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高二Module 5英语复习Unit 1一.词组1.与发展友谊关系 1.develop friendships with sb2.与.相处很好 2.get along/on well with sb3.值得拥有 3. worth having 4.担心. 4.be worried about5.处于两难(尴尬)境地 5.have a dilemma 6为自已感到骄傲 6.be proud of7 确定/信(做) 7.be sure to do8 得了最低分 8.score the lowest mark9.取笑某人 9.make fun of sb10. 感到被背叛了 10.feel betrayed 11. 感到羞愧(难为情) 11.feel/be ashamed of12.忽视学习 12.overlook ones studies13.下定决心做 13.be determined to do sth14 想哭 14.feel like crying15.径直朝某人走去 15.go straight to sb16. 守信 16.keep ones word17. 承认作过某事 17.admit doing sth18.诅咒某人 18.swear at sb19.原谅某人做某事 19.forgive sb for doing 20.集中注意力于 20.focus on21.因某事向某人道歉 21.apologize to sb for sth22.和某人进行一场篮球赛 22. have a basketball match against sb23.不能忍受做某事 23.cant stand doing24.一次难忘的经历 24.an unforgettable experience25.嫉妒某人 25.feel jealous of sb26.对。感到尴尬 26.be embarrassed about27.避免做某事 27. avoid doing28.有天赋 28.have a gift for29.推迟做某事 29.delay doing30.晚上熬夜 30.stay up at night31.说服某人做某事 31.persuade sb to do sth32.迫不及待的做某事 32.cant wait to do sth33.推迟做某事 33. put off doing sth34.使有麻烦 ,使陷入困境34.get into trouble35.阻止某人做某事 35.discourage sb from doing sth36.以为根据, 以为基础 36.be based on/upon 37毫不犹豫 37. without hesitation38.接通某事 38. get through39.忙于 39.be busy with40.认真对待某事 40.take sth seriously41.尤其、特别 41. in particular42.究竟,到底 42. in the world/on earth43.全神贯注于 43.be absorbed in44. 对持不同的态度 44. have different attitudes towards45.不管.不顾 45.regardless of以为基础 47 be based on48.与。一致 48 be consistent with49.既然 49 now that50.加起来 50 add up 二.根据中文或首字母提示填空。1.In failing to return the money he _ (背叛) our trust.2.His school results are not very good because he is often _ (心不在焉的) in class.3.Although he did wrong , yet his mother _ (原谅) him.4.Last year he joined the school _(羽毛球) team.5.Our _ (主要的)concern is to provide the village people with food and health care.6.He seems to have _ (忽略) one important fact.7.Its _ (残酷) the boss to treat that man.8.She had a _(聪明) mind.9.Our teachers told us to do everything well to our _(力量)10.He _(道歉) for his being late.11.His mother said that if couldnt pass the exam, she would sell the computer as _(惩罚). 12.The girls have different _(态度) towards the books .13.When asked what he wanted to be, he answered without h_.14.We all want to make friends and develop f_ with others.15.I dont like him because he is always j_ of others success.16.George felt very g_ about forgetting to post Herberts letter.17.He felt ashamed of his b_ at the party.18.He is a person g_ with great talents.19.I finally succeeded in p_ him to come to the party.20.He is never d_ by difficulties.21.Lets go to the theatre first and eat a_.22.You shouldnt have said that ,which puts me in an a _ position.23.We have been best friends since p_ school.24.We are no fun because we are both a_ and like to study.25.I didnt feel like I was o_ my studies.26.I thought that Hannah must have d_ told everyone .27.The other team was b_ and we really had to focus.28.He said it wasnt his f_ if he couldnt play as well as me.29.Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a horrible a_.30. Dont let a small disagreement r_ your friendship.31. Our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and you will e_ get through.32.Well listen to your problems and offer you p_ advice.33.Mum would be e _ angry if they knew about it.34. They are still sitting on the sofa, a_ in conversation.35. Boys and girls have different a_ towards friendship.36.These results have been c_ worldwide.37. When asked they usually h_ before responding.38.I dont know what to do .Actually I am in a _39.The old man is very _,its not easy to persuade him to follow you.40. They have different attitudes on a v_ of topics like school, hobbies and the future.1.betrays 2.absent-minded 3. forgave 4.badminton 5. primary 6.overlooked 7.cruel 8.brilliant 9.strength 10.apologized 11.punishment 12.attitudes 13.hesitation 14.friendship 15. 17.jealous 16.guilty 17.behaviour 18.gifted 19. 21.persuading 20.discouraged 21.afterwards 22. 24.awkward 23. primary 24. academic 25. overlooking 26 deliberately 27.brilliant 28.fault 29. argument 30. ruin 31. eventually 32. practical 33. extremely 34.absorbed 35. attitudes 36. consistent 37. hesitate 38.dilemma 39. Stubborn 40 variety 三. 用适当的介词填空:1. The qualities that boys and girls consider important _ a friend seem to be the same.2. My classmates were staring _ me as I came into Maths class. 3. The other day we had an important match _ another school. 4. Was it because you were ashamed _your mark or did you feel jealous _ your friends mark? If so, the problem lies _ you.5. Mum discouraged me _ chatting online. She says I spend an absurd amount of time online.6. Mum and Dad are still quite strict _ us.7. When he came back three and a half hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, totally absorbed _ conversation.8. What _ the world do they have to talk _?9. I couldnt get through _ his office.10. She is very bad _keeping secrets and likes to embarrass others _ public.11. They decorated the house regardless _ cost. 12. On hearing the cry for help, he rushed to the river _ hesitation.