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Module 8 Unit 4Word Study:1. a weekly magazine 一份周刊 类似的有:monthly, yearly (= annual/annually) 2. magic cube 魔方3. He viewed the whole thing as a joke. (认为;把看作)view - as-= see -as= think of -as=think to bev. =consider as=look onas=regard as How do you view the current situation? (看待) Well go and view the house before we buy it.(查看) viewer n. 电视观众;观看者,观察者;n. 观点,见解(C );风景,景色(C );目光,视野 (U)(=sight) from ones point of view=in ones view=in ones opinion=as far as sb be concerned 在某人看来 stick to ones view 坚持某人的观点 You can get a wonderful view from the top of the tower. in view (sight) 在视野内 out of view 看不见了 come into view 进入视野,看见in view of 由于;鉴于辨析:view /scene/sight /scenery view: 作“风景,景物”时,通常指从特定的位置所见到的景物(站在一定角度所看到的)。 We had a fantastic view of the mountain from our room.scene: “(戏剧,电影等的)一场”; “景色,景象(着重指展现在眼前的景色)”; “场面,情景”; (尤指不好事情的)发生地点,现场. The happy scene of the children playing in the garden reminds me of my childhood. The policemen rushed to the scene of the crime/accident.sight: 作风景,景致 ;名胜,观光胜地,通常用复数形式,指人文景观 The rainbow over the sea is a fantastic sight. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful sights of New York. 我们兴致勃勃地参观了纽约的名胜。scenery :“风景”,指某地区的自然风景,是不可数名词。风景,景色的总称The scenery is beautiful around here.4finance financial -financiallyThe housing project is financed by the local government. (提供资助)financial crisis 经济危机 be financially independent 经济上独立的5. interruptinterruption Its bad manners to interrupt others. ( 打断) The rain interrupted our baseball game.(中断) 辨析:disturb / interruptdisturb: vt. 打搅,打扰,侧重“乱”; interrupt :vt. 打断(某人), 侧重 “断”6. He gave his life in defence of his country. ( 保卫 ) 为辩护 =in ones defencedefend sb against/ from sth 保护某人不受. defend oneself in court 在法庭上为自己辩护.7. the reform and open door policy 改革开放政策 adopt the one-child policy 采纳独生子女政策8. high-quality products=products of high quality 高质量的产品9. We will continue the match, regardless of the weather.(不管)比较:regardless of 与 in spite of =despite10. Please distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one.(把A和B区分,区别A和B)v distinguish A from B =distinguish between A and B= tell A from B=tell sth apartHe distinguished himself by winning 4 prizes. 他赢了四项奖而声名远扬。be distinguished for/as = be famous for/as a distinguished scholar 一个杰出的学者11. 只要:as long as = so long as= on condition that=provided (that)=providing (that).+条件状语从句You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock.You can stay here as long as you want.(与一样长)12. boycott Japanese products/ goods. (联合起来)抵制日货13. Dont count your chicken before they are hatched. (孵化)hatch a plan to rob the bank (策划,筹划) 14. salute the national flag 向国旗敬礼 salute sb /sth15. win a victory over sb 获胜16.The two statements contradict each other. 两种说法互相抵触(v. contradict sb/ sth) The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.这个报告与我们昨天听到的相矛盾。be contradictory to sth./ sb (adj. 与-矛盾的)17. be (un)fair to sb 对某人(不)公平的 fair play 公平竞争 fair and square老实地,诚实地18. resemble(及物动词但无被动,无进行时)= be like = be similar to She resembles her mother in character, not in appearance. (resemble sb in sth.)名词resemblance 后接to/between19. reject my offer of help / all our ideas 拒不接受我主动给予帮忙 / 不采纳我们的意见 同义词:refuse /decline to do resist doing sth turn down /decline ones offer20. look at the problem from another angle 从另外一个角度看问题 21. favour-favourable favourite My parents seem to favour my sister over/more than the others (偏爱) To tell you the truth, I dont favour your plan at all.