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Unit 11、 g 、c 、e、a、f、d、h、b2、 A、a、b、a3、 (1)its good to meet you (2)nice to meet you (3) ( ) met (4) hi4、 (3)5、 (1) a a b b a (2) b c a c c6、 B a b a c7、Alice: Look, there he is.Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy Ive been telling you about.Jean: Oh. The guy youre going out with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean: Oh, hes really handsome. Um, lets go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. Ill introduce you. I think youll really like him. Hi, Robert.Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean.I think weve met before.Jean: We have? Where? Robert: Last December,at Sams party.Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Arent you going out with him anymore?Jean: No, we broke up a couple of months ago.Robert: Oh. Oh, really?8. A: Hi Phil, how are you? Long time no see!B: Rachel, my old friend, its been ages, hasnt it? What a pleasant surprise!A: Phil, this is my friend Cindy.C: Nice to meet you, Phil.B: Its a pleasure to meet you too. What are you both doing here?A: We are signing up for next semesters courses, but are hesitating between Introduction to Psychology or Environmental Biology.B: Those are two fantastic courses! Ive taken them both.C: Really? Which one did you prefer?B: Hmm, probably Environmental Biology. It felt more relevant.C: Relevant? In what sense?B: In the sense that the course dealt with issues that are commonly in the news, and important problems that are affecting our environment. In fact, we had the opportunity to go to the ocean and conduct tests on water pollution.C: Wow, that sounds fascinating. I am going to sign up immediately!9.B: No problem, my friends. What can I do for you?A: Phil, thanks a million for agreeing to meet with us. We need your advice on a project for the Environmental Biology course we are taking.B: I can help with this. Have you created an introduction yet?A: Yes, but we dont know what it should contain.B: Well, your introduction should give some background information on your topic, define your topic, and preview the content of your presentation.C: How many main ideas should our presentation have? We need to speak for 15 minutes.B: Dont cover too many ideas or you wont have the opportunity to provide enough detail. You should have about 3 or 4 main points.A: Do we need a conclusion?B: Absolutely. This should sum up your main points and offer solutions to the problem of air pollution.C: Thanks Phil. What youve said is extremely useful. I feel we will structure a great presentation!Unit 21. (1) honest sincere dependable (2) outgoing friendly shy (3) easygoing mature (kind hearted)(4) assertive cheerful critical2. (1)dad (2)brother (3) ( ) (4)boyfriend (5) ( ) (6) roommate3. (1) b d (2) a c (3) b c (4) a b (5) b c (6) b d 4. (1)b (2)a (3) a (4)a (5)a (6) a5.Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, whats he like? Tall? Handsome ?Sheri: Not really. Jeremy: Dress nice ? Drive a nice car ?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot ?Sheri: No. But he has a nice smile. Dimples. I like dimples. Hes kind of cute.Jeremy: And thats what you like about him?Sheri: No, its more than that. Hes sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive ? How can you tell ?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie , and there was this really sad part , and, and he. Cried .Jeremy: He cried? Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didnt try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh. You like that, huh ? Well, I cry at movies, too !6.A:So what are your friends at university like ?B:I have several friends, but I usually just hang out with Rachel.A:Whats she like?B:Shes really easygoing and down-to-earth. I can basically talk to her about anything. What about you, do you have nice friends at work?A:Oh, I get on really well with Steve.B:Whos Steve? Your boyfriend?A:No, hes just a friend. We usually help each other out when we encounter problems.B:So whats he like?A:Hes really hardworking, energetic and talkative.B:Sounds like a nice guy to me.7.A:Whats your family like?B:Well, my mum is really thoughtful and warmhearted, but can be a bit bossy at timesA:What about your dad?B:My dad is really wise and generous, but can be quite strict.A:Do you have any brothers or sisters?B:I have one brother and one sister.A:What are they like then?B:My brother is younger than me. Hes quite mature for his age, but is a little laid-back.A:And your sister? B:My sister is older than me. Shes a cheerful person, but can get aggressive when shes in a bad mood! Unit 31. (1) housing apartment roommate sharing(2) studio available furniture rent reasonable(3) check deposit (move out) refund 2. (1)a (2)b (3)a (4)b3. (1)a (2)b (3)b (4)a 4. 