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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语6月中考模拟(二模)试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)- Is this _ backpack?- No, _ is on the sofa. A . yours; mineB . yours; myC . your; mineD . your; my2. (2分)Darren was surprised the huge stone animals lining the passage.A . inB . onC . atD . about3. (2分) is it from your home to the school? About 3 kilometres.A . How farB . How oftenC . How manyD . How long4. (2分)The actress is already 50, but she looks _ than she really is.A . youngB . more youngC . more youngerD . much younger5. (2分)Its said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. There _ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.A . wouldntB . shouldntC . needntD . mustnt6. (2分)I want to travel to the Black Bear Island next weekend.Good idea! Make a plan first, _ you will enjoy more beautiful scenery.A . butB . andC . however7. (2分)Mrs. Green hardly ever from Monday to Friday. She plays sports on weekends. A . will exerciseB . exercisedC . exercisesD . is exercising8. (2分)The Green family _ China for five years.A . has come toB . has been inC . has been to9. (2分)Do you know where coffee was from first?It was said that coffee _in Africa a long, long time ago.A . discoveredB . inventedC . was inventedD . was discovered10. (2分)Excuse me. Could you tell me ?It will leave at 7:00 am.A . how will you go to BeijingB . how you will go to BeijingC . when will the bus leave for BeijingD . when the bus will leave for Beijing二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One day when I was drinking in a coffee shop, I saw a young woman sitting alone at a table. She was 1a beautiful necklace(项链). There was a fat man at a table not far 2her. He was looking at her 3all the time.Suddenly the lights went out. The coffee house was in 4. The woman started to shout. She was very 5. A few minutes later, the lights came on again. The woman was 6. Her necklace was gone.The manager quickly 7all the doors. He telephoned the police. 8could get out of the coffee house. The police soon came. The police officer 9his men to look for the necklace. They then searched the whole coffee house. But they could 10nothing.The police officer 11the faces of all the people in the coffee house. He saw the fat man and looked at the man 12. He went up to the man and picked 13the bowl of soup on the table. He then14the soup into a glass. The necklace fell out. The police caught the man and 15him away. The young woman was happy to get back her necklace. (1)A . wearing B . dressing C . putting on D . having (2)A . by B . to C . beside D . from (3)A . ring B . necklace C . glasses D . watch (4)A . light B . dark C . bright D . white (5)A . happy B . exciting C . afraid D . sad (6)A . crying B . laughing C . smiling D . singing (7)A . opened B . turned off C . closed D . turned on (8)A . Nobody B . Anyone C . Someone D . Everyone (9)A . decided B . hoped C . let D . asked (10)A . look for B . see C . find D . find out (11)A . watched B . saw C . looked up D . looked at (12)A . excitedly B . carefully C . happily D . sadly (13)A . on B . out C . up D . over (14)A . took B . brought C . poured D . threw (15)A . carried B . brought C . got D . took 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12. (6分)阅读理解(1)The audition for the musical show will be held on_. A . March 6B . March 10C . March 27D . April 10(2)Students who take part in the field trip need to take their_ with them. A . notebooksB . backpacksC . sunglassesD . cameras(3)How long will the field day last? A . One hour.B . Two hours.C . One day.D . Three days.13. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CMy name is Lin Tao. I am a Chinese boy. Now Im studying in America. There are many kinds of clubs here. When I first come here, I dont know anything about clubs. Im a shy boy, so I cant speak English well. In my first year in America, I dont like to speak to others. In my second year I have to change (改变) myself by doing some new things. I realize that school is not just about getting good grades (成绩), its also about being part of a club. One day, when I go to the Media Center with my classmate Jim, he tells me something about the club. Its interesting, so I join it. I am in many clubs now. Its good to be part of a club. These clubs help me to make new friends.(1)Where is Lin Tao studying now? A . In China.B . In America.C . In Canada.D . In Australia.(2)Lin Tao doesnt like to speak to others the first year because . A . he doesnt know anyoneB . he is busy with his studyC . he cant speak English wellD . he doesnt like his classmates(3)What does Lin Tao think in his second school year? A . He must study hard.B . He must make more friends.C . He must speak English more.D . He must do some new things.(4)What does the underlined word realize mean in Chinese? A . 明白B . 猜测C . 怀疑D . 想象(5)What can you learn from the passage (短文)? A . Lin Tao doesnt like joining clubs.B . Lin Tao lives in America with his parents.C . The Media Center is Lin Taos first club.D . Lin Tao makes many new friends in the first year.14. (10分)阅读理解When you are doing homework, sometimes your eyes may suddenly twitch (抽动). You may hear some superstitions (迷信) about this. For example, if your right eye jumps, you will hear good news. If your left eye jumps, you will hear bad news.But science can tell you that it has nothing to do with these superstitions. It is just a movement of your muscles (肌肉). There are a few reasons why this happens.According to ZME Science, when you feel stressed or tired, your eyes will twitch. This tells you that you need to get more rest.Looking at a TV or computer screen for a long time can also make your eye twitch. Looking at screens can make your eye dry (干涩的). So it twitches to make itself wet.Lacking(缺乏) some minerals (矿物质) in your diet(饮食) is another reason. Eating food such as almonds (杏仁) or spinach (菠菜) can be helpful.(1)According to the article(根据这篇文章), if your eyes twitch, it means _. A . you will hear good newsB . you will hear bad newsC . your eyes need some restD . you are doing your homework(2)Your eyes twitch because _. Which of the following answer is NOT right? A . you are tiredB . you are stressedC . you look at the TV screen for a long timeD . you do some homework(3)The writer gives us _ reasons in the article to tell us why our eyes twitch sometimes. