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沪教版2020学年上学期八年级上学期学业英语水平期末检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) My dream is to build university on the moon some day. It sounds like unusual dream. I wish you could realize it.A . a; aB . an; aC . a; anD . an; an2. (2分)She likes eggs, meat _ milk, but I dont like meat, milk _ eggs.A . and; orB . or; orC . and; andD . but; and3. (2分)Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year.A . sleepB . ideaC . voiceD . time4. (2分)- Why do you look so _?- I will have a job interview in a minute. Im afraid I cant pass it.A . angryB . crazyC . nervous5. (2分)Life is becoming convenient with the Internet. Thats true! Almost everything _ be done online.A . mustB . couldC . shouldD . cant6. (2分)The boy has _ homework to do, so he is _ tired. A . too much; much tooB . much too:too muchC . too much; too muchD . much too:much too7. (2分)Millie _ a picture when Mr. Green came in.A . drawB . will drawC . drewD . was drawing8. (2分)Do you know sound travels very fast?Yes. But light travels _ sound.A . as faster asB . a bit of faster thanC . slower thanD . much faster than9. (2分)Shelly, its cold today! put on more clothes?Ok.A . Why dontB . Why notC . Would you mindD . Would you like10. (2分) Excuse me, can I take a seat here? . The woman who sat here will be back soon.A . Yes, please.B . No, thank you.C . Id better not.D . Im afraid you cant.二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the 1soon.A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and asked politely2our parents were at home.Without thinking, my brother said, “No.” Then the man asked if we would like to 3some story books. I refused him. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed the door very 4and came into our house. He took out a 5and ordered me to tie up my brothers hands with a rope. I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie 6easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked 7of us in the kitchen. Soon, he went upstairs to 8money. I taught my brother to untie the rope on his 9. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police,10the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man 11to lock the kitchen window. We got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the 12pay phone to call the policeSoon 13came to our house and the man was caught. By that time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were 14that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from 15the door to strangers. I learned a lesson on safety.(1)A . window B . door C . book D . fridge (2)A . if B . why C . when D . how (3)A . lend B . borrow C . sell D . buy (4)A . politely B . slowly C . har D . quietly (5)A . book B . knife C . gift D . pen (6)A . himself B . myself C . herself D . themselves (7)A . none B . neither C . both D . all (8)A . look at B . look after C . look like D . look for (9)A . feet B . hands C . neck D . legs (10)A . and B . so C . or D . but (11)A . wanted B . remembered C . forgot D . tried (12)A . farthest B . nearest C . largest D . smallest (13)A . my friends B . the police C . the neighbors D . my parents (14)A . glad B . angry C . sad D . sorry (15)A . cleaning B . closing C . locking D . opening 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共24分)12. (4分)阅读短文,完成下列问题Mini-Hawk CampChildren learn sport skills for basketball, soccer and volleyball. Through games and activities, children will build up team spirit(团队精神).For ages 4-7July 27-31 (9a.m. 12 noon)Fee: $80Place:Butterfield Gym(1)Which kind of sport cant children learn at the camp? A . Soccer.B . Tennis.C . Volleyball.(2)How long can children learn during the camp? A . For 12 hours.B . For 15 hours.C . For 18 hours.13. (10分) Last year, some groups of students in their community (社区) made a survey about “How do people spend their free time? ” The following diagrams(图表) show some results of it:Diagram (1): Hours for people of different ages who surf the Internet in a week.Diagram (2): Different days people go to the library. (library attendance)Diagram (3): Different programs people like.(1)People aged spend the most time surfing the Internet every week.A . 716B . 1730C . 3155D . over 56(2)The word “attendance” in Diagram (2) means “ in the library”.A . the hours people spendB . the number of peopleC . the number of booksD . the days people spend(3)How many people go to the library on Saturdays?A . About 20%B . About 40%.C . Over 60%.D . More than 80%.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the diagrams?A . The fewest people like watching music programsB . Sports are the most peoples favorite programsC . People seldom go to the library on weekdaysD . Half of the people like watching news and cartoons.