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Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 班级 学号 姓名 得分 一 单词拼写 1 adj 积极的 活跃的 adv 积极地 n 活动 2 vt 与 to 连用 献身 专心于 adj 忠实的 深爱的 n 奉献 3 adj 和平的 平静的 安宁的 n 和平 4 adj 法律的 依照法律的 反义词 5 adj 怀有希望的 反义词 n to tell the truth 1 Whom do you when in trouble 2 In the opinion of many people Yao Jiaxin should death in the sight of law 3 The second group several boards to remind the visitors to take care of the flowers and trees 4 The current global financial crisis leaves many graduates or at the edge of being laid off 5 all of you have been working very hard and have done an excellent job in the past two weeks 三 单句填空 1 Once again thank you for your generous 2 As we may not know that cruel to animals is severely punished in England 3 People touched by their self act had donated more than 500 000 yuan to them 4 For college entrance examination of Guangdong in 2011 there was a new enrolling system which was terror different from the old 5 We should reinforce the traffic security education to raise people s awareness towards the danger of drunk driving and meanwhile the government should take act measures to control 四 句式运用 1 在我们学校 他是我见过的第一个能扣篮的学生 be able to dunk in our school 2 直到那时 我才意识到口语的重要性 realize the importance of spoken English 3 那是我第一次认识到生命的脆弱 that I had come to be aware of the fragility of life 4 她不仅对英语很感兴趣 而且对音乐也很有天赋 she show interest in English she has a great gift for music 5 刚上高中的时 我在英语的学习上遇到了很大的困难 但通过努力学习 我取得了很大的进步 When I came to senior high school I my English but through hard work I 五 完形填空 When I was young I really doubted whether there was love between my parents Every day they were busy earning money so that they could 1 the high tuition my brother and I needed They didn t 2 in the romantic ways that I read in books or saw on TV One day Mom was sewing a quilt 被子 I 3 sat down beside her Mom I have a 4 here I said after a while Is there love between you and Dad I asked her in a very 5 voice Mom stopped her work and raised her head with 6 in her eyes She didn t answer immediately She bent her head and continued to sew the quilt I was 7 if I had hurt her I was in great embarrassment and I was at a loss what to do But at last she said very 8 Susan look at this 9 Sometimes it appears but most of it disappears in the quilt The thread really makes the quilt strong and lasting If 10 is a quilt then love should be a thread It can hardly be seen but it s really there 11 is inside I listened carefully but I couldn t understand her until years later One day Dad accidentally got 12 while on duty Ever since then he could no longer 13 properly Every morning and dusk Mom would help Dad walk slowly on the country road Along the country road there were beautiful flowers green grass and trees The leaves were gently glistening 14 the sun shining upon them All of these made up the most beautiful 15 in the world Dad how are you feeling now I asked him one day Susan don t worry about me he said gently I just like walking with your mom I like this kind of life Looking into his eyes I 16 what they meant The doctor had said Dad would 17 in two months But that day never came He 18 away in peace 19 I thought love meant flowers gifts and sweet kisses But from this 20 I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life which makes life strong and warm 1 A afford B cost C spend D offer 2 A go B live C act D walk 3 A happily B silently C secretly D nervously 4 A request B problem C message D question 5 A loud B light C low D clear 6 A surprise B anger C stress D horror 7 A amazed B confused C shocked D ashamed 8 A quickly B excitedly C bitterly D gently 9 A quilt B needle C thread D sewing 10 A belief B work C experience D life 11 A Warmth B Thread C Cotton D Love 12 A tired B drunk C ill D injured 13 A talk B walk C work D think 14 A with B as C for D by 15 A signs B symbols C pictures D reflections 16 A read B doubted C translated D recognized 17 A retire B recover C regain D remove 18 A passed B escaped C faded D turned 19 A Again B Once C Then D Later 20 A lesson B account C experience D accident 六 短文改错 Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years It came sudden and went on for over three hours Before lunch I went into my room to have a rest The air was hotter and all is quiet Then a strong wind started to blow into my room Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window As I ran out to catch them big drop of rain began to fall When I came back into house it was raining harder and harder I tried very hard to close the window Then I heard a loudly crashing sound from the back of the house When I ran out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the back room 七 语篇背诵 出生在 Huai an Jiangsu on March 5 1998 Zhou Enlai 毕业于 in Nankai Middle School in 1917 之后 he went to France to learn Marxist theory In 1922 加入 之后 the Chinese Communist Party he 积极 his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai After leading the famous uprising Nanchang Uprising on August 1st 1927 he 参加了 the Long March From 1937 to 1945 he worked in South China 随着 the People s Republic of China 成立 he was elected Premier of China He 全身心投入 the work and always 工作到午夜 having no time to 为自己着想 but only the Chinese people Premier Zhou died on January 8th 1976 The whole nation was 为之而悲痛 当得知 his death for he was loved by all the people Our 爱戴的 Premier Zhou will always 活在 Chinese people s hearts He was a great Marxist and communist


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