全打钩5.Sean: This is Sean McCain , live with Julie Morris , from Gemini One , the international space station . Julie, can you hear me?Julie: Yes, I can hear you .Sean: Julie, can you tell us , what is it like living on the Gemini One ? Julie: The Gemini One is wonderful . Its not so different from living on Earth, really . We have jobs, friends, entertainment, natural beauty . And we have all the modern conveniences that you have on Earth .Sean: What modern conveniences ?Julie: Well, we have movie theaters, game centers , music clubs, shops, restaurants.Sean: How about food ? How do you get your food ? Julie:I go shopping, just like everyone on Earth . You can get any type of food here.Sean: Is food expensive ?Julie: Some of it is . The stuff thats imported from Earth is very expensive . Like a banana from Earth can cost $100 . But most food is really cheap.Sean: Do you miss getting away to the countryside or the mountains ? Dont you miss nature ?Julie: Well, we have lots of nature up here . I can go hiking and mountain biking , riding in the hills, take a swim in a beautiful lake . Its really beautiful up here . Sean: How do people get around up there ?Julie: Oh, just like we do down there . We have electric cars and trains , but not airplanes .Sean: What do you like most about living in the space station ?Julie: Well, the air is clean . Theres no pollution , and its easy to get around . Its really an ideal world.Sean:And what do you like least?Julie: Well, its kind of expensive to fly home to Earth to see my parents for the holidays.6.A: How can I help you ?B: I am looking for a place to live, near the university if possible .A: What size accommodation do you need ?B: Either a studio flat or a one-bedroom flat. It depends on the price really.A: Well, both are similar in price, though a studio normally requires less furniture. What would be your preference ?B: Hmm, I like an open plan, so I guess a studio flat would be my preference. Can you describe a studio layout to me?A: Most certainly. All of our studio flats combine a bedroom, kitchenette and living room into a single unit.B: How large is the unit ?A: 30 square meters.B: Does it come with a balcony?A: Some do. In fact, we have one studio with a balcony that is available at the south entrance to the university!B: Perfect! Lets schedule a visit as soon as possible!7.A: Heres the room I hope you like it!B: Its beautiful and full of lightA: Yep, the floor to ceiling windows and south facing view make it the brightest room in the apartment. In the summer, you get 16 hours of sunshine per day! In the winter, its nice and warm, even in February.B: Excellent! But I have a lot of furniture a desk, a bed and a sofa. Is it possible to remove the furniture that is here to make room for mine?A: Yep, the floor to ceiling windows and south facing view make it the brightest room in the apartment. In the summer, you get 16 hours of sunshine per day! In the winter, its nice and warm, even in February.B: And whats through that door? A closet?A: Of course. We have plenty of storage room downstairs.b:。A: Nope. You can use the closet in the hallway, near the kitchen. That door is for the en-suite bathroom. It has both a shower and a bathtub.B: Wow, my own bathroom. What a luxury!A: Thats why this room is the most expensive to rent in the apartment!B: Well, I feel the rental price is very fair. When can I move in?A: Monday of next week.B: Perfect.Unit 41. (1)a(2)a(3)b(4)a(5)b(6)a(7)b(8)a(9)b(10)b2. (1)c (2) b(3) b (4) c3. (1)a (2) a (3) b(4) a4. (1) b (2) c5. (1) b a b b b a c c (2) c a b b c a b b6. (1)a (2) b (3) a(4) a (5) c(6)a (7)c 7.A: Welcome to Thinking Like Thomas Edison, the top rated television show on new inventions. Today our special guest is Phil Fisher, a university student and inventor of a new shampoo, Grow, which cures baldness. Mr. Fisher, welcome to our show.B: It is an honor to be here .A: Mr. Fisher, can you begin by telling us how your new shampoo works.B: Well, baldness is caused by a hormonal imbalance that occurs when people become older. My shampoo corrects this imbalance.A: Absolutely astonishing! Did it take a long time to invent this shampoo?B: It took a year of hard work and research to come up with the formula. But it was well worth it!A: And how much does Grow cost?B: The same as any normal shampoo.A: Wow, thats almost too good to be true! Finally, does using your shampoo have any side effects?B: Only one: sometimes, it makes peoples hair turn bright green.8.A: Tina, this iPhone 4 is the best phone ever. You have got to get one!B: I am thrilled that you like your new gadget, but I am perfectly happy with my own phone.A: Thats because you have never tried mine!B: Alright then, whats so special about the iPhone 4?A: To start with, let me ask you a question: how many microphones does your phone