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人教版中考英语专题复习词义辨析(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)Its good to do plenty of reading if you want to improve your English. Thank you for your advice.A . a littleB . a large amount ofC . a bit of2. (2分)She was able to read when she was five years old. A . canB . couldC . may3. (2分) Do you know how many countries President Xi visited in the first six months this year? Sorry, I dont know, but I know that he was abroad between June 7th and 10th.A . in his home townB . in a foreign countryC . in an excellent company4. (2分) Can my sister wear the dress this afternoon? Yes, it will soon dry up in the wind.A . fly awayB . get wetC . lose water5. (2分)When I asked him if he would come to my party, he responded that he would come. A . talkedB . addedC . replied6. (2分)She apologized to her friend for her mistakes. A . said yesB . said noC . said sorry7. (2分)I have difficulty speaking in English Dont worry I will help youA . troubleB . funC . surprise8. (2分)He was down in the mouth because he missed his train. A . unhappyB . happyC . gladD . relaxed9. (2分)The young man is having a good time _ on a river. A . skatingB . skateC . to skate10. (2分)To walk to work, she is going to buy a flat close to her company. A . far awayB . far away fromC . near11. (2分)He didnt reply to my question. A . answerB . bringC . give12. (2分)I hate standing on a crowded train. A . likeB . really do not likeC . enjoy13. (2分)Tim is a good student and he is seldom late for school. A . alwaysB . UsuallyC . not often14. (2分)What was the film like? It was a bit slow at the beginning but the acting was very good.A . mannerB . activityC . performance15. (2分)It is impossible to get there on time. A . arrive atB . reachC . go16. (2分)Her parents encouraged her in her studies. A . gave money toB . gave support toC . gave presents to17. (2分) Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _ time? I think I can.A . fewB . fewerC . littleD . less18. (2分) Can you help me with that? Wait for a moment.A . a long timeB . a short timeC . at once19. (2分)There are many mountains in this place and we often climb them. A . forestsB . high hillsC . lakes20. (2分)My new shoes feel comfortable, so I like wearing them. A . hardB . goodC . soft and nice21. (2分)What could you see after the rain stopped? The Sun started to come out and shine.A . take in airB . send out lightC . pick up heat22. (2分) Whats the problem with you? I have difficulty learning English. Can you give me some advice?A . troubleB . successC . power23. (2分) Why did the star shout at the reporter loudly at the airport? Because he kept on asking her personal questions, which was annoying. A . made her boredB . made her angryC . made her sad24. (2分) Please turn on the radio. Id like to listen to some music. All right.A . switch onB . give backC . discuss about25. (2分)Mike decided to tour around the world by bike. A . lookB . travelC . go26. (2分) The mountains are so beautiful. They are covered with millions of trees.A . severalB . a fewC . so many27. (2分)I hope every one of my class will make it one day. The same to you, my dear friend.A . failB . healthyC . succeed28. (2分)To means to make something clear or to give a meaning for something. A . tellB . answerC . explain29. (2分)Rose was sleeping, so Lily closed the door _. A . quietB . quietlyC . loudD . loudly30. (2分)Bruce, please return my history book as soon as you can. (选出与划线部分意思相同的一项) A . turn backB . give backC . go backD . come back31. (2分)The sneakers_ too much, I cant afford(买得起) them.A . spendB . costC . payD . take32. (2分)Why not go out and have a walk after dinner? A . How about goB . Why dont you goC . What about go33. (2分)How big your new house is! How many bedrooms does it have? The house includes five bedrooms.A . hasB . buildsC . keeps34. (2分)She works as a waitress in the bar. A . likeB . isC . be like35. (2分)Lucy isnt old enough to carry the box. A . is so young that she canB . isnt young enough toC . is too young to36. (2分)I called you last night but nobody answered. A . someoneB . anyoneC . no one37. (2分)Birds have the ability to sing. A . canB . like toC . are happy to38. (2分)My parents bought me too many toys. There is no room for them. A . not enoughB . just rightC . more than enough39. (2分)You should teach all this to others in your community. A . a group of people living in a particular local areaB . many people living in togetherC . a lot of people getting together somewhere40. (2分)John is good at playing the piano and the guitar.A . enjoysB . does well inC . hates41. (2分)Did Sally pass the exam?No, she didnt get a satisfactory result. That is, she failed.A . At the same timeB . To be honestC . In other words42. (2分)Whose answer do you think is right?To a certain degree, both of their answers are correct.A . In a wayB . By the wayC . All the way43. (2分)Susan likes different kinds of sports, _ football and basketball. A . such asB . so asC . soD . such44. (2分) Sorry, Dad. I broke your glass and I want to apologize to you. Thats all right.A . say yesB . say noC . say sorry45. (2分)A bout over 80 years ago, Mickey Mouse first appeared in the cartoon. A . more thanB . less thanC . better than46. (2分)Jack made a mistake in the math-test. Otherwise, he could get a full mark. Hs realized the mistake immediately after the test.A . thoughtB . supposedC . understood47. (2分)The stove is burning. A . on fireB . in dangerC . very strong48. (2分)Millie will _ my pet fish when I am not at home. A . look forB . look atC . look likeD . look after49. (2分)The little girl made a good impression on US. A . leftB . lookedC . took50. (2分)You look so cheerful today.Yes. I won the lottery (彩票)!A . happyB . surprisedC . upset第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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