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人教版2020年英语初中学生学业水平模拟考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 选择填空(共15小题,计15分) (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Mr. Green has a bad cough these days. The doctor advised him to get X-ray. A . theB . /C . aD . an2. (1分)Zhang Tao is learning English by _and he doesnt need others help. A . himB . hisC . himselfD . he3. (1分)As we know, the Yangtze River is one of rivers in the world. A . longestB . longerC . the longest4. (1分)Mr. Zhang has _ paid 1.3 million yuan for the house but he has not got the Property Owner Certificate(房产证) _. A . just, neverB . usually, everC . already, yetD . never, always5. (1分)Do you know desks and chairs are made wood? Yes, you are right. Paper is made _ wood.A . of; ofB . from; ofC . of; fromD . from; from6. (1分)Please pass me _book on the right. A . fourB . fourthC . the fourD . the fourth7. (1分)Tommy, you should never let others know what I have told you today.Dont worry. I will keep the _.A . moneyB . orderC . secret8. (1分) the Spring Festival, travel is very difficult in winter. A . BecauseB . SoC . Because ofD . Since9. (1分) Will Jim come to Jiangyan for May Day holiday? He_ come and it depends on(取决于) how much homework he will have.A . mayB . shouldC . mustD . need10. (1分)Its better to teach a man to fish than_ him fish. A . to giveB . givingC . to findD . finding11. (1分)He _down from his bike. I _ sorry to hear that. A . fell; fellB . felt; feltC . fell; feltD . felt; fell12. (1分)The notice on the wall says no _. A . smokeB . smokesC . smokedD . smoking13. (1分)I dont think your father will support you. _? Im old enough to make my own decision.A . How comeB . So whatC . How about youD . Guess what14. (1分)Alice, _ your photo here this afternoon. A . bringsB . bringC . broughtD . bringing15. (1分)I wonder . Someone who can make me a better person.A . when you often meet your friendsB . how you make your friends happyC . who you want to make friends withD . where you spend weekends with friends二、 完形填空(共10小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Nick is a 14-year-old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has1free time. He thinks playing computer games2the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just3that way, he doesnt eat or drink for several hours.Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too4and didnt want to move. He didnt have5for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He6to the hospital. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and7doing sports.After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctors8. He often plays soccer with his friends.9sometimes he still plays computer games at weekends, he10plays them for long. Now he lives a happy and healthy life.(1)A . much B . few C . little (2)A . be B . is C . was (3)A . for B . on C . in (4)A . excite B . exciting C . excited (5)A . nothing B . anything C . something (6)A . took B . is taken C . was taken (7)A . take out B . take care of C . pay attention to (8)A . advice B . advices C . dreams (9)A . And B . Unless C . Although (10)A . ever B . never C . often 三、 阅读理解(共20小题,计40分) (共4题;共40分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Linda Miller. My first name is Linda. My last name is Miller. Nice to meet you! Look! This is my jacket. Its red Hi, Im Jack. My family name is Green. Look! This is my clock. Its white and black. That is my pen. Its blue. Good morning! My name is Lucy King. Lucy is my first name. King is my last name. Nice to meet you! This is my jacket. Its yellow.(1)_ is a boy. A . Linda MillerB . Jack GreenC . Lucy KingD . Linda Green(2)She is Lucy King. What color is her jacket? A . Its black and white.B . Its yellow.C . Its red.D . Its blue.18. (10分)根据短文内容,判断句子正误。Many people can speak one or two languages, but 10-year-old Arthur can s peak many languages. He can speak English, Hindi, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Thai and Polish. Arthur is from Sydney, and he gets his skills (技能) from his parents. He also learns from DVDs by himself. Now Arthur is learning Luganda. Its a language of a country in Africa. Arthur says languages and music are his favourites at school. Arthur hopes his language skills can help him when he grows up (长大). He wants to be a doctor and go around the world to help people.(1)Arthur can speak ten languages now.(2)Arthur comes from Sydney, Australia.(3)Arthur is learning a language of a country in Africa now.(4)Arthur likes languages and music best at school.(5)Arthur likes languages, and he wants to be a reporter.19. (10分)阅读理解 When doing his math homework, Lu Lifei, 14, from Jiangsu, came across a problem. He couldnt work it out. So he took out his cellphone and searched the problem. The answers soon appeared on the screen.Nowadays, many students do homework with the help of the Internet like Lu. They search information online, use apps or discuss through social networks like QQ and WeChat. Its convenient. You dont have to wait, Lu said. You also learn by watching how others work them out. It also improves students abilities, said Wang Shiying, 15, from Shanghai. And its especially true for new types of homework.Wangs Chinese teacher often asks students to give speeches on great writers. When it comes to Wangs turn, she usually searches online, learns about certain stories and makes slides(幻灯片)by herself. Ive become good at finding information online and using Microsoft Office, Wang said.However, this trend(趋势)also brings up problems. Some students just copy the answers online without thinking. They become lazy. Huang Pengxiang, a head teacher from Shanxi said that knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control. No matter how difficult the problem is, think about it independently first, Huang said. Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers, or you wont make progress. If youre not confident about your self-control, ask your parents for help.