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本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com2012届中考英语总复习单项选择500题(1)( ) 1. We were late for the concert last night. Han Hong singing two songs when we at the stadium. A. had finished; arrived B. finished; had arrived C. finished; arrived D. had finished; had arrived ( )2. Audrey was a great humanitarian. She much of her time charity.A. spent; to B. remembered; as C. presented; with D. devoted; to( )3. Fights in action films are ,but they have a effect on teenagers.A. exciting; bad B. terrible; bad C. terrible; good D. exciting; good( )4. You get up right now. If you dont, you will be late for schoolA. should B. have to C. had better D. ought to( )5.Do you have evidence to prove that you were at place at the time of the crime? A. other B. one C. the other D. another( ) 6. Millies father has a(n) _ job. He can earn 6,000 yuan every month.A. well-paidB. neat C. interestingD. bright( ) 7. The biggest jewellery shop in the town was last night. Tom was charged with .A. stolen; theft B. robbed; thief C. stolen; thief D. robbed; theft( ) 8. Sorry, will you please _ it again? I didnt _ you.A. speak; listen to B. say; hear C. talk; hear D. tell; listen to( ) 9. I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party. A. that B. whether C. what D. which ( )10.We all think _ is kind _ you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday. A. that, forB. it, forC. it, ofD. that, of( )11 Is it important _us _ learn English well? A. for, learningB. for, to learnC. of, learningD. of, to learn ( )12.Which of the following can NOT be used as subject?A. MaryB. walking along the streetC. theyD. feed the animals( )13.A: Im _ to eat a horse now! B: Really? But I dont have _for you. Its a great pity!A. hungry enough, food enoughB. enough hungry, enough foodC. hungry enough, food enoughD. hungry enough, enough food( )14.Are you reading the newspaper now? What does it _?A. sayB. tellC. speakD. talk( )15. My cousin is _ sometimes. Its hard for him to change his mind even though his idea is not right. A. stubborn B. imaginativeC.activeD. practical ( )16.My brother bought a computer yesterday. He wants to learn to use it to help himself get _ than before.A. much organized B. little organized C. more organized D. less organized( )17.It is _ to wear a pair of jeans to take part in such an important meeting. A. selfish B. inactive C. informal D. disloyal( )18.The boy looks nice _ white and the red sweater looks good _the girl . A. with , on B in , on C. on , in D. in , with ( )19.-How many elephants did you see ? - _.A. No one B None C. Not many ones D. No many ( )20.Do you know how many students _ in the classroom now ?A. is there B are there C. there is D. there are ( )21.My mother is good at cooking . You dont need to worry about not _. A. having a supper B .have supper C. to have supper D. having supper ( )22.Edison was imaginative enough _ new ideas . A. to come up with B. come up with C. comes up with D. coming up with ( )23.He would not mind_ extra work for the students union because he has all the good _.Adoing, quality B. to do , quality C. doing , qualities D. to do , qualities ( )24.Dainel is a top student in his class . He always gets high marks in the tests and exams . In the following word , which word has the same meaning as “gets” A. takes B. becomes C. receives D. arrives( )25.Tom would rather _than _. A. stay at home , go out B. to stay at home , to go out C. to stay at home , go out D. stay at home , to go out ( )26.Sandy prefers _to _. A. dancing , sing B. dancing , singing C. dance , sing D. dance , singing ( )27.She looks beautiful . Here “beautiful ” is _. A. 宾语object B.定语 attributive C. 表语 predicative D.状语adverbial ( )28.-Would you like some bananas , Tom ? -_. A. No, I wont . B. Yes, I would . C. Yes , I would like . D. No, thanks ( )29.