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快乐英语第六册Lesson14教学设计下二台镇小学东升分校 王微教学目标与要求1. 能听、说、读、写 holiday, by plane, by car, by ship。2. 学会并运用Id like to go to Shanghai .We go there by 3. 能在实际生活中灵活运用本课对话。教学重难点分析1. 本课时的教学重点是能正确听、说、读、写 Try to use 中的介词短语及句型。要求学生能正确运用句型 How do we go there? 及其答语 We can go by car/ plane / ship进行交流。2. 本课时的教学难点是能根据出行的距离选择合适的交通工具,并能用英语进行表达。课前准备1.教师准备:(1)多媒体课件 单词卡片2.学生准备: 预习本课生词和课文教学过程(一.)问候T: OK! Stand up! Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you!( 走到一同学面前) T: Hello, whats your name? How do you go to school? S: I go to school(二)导入旧单词魔法变身导入新单词T:last class we have known some friends ,do you remember them ? (看ppt) S:. (3) 新课教学1、 小组合作,读,写,汇报新词T:Each of them has their own magic ? Do you want to have a look ? S:yesT:listen and look , magic ears ,magic eyes,listen and look(ppt出示魔法变身, ) T:Do you know them ? Do you know their English names ? They have a bad memory .They forget their names ,Can you help them ?S:Yes!2、 螺旋并问答操练I go there by .3、 出示中国地图及美景学习句型:Id like to go to .T:our country is so large ,there are a lot of beautiful places ,Do you want to have a look ?S: yes (ppt 播放美景欣赏)4、 make a survey T:The MayDays coming ,Whats your plan ? Lets make a survey .5、 听录音整体感知课文T:We have prepared the May day plan, Davids family also discussed again, do you want to listen to their ideas? S:yesT:lets listen to the tape ,listen and try to answer my questiuon .(ppt出示问题,学生读问题并且听音试回答)6、再次听课文,感知课文细节听音跟读,并试着理解课文,讲解同时进行单词句型讲解7、 学生分角色读课文8、 表演(四)拓展与延伸新对话编写(五)测试(六)作业写一个五一假期计划 板书设计 Lesson 14Id like to go to Dalian .We go there by train .

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