四用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. I was so upset that I felt like _(cry).2. I cant stand _(see) our team _(lose). 3. He cant help _(wonder) if she wants Peter to be her boyfriend instead of him. 4. You have every right to feel _(betray) by your friend if she _(do) tell your secret to others.5. It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid _(lose) a good friend.6. I would rather _(visit) the dentist than study arithmetic.7. Why not _( write) to me about your campus life?8. I look forward to _ (see) you at the party.9. It is no use _ (cry) about your exam results now.10. We had nothing to do but _(watch) TV.11. I cant wait _(see) you again.12. _ (Speak) of friends, Ive met some nice people here and I think we might become close friends.13. Im so glad I persuaded you _ (talk) to Rachel.14. Friendships between boys are based on _(share) activities or interests.Unit 2一词组:welcome to the unit- word power1. follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程2. open the floor for discussion 自由发言3. in addition 此外4. have a lasting/ good/ great effect on(upon ) 对有持久的影响5. wipe out 扫除;消灭6. cut back/ down on 减少7. at the same time 同时8. be beneficial to 对有益9. a environmentally friendly way of living 环保的生活方式10. be concerned about/ for concern oneself about / for 担心 be concerned with 与有关 11. be responsible for (doing) sth/ take responsibility to do/ for sth. 对负责12. the key to success / the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的关键13. preserve/ protect the environment / environmental protection 保护环境14. pay slightly higher prices for 为付更多的钱15. a little bit of 一点/ not a bit 一点也不/ not a little 很;非常16. recycled material 可回收的材料 17. do harm to = be harmful to = do damage to 对有害18. run across= run into = come across 偶遇19. solar energy 太阳能20. global warming 全球变暖grammar project1. pick up 捡起;接受到;恢复(健康);接(某人),偶然学会;pick out 挑选出;辨认出2. clean up 清理;打扫干净3. customs officers 海关关员4. work on 致力于5. draw conclusions 得出结论6. natural disasters 自然灾害7. take steps to stop the process of desertification 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程8. provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物9. be stocked with 储备有10. set up a centre 建立中心11. in the form of 以的形式12. result in/ lead to/ cause 导致 result from 由所致13. rely on/ depend on 取决于;依赖于14. recognize the importance of doing sth 认识到做的重要性15. deal with the problems 处理问题16. be under way/ be under discussion / construction 正在进行/讨论/建筑过程中17. replacewith 取代18. be home to a diverse range of fish and animals 是大量的鱼及动物的发源地/家园19. the most endangered animals 大多数濒临灭绝的动物40. prohibit sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事1. grow to / climb to/ rise to/increase to 增长至 grow by / rise by/ increase by 增长了2. My suggestion is that sb should do sth3. The worlds population has grown to more than six times it was in 1800.This room is twice bigger than that one. 这个房间是那个的三倍大。 This room is three times as big as that one. This room is three times the size of that one.4. What fun it is! How funny! 真有趣!5. I like it when 我喜欢 (like/ hate/ love it when)6. Not only does he like English but also he likes French. 他不仅喜欢英语,而且还喜欢法语。7. He will be a great success= He will be very successful. 他将会是个成功的人。二单词拼写(根据所给汉语或首字母写出空缺处单词的正确形式,使句子意思完整)1. Ive got something of great (重要) to discuss with you. 2. The films and stories about killings have a bad e on children, I think. 3. Advanced farming techniques brought in have increased a production these years. 4. Inflation (通货膨胀) is a blow to the nations e . 5. On nature day, no p or destruction of nature is allowed. 6. The wonderful view a to our pleasure. 7. He is fond of the (气氛) of peace and calm in the country.8. Sunshine and moisture (水分) are b to living things.9. There has been a (减少) in our imports this year. 10. She didnt go. A she never got my letter.11. C now permits short hair for women, but it used to be thought queer(怪象). 12. New scientific centers have been (建立)throughout China. 13. The number of people in the village has d from 150 to 100.14. We must take the right (措施)or we shall fail. 15. In Britain, it is i to drive when you are drunk. 16. Our chief c at the moment is the weather17. The fire spread (危及)several nearby homes. 18. The United Nations is an organization. (全世界性的)19. Heavy rain p the possibility of continuing the game. 20.The industry has undergone a period of rapid _ (扩张). 21.Our teacher adopted a new a_ to teaching foreign languages. . 