-Will you come and play football with us ? - _. I have a lot of homework to do now . A. I am afraid not . B. I dont C. I mustnt D. I am not( )30.Its known to everyone that trees are important to us. The most important is that they can _ oxygen for us.A. protectB. produceC. preventD. take in( )31Are you sure _ To m will come to the party?He will when he finishes his work, I think.A. howB. whetherC. thatD. what( )32.He _to be in such a hurry because the plane wont take off until two hours later.A. needntB. doesnt needC. didnt needD. needed not( )33.Are you pleased with your robot?I used to. But now I am no longer _with him. He is making trouble every day.A. satisfiedB. unhappyC. angryD. generous( )34.Do you know who is the first teacher _ a computer in our school?A. buyB. buysC. to buyD. buying( )35.Travelling to the moon _several days, and the trip _ too much money.A. costs, costB. takes, takeC. takes, costsD. spend, pay( )36.I agreed on her suggestion _ let her down.A. in order dontB. in order not to C. not in order toD. in order that not( )37. A: They havent worked for 2 years. What about you? B: We havent, _.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. as well as( )38. Dont you really know _ with the broken TV? A. how to dealingB. how doesC. what dealsD. what to do( )39. They want to know whether aliens are dangerous and _ humans.A. do harm forB. do harm toC. have harmful toD. make harms to( )40._ of the students at online schools are from China.A. Three fourthB. Third fourC. Five sixthsD. Six-seven( )41.A: _ I use your mobile phone?B: Sorry, you _.A. Must, cantB. Can, needntC. Shall, arentD. May, cant( )42.Could you tell me if _ able to live on the planet Mars in the future?A. man will beB. will man beC. humans can beD. people might( )43._ be great to _ robots do all the work for us.A. Itll, askB. Thatll, makeC. Itll, haveD. Thatll, order( )44.Everyone here would like to know _.A. where Mr Jiang buy the ticketsB. when the robot cooks breakfastC. why did Mr Chan return homeD. who to repair that machine( ) 45. Its kind _ you to help the elderly with their housework. A. to B. of C. for D. at( ) 46. It is said that people born under the same star sign _ similar characteristics. A. has B. shares C. with D. share ( ) 47. A _ person never shows off before others. A. curious B. energetic C. modest D. fair( ) 48. Daniel is _ to solve this problem, I believe. A. enough smart B. too smart C. silly enough D. clever enough( ) 49. I cant decide which colour to choose. Maybe blue looks good _me. I dont think so. Im sure you look more energetic _ red.A. on, in B. in, on C. on, on D. in, in( ) 50. I feel blue these days.Why? What makes you so _? Cheer up, please.A. happy B. sad C. jealous D. powerful( ) 51. My friend Simon prefers playing football _ any other sports activity. A. to do B. to doing C. than do D. than doing( )52. “Black and white are a good match, as the powerful black balances the clam white.” Here “Black and white are a good match” means _. A. Black and white are used in a match. B. Black and white are two different colours. C. Black goes well with white. D. Black and white cant be used at the same time.( )53. Do you know _ the soldiers came to Yingxiu Town?The roads were badly broken. They had to walk there.A. why B. when C. how D. where( ) 54. The boy promises _ late for school again. A. dont be B. not be C. isnt D. not to be( )55It looks heavyShall I give you a hand? _ ANo,never mind BYes,my pleasure CNo,thanks DYes,I do( )56How beautiful Sandy looks_ blue! Im sure this blue skirt will look nice_ you,too Aon;in Bin;on Cfor;on Dto;in( )57.My watch doesnt workI must have my brother_ it Arepaired Brepairs Crepair Dto repair( )58.He felt lonely in the first month abroad,but after some time he got_alone and even enjoyed_ there Aused to living;to study Bused to five;studying Cused to living;studying Dused to live,to study( )59.Tom knew nothing about it_ his sister told him Asince Bif Cuntil Dafter( )60.Recently I am busy writing a guide and the guide describes_ Ahow I think will life on Mars be like Bwhat I think will life on Mars be like Chow I think life on Mars will look likeDwhat I think life on Mars will be like( )61.Frank put the medicine on the shelf to make sure it would not be_ to the kids Aavailable Bsuitable Cpossible Dfamiliar( )62.She looked at the painting and wondered where she_ it Asaw Bhas seen Csees Dhad seen( )63.There are so many kinds of CDs in the shopWe cant decide_ Awhat to buy Bto buy what Cwhich to buy Dto buy which( )64Its the classroom! So you_ know smoking is not allowed here Oh,sorry Aneed Bwill Cmay Dmust( )65.Its said that scientists have_ a way to deal with H1N1 