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英语五年级上册期末测试题 姓名 得分 笔试部分 50%六、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。6% ( )1、A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ( )2、A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ( )3、A.village B. tree C. flower D. glass ( )4、A. in B. old C. on D. under ( )5、A. curtain B. trash bin C.fresh D. mirror ( )6、A. fish B. tofu C.tomato D.road七、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(6%)。( )1.Whos your English teacher? A.Hes tall and strong( )2.Whats he like ? B. Mr Carter( )3.What do we have on Monday ? C. I often do homework( )4.What do you do on Sunday? D.We have Chinese and English ( )5.What do you have for lunch? E. I like apple . They are sweet .( )6.Whats your favourite food? F. We have tofu and fish .八、读句子,选择最适合的答句。 (10)(1) ( ) What can you do? A. I can make the bed. B. Yes, I can .(2) ( ) Whats he like? A. She is strict but kind. B. He is strong.(3) ( ) Is she young? A. Shes our principal. B. No, shes old.(4) ( ) What do you have on Tuesdays? A. Its Tuesday. B. We have computer, P.E. and math.(5) ( ) Whats your favourite fruit? A. I like mutton very much. B. Grapes. It is very tasty.(6) ( ) What would you like for lunch today? A. Id like some beef and two eggs, please B. I like onions and pork.(7) ( ) What day is it today? A. Thursday B. Birthday(8) ( ) What do you do on Sundays? A. I have math, English and Chinese. B. I watch TV and read books.(9) ( ) Whos that young lady? A. Shes tall and thin. B. Shes our principal.(10) ( ) Are there any tall buildings in the village? A. No, there arent . B. No, there isnt.九排词成句。(10%)cant no I例:cant no I No, I cant. mirror is where the big1 ?tall pretty is Miss white and 2 .In there a forest the is park 3 .We Tuesdays English on have 4 .helpful home at Im5 .十看一看,写一写。(8%)1There is an near my bed.2. My favourite day is .3. There are some grass under the .4. I like very much.十一阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误,对的打错的打。(10%)Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. Im very helpful. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends? My home is near a river, there are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .Welcome to my home .( ) 1. Tom likes beef ,eggplant and tofu.( ) 2. Tom can sweep the floor.( ) 3. Tom often water the flowers on Saturdays.( ) 4. There are some mountains in front of Toms house.( ) 5. There are two bridges over the river.2. Read and write. 1) There is a new _ _ a _ _ bin behind the desk.2) My Chinese teacher is very o _ _ and k _ _ _. 3) We have t _ _ _ for dinner on Thursdays.4) There is a small h _ _se in the forest.5) Its _ _ _day today .6、 CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri六、CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri六、CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri六、CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri六、CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri六、CBDBCD 七 BADCFE 八 ABBBB AABBA 九 1 Where is the big mirror? 2 Miss White is tall and pretty. 3 There is a park in the forest. 4 We have English on Tuesdays. 5 Im helpful at home.十 1 end table 2 Thursday 3 tree 4 mutton 十一、 2、trash 、old kind、tofu、house、Fri

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