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小学英语四下练习题选出不同类的词。1.( )A. our B. we C. your D. her 2.( )A. stand B. start C. student D. sit 3.( )A. second B. one C. eleven D. ten 4.( )A. beside B. behind C. between D. turn 5.( )A. left B. right C. get D. front 根据汉语意思,补全句子。1.请问,药店在哪儿?( )me, ( ) is the ( )? 2.它在书店隔壁。Its ( ) to the ( ). 3.你们社区有银行吗?( ) there a ( ) in your community ? 4.它在咖啡店对面。Its ( ) ( ) the ( ) shop. 单项选择题。1.( )- What room is it ? - Its a _.A. hotel B. study C. house2.( )- _ is the bus stop ? - Its _ the buildings.A. Wheres, in B. Where, on C. Where, between3.( )Can you tell me the way _ the police station ? A. to B. at C. in4.( )- _ can I _ to drugstore ? - You can take a bus.A. Where, get B. Where, get to C. How, get5.( )You can go straight and turn left at the _ crossing. A. first B. two C. three6.( )The lamp is _ my right. A. no B. on C. to根据汉语选择相应的英文。1.( ) 不,它是一个建筑。 A. Its blue. B. Yes, it is. C. No, its a building.2.( ) 我们星期一有体育课。 A. We have PE class on Mondays. B. Its Monday. C. From Monday.3.( ) 有两只狗。A. Theyre two dogs. B. There are two dogs. C. Its two dogs.4.( ) 我正在写电子邮件。A. We are playing a game. B. Theyre dancing. C. Im writing an e-mail.5.( ) 她在起居室内。A. Its next to the pencilbox. B. Shes in the living. C. Its across from the drugstore.根据中文,将下列句子补充完整。1.在第二个十字路口左转。Turn left at the ( ) crossing. 2.我想去看电影。I want to ( ) a film. 3.我怎样才能到那儿?( ) can I get there ? 4.它就在你的右边。Its just ( ) your left. 5.非常感谢你!Thank you ( ) much. 为下列句子选择正确的翻译。1.( )Lets start from the bank. A. 让我们从面包房出发。B. 让我们从银行出发。2.( )I want to buy a stamp in the post office. A. 我想去邮局买一张邮票。B. 我想去邮局寄信。3.( )Where is the bookstore ? A. 书店在哪儿?B. 药店在哪儿?4.( )Turn right at the first crossing. A. 在第一个十字路口左转。B. 在第一个十字路口右转。5.( )You should park your car here. A. 你应该把车停在这里。B. 你应该把车停在公园这里。判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“对”或“错”表示。1. ( ) goat coat2. ( ) road coach3. ( ) boat go4. ( ) blow slow5. ( ) willow now6. ( ) yellow window7. ( ) right eight8. ( ) wind quite9. ( ) the let10. ( ) park car英汉互译。1. my community ( ) 2.到达 ( ) 3. Youre welcome. ( ) 4.在右边 ( ) 5. the newspaper stand ( ) 6.去划船 ( ) 7. go straight ( ) 根据首字母将句子补充完整。1. We buy books in a b( ). 2. The bank is on your l( ). 3. How can I g( ) to the cinema ? 4. P( ) your car here. 5. Dont draw on the w( ). 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“对”或“错”表示。1. ( ) want water2. ( ) stamp stand3. ( ) straight right4. ( ) post office5. ( ) get eleven6. ( ) how snow根据中文填空,使句意完整。1.请问,我怎样去书店?Excuse me. How can I get to the ( ). 2.在第三个十字路口左转。( ) left at the third crossing. 3.在电影院,我们可以观看电影。In the ( ), we can see films. 4.在我家附近有一家银行。There is a ( ) near my home.选择合适的选项补全单词。1.( ) q u _ t A. a i B. i e C. i a 2.( ) l _ t A. a f B. e v C. e f 3.( ) c _ n _ m a A. i, e B. e, i C. i, a 4.( ) s t _ p A. a B. o C. oa 5.( ) f _ w_ d A. o r, o r B. a r, e r C. o r , a r 连词成句。1. dog, up, please, after, your, clean .( ) 2. old, please, people, the, let, go, first .( ) 3. not, your, do, park, cars, here .( ) 4. to, keep, right, the, please .( ) 5. can, to, zoo, how, I, get, the ?( ) 英汉互译。1.在对面 ( ) 2.在两个建筑物之间 ( ) 3.在第二个十字路口 ( ) 4.向右转 ( ) 5.看电影 ( ) 6. the bus stop ( ) 7. in front of me ( ) 8. walk on the grass ( ) 9. go boating ( ) 10. arrive at the museum ( ) 11.邮局 ( ) 12.excuse me ( ) 13.