C . Learning driving.D . Running at the school.(2)Why does the writer keep asking “Can the time go slower?”A . She is missing her good old times.B . She does not want to get old with time.C . She is worried that theres not enough time.D . She is afraid that her father will be home soon.19. (10分)根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。A few days ago, I ran into(撞上)a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him, and he said, Excuse me too, I wasnt even watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye.Later in the kitchen at home, as I cooked our meal, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very quietly. When I turned around (转身), I nearly knocked her down Get out of the way! I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying.That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and youll find some flowers there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them herself-pink, yellow, and your favourite blue.When I heard this, I thought deeply: While meeting with a stranger, I was calm and polite; but with my daughter, I was not patient. I felt sad and tears began to fall.I quietly went to Bettys bed, Wake up, my dear, I said. Are these the flowers you picked for me? She smiled, “I found them by the tree. I knew youd like them, especially the blue.” I said, I am so sorry that I treated (对待) you that way today. And she whispered(悄声地说), “Mommy, thats okay- I still love you anyway. I kissed her and said, “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didnt realize how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.(1)The writer _ to a stranger when she ran into him.(2)When the writer nearly knocked Betty down, she _ at her.(3)The writers _ told her Betty had picked those flowers for her.(4)The writer felt sad and began to cry because _.(5)The writer decided to _.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)阅读下面各题,选出符合题意的选项,其中有一项是多余选项。Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Heres how:_When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide a good, regular time for studying. Dont forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time._Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject._Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says._When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer._The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world wont end if you dont pass a test, so dont be overly worried.There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.A. Study regularly.B. Plan your time carefully.C. Develop a good attitude towards test.D. Make good use of your time in class.E. Find a good place to study.F. Practice it every day.五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)They are that new _ (dance) skirts . 22. (1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。My friend David is a doctor. He likes his work very much and he is _ (friend) to everyone. Every day he works hard and saves a lot of peoples _ (生命). He also likes singing songs. He often listens to music in his free time, because he wants to be a m _. I really hope my friend can make his dream come t_. Now, its seven oclock, He _ (切) vegetables into pieces to make dinner. I like my friend.23. (1分)语法填空Hello, my name is Alan. Im 12 years old. Look! I have a picture. In the picture_(be)two boys and a dog. Do you know(认识)_two boys? I know them. They are Tom and Jack.They are_(English). Tom and Jack are_(brother). They have yellow hair and big blue eyes. They are my good friends. Now they are in China_their parents. We are in the same(相同的)middle school_the same class. Their mother Mrs. Brown is our English teacher. _(her) is very nice._(I) classmates love her. Harry is the name_the dog. He is yellow and big. He is my friend,_. We four often play together on Sunday.24. (1分)To save the boy, we_(break) the window to get into the house. 25. (1分)His grandpa has been _(die) for ten years. 六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)首字母填空。Hi! My n_ is Linda. I am 12 years o_. I s_ at No. 2 Middle School. I go to school f_ Monday to Friday .My favorite day is F_. We have art and P.E. lessons and we have beef for lunch. Beef is my favorite f_. My favorite t_ is Miss White. She is our E_ teacher. She has 1_ hair. She loves m_. She often sings for us.七、 翻译 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)你能教我怎么做火车模型吗?Can you teach me _a model train?八、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)(A)话题作文:为了促进中小学生身心健康发展,我省自2018年3月1日起延迟中小学生到校时间,请你联系生活实际,谈谈对这一举措的看法。请以“My Opinions about the New Policy”为题,写一篇英语文章。 提示:1)原来的学习生活2)延迟后的学习生活3)个人感受(看法)提示词:policy(政策), the time of arriving at school第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)26-1、七、 翻译 (共1题;共5分)27-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)28-1、

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