(支持,赞成你的计划) Will you do me a favor? = May I ask a favor of you? 你能帮我一个忙吗?do sb a favor=do a favor for sb 帮某人一个忙be in favor of 支持;赞成 in ones favor对某人有利22. globeglobal the global village/warmth 23. in the(a) minority 占少数 in the majority占多数 the majority of 大多数的 a / the minority of 少数的.24. 辨析:bonus / allowance / pensionbonus -n.额外的东西或好处;奖金 ; (C) a New Year/ Christmas bonusallowance-n.补贴;补助;津贴pension- n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金25. The TV programme highlighted the problems of the unemployed. (使-显著, 使突出)26. reward ( vt./n奖赏,奖励 ;回报,报酬) -rewarding (adj.值得做的,有意义的) He believes that the company will reward him for his efforts. You deserve a day off as a reward for working so hard. It is so unfair that I get very little in reward for my hard work.reward sb for (doing ) sth 因为奖励,奖赏,回报某人reward sb with sth 用报答,回报某人in reward for sth = in return for 作为对-的报答/奖赏a rewarding job一份值得做的工作辨析: award /rewardaward: 作名词时,意思是:“奖品;奖金”,指因作出杰出贡献而受奖。作动词时,意思是:“(官方地或正式地)授予;颁发” award sb sth for sth/ doing sth award him a medal for his braveryreward: 作名词时,意思是:“酬金;悬赏金”,也可指非金钱的报酬。作动词时,意思是:“因做某事而给予报答或酬谢。27. enter-entry a street with a “No Entry”sign Chinas first entry into the Olympic Games 进入,入口n. 参赛作品,条目,项目 dictionary entry 词典中的词条 28. rarely /scarcely/seldom/never/little/hardly 否定意义的词放在句首,主句部分倒装。 Seldom does she go home.29. live /be in ones shadow 生活在-的阴影中 in the shade 在阴凉处30. lighting舞台灯光,照明 lightning 闪电31. be admitted into/to a university/ a club (被录取;被允许进入)v. admit doing sth/ having done sth / that 从句 (承认做了某事) admission fee(charge)/ ticket 入场费/入场券 Admission to the game is free.He made an admission that he had lied.=He admitted that he had lied.(承认)32. appoint (v.任命; 委派)-appointed (adj.约定的)-appointment (n.约会) make/fix /keep/break an appointment with sb 与-订一个约会/守约/负约33. formal -informal a formal letter/ occasion一份正式的信函/ 一个正式的场合 tiresomehandsome troublesome34. make/ reach/arrive at/come to an agreement 达成协议sign /break an agreement签订协议 / 违反协议 These findings are in agreement with our previous conclusions.(与-相一致 / 同意 )agree with ones words/ what sb say/ ones idea/opinion/ sbagree to ones plan/proposal/ suggestion/arrangement 同意某人的计划 / 建议/ 安排agree on sth 就某事达成共识agree to do sth 同意做某事 (没有agree sb to do sth)35. (much)to ones satisfaction=to ones (great) satisfaction 令某人(很)满意的是be satisfied with 对感到满意的Your answer is far from/anything but (being ) satisfactory. 你的回答远非令人满意的。 36. realize ones dream =(ones dream) come true 实现某人的梦想37. a tense situation/atmosphere 令人紧张的形势/氛围 feel tense 感到紧张的 create international tensions 制造国际紧张局势38. a sensitive boy一个敏感的男孩 Sb be sensitive to sth 对-敏感的 39. I suspect him to be a pickpocket. v. I suspected him of taking my money. (suspect sb of 被动为:be suspected of)We suspect that they will be late. (觉得;以为)怀疑/疑心某人(干):suspect sb of (doing) sth= suspect sb to do sth= suspect thatThe police have taken the suspect to the police station. (把嫌疑犯带到警察局)40. absent absence present-presence be absent from school/ class/ the meeting (缺席的,不在的)be present at the meeting (出席的,在场的) all the students present 在场的所有学生 the present situation 目前的形势speak ill of sb in/during ones absence (在某人不在时说某人的坏话)41He has a contrary opinion. (adj. 相反的 = opposite)His views are contrary to mine. ( 与-相反的be contrary to) He passed the examination, contrary to what I expected. (adv. 与-相反contrary to) Contrary to all advice, he gave up his job and left for the south. on the contrary (常作状语, 用于解释说明) 恰恰相反;与此相反 -You seem to show interest in cooking.- What? On the contrary, I am getting tired of it.