紧挨着 ( )根据中文把下列句子补充完整。1.我怎么样才能去那儿?( )can I get there ? 2.银行在哪?( ) is the bank ? 3.它在你的右边。Its on your ( ). 4.第三个十字路口左转。Turn left at the ( ) crossing. 5.书店紧挨着药店。The bookstore is ( ) to the drugstore.选择正确的中文翻译。1.( )Go straight, and then turn left. A. 往左走,然后在前面拐弯。B. 直走,然后往左转。2.( )How can I get to the post office ? A. 我怎样才能去邮局?B. 邮局在哪儿?3.( )I want to buy some milk。 A. 我想买瓶牛奶。B. 我想买些牛奶。4.( )The bank is on your left. A. 银行就在你的左边。B. 银行就在你的右边。5.( )Andy is standing between Jack and Jim. A. Andy 正站在Jack 和Jim 之间。B. Andy 正站在Jack和Jim的后面。情景搭配。 A. Wheres the bank ? 1. Go straight, its on your left.B. How can I get there ? 2. Yes, there is.C. Is there a supermarket here ? 3. There are some pens.D. Whats on the desk ? 4. Sure.E. Can you help me ? 5. Its on the right of the school.写出下列词的完全形式。1. dont ( ) 2. isnt ( ) 3. lets ( ) 4. youre ( ) 5. Im ( ) 6. wheres ( ) 给下列词组找出正确的译文。A. in front of 1. 到达博物馆 B. get to the museum 2. 我后面的男士C. call me again 3. 在前面D. the man behind me 4. 搞恶作剧E. play a trick 5. 再次打电话给我把中文句子与相应的英文句子连起来。A. 图书馆在二楼吗? 1. Where are you from ? B. 我怎么去博物馆? 2. His home is next to mine.C. 他家在我家隔壁。 3. This is a map of China.D. 你来自哪里? 4. Is the library on the second floor ?E. 这是一张中国地图。 5. How can I get to the museum ?单项选择题。1.( )We want _. A. to a new dress B. a new dress C. buy a new dress2.( )- _ are you ? - Im in the coffee shop.A. Where B. How C. What3.( )Bob _ his friend more directions. A. give B. call C. gives4.( )Please tell me the way _ the history(历史) museum ? A. to B. on C. at5.( )Mary is very _. Because she has a bad mark. A. happy B. fine C. upset汉译英。1.社区 ( ) 2.建筑物 ( ) 3.银行 ( ) 4.警察 ( ) 5.杂货店 ( )6.面包房 ( ) 7.美发店 ( ) 8.饭店 ( ) 9.直的 ( ) 10.十字路口 ( ) 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“对”或“错”表示。1. ( ) front what2. ( ) goat coat3. ( ) window brown4. ( ) boat yellow5. ( ) please great6. ( ) pupil up单项选择。1.( )How can I _ home ? A. get B. get to C. go to2.( )I am _ the cinema. A. front B. front of C. in front of 3.( )The supermarket is _ your left. A. in B. on C. at4.( )The cat is _ the desks. A. on B. under C. between5.( )- _ is the park ? - Its over there.A. What B. Where C. Why连词成句。1. can, I, how, to, the, get, bakery ?( )2. you, on, will, find, it, your, right .( )3. its, bookstore, from, across, the .( )4. the, let, first, please, go, animals .( )5. the, the, cinema, hospital, its, and, between .( )用适当的介词填空。1. We get up early( ) the morning. 2. They watch cartoons ( ) Sunday afternoon. 3. How can I get ( ) the cinema ? 4. The trees are ( ) the buildings. 5. Turn left ( ) the first crossing. 按要求改写句子。1. The bakery is over there. 对划线部分提问( )( ) the bakery ? 2. Go along this road. 改为否定句 ( ) ( ) along this road. 3. Where is the bookstore ? 改为同义句 ( ) can I ( ) ( ) the bookstore ? 4. He buys some milk. 对划线部分提问 ( ) ( ) he ( ) ? 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Andy ( ) go forward. 2. Lets ( ) have a rest. 3. ( ) not walk on the grass. 4. They will go ( ) boat . 5. I want to buy some ( ) stamp. 根据英文选择翻译正确的一项。1. ( ) How can I get to the post office ?A.我怎么去邮局?B.邮局是干什么的?2. ( ) The library is on your left.A.图书馆就在你的左边。B.图书馆就在你的前面。3. ( ) Jack wants to see a film.A. Jack 想去电影院买票。B. Jack 想去看电影。4. ( ) Well stop at the supermarket.A.我们将在超市停下来购物。B.我们将在超市停下来。

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