22.My husband took full r_ for organizing the trip. 23.On closer _(视察), the scrap of paper turned out to be a note. 24.Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of _(化学物质)which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures . 25.It is obvious that you are more concerned about the present _(形势) of our environment 26.I certainly think we need to use all our r_ in the best possible way. 27.Be careful, that ladder isnt s_. 28.That classroom is stocked with a lot of experiment e_.29.National Day is a_. We are all looking forward to it.30.E_ insist that the government should take the lead in protecting the environment.31.The government has taken many m_to help the unemployed.32.His mother was very _(失望的) after hearing the bad news.33.His presence is of great _(重要) to the meeting.34._(显然), he made you angry deliberately.35. It is _(非法的)to carry guns in our country.36. Everything _(仍然) to be the same as before.37. The fire caused the_(毁坏)of my books38._ (有效的) measures should be taken to educate the pupils to obey school rules.39. The two events are _ (密切的) connected.40.You cant fully _ (欣赏) foreign literature in translation.1. importance 2. effect 3. agricultural 4. economy 5. pollution 6. adds 7. atmosphere 8. beneficial 9. decrease 10. apparently 11. Convention 12. established 13. decreased 14. measures 15. illegal 16. concern 17. endangering 18. international 19. prohibited 20. expansion 21. approach 22. responsibility 23. inspection 24. chemicals 25. situation 26.resources 27.stable 28.equipment 29.approaching 30.Environmentalists/Experts31.measures 32.disappointed 33.importance 34. Apprarently/Obviously/Clearly35. illegal 36. remains 37.destruction 38. effective 39.closely 40.appreciate三单词拼写1.I am afraid that I am _ (稍微) drunk. Sorry that I cannot drive you home. 2.It is o_ that he has told a lie. 3.Sunshine is b_ to plants. 4.The temperature has d_ to zero degree, so fewer people go out during the night.5.The government tried to keep commodity prices s_.6.He is fond of the _ (气氛) of peace and calm in the country. 7.The fire spread _(危及)several nearby homes. 8.Ive got something of great _(重要) to discuss with you. 9.Advanced farming techniques brought in have increased a _ production these years. 10.Factories produce large numbers of _(有毒的)chemicals. 11. On Nature Day, no p _ or destruction of nature is allowed. 12. _(惯例)now permits short hair for women, but it used to be thought strange.13.Smoking in this theatre is p_.14. A_ he had traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket.15. Our chief c_(关注的事)at the moment is the weather.16. He r_ his voice so that everybody in the room could hear him.17.The destruction of the World Trade Centre put US economy in a difficult s_.18.The bird e_ its wings and flew off. 19. Sincerely, Id a_ it if you could help me.20.What we need is more e_ laws to preserve the environment. Unit 3 1) beyond ones imagination超乎想象2) point out指出3) point to指向;4) point at直指5) interfere with干涉;干预6) on ones/ the way to doing sth. 正在做某事的过程中7) by the way 顺便问问,顺便说说 8) by way of 途经; in this way 用这种方式 in a way 在某种意义上,在某种程度上 in ones (the) way 挡路 under way (工程等)在建设之中9) be approaching;be coming;be on the way;be around the corner;be at hand临近10) in general一般说来 in a general way 一般,通常 as a general rule 在一般情况下generally speaking一般说来11)praise sb for sth因某事而表扬某人win high praise 受到高度赞扬 in praise of 赞扬(某人); beyond all praises 赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的12)with the intention of为了,以为目的或意图 without intention无意地 13) make ones intension clear说清晰自己的目的14) state/ announce ones intention声明自己的意图15) be anxious to do sth. 渴望做 16) be anxious for/about sth. 对担心17) desperate adj.不顾一切的 拚死的 desperation n. the desperate look绝望的表情 a desperate cry for help 绝望的呼救声 be desperate to do sth. 急切想干某事18) adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea采取措施/ 采用新办法/ 采纳意见19) an adopted son;养子20) adopted words 外来词21) of ones own自己的22) be related to与有关23) while (conj.) 当的时候,和同时(while引导的从句要表示一段时间)John came in while I was typing a letter. 当我正在用打字机打一封信时,约翰进来了。(conj.) 然而,虽然,尽管While he was hated by others I liked him. 虽然别人恨他 但我却喜欢他。I. 单词填空1. No matter who p_ out our shortcomings, we will correct them.2. In g_, her English pronounciation is not so bad.3. With their help we s_ in finishing that project.4. Sorry, this painting is not for s_. You can buy that one.5. He decided to go abroad to study with the i_ of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns.6. Dont _(打扰)with him; he is preparing for the final exam.7. Well _(采用)a new teaching style this term.8. Farmers can _(获益)a lot from the rain in spring.9. Will you make some _(评论)on the new dictionary?10. He is _(急切的需要)for a glass of water.points general succeeded sale intention interfere adopt benefit comment(s) desperate


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