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four.(4)We can eat some _ if our eyes twitch. A . spinachB . beefC . mouseD . cucumbers(5)The best title of the article is _. A . The Food We EatB . Why Do Eyes TwitchC . Science and SuperstitionsD . Bad News or Good News.15. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAs we all know, having a powerful memory is important. A powerful memory can help you succeed in school, in your job, and in life. It also helps you learn faster, and fast learners are always in demand. With it, you can succeed more easily.If youre willing to make a few changes in lifestyle, you should improve your memory first. My goal is to explain every skill that can help you improve your memory.You can not only learn memory skills on this website, but also learn how to improve your memory through diet, exercise, sleep and other ways.Memory improvement can be achieved in two ways: Improving the health of your brain and using memory skills. These are easier to do than you might think, but you have to make the effort(努力).Memory improvement requires time and effort on your part. Of course, I believe that a more powerful brain is well worth the effort!Here are a few of the great memory improvement tips. Ill give you the tips in the following part.(1)According to Paragraph One, a powerful memory can help you succeed in the followingEXCEPT_.A . in schoolB . in your jobC . in your exerciseD . in life(2)Which of the following is the two ways of memory improvement in the passage? using memory skills using memory notes improving the health of your body improving the health of your brainA . B . C . D . (3)Which of the following is required on your part to improve memory? A . Money.B . Time.C . Food.D . Water.(4)Where can you read this passage? A . In a newspaper.B . In a notebook.C . In a magazine.D . On a website.(5)What is the following part of the passage about? A . Memory improvement ways.B . Memory improvement reasons.C . The types of memory.D . The advantages of a good memory.四、 七选五 (共1题;共4分)16. (4分)阅读上面材料,仿照示例E、 F.将A-D分别填在空白处,使标题与内容相匹配。_F_Sometimes, you dont pass the exam, It doesnt matter .A person is never perfect(完美的)。Sometime she also does some terrible things._E_Many people like animals and take them as their pets(宠物),Pet hospitals are very busy Kind persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals. They will teach you how to do the job._Dont do todays things tomorrow the day after tomorrow. If the class is held up(耽搁),its difficult to keep up with others._When we learn English ,we should use it as much as possible .We should read more ,speak more, listen to English from time to time and practice writing every day._First, we should eat more fruits and vegetables, And also we need to eat a balanced diet. Second, we should do some exercise. Third, should get up early and go to bed early._If you last grade was a D, you should work hard for a C. Always think: Ill speak in class five times this week, or Ill remember twenty English words a day.A. Do todays work today B. How to keep healthyC. How to learn English well D. Set goals(目标)E. Assistants needed in pet hospitals F. Keep hopeful五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)17. (6分)任务型阅读Elizabeth got out of bed and dressed. She ate here favorite breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and juice. Her mother gave her a kiss before opening the front door and wishing her daughter a good day.Elizabeth, carefully tapping along, made her way down the sidewalk to her best friend Kates front door. Elizabeth used to attend a school for the blind. Today she was joining Kate at Washington Carver Elementary. “Here comes my brother,” Elizabeth said. Kate looked around but saw no one. Then, suddenly, John came around the next corner on his skateboard. “How did you know John was coming?” Kate asked.“From the sound of the wheels on his board,” replied Elizabeth. “Id know it anywhere. Kate listened again until she heard the joyful sound hidden among all the much louder noises on the street.John rode along the sidewalk, moving from one side to the other and back again, until he came to a stop in front of Elizabeth and Kate. “Hey Sis,” he said. “Good luck today!” “Thanks, John,” said Elizabeth. “Any words of wisdom for me?” “Yeah,” her brother replied, smiling. “Stay away from the sloppy joes in the cafeteria.” After these words, John went away on his board.Kate wondered if Elizabeth still remembered eating the sloppy joes before she lost her sight at the age of six, because of a high fever. Kate wondered if she felt sad. She decided to ask. “I used to think I couldnt do anything,” explained Elizabeth. “But now I know that I can do most things. I just need a little more learning time.” Kate could see the sunny smile on her friends face.Giving her friend a big hug, Kate said to herself, “ ”.(1)Was it a special day or an ordinary day for Elizabeth?_.(2)What kind of school did Elizabeth use to go to?_.(3)How did Elizabeth know John was coming around?_.(4)What does “the sloppy joes” probably refer to?_.(5)Why did Elizabeth lose her sight at the age of six?_.(6)Imagine what Kate would say to herself and complete the last sentence._.六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18. (5分)地震通常是突然发生的。今年2月份在台湾花莲发生的地震造成多人伤亡,仍让人心有余悸。因此,知道在地震中该怎样做非常重要。假设你是班长,请根据下面表格的内容提示用英语写一篇口头通知,告知同学们参加报告会。词数80左右,开头已给出. 不计入总词数。 内容What to do in an earthquake报告人来自美国的Mr White时间5月25日下午4点半开始地点学校体育馆听报告人员所有八年级学生必须参加,欢迎其他年级学生参加Listen up, everyone! Id like to tell you something important.19. (5分)如今,很多同学骑共享单车上学,因为它既方便又环保。然而,因骑车引发的交通事故也层出不穷。假如你校的英语论坛正在进行关于安全骑车的大讨论,请你写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈怎样骑车才能确保安全,并将其发表在论坛上。第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 七选五 (共1题;共4分)16-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共6分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18-1、19-1、

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