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朗文版小学英语5A各单元知识点汇总Unit 1 Changes at home给孩子一个新的希望,让孩子充满信心! 4 feed the baby 喂养婴儿 take the baby for a walk 带宝宝去散步 read stories to the baby 给宝宝读故事 bath the baby 给宝宝洗澡 dress the baby 给宝宝穿衣服 have a baby 生一个宝宝 teach the baby rhymes 教宝宝诗歌 share my toys with the baby 同宝宝分享玩具Im going to have a new brother or sister. 我将要有一个弟弟或者妹妹了。 My mother is going to have a baby. 我妈妈要生一个宝宝了。 Im going to teach the baby rhymes. 我打算要教宝宝诗歌。 Im going to share my toys with the baby. 我打算要同宝宝分享我的玩具。 at recess 在休息时间 some exciting news 一些激动人心的消息wake up 醒过来 What are you going to do to help your mother? 你打算将来做什么来帮助你妈妈? Would you like to hold my baby? 你想抱一下我的宝宝吗? Im going to visit her every day. 我打算每天都去看她。 Im going to practice looking after her. 我打算去练习照顾她。Stand on your toes. 踮起你的脚尖。get a new dog 得到一只新狗 play with it 同它一起玩 move home 搬家 go to a new school 去一个新的学校 make some new friends 交一些新朋友have a new helper 有一个新的保姆 go to the market with her 同她一起去市场 teach her Chinese 教她汉语take it for a walk every day 每天带它出去散步live with Grandpa 同爷爷一起生活 drink tea with him 同他一起喝茶 play chess with him 同他一起下棋Im going to get a new dog. 我将要得到一只新狗。What are you going to do with it then? 到时候你打算同它一起做什么?Im going to play with it. 我打算同它一起玩。Im going to take it for a walk every day. 我打算每天带它出去散步。Were going to live with Grandpa. 我们将要同爷爷一起生活。What are you going to do then? 到时候你们打算做什么?Im going to drink tea with him. 我将会同他一起喝茶。Im going to play chess with him. 我将会同他一起下棋。Unit 2 Turning over a new leafwin the swimming competition 赢得游泳比赛 practice swimming harder 更努力地练习游泳 learn Japanese 学习日语 keep fit 保持健康 get high marks 考到高分 play more sport 做更多运动 take a Japanese course 上日语课 work hard 努力学习 put on weight 增加体重 make more friends 交更多的朋友 draw well 画画画得好 improve my English 提高英语 read more English books 读更多的英语书 eat more 吃更多东西 join the Clubs 加入社团;加入俱乐部What do you want to do? 你想做什么?I want to win the swimming competition so Im going to practice swimming harder. 我想赢得游泳比赛,所以我将更努力的练习游泳。I want to improve my English so Im going to read more English books. 我想提高我的英语,所以我将读更多的英语书。an interesting advertisement 一个有趣的广告 targets for the next six months 接下来六个月的目标 talk about 谈论 meet the targets 完成目标 look up new words in the dictionary 在字典中查新单词prepare my lessons 备课 revise my lessons every evening 每天晚上复习课文 make notes 做笔记 Lets take part in the programme. 我一起去参加这个节目吧。 What do you want to do next near? 明年你们想做什么?Youre going to pass level two of the Advanced English Tests. 你打算通过高级英语二级考试。 Youre going to join the school running team. 你打算加入学校跑步队 Im going to get off the bus one stop earlier and run home. 我打算早一站下公车,然后跑步回家。 Howre you getting on? 你进行得怎么样? We can do anything if we work hard enough. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Unit 3 Whats the matter?have a stomachache 胃疼 have a cold 感冒 have a cough 咳嗽 have a broken arm 手臂骨折 have a toothache 牙痛 have a sore throat 嗓子疼 have a fever 发烧 have a headache 头疼 Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?I have a stomachache. 