(1)Lu Lifei worked out his math problem by _. A . searching on the cellphoneB . getting help from his classmateC . asking his teacher for helpD . thinking by himself(2)The underlined word It in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A . using QQ to help with homeworkB . doing homework with the help of the InternetC . using WeChat to help with homeworkD . doing homework with the help of the apps(3)According to the last paragraph, Huang Pengxiang thinks the key to using the Internet is _. A . to have enough timeB . to have enough moneyC . to have good self-controlD . to have great interest(4)Which of the following shows the writers opinion? A . Lu Lifei uses the cellphone to search the problem.B . Wang Shiying often finds information online.C . Wangs teacher often asks students to give speeches.D . This trend also brings up problems and makes students become lazy.20. (10分)阅读理解 Happy New Year! Many people make New Years resolutions in January. A resolution is something that you are going to do or change. For example, Im going to eat more fruit each week. Do you make New Years resolutions? What are your New Years resolutions? The following is an e-mail. Here are my resolutions:Dear Jim, I have a lot of resolutions. The first one is to do some sports. Next s to keep my bedroom clean. Then Im going to my homework every day. I will not get into fight with people who really hate me. I am going to spend less time on computer games. Im going to read more books. I know friends are very important in our lift. So Im going to make friends who like me and dont just feel sorry for me. At the same time, Im going to take more care of my appearance(外貌). Im sure they will like my new look then! How do I make more friends? Im going to join more clubs. Are you going to clubs with your classmates? What are your New Years resolutions? Please write to me soon.Yours, David(1)From the first paragraph we know that New Years resolutions . A . are made just before New Years DayB . are made at the beginning of a new yearC . are usually about something you want to eatD . are a New Years gift(2)From the e-mail, we can infer that the writer . A . wants to change his lifestyleB . is a student who always makes troubleC . is a teacher who wants to work harderD . doesnt like sports at all(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A . David wants to improve the skills of playing computer games.B . David thinks he always has too much homework.C . Jim always says sorry to David.D . David wants to read more hooks than before.(4)David wants to take more care of his appearance because. A . he is always dirty at schoolB . none of his friends like his appearanceC . he always fights with othersD . he wants to make more friends四、 口语交际(共5小题,计5分) (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。 A: Hello, Tom. You look upset._?B: I cant decide whether I should take part in our school art festival.A: _?B: For the celebration of National Day.A: Oh, I see. When will the festival begin?B: Itll begin on September 25th.A: I know youre good at singing._?B: Great idea! But_?A: How about I love you, China?B: Its too difficult. Im afraid I cant sing it well.A: _. You have a long time to practice it well.B: I agree with you.五、 词汇应用(共10小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)The medicine药doesnt work. He feels even _(bad). 六、 将下列英语句子译成汉语,汉语句子译成英语。(共5小题,计10 (共5题;共10分)23. (2分)This is a cup. 24. (2分)If you dont know how to put your books to good use, you should give them to others. 25. (2分)My cousin Anna is the same age as me. 26. (2分)他真明智,一直等候而不打断教练的谈话。 27. (2分)为了提高他的口语,他加入了一个英语俱乐部。 He joined an English club_ _ _ improve his speaking English.七、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)任务型阅读下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项 (A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. Do what you are told to do.B. Remember parents are important.C. Do things with your parents. D. How can your parents believe you?E. Respect them more and value these moments.F. Tell them you love them.Nowadays, more and more teenagers cant get along well with their parents, some even fight with their parents from time to time. Thats too bad. Even if you think that your parents cannot understand you at times, loving your parents is a normal and satisfying part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you and raised you. Here are some ways to love your parents._ You can use these moments to learn from them when youre off on your own. Its OK to be angry, but angry actions dont help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, keep a diary about your feelings, or talk to a friend. After this, show your feelings to your parents._ It depends on what you do. For example, if you get home late without calling first, next time your parents may not believe you. To get their trust, you must pay attention to the ways you do things instead of fighting with them. It will make your life much easier._ You can watch TV, or go somewhere with them. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can. You can go hiking together, your parents will get to know that you have the ability to deal with different problems, and they will understand you more. Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in one way or another. _ A gentle good morning and I love you will warm the coldest heart every morning. Remember that they brought you into the world. Without your parents, you might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world._ It will help you to get more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you dont get what you want or you have to clean the room when you arent willing to do that at that moment. However, you had better remember they keep you comfortable when its cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and they make mistakes, too.八、 书面表达(共1题,计20分) (共1题;共20分)29. (20分)根据下列某学校八年级一班的活动调查表,用英语写一篇短文。(All the students=100% Most students=51%99% Some students =1%50% No students = 0%)要求: 1)文中应包含表格提供的所有要点,适当发挥,使行文流畅。2)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。3)词数:80 词左右(短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数)。短文首句: Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 1, Grade 8.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 选择填空(共15小题,计15分) (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解(共20小题,计40分) (共4题;共40分)17-1、17-2、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 口语交际(共5小题,计5分) (共1题;共5分)21-1、五、 词汇应用(共10小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 将下列英语句子译成汉语,汉语句子译成英语。(共5小题,计10 (共5题;共10分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、七、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)28-1、八、 书面表达(共1题,计20分) (共1题;共20分)29-1、

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