Really? Thats great! Acaught up with Bcome up with Cagreed with Dkept up with( )66How do you find your new classmates? Most of them are kind,but_ is so good to me as LisaAnone Bno one Cevery one Dsome one( )67.His poor English has a great_on his understanding of the English play Aattention Beffort Crole Deffect( )68._can we get to the airport? The plane leaves at 3:00pm Dont worryWe will be there in ten minutesAHow long BHow soon CHow far DHow often( )69.Be sure to let Tom know the truth as soon as he_Awill arrive Bwas arriving Carrives Darrived ( )70.By the end of last year we _ each other for ten years. A. have known B. knew C. were knowing D. had known ( )71. By the end of next year we _ each other for ten years. A. have known B. will know C. were knowing D. had known ( )72. The old man _ a sunny Sunday.A. passed away in B. past away in C. passed away on D. past away in ( )73. Im not sure _ he _ the match. If he _, please call me at once.A.that; has won ; in B. if; will win; wins C.that; wins; wins D. whether; wins; will win ( )74._ of us has visited China Dinosaur Park. A. Everyone B. Every one C. All D. Every ( )75. _ useful the information he gave us! A. What an B. How an C. What D. How( )76. Everything has _ wrong. A. go B. come C. gone D. become ( )77. I was very sad when he made it clear that he _ the company soon.A. leaves B. left C. would leave D. had left ( )78. He asked me _ I was good at English or No.1.A. if B. until C. whether D. what ( )79. -Do you know _? - Sorry, I dont know. You may ask the woman over there.A. when the shop opens B. when is the shop open C. when does the shop open D. when will the shop open ( )80. The witness said he _ under the table at that time. A. hide B. have hidden C. was hiding D. hidden ( )81. He said he _ his book at your home.A. leave B. leaves C. had left C. was leaving ( )82. The schools in China are different from _.A. those in AmericaB. that of America C. America D. American students( )83. There _ anybody in the room. The door is locked.A. can be not B. cant have C. cant beD. be cant( )84.If Bruce goes there tomorrow, _.A. so will I B. so do I C. so I will D. so I do ( )85When you meet with a new word, dont always_in the dictionary. A. look for it B. look up it C. look it up D. look at it( )86.- Did the doctor live alone in his house?- Yes. He has a wife and two children. But _of them live with him.A. noneB. allC. bothD. no one( )87. Kitty is free this weekend. She _ watch the game show on TV on Sunday.A. ought toB. needC. mayD. has to()88If your homework_, you can go skating with Linda. A. is done B. will do C. will be done D. has done()89.I think _ is necessary _ us to do something to protect birds. A. this, for B. it, ofC. this, ofD. it, for ()90.He got good marks in exams because he put all his _ into his study. A. affect B. effect C. effort D. offer ( )91. I out of the window and the police after the suspect. A. looked, watched, run B. looked, saw, running C. watched, saw, run D. saw, watched, running( )92.Dr Zhao _ in a hospital, but now he works for ORBIS on the plane. A. used to work B. used to working C. was used to working D. was used to work( )93.None of us knew what had happened they told us about it . A. until B. when C. after D. though ( )94.There is little pollution in most parts of the City of Xiangshui now, _?A. is it B. isnt it C. is there D. isnt there( )95. My father always buys my brother nice giftsWhat sentence element is the underlined part?A indirect object Bdirect objectCPredicativeDadverbial ( )96. Teaching young children is , but teachers always Aa hard work; hard work Bhard work; work hard Ca hard work; work hard Dhard work; hard work( )97. At the news, all of us were Aexciting; excited Bexcited; exciting Cexcited; excited Dexciting; exciting( )98.Daniel is _ to solve this problem , I believe. A. enough smart B. too smart C. silly enough D. clever enough( )99. Helen asked her father Aif it was a bird in the sky Bwhere could she get this kind of bookCthat she would buy a new book Dif they will have fish for lunch( )100.The baby ill He should after well Ais looked; be liked Bis looked; lookClooks; be looked Dlooks; look21世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21世纪教育网


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