我胃疼。Heres some medicine for you. 这是你的药。feel unwell 觉得不舒服 go to the doctor 去看医生 clinic 诊所see two of everything 每一件东西都看成两个feel better 感觉好转 get an X-ray of my arm 做一个手臂的X光检查take some medicine 吃药 rest in bed 在床上休息 eat more fruit 多吃水果 drink more water 多喝水 I feel a pain. 我觉得疼痛。 Laughter is the best medicine. 笑是最佳良药。 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。Get well soon. 早日康复。Unit 4 Lending a handmirror 镜子 comb 梳子 a towel 一块毛巾 a magazine 一本杂志 swimsuit 游泳装 table tennis bat 乒乓球拍 Octopus card 八达通卡 handkerchief 手帕 umbrella 雨伞mine 我的 ours 我们的 yours 你的;你们的 his 他的 hers 她的 theirs 他们的I lost my comb and my mirror on Monday. 星期一我丢失了我的梳子和镜子。I lost my swimsuit and my towel on Tuesday. 星期二我丢失了我的游泳装和毛巾。I lost my handkerchief and my umbrella on Monday. 星期一我弄丢了我的手帕和雨伞。There are lots of things in the office. 办公室有很多东西。I dont know who they belong to. 我不知道都是谁的。Whose mirror is this? 这是谁的镜子?Maybe its hers. 也许是她的。Whose towels are these? 这些是谁的毛巾?Maybe theyre theirs. 也许是他们的。a plastic bag 一个塑料袋 lobby 大厅 Whose bag is this? 这是谁的袋子? Is it yours? 它是你的吗? Its not mine. 它不是我的。 Let me carry it upstairs for you. 我帮你拿下楼。 Unit 5 Favorite festivalsChinese New Year 除夕 Cheung Chou Bun Festival太平清醮 Ching Ming Festival 清明节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Easter 复活节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Halloween 万圣节 Christmas 圣诞节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 the Water Festival 泼水节 Childrens Day 儿童节 wear a costume 穿表演服 eat rice dumplings 吃粽子 get red packets 收红包 go to church 去教堂 sweep the family graves 扫墓 watch a parade 看游行 decorate the Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树 play with lanterns 玩灯笼 What do you do at Easter? 复活节你做什么?I go to church. 我去教堂。Do you enjoy going to church? 你喜欢去教堂吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。in American 在美国 celebrate 庆祝 Europe settlers 欧洲移民 grow enough food 种植足够的食物 Native Americans 美洲原居民 have a good harvest 大丰收 decide to 决定 gather together 聚集在一起 roast turkey 烤火鸡 pumpkin pie 南瓜派 splashing water 泼水 display a warrior doll 展示一个武士娃娃 put up cloth banners 挂布旗 look forward to 盼望 Thai people believe that water can wash away bad luck. 泰国人民相信水可以洗去厄运。 Unit 6 A public holidaywet 下雨的;湿的 windy 刮风的 foggy 起雾的 go to a camp 去野营 go on a picnic 去野餐 go skating 去溜冰 watch a film 看电影 go hiking 去登山 fly kites 放风筝 sing karaoke 唱卡拉OK Im going to a camp with my classmates. 我将会同我的同学一起去野营。What will you do at the camp? 野营中你会做什么?If it isnt wet, well go on a picnic. 如果不下雨,我们就去野餐。What will you do if its wet? 如果下雨你们会去做什么?If its wet, well go skating. 如果下雨,我们就去溜冰。have a holiday 度假 waste your holiday 浪费你的假期 enter this story-writing competition 参加这次故事写作比赛 the first prize 一等奖 deadline 截止日期 lie down on the sofa 躺在沙发上 daydream 做白日梦 If I hurry, Ill beat the deadline. 如果我赶快,能够在截止日期前完成。 If I win an air ticket to Finland, Ill go there in December. 如果我赢得一张去芬兰的机票,我将在十二月到那里。


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