辨析: on the contrary / on the other hand 前者指在性质,倾向或方向上完全相反; 后者指从另一个角度来说明或解释问题 I am not sick. . On the contrary, I am very well. (相反) On the one hand they d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they dont want to give up their freedom. (一方面;另一方面) 42. He possesses two cars. 拥有 (财产等)v. He possesses the qualities of a war leader. 具有(品质,才能等)She was suddenly possessed by/with fear. 支配,控制possession n (U) 占有,拥有 (C ) 财产,所有物(用复数) sb take /have possession of sth= sb possess sth 某人拥有某物 (指动作) sb be in possession of sth =sth be in the possession of sb= sth be in sbs possession (指状态)sth come into the possession of 落入-的手中put away all your possessions in safe places 43. regular (大小)普通的,标准的,一般的 定时的,定期的,有规律的,固定的 a regular hamburger (非特大的)普通汉堡包 Do you want regular size? 你要一般尺寸?regular flights 固定航班 a regular visitor 常客 a regular customer 老顾客 regular physical examinations 定期的体检take regular exercise=take exercise regularly 经常锻炼44. confidential information 绝密信息 confident 自信的45. an experienced teacher 一个有经验的老师 Sb be (in)experienced in /at (doing) sth 做某事(没)有经验的have 3 years teaching experience 有3年的教学经验 an unforgettable experience 一次难以忘怀的经历 experience difficulty/ great changes/ hardships体验了困难 / 经历了巨大的变化、苦难(=go through)46. a series of events/ books 一系列的事件 / 丛书 (series 单复数同形,同means) 47. make complaints to sb about/of sth =complain to sb about/of sth 向某人抱怨某事48. sb tend to do sth =Sb have a tendency to do sth 有做某事的倾向;常常 Women tend to live longer than men. 女人多比男人长寿49. give thought to sth=give sth thought=think about sth 思考/考虑 read ones thoughts 看出-的心思 on second thought 转念一想deep/ lost in thought 陷入思索中; 在沉思50. yawn with boredom 因乏味而打哈欠巩固练习:1.他想说什么就说什么,不管别人的感受. He says what he thinks, _ _ other peoples feelings.2.我很难区分她姐妹. Its hard for me to _her _ her sister.3.在我班,女生只占少数. In our class, girl students are _ _ _.4.只要你达到这些要求,你就会被我校录取. _ _ _ you meet these demands, you will be admitted into our school.5.老师不应该偏爱任何学生,恰恰相反,他们应该更多的关心落后的学生。 Teachers should never _ any student ; _ _ _, they should _ _ _ the backward ones.6. The man _ of shooting 6 children was caught by Beijing Police, the Xinhua News, reported on Friday.A. being suspected B. suspecting C. suspected D. to be suspected7. The report contradicts what we heard yesterday. =The report _ _ _ what we heard yesterday.8. My watch gains 20 seconds. Would you be so kind as to set it _ for me? A. forwards B. upwards C. downwards D. backwards 9. 用disturb / interrupt 填空He was severely punished for _ the peace.She was _ to hear of her mothers illness.A heavy rain _ the match for half an hour.10.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can get a good _ .A. sight B. scene C. scenery D. view11. You would be offered a (an) _ of $ 5,000 for the arrest of the murderer, according to news on IV last night. A. prize B. award C. reward D. result12. The car Ton is _ was once _ his uncle. A. in possession of ; in the possession of B. in the possession of ; in possession of C. in possession of ; in possession of D. in the possession of ; in the possession of Welcome to the Unit/reading1. 欢迎来到我们每周一次的节目welcome to our weekly programme 欢迎来到-sb be welcome to sp.2. 来自六个主要国际电影节的代表representatives from six of the major international film festivals 一个学生代表a student representative 代表 represent =stand for = on behalf of 3. 加入某人(做某事)join sb (in sth/ doing sth) 和我们一起唱歌join us in singing 加入/参加组织 join sth( the army / the club / the team) 参加活动join in =take part in =participate in sth 上课/ 参加会议/ 听讲座attend class / attend the meeting / attend a lecture4. 