(5)The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about .A . what people do every dayB . peoples different habitsC . peoples different lifestylesD . how people spend their free time14. (10分) In ancient times, there was a painter. He was good at painting flowers and birds. But he never stopped practicing until he became very famous.An emperor(皇帝)of China also loved paintings, especially roosters(公鸡). So he asked the famous painter to paint a rooster for him. He wanted the rooster to be the best among all his collections.The painter promised to do so. The emperor waited and waited for one year., but he didnt get the picture. He couldnt waited to see the painter. He became angry and wanted to kill him. So the painter hurried into the palace with paper, paint and a brush. In five minutes, a perfect rooster was on the paper.After seeing this, the emperor became much angrier. “Since you can paint a rooster in five minutes, why did you keep me waiting for over a year?” he asked.“Your Majesty(陛下),”said the artist. “I will let you know why. But youll have to come with me. “ he invited the emperor to his house. There, there were piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a painting of a rooster.“Your Majesty(陛下),”said the painter. “It took me more than one year to improve my painting skill in order to paint a perfect rooster for you.(1)According to the writer, the emperor_.A . loved beautiful paintingsB . did very well in paintingC . was good at painting roostersD . Was very kind to the painter.(2)The painter spent _practicing painting roosters for the emperor.A . only a few monthsB . only five minutesC . more than a yearD . five minutes every day(3)The emperor wanted to kill the painter because_.A . the painter refused to draw roosterB . the painter couldnt draw rooster wellC . he couldnt find the painter anywhereD . he couldnt wait to see his painting(4)In fact, during the whole year the painter_A . escaped from the emperor to live quietlyB . worked hard at practice drawing roostersC . was invited to other places to draw roostersD . drew piles and piles of paper to make a living(5)From the passage we can learn that_.A . its hard for painter to successB . its easy to paint in a short timeC . hard work causes perfect resultD . emperor was hard to deal with四、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)阅读理解Mr Perkin stood at the bus-stop and watched the cars go by. Many of the car were new Beta 400s, and most of them were yellow. Mr Perkin always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same things after work, and at the end of the week, Mr Perkin did not like to be different.The following week, Mr Perkin bought a new, bright yellow Beta 400s. He was satisfied with it, and drove to work in it the very next day. He was even more satisfied with his new car, when he saw all the other Beta 400s, in front, behind, and on both sides of him.He likes the feeling of being the same.Mr Perkin parked(停车) his car in a big car-park(停车场) near his office, and walked the rest of the way. But when he came back at five oclock, there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car-park that he did not know which car was his. He tried his key in some of the cars, but people passing by gave him a look he didnt like. So he stopped. Time went by.Poor Mr Perkin had to wait nearly two hours until his was the only yellow.Beta 400s in the car-park. After he got back home, he felt frustrated and thought to himself that maybe being different is not so bad.(1)Did Mr Perkin like to be different?_(2)What did Mr Perkin buy the following week?_(3)What did Mr Perkin think of his new car?_(4)Why did Mr Perkin have to wait nearly two hours?_(5)How did he feel after he arrived home?_五、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)16. (5分)选择合适的短语填空。write to, close to, arrive in, run out of, get ready for(1)To keep warm,you can sit_the fire(2)When Amy got home,her mum was_dinner(3)Do you often_Jill?Yes, and I often hear from her(4)The plane will_Shanghai at 13:15(5)Ive_my moneyWhat should I do?17. (1分)The British teacher is very_(幽默的). He always tells us interesting jokes. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)生活中,不良习惯常会给我们带来一些麻烦,甚至会影响我们的身心健康。请你以 Say No to Bad Habits为题,写一篇英语短文。70词左右。内容要求:1.讲讲你有哪些不良习惯;2.谈谈它们给你带来了什么麻烦;3.说说今后你有什么打算。Say No to Bad Habits第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共24分)12-1、12-2、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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