have?B: One.A: Ah hah! The iPhone 4 has two! This means that my voice always sounds crystal clear and people dont have trouble understanding what I am saying Heres a second question for you: how many cameras does your phone have?B: One.A: Oh, what a shame Mine has two! One on the back that focuses on what I am looking at, and another on the front that focuses on me. During a video call, I can switch back and forth between both cameras whenever I want. This lets the person I am speaking with me see me AND see where I am!B: Really? Thats so cool! Maybe its time for a new phone after allUnit 51. (1) regret locals (2) gesture pointed (3) abroad advice (4) foreigner stared (5) open healthy2.3. (1) c (2) c4. (1)a (2)b (3) b (4) c 5. 选1、3、56. (1)a (2) a (3) a (4) a (5) b (6) b (7) b (8)c7. (1) south Africa (2) an () ( ) (3)( ) ( ) ( ) people (4) ( ) ( ) (5) ( ) ( )8.Steve: I cant believe these people .I cant believe what they do .Trish: Calm down, Steve .What are you talking about ? What is it this time ?Steve: Look at this .I just bought a donut .Im so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually,then taping the bags shut ,then putting those bags in another bag ,folding it down ,and then taping that bag shut .I cant take it anymore .Its crazy and its bad for the environment .Trish: How long have you been living here ? Dont you know thats the way it is ? Steve: I just want them to stick em in a napkin for me ,so I can eat while Im walking to class .Trish: There you go again .Dont you know its rude to eat while you walk ?Steve: Im so tired of this place .I dont have time to sit down and eat . People here are too inflexible ,and they have too many rules . Trish: Yeah, right, Steve ,so youre gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing things ?Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever you want .Trish: Why dont you just relax and go with the flow ?Steve: Go with the flow ? The whole system is a waste of my time .The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient ,like in the U.S .Trish: What are you talking about ? When I was in the U.S. , the clerks were really rude .They just ignore you ,and seem offended if you want anything .Dont you think its better this way ? Steve: Are you kidding ?Trish: Well, I kind of like it .Its nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped .I like all of the traditions ,and the care and attention that people give you ,and the manners .To me, its a wonderful place to live.Steve: I think youre nuts.Trish: Youre not gonna last long, mate.9.A:This is great coffee!B:I agree, its from Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee.A:Really? Coffee is from Africa?B:Yes, it is. I learned a lot about coffee when I was traveling in Kenya last year. Did you know that Kenya is famous for producing some of the highest quality coffee in the world?A:No, I didnt know that. Do many Kenyans work in the coffee industry?B:Lots. More than 6 million in fact.A:When you were in Kenya did you visit any coffee plantations?B:I certainly did. Many of them are located on the slopes of Mount Kenya, the second-highest mountain in Africa. They are beautiful.A:Wow, Id love to see some pictures!B:Youre in luck: I have a few photos right here, in my mobile phone.10.A:Whats that book on your coffee table?B:Its a guidebook. I am planning a trip to Tanzania, on the east coast of Africa.A:That sounds amazing. When are you going?B:During the summer. Ill be there for two weeks. I cant wait!A:Are you traveling alone?B:No. Ill be with a tour group, so I hope to make some new friends. During the first week, we will be going on safari.A:I am so jealous! I have always wanted to see lions, leopards and zebras!B:Tell me about it! It will be a great experience. During the second week, I will learn how to scuba dive.A:Scuba dive?B:Yes, the east coast of Africa is famous for its pristine beaches and brilliant coral. Its a divers heaven!A: Brilliant! It sounds like the perfect summer holiday. Bon voyage!Unit 61. (1)a (2) a(3) b (4) b (5) b (6) b (7) b (8) b (9) b (10) a (11) a (12) a2. B b c a3. A b b c4. (1) - party meet people (2) never give - anyone online (3) 、(4)答案未知5. B b a b a6.Int: So, Ms. Spencer ,why did you apply for this job at CNN ?Amy: Well, Ive always wanted to be a journalist ,and I like traveling .And you can interview lots of important people. Int: Tell me about your experience in journalism .Amy: Um. Well ,I make a newsletter for my family .And I worked on my high school newspaper .And I read a lot of newspapers and newsmagazines.Int: Do you think youre qualified for the prestige of this job ?Amy: Absolutely . Ive taken acting lessons .And I look good on camera . And I travel a lot so I think Id be good as a foreign correspondent .Int: What about teamwork ? Have you ever worked as part of a team ?Amy: Of course , I was really great at sports in high school, and. Int: You dont seem to have much experience as a writer.Amy: Well, thats not exactly true . I write a lot of e-mail to my friends .Int: And you havent taken any journalism courses , have you ?Amy: Well ,I took a class in modern film ,and one in communications ,or something like that .Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer .Well be in touch .7.A: Fantastic party, isnt it !B: Yes, it sure is. I am a new student at the university so its really nice to have a chance to meet some friendly people! My name is John, by the way.A: John, great to meet you. I am Gen .B: Nice to meet you too, Gen. So, tell me, what are you studying ?A: I am majoring in Fashion Design. My minor is in Feminist Studies.B: Youre kidding ?A: No, why ?B: I am a Fashion Design major too! But Im in my second year, which explains why we have never bumped into each other before. What are your favorite courses?A: Use of Color and Media is my favorite. I am also really enjoying my photography class.B: Those were two of my favorite first year courses as well! Gen, we should get together for coffee next week I would love to see your portfolio, and I could show you mine.A: What a fun idea ! Lets make it happen !8.A: Do you know that guy over there, in the black jacket ?B: Yes, thats Simon. Why do you ask?A: I saw him speak yesterday in a debating competition. He was outstanding! He is such an eloquent and erudite speaker.B: Umm, uh would you like me to introduce you to him?A: Please do .B: Simon, how are you?C: Never better, how about you ?B: Not bad. Simon, I would like you to meet my friend Angel.C: Angel, nice to meet you.A: The pleasure is mine, Simon. I saw you in the debate yesterday you were terrific!B: Well thank you! I am trying to become a more confident and persuasive public speaker.A: Well, if yesterday is anything to go by, its clear to me that you are a very persuasive speaker! You could be a lawyer!Unit 71. (1) niece (2)stepmother (3) cousins (4) brother in law (5) nephews (6) -(7) son in law (8) parents2. (1) mother (2) older brother (3) father (4) little brother (5) grandfather (6) grandmother3. a a a b c a4. (1) - - best friend (2)dont see - - - (3) I guess - sports (4) such - - make people laugh (5) - - - - athing how - - - (6) 答案未知5.Nate: Are these your parents ?Jane: Yeah, thats my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom.Especially your eyes . Very deep, beautiful eyes .Jane: Oh, thank you.Nate: And the same figure. Same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I dont want to hear that .I may look like my mom ,but I really take after my dad .Nate: Really, in what way ?Jane: Were both very adventurous .My dad was, like, into motorcycles when he was younger.And he was in one of those , you know, motorcycle clubs .Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang ?Jane: Yeah. But that was before he was married .Ive been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, Ive always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else ?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding.My dad and I even went skydiving once .We didnt tell my mom, though .She would have killed us!6.A: Cindy, are you OK? You look extremely anxious.B: I am anxious. I am delivering a presentation this afternoon and feel really worried it wont go well.A: But you always worry, no matter how well prepared you are!B: I know, its a trait Ive acquired from my mother. Like her, I am a real worrywart. Shes also a bit pessimistic and always thinks about what can go wrong, not right. I am afraid here too Im the same way. We always want things to be perfect.A: So you are both perfectionists?B: I guess so.A: You know, Cindy, dont put too much pressure on yourself, or youll never have any fun with anything in life! Your mom is a highly intelligent person and does everything well. So do you. Your presentation will be a success, Im sure. Just enjoy the moment!B: Ill try, but its tough as they say, a tiger cannot change its stripes!7.A: What are you doing ?B: Im writing a letter.A: A handwritten letter? Whats wrong with email?B: Its to my parents. They are completely computer illiterate!A: What? They havent learned how to use a computer?B: Nope. Theyre very set in their ways: they dont like change.A: Come to think of it, my parents are somewhat similar to yours. I mean, they can use a computer and the Internet, but they generally dont like to make big changes. Theyre actually quite conservative.B: Thats interesting. Can you give me an example?A: I can give you loads! One would be that my parents still treat me like a child: Im twenty yet they still give me a curfew and dont want me to have a girlfriend! Th

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