对而言适合做be appropriate for sb. to do sth5. 一小部分;是-不可分割的一部分 part of Taiwan is part of China.6. 认为电影是一种当代艺术形式view film as a type of contemporary art7. 也就是说that is (to say)8. 包括那些没有受好莱坞制片场资助的电影 include those not financed by Hollywood studios9. 以业余演员为主演star amateur actors 以业余演员为主演的电影films that star amateur actors=films starring amateur actors10. 讨厌做某事hate to do sth很抱歉打断你,但是I hate to interrupt you, but我不想反对你,但是 I hate to contradict you, but11. 为-辩护,保卫 in defence of =in ones defence12. 指出;指明point out Please point out our my mistakes if any. 做某事没有意义 There is no point/ sense in doing sth 正打算做某事,这时be on the point of doing .when .=be about to dowhen I have come to the point where I cant stand her arguing any longer . (地步,程度) 先行词为: point / situation/ case ,在定语从句中作状语,关系词常用 where.13. 我们不仅仅以好莱坞电影为特色 We dont just feature Hollywood films- 以-为特色sb feature sth a concert featuring music by Mozart14. 不管regardless of / in spite of/despite15. 区分A和B distinguish between A and B/ distinguish A from B/ make/draw a distinction between A and B16. 只要 as long as/ so long as/ on condition that-17. 达到某人的标准meet / reach ones standards 满足某人的要求 meet ones demands/ needs / requirements 生活水平living standards18. 接管take over 把-移交给- hand over-to sb/ turn over-to sb 承担;呈现;雇佣 take on 占据;从事;接下去说 take up 吸收;欺骗;领会 take in19. 获奖win an award 授予;给予某人award sb sth=award sth to sb 授予你一等奖 award you the first prize=award the first prize to you20. 有可能做某事there is a good chance有可能做某事/有(干-的)机会have a chance of doing sth./to do sth21. 获胜win/gain a victory over sb22. 给某人奖励. give awards to sb23. 后退一步 / 退步take a step backwards 采取措施take steps to do24. 在方面与某人想像resemble sb in sth25. 不接受这种观点reject the idea (that同位语从句)26. 全球、全世界.all around the globe27. 占少数 in the minority (占多数: in the majority)28. 注意pay attention to=take notice of 29. 给某人一些特别鼓励奖give some bonus awards to.30. 即使even though=even if 好像as though =as if 31. 在全世界享有良好的声誉have/enjoy a good reputation worldwide32 .的亮点the highlight of sth33. 提出个人的观点put forward/come up with a personal opinion34. 不一致,不同意disagree with35. 避免做某事avoid doing36. 提到,参考,涉及,指的是 refer to37. 由于各种各样的原因for a variety of reasons =for various reasons38. 对-的限制a restriction on/against sth 39. 做某事没有困难have no difficulty/trouble / problems in doing sth40. 入场券admission ticket句型:1. Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose and Hanz Muller.(倒装句).(P50 L 4) 来到我们演播室的是Isabel Rose 和 Hanz Muller.这是一个倒装句,谓语部分提到了主语之前,其正常的语序为: Isabel Rose and Hanz Muller.are joining us in the studio. Walking with me yesterday was my good friend, whom I hadnt seen for a long time. Reading in the classroom are some diligent students.2. I think it is rather appropriate for me to begin our discussion.(P50 L10) 我想让我来开始我们的讨论再合适不过了。It is appropriate for sb. to do 对而言适合做= It is/seems/appears appropriate thatIt was appropriate for me to raise the question of my promotion.It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films.3. Do tell us a little bit about the Venice Film Festival.(强调谓语动词) 给我们谈谈威尼斯电影节吧!这是一个祈使句,句首加上助动词do起强调作用。谓语动词的强调可以用:do/ does/ did +动词原形 。 What he does does please us.4. Kathy, I hate to interrupt you, but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we dont just feature Hollywood films. (P50 L19)凯西,很抱歉打断你,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我必须指出,我们不只是放映好莱坞电影。I hate to contridict you, but in recent years, the Canaes Films Festival has given awards mostly to American films.我不想反对你,但是近几年,戛纳电影节的奖项大多数都给了美国电影。注意:but在口语中,用于Im sorry, excuse me, I hate to do等表达法中来引导有礼貌的提问、请求或陈述,使得语气委婉,常与but 连用。1) Excuse me, but is there a post office anywhere around here?2) Im sorry, but all our operators are all busy now.3) I hate to go/going to work on such a rainy day, but work comes first.4) -Sorry to trouble you, but could I ask a question? -No problem.5. It was then that Robert Redford took over and changed the focus to salutin gindependent films.(强调结构,在本句中强调时间状语then)6. Considering the history of our festival, we feel it is important not to favor films from any one country. 考虑到我们电影节的历史,我们觉得不偏向某一国家的电影是非常重要的。considering(考虑到, 就-而言 相对于)在英语中,一般的现在分词作状语时,要求它的逻辑主语和主句的主语一致,但是,considering,regarding,judging from,speaking of, taking sth into consideration, given, compared to /with, 等几个例外,可以不考虑主句的主语,这类分词在英语上被叫做“悬垂分词”。Speaking of big cities, we think of Shanghai naturally.I hear he is more than 70, but he is still very strong, considering his age.巩固练习1. Welcome, everyone! Maria, _ tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.A. do B. does C. to do D. doing2.-Where did Tom find his cellphone? -It is in the hotel _ he stayed with me last night.A. that B. where C. which D. until 3.倒装填空1) _on the wall was an old picture. (hang)2) _ in the dark forests are many lakes, some large enough to hold several English towns. (lie)4. 用point 词组填空1) Would you please _ all my weaknesses after you listen to my report?(指出)2) “Thats the man who did it,” she said, _ me.(指着)5. 从他的口音判断,他来自于四川_, he came from Sichuan.Word power/grammar/ task1. 外景拍摄on location2. 一系列a list of 3. 从事 work on4. 服装设计师a costume designer5. 灯光师lighting crew6. 被雇佣做某事be hired to do sth.7. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth.8. 睡着,入睡,长眠fall asleep9. 如果是这种情况if this is the case 在这种/那种情况下in this / that case 决不;在任何情况下都不in no case In no case are you to leave your position. 以防万一in case / in case of 10. 生某人的气be angry with sb about sth11. 来的及/赶得上be in time for sth12. 看一场音乐剧see a musical 乐器musical instruments13. 为感到遗憾feel sorry for sth.14. 三思而行,慎重考虑后再作决定think twice about sth. / doing sth. 对 评价很高/ 不高think highly / a lot/ poorly / little / much of 15. 这部电影真是令人扫兴。The film was such a disappointment. 令人失望的是to ones disappointment 16. 浪费时间/钱在某事上/ 做某事 waste time/money on sth./ in doing sth 花费 spend .17. 给予某人最真诚的祝贺give sb sincere congratulations18. 获得成功attain success19. 想像,梦想做某事dream of doing sth20. 食用许多这种咸味的小吃consume a lot of this salty snack 21. 观看一部紧张的惊悚片watch a tense thriller句型:强调句1. It was in 1981 that Robert Redford took over the festival.2. It was the festival that Robert Redford took over in 1981.3.Who was it that told him what had happened?4. Who was it that told him what had happened?5. It was not until I spoke to Kathy that I knew how special the Sundance Film Festival was.6. We did want to have a festival that was fair.Project1. 出版,发行come out2 .一个影评a film review of-.3. 梦想- dream of/about(doing) sth4. 死于汽车撞击中be killed in a car crash5. 有-的声誉have a reputation as/ for -6. 一个大个子a large/big person7. 普通人regular people/common people8. 骑着飞天扫把ride on a flying broomstick9. 把-花在-上dedicate /devote -to (doing) sth 10. 突出先进的特技效果highlight the advanced special effects 11. 将-从-中删除delete sth from sth12. 与-订个约会make/fix an appointment with sb.13. 在魔法界in the world of magic= in the magic world14. 在一起生活;容忍,忍受live with sb / sth.15. 营救,拯救rescue sb. from16. 被引入到;被介绍给be introduced to17. 专心致志于be dedicated to=be devoted to sth